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Flu shots? For them or against ?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,059 Member
    Well that makes more sense. Still a pretty poor percent in my opinion. And my poorly worded question didn't say I think anyone says I have a 60% chance of getting the flu. You can get them free at cvs. For that matter they will give you a coupon for 5 dollars off your next purchase if you get your shot from them. I am less than impressed with the staff at my cvs so I won't be letting them near me with a needle. But for those of you who don't get one simply for price there is an option.

    It's really not rocket science to jab someone with a one-use needle. They use alcohol swabs and gloves.

    Geez, could you possibly come up with anymore excuses?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Jemma9922 wrote: »
    Against. People that I know of who have had the vaccine were really ill within a year of getting it and were healthy beforehand.

    I know people who were really ill within a year of doing all kinds of things, what kind of connection is that?

    Within a year? You know how many different things people are exposed to within a year besides a flu vaccination?
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I've never had the flu so I don't get them. I am not against them though. My daughter has asthma and she is a school teacher. She has always gotten them. If I worked in healthcare or at a school I probably would, but I just usually don't spend the money on it. All in all I am pretty pro vaccines.

    How much does it cost where you are?

    Here if it's not free (it is for me because I have asthma), it's about $20.00.

    Walgreens and CVS have them for $25 by me if you don't have insurance.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    For. Asthmatics should get them.
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    Cmriverside Lmao I didn't use the crappy individuals at my cvs as an excuse as I had said several times in previous posts that I have a pretty nimble mind and would be happy to chat with my DOCTOR about having him do one. You know the human I go to for medical advice what with the fancy degree and the years of actual experience. If he says they yes I should get one I'll be happy to let my DOCTOR or his very qualified PA give me a shot not the grumpy lady behind the counter at cvs. I brought cvs up to further your point that price shouldn't be an issue for people. But I'm super glad you were concerned with the lack of quality in my excuses. I'll be sure to update you if I think of one of higher quality that might better impress you.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,059 Member
    Cmriverside Lmao I didn't use the crappy individuals at my cvs as an excuse as I had said several times in previous posts that I have a pretty nimble mind and would be happy to chat with my DOCTOR about having him do one. You know the human I go to for medical advice what with the fancy degree and the years of actual experience. If he says they yes I should get one I'll be happy to let my DOCTOR or his very qualified PA give me a shot not the grumpy lady behind the counter at cvs. I brought cvs up to further your point that price shouldn't be an issue for people. But I'm super glad you were concerned with the lack of quality in my excuses. I'll be sure to update you if I think of one of higher quality that might better impress you.

    haha. Okay, I'll be waiting. :lol:
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    So let's use small numbers. 100 healthy adults get the shot and 100 healthy adults do not. So let's say 10 people that don't get the shot get the flu. That would mean that 6 people who got the shot also got the flu? That is the way I'm reading the percentage of success. I'd love a smarter person to tell me if I'm wrong. It has happened once or twice in my life especially when it comes to numbers ;)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I've never had the flu so I don't get them. I am not against them though. My daughter has asthma and she is a school teacher. She has always gotten them. If I worked in healthcare or at a school I probably would, but I just usually don't spend the money on it. All in all I am pretty pro vaccines.

    All insurance should cover it...I've never had health insurance that didn't cover immunizations 100%. I've never paid for a flu shot and I get them every year.

    Your daughter has asthma and you don't get flu shots? I can't even...

    My daughter is an adult and she lives 200 miles away from me. If I were to get the flu I think she would be safe. When she lived at home she always got the flu shot but I did not. I have never had the flu.

    It would cost me about $20-$25. Like I said, if I worked at a school or in healthcare I would probably get one, but I don't so I never have bothered.

    Okay, but just as other people live around your daughter, you live around the daughters (or other loved ones) of other people. That your daughter would be okay if you got the flu . . . . that's all it takes for you to disregard everyone else?

    I don't get this. I have family members who would be at a higher risk of complications if they got the flu. I may not see them often, but I realize that my co-workers and neighbors are loved and cherished by their families as much as I love and cherish mine.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    I work in an office. There are 3 employees. I am the only one who is here most days.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I work in an office. There are 3 employees. I am the only one who is here most days.

    Like I said to someone else on the last page, most of us encounter people outside of work. We socialize, work, shop, commute, go to public spaces.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    I am not against the flu shot. I just never have gotten one, nor have I ever had the flu. I am pro vaccines. My kids got all of their vaccines when they were children. The flu shot may or may not protect against the strain of flu that is going around each year so it is only partial protection anyway. I wash my hands a lot, and if I do get sick, (which is pretty rare for me), I stay home.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    Like I said, if I worked at a school or in healthcare I would probably get one, but I don't so I never have bothered.
    I work at a school and I don't bother. I also don't get the flu, or any of the other creeping crud that makes the rounds each year. I wash my hands a lot (don't care for the anti-bacterial dispensers, but we have them all over) and just am generally mindful about things like doorknobs and bannisters. I also open the bathroom door with the paper towel I used to dry my hands, then chuck it in the nearest trashcan. Seems to work okay for me so far, but I'm not anti-shot per se.

  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Every company I have worked for since I was 16 has offered them for free. Whether it works or not, I've never gotten the flu, so I will continue to get them as they are offered. Plus, I don't turn down free.
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    I work in healthcare and think everyone should get one. I get one every year (and not just because I am required so in the hospital, I've been getting them all my life!).
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    Whoops, I didn't realize this was from 2016. Didn't mean to bring up an old thread!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    maura_tasi wrote: »
    Whoops, I didn't realize this was from 2016. Didn't mean to bring up an old thread!

    No need to feel bad. This thread is still active, it's just really old. The conversation is still going on!
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