
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I've got a question for all you dog owners? How can you tell 'if a dog' is 'dreaming' or if it might be having a seizure? I don't know how to explain it other than Cracker will make this sound, not quite a 'hiccup' but, for lack of a better description she does this, almost nightly. She sort of 'jerks' when she does it. Hard to describe. She'll have her eyes open; but, sort of 'starring off. It is almost as if she is looking at you and trying to say, 'stop this from happening'. I have seizures, so I know how it feels to be having one, and not being able to stop it. Just have to let it run its course. I am having issues with dizziness ad it is pretty scary; because I don't know if I am about to have another seizure. As if it might be the beginning of a 'different' kind of 'aura'. Without the headache, I keep thinking, '$#*T, am I have a stroke? BP is ok; and, today they stuck me so that my GYN could tell what my blood sugar is doing. According to him I am 'pre-diabetic' so he wanted to check to see what my sugar levels have been doing for the past 3 months. That's all I need ... yet another pill (or shot) to add to my drugs to take. I basically 'blacked out' when I was at the beach, and, I had not had anything to drink and was drinking water with my meal. Can anybody tell me what I need to expect? I don't know if this is because I am on another 'statin' ... which has been given to me to take. I wasn't able to take Crestor or Simvastatin; but, he said that this was a statin that most people who could not take those were able to take. I feel almost like I need to have one MD tweak the medications I am on, to make sure that none of my bipolar meds get out of what suddenly.

    Worried about Cracker; and, she needs to go to the Vet any way to have her shots. Tux is overdue - but, I will just have to take 2 days to get them there. Can't do it tomorrow because they close early. Got to get her flea and tick meds as well as her heartworm meds for the month, too. Guess I will have to get money from Louis. I probably need to just take his card with me. LOL!

    Going to bed, just going to leave TV on and Louis asleep in the chair. He looks pretty comfortable. LOL!!!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Peanut butter is a main protein for me. It started when I was pregnant and I would have dizzy spells.,I kept peanut butter in my locker at work and a spoonful did the trick. I just knew I had to let some one know I was dizzy. I swear, I could have been a surrogate mother since my pregnancies and deliveries were so easy. Dizziness in the first trimester were my main problem. Christina was my lomgest delivery at 3 hours. Michelle I barely made it to the hospital. 1 hour from first pain to delivery. Never any morning sickness. Christina was conceived with Charlie just looking at me. I had to take fertility pills with Michelle. I have told her that's wh she has so many personalities. She should have been a multiple birth!

    I love the art of sign language. It is so graceful and beautiful. I think it is because they can't just sign with their hands. They have to show such emotion with it. We have ounctuation marks, they have to show it with their body. We had a group come to our church one time that danced to some of our most precious songs in the Baptist faith. I'm sure they are in other faiths also. I guess a good Baptist should say dance. It is expressive movement!!!! But they felt the movement through their feet. Lots of kleenexes used. And I love to see people and animals sign.

    My Master Gardner neighbor hasn't come down to show me how to prune my plants for the fall. I am clueless. I guess I need to give her a call. And I have no idea what to do with our old azalea plant. It is totally different than the encore azaleas that were planted. We pruned it in the spring thinking it would be bare until the next year but it has really grown and a lot of greenery on it. No evidence of flowers though where the encore ones have blossomed many times. I don't want the size of the old azalea to take over the garden next year.

    Our grand kids fall break is next week. In the past we have tried to do something but last year we didn't since both of us were sick so many times. But now that Christina's boss has this house in W Virginia and it is vacant Friday through Sunday, she wants to take advantage of it. She tells me that there are beautiful waterfalls and gorges and a lot of hiking. But to us that is a lot of driving for a total of 2 days.. Charlie has been to their house and had to take care of his ileostomy but never traveled with it. He pretty much knows when he needs to empty his bag but that is with his meal schedule and what we normally eat. So he is hesitant to go travel. P,us when he empties it, he would empty the place of any humans! It stinks!!!!!!!!

    Night night, Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2017
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I just figured out how to use the scanner on our printer so now I can start to scan documents and photos to save digitally so I can get rid of a lot of paper. We have cleared out so much stuff that doesn't bring value to our lives but photos and documents have been a challenge for me. It's never too late to learn a new skill. The first old document that I read and scanned was my autobiography that I wrote at age 13.

    <3<3 Barbie from NW Washington

    Oh Barbie, how I'd love to read that :) I think it's terrific that you figured out how to scan it all into the computer. Good for you.

    Janetr OKC

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I just had a wonderful 2 1/2 hour visit with my sis just older than me. Today is her 69th birthday, I'll turn 68 in a month and the next older sis just turned 70. Then there this is a sis 73 and the oldest is 80. The second oldest sister passed 15 year ago, she would be 77 now. Where have all those years gone? The sister I visited with is the one that had the heart attack. She has finished her four weeks of physical therapy and is doing as well as expected. She has lost 20 lbs. which makes her pretty thin. She still is not allowed to do strenuous housework such as vacuuming, or yard work/snow shoveling etc. Her granddaughter got married two weeks ago high in the Colorado mountains, sis did have a bit of problem at the high altitude and had to take a nitro tab but was ok after that. I have loved, loved having 5 older sisters and such a large family.

