
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    morning had my blood drawn to see how my platelette count is doing, I tend to have a high count and that could be why I'm bruising so much. the bruises on my legs look awful but the brusing on my torso is what got the docs attention. We'll see what's what, I will be sent on an expedition with hematologists no doubt. Also, no more Aleve for me, even though the tendonitis is improved, it is not 100% pain free.

    Work is cranking along, and packing up my breakfast and lunch does wonders for maintenance. I have truly gotten into that habit as well as the habit of walking past the carb heavy snack table that sometimes appears for no good reason at work. Still working on that night time eating habit, like many of you. Strategy that works pretty well is to make sure my morning and afternoon food has plenty of protein. Also, the rule is no eating on the couch! No eating on the couch! If i want to eat at night, I have to sit in the kitchen and eat something, no eating with the television, it is a horrible companion with food for me. So hopefully, armed with this strategy, I can maintain and maybe lose just a few more pounds for my family weekend Oct 21 (nephew's bar mitzvah and youngest sister's 45 b-day celebration in Phila) We're going to make a getaway for the two of us.

    Good day everyone <3 NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Morning ladies
    Rye please don't go...
    Today is back to work..I go and walk the dogs when Tom isn't there and for right now will continue to do so.
    I just can't abandon them ..
    Going to the attorney this Thursday to do a rough draft for the divorce and hopefully take it from there.i had to text my landlord because the hot water wasn't working.forgot he told me he had flipped the breaker off..very embarrassing lol.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    As promised ... the flowers in the Royal Hobart Botanical Garden. You can click the photos to see more. :)

    Beautiful flowers! It looks like you had a fantastic time. How did you do that with the photos? Thanks for sharing.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sunny Welcome! You will fit right in. Love the photos. Just start posting. We are pretty chatty, just jump in.

    Rye I'm going to pick on Mary a little bit to make a point and to try to convince you to stay. Mary has conservative beliefs and definite opinions about politics. Some of her beliefs about "right and wrong" differ significantly from my beliefs. Our ideas about religion are not in sync. Our ideas about politics are not in sync. Our ideas about women's rights are not in sync.

    Nonetheless, Mary has been an inspiration to me because of her integrity, compassion, and honesty. She is a role model concerning exercise and food plan, and has taken a leadership role on other threads with challenges. I admire her. I don't agree with her about some things, but I do admire her and am quite fond of her. <3

    Rye - you are brilliant and funny. I happen to agree with everything on the sign you posted, but it wouldn't matter to me if I didn't. Your contribution to this thread in the short time you have been here has been fantastic, and I would really miss you if you left.

    In general, we try to avoid religion and politics, but it's impossible to avoid those topics totally. When those topics do crop up, I get to know people a lot better by reading their replies.

    Hope you don't leave. You make an important contribution to this thread.

    Karen from Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited October 2017
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    As promised ... the flowers in the Royal Hobart Botanical Garden. You can click the photos to see more. :)

    Beautiful flowers! It looks like you had a fantastic time. How did you do that with the photos? Thanks for sharing.

    Do you mean, how did I set them up as links?

    If so ...

    I select and copy the link to the page I want to link to:

    Without pasting it anywhere yet ...

    I click the little chain-link icon in the bar above the message box (looks like two links to a chain). A dialogue box pops up and I paste the link I copied (the one above, for example), into that dialogue box, and click OK.

    It gives me this:

    {url ="https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157685796549001"}
    https://flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157685796549001 {/url}

    (only the curly brackets are square brackets)

    I go back to the photo album, and select the photo I want, and in the bottom, right corner there's a downward pointing arrow. I click that and choose "View All Sizes". It takes me to a page where I can select the size of photo I want to post. I choose one, then right click on the photo and select "Copy Image Address".

    Without pasting anywhere yet ...