    I am truly blessed. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Sending prayers to Vegas, such a senseless violence. How do we as humans continue to inflict so much pain on our fellow men? My DDIL, Holly, was in Vegas. My phone kept going off and when I got up to check it was Holly texting to let me know she was okay. I then went on the computer to see the horrible news. I am so grateful that our Holly is safe. 2 of the Canadians killed were from Alberta. They leave behind heart broken spouses/fiancees and young families. So very sad.

    Karen in Virginia - So glad that you had a good vacation. It sounds delightful.

    Carol - I work in a Toy Store and we have been in the news recently.

    Evie - Vancouver Island is so gorgeous. We do go there every few years as we have both friends and family who live there. Perhaps we will meet one day.

    drKatiebug - I loved it "Three kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those who can't" Still laughing about that.

    Terry in VT - Sorry that the kids shooting pellet guns gave you the creeps. My Dad taught us gun safety at a young age and Larry has always been a hunter. I had posted the photos before I ever heard about Vegas.

    Allie - Haha! The dogs wanted to say good night? More likely Tom wanted to check to see if he could find out out what you were doing. He really is having a hard time without control isn't he?

    Tomorrow our human resources manager is coming. I know I will be called in to spend the better part of an hour with her. I wish I wasn't involved but I am and I will tell her the truth as I know it.

    Yesterday we had a our first winter storm. The roads were terrible. I worked and then spent the afternoon driving kids from school, to activities, etc. My brother lost power and it still isn't on. People need to get their winter tires on. My son was storm stayed in Brooks as they closed down highway after highway. I read him the riot act. This is October and this is Alberta. You should have a winter jacket, boots, gloves, toque at the minimum in your vehicle. My Dad taught us to be prepared so you should also have some water, candle, matches, flashlight, blanket and of course a shovel.

    Today I had extensions put in my hair not for length but for volume so I don't look quite so bald. I can't believe how vain I am on this subject but I dearly miss my long, thick hair. I hope this works. The wig just kept making my hair loss worse. I feel like on the hair loss experience I have tried pretty much everything. This feels kind of like the weight loss. For now I am loving the extension.

    Keira, my little warrior princess, is emulating her Mom and has posted some of her art for sale. First customer was Grandpa. Lol. She did do a portrait painting of Chico for him for free. (her words not mine).

    I think I have been sabotaging myself with food. Tonight Larry made some intimate suggestions and it made me feel nauseous. So feeling like a fraud. I need to get some insight on how to handle this and get him told. I guess because I have reacted and he has been apologetic so many times before that he just thinks things are back to the status quo. What is it they say "You teach people how they can treat you" "Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour?"
    My inclination is always to give the benefit of the doubt. To love and let live. This time I just can't let things go that have been piling up for 35 years.
    I find myself reaching for the cookies, cake, ice cream. Well, pretty much anything that I can stuff in my mouth to try to fill the void where I have lost myself.
    I have not got my appointment yet but hopefully soon.
    How can he think things are okay? You keep blasting at the mountain and one day there is an avalanche.u1eajz1wsrrw.jpg
    Cohen this summer "Nothing like a cold beer after a hard round of golf"
    My Mom painted these *kitten* willow for me when I was having a hard time dealing with life. I miss her.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla, OHHH spooky. I love Ghostie and Arrow is gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing :)

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Sharon - Sorry for what you are going through. Keeping a secret about how you are feeling is a real trigger for bingeing. Been there, done that, many times. Nothing beats clarity, honesty and a sense of purpose for a weight loss strategy, however hard it seems to dig yourself out of the hole. One of my favourite words is "authenticity". I hope you can get some support from the counsellor soon. <3

    Katla - Great to see your ghost and Arrow. :D

    Tonight is my birthday celebration meal out with my son and daughter in law. We are going to a fish restaurant. Surprise!

    This morning I woke up really early as I remembered that I hadn't put the new day's parking permit in the car. After tossing and turning for a while I decided it was better to just go down in my pyjamas and do it. So I was creeping about trying not to wake DH. It's a complicated form that you have to scrape off certain days, months, years and woe betide you if you get it wrong!

    Machka - I paid a company to scan all my old writings. They did a pdf and also a Word conversion. It was surprisingly inexpensive. :D Definitely worth it. It would have taken me forever.

    Time for a cup of tea.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka - I paid a company to scan all my old writings. They did a pdf and also a Word conversion. It was surprisingly inexpensive. :D Definitely worth it. It would have taken me forever.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I have looked into it, and I think it would end up costing me about $400, which isn't too bad, except ...

    The one little snag in the plan is that $400 would be for normal-sized pages, and I've got stuff of all sizes. Most of it is probably normal-sized pages, but there are also a lot of things like souvenir brochures for places we've been and things we've done, and things we've collected through all the cycling events we've done, etc. and all those things can be any size.

    M in Oz

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Arrow looks like one cool dude. Glad we finally got to see him.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka - You could ask them what they think. Some of mine was odd sized scribbles and some of the paper was very flimsy. If it's no good you could just pdf the weird sizes yourself and get them to do anything traditional sized. I would probably keep the best and most sentimental original stuff. Do you have a friend with an attic who could store a couple of small boxes for you. I did that when we moved as my "memory box" is very important to me. I also keep sentimental handwritten letters. Photos are my biggest problem, from the days before digital. I love being the family repository for all the very old stuff, but it takes up a LOT of room in the spare room wardrobe. :# If we ever get to move to Hove and downsize DH will have a fit about it all.
    I have got to the point where I can imagine getting rid of most "things", even books, but photos and "memory" stuff floors me. As I am writing my memoir it has become even more poignant to me. :'(

    When I asked, they told me $400 for the easy stuff ... and then more for the odd stuff. They didn't go into details.

    We had our stuff scattered all over the world for a while ... a bit in Canada, quite a bit in Victoria (Australia), a bit with a friend here in Tasmania, and quite a bit where we live here. We've only just recently managed to get it all together in one place ... except for a bag of clothes and some camping gear in Canada. Fortunately, we've got the room for it now! :)

    But I know we tend to move lots, and it would be easier to move if most of the paper stuff were scanned.

    Regarding photos, back in the late 1990s, I discovered I could get CDs of photos when I got them processed, so that's what I did. And then I copied them onto one of my backup harddrives. As for the photos before that ... hmmm ... I'm not actually sure where they are. Oh, I think there is one set at my parent's place in Canada (maybe, unless they got rid of them) and there might be a box in the office closet. Meanwhile, my father (who is retired now and has the time) is scanning all sorts of old family photos. He passes on great batches of them from time to time.

    My next house project is to finish setting up the office. I have mid-Nov to early-Jan to work on house projects ... and I did half of it last year, so I'm hoping to finish it this year. And to decide whether or not I'll hire someone to do the scanning. :)

    M in Oz

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Janet OKC I'm with you about being lucky for sisters, I've got 3 older than me and 2 younger. Even if we don't talk to each other alot we pick up right where we left off without missing a beat. My oldest sister who is disabled and leads a very solitary life is reaching out and calling each of us a little more often, but i'm guessing when our kids are truly launched and spouses are ...you know....we may all end up together again, we're calling it the golden girls, Northeast edition!

    Barbie love the scanner thing, everything in the "cloud storage" on the computer when you need it.

    Sleep is improving a bit, I'll take it, I wake up at 4 a.m wide awake, better than 2 a.m. I have a caffeine cut off of 12:00 and that might be having something to do with sleep hygiene.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie love the scanner thing, everything in the "cloud storage" on the computer when you need it.

    Despite the fact that I study IT and work in IT ... I am still very leery of "cloud storage".

    I'm happy to store files etc. on backup harddrives, but I keep very little on the cloud. Nothing that is particularly personal or of value.

    For example, I put cue sheets for rides on the cloud so I can access them on my phone when I'm riding. And I put copies of current assignments on the cloud so I can access them at work or on a laptop, and work on them, but when the course is finished, I take them off.

    Maybe the cloud is OK ... but when I hear things like what has been announced today, that all Yahoo customers were hacked ... I don't trust it.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Wednesday ...

    Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) - 15 min
    Walking, 12.5 mins per km, mod. pace - 35 min
    Walking, upstairs - 16 min

    And part of that was a mad dash to catch the bus! I got to the road, looked down, and spotted the bus. I looked up at the stop and saw someone I know (in the sense that we smile and nod) standing there, and figured I had just enough time to make it if I went into a flatout run. NOT an easy task in high-heeled boots, a skirt, and carrying a backpack! My acquaintance was grinning at me as I sprinted up to the stop, and the bus driver was having quite a laugh. He said to me, "At one point, you were moving faster than the bus!" :mrgreen: Yes, probably when the bus was slowing down for the stop. :mrgreen:

    I must be losing my marbles! :lol:

    On Monday, I headed off to university and when I got there, I discovered I had forgotten my tea mug and my water bottle. Oh well, I thought, I'll just buy a cup of tea ... and that's when I discovered I had forgotten my wallet. Monday was a very dry and thirsty day.

    Today, I was sitting in my office working away, when I glanced down at the time on my computer and discovered it was 6 minutes after 12 noon ... I was 6 minutes late for my chiropractic appointment! Rang them up and it was OK for me to come late, and was sprinting out the door when I suddenly discovered I had forgotten my wallet at home! AAAHHHH! Fortunately I am regular enough (once every 3 months or so?) that they were willing to create an account for me, and I will go up and pay tomorrow.

    I do forget my wallet once in a while ... but twice in one week??? And I seem to be doing a lot of impromptu sprinting these days.

    M in Oz
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Going to PT to deal with dizziness. Yesterday, they were going to work me it seeing one of the PAs at my GP; but, sitting there I was getting a liggle light-headed and told them that I just could not wait, so I checked out. Dizzy feeling went away and happy that I had only 4 things to get on grocery list. Got a short list today to pick up. But, since I am going into town anyway ... no problem.

    Welcome to all th e "Newbies" and "HI" to the rest of youl.

    Pip - Alwasy enjoy see the 'pups'.


  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member