    I return to this post and highlight (select) the bit between the start and end tags. That bit may still be highlighted for you.

    https://flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157685796549001 {/url}

    (again, the curly brackets are square brackets)

    Then I look at the bar above this message box, and choose the "Attach image" button. A dialogue box pops up and I right click and paste the image address I copied ... and there it is. :)


    When you post, the photo will show.


    The code will automatically put in the square brackets, but to show you the code, I needed to change them to curly brackets.

    And after you've done this several times, it becomes really quick. :)

    Oh yes ... I'm using Flickr as my photo program which is quite easy to use for things like this.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    edited October 2017
    Machka glorious flowers. Just what I needed. I shared my bouquet on Facebook yesterday just for the beauty of it. Needed right now. I clicked on one of the flowers and it did just what you said. I saw more of your pictures. Thank you!

    I remember watching this touching movie about a German soldier in WWII. John Gavin was the star. His wife was left behind in the ruins of city where she lived. She had a small plant she tended as a way to maintain some beauty in the chaos surrounding her. I don't remember the name of the movie, but it was one on the best anti-war movies I have seen.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bjrobinson1950
    bjrobinson1950 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, Barbara! Your posting are great! I love this app, it's helped me journal all my food. I reached & exceeded my weight loss goal needed to be cleared for hip replacement on this Friday! I feel great & will continue my dieting & increase my exercise post-operatively. Prior to gastric-bypass surgery in 2008, I weighed 395 lbs. I'm now down to 224.4 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 175 lbs! That was my high school graduation weight. My height is 5' 6". Supposedly my weight should be 140 lbs (UGH)! NO, at that weight I would look like death! I'm "curvy", look great & feel FABULOUS now! I want to go back to 175 lbs. so I can wear heels & dance again!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Rye! I will play pin the tail on the donkey with you anytime!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NYKaren: I hope that the doctor is able to get to the bottom of the bruising you are experiencing and has a good treatment available. :flowerforyou:

    bjrobinson1950: Welcome to a great group. I let MFP set my weight goal in the beginning, but I ended up feeling better a couple of pounds lower than their goal for me because I have bursitis in my left knee from an over use injury. Getting the extra couple of pounds off makes a big difference in how it feels and functions for me. It is the difference between chronic low pain and no pain. You will know when you are feeling your best, and that is where to shift to maintenance. At this point I'm here to maintain my optimum weight. For me, it isn't something I can fix and forget, because when I forget the weight sneaks right back up and my knee hurts. :grumble:

    This is garbage day in my neighborhood. I just went out to retreive my cans. The recycle can is fine, but the garbage can has two big cracks in it. We need a new one. Today DH ha an MRI and we need to get going. The place where he goes is quite a distance from here.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Virus Appreciation Day!

    I'll have to work on that one...

    Matchka - Your tulip photos are glorious! Reminds me of my mom... she always came home from vacation with flower photos. You'll definitely have some lovely wallpaper images!

    Rye - I always value what you have to say.

    Wishing you all a lovely day, appreciating viruses from afar.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • msjloraine
    msjloraine Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'd like to join your group for some motivational support. I'm losing my lifelong battle with weight. I've never weighed more. Lupus and Fibromyalgia have made it extremely difficult to consistently exercise. Menopause is my enemy, along with all of the medication I must take. So, needless to say, I need some motivational support in order to meet my goals on a daily basis. I've found the only eating plan that seems to work is 1200 calories per day along with 50 grams or less carbs. If I follow this, I lose about a pound a week. Sugar cravings are my biggest obstacle, along with after dinner snacking. That's my weight loss story in a nutshell.

    Enough, negativity! On a positive note, I'm here and ready to make a change. I retired in April. I have a dear husband and teenage daughter, along with a miniature bull terrier, two guinea pigs, and a horse we lease for my daughter. I'm an aspiring historical romance author and I adore sewing, especially period costumes.


    ~ Janice
  • smudjiemfp
    smudjiemfp Posts: 23 Member
    Happy October everyone!
  • smudjiemfp
    smudjiemfp Posts: 23 Member
    oh my where did my list go?