

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Been shopping this morning, new sweaters as some of mine are 'bobbly' you know what I mean.

    LANETTE I was upset to hear of Tom Petty's death so young, I love Tavelin Wilburys especially that song

    Welcome newbies

    Agree with all who ask Rye to stay, we don't always agree with each other but we respect and support each other. Sometimes it's good to hear other views on things.

    Kate UK <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2017
    Katla Arrow is gorgeous. Halloween Ghost is so fun! <3

    Kelly Have fun! Give Joaquin a little squeeze for me!

    Sharon Oh, sweetie, so sorry for your situation. Once you've made up your mind and your heart, you can't really pretend anymore, can you? Your feelings are so normal, but it's awful to go through, knowing you have to tell him & that there will be unhappiness. We'll be here for you.

    Barbie I still don't know how to scan. :/

    Mary Hope you aren't mad at me. You are one of my heroes and I would be so sad if what I said made you feel bad in any way.

    We paid the teenagers across the street to take care of the dogs while we were in Sanibel. We also brought a t-shirt for Nadia and a box of shells for Jeremy. You would have thought we gave them each a rare and beautiful gift! They were so appreciative and charming. Warms the heart to see teenagers like them.

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Heading to the gym. I have formulated more of a plan for October which goes kind of like this: Replace sugary rewards with fruit, seeds and nuts (trail mix). Run every morning as soon as i wake up. Drink coconut/turmeric/cinnamon Lassie instead of coffees. Eat a raw salad every day. Lift weights three times a week no excuses.

    <3 Wendy

    Wendy I had to look up what a Lassi is - a yogurt drink made with spices - I learn something from this group every day!

    Karen in Virginia
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy World Animal Day!

    "World Animal Day ... takes place on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, October 4th. Started in 1931 in Italy, this annual celebration of all things furry is now a popular day in which we remember the important role that animals have to play in our world, as well as the people who devote their lives working to protect and care for them."

    Dana - How neat that your church has a sign interpreter! Watching a good interpreter work is like watching a dance.

    Ginger - Great work on the paperwork purge!

    Lenora - Seizures in dogs can look like that, but they also can sleep with their eyes open and make the same kinds of sounds and movements. Most of the fosters I've had that had seizures twitched all over when they seized. It's a good idea to ask the vet about it while you're there.

    Sharon - I love your mom's painting. "Kitten willow" gave me a chuckle... so funny the things MFP tries to censor. Arrow is a beauty!

    Heather - My sister and I tend to share the family repository duties, but she ended up with an enormous pile of boxes filled with photos when my dad downsized. (I tend to collect the glassware and quilts.) They've been sitting there waiting for us to do something with them... maybe we should look into paying someone to scan them.

    Welcome to the new arrivals - I look forward to learning more about you!

    Thank goodness, Philip found his phone. He'd left it at work.

    The passing of Tom Petty is hitting me really hard. I've spend so many hours listening to him, and singing along, and we just saw him in concert in May. All my rock and roll heroes are moving on, and it makes me feel so old!

    Today is also Improve Your Office Day. Now that's a day I can get behind. Think I'll tackle my filing... I hate hate hate filing so it's gotten backed up. So on that note, I guess I should dodder off to work.

    Snuggle your animals!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Happy Birthday!!!! I hope it is a great day for you. :star:

    Wendy: Arrow can be a grumpy old man, but he's a handsome devil. We're learning how to get along and I'm grateful to his owner for letting me ride him. :smiley:

    Machka: I'm also leery of cloud storage. DS wants us to convert hundreds or thousands of old photos to digital format and pay to store them online with a company that does that. I don't mind if he want to do that, but will guard the actual photos with my dying breath. I don't trust companies to stay in business or not be sold and merged into something less reliable. :noway:

    KJ: I hope you enjoy your trip to Texas. Where will you be in Texas? :huh:


    Barbie9112: Welcome. Our leader is also named Barbie.

    We seem to be having another pretty day. I like to savor each one of them. We're also getting haircuts, and the only time available conflicts with my yoga class. :grumble: I'll go to yoga tomorrow.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Terry the demand for queens is insatiable. We need hundreds for ourselves and then I get lots of calls from other beekeepers we know who want any "spare" ones I make. I could spend all day, every day making queens and still not have 'enough'. So I just do what I can, and what time I am willing to devote to it, which is approximately twice a week, then I may have to spend a little time on other days, taking the queen cells out and putting them in the incubator. My husband then takes the incubator out to the hive sites where he is making splits, and puts a queen cell into every split to make a new hive. Nine is really a drop in the bucket, but it is a start and what it means to me is that I have put the starter hives into the "queen-making mode" and have managed to manipulate the environment correctly so that all conditions are favourable for queen-making. Some hives just won't make queens no matter what you try and some hives are really good at it so it takes a while to find and create good queen-making hives. And you have to "keep" them good because if you take the reigning queen out of the hive, then the hive will slowly begin to grow weaker and die if there are no new bees hatching from eggs...so then you either have to put the queen back in for a while to strengthen the hive, or you have to put frames of larvae in that are about to hatch. (I know, too much information-bet you wished you hadn't asked, lol!)

    Well, despite my queen-making yesterday, and running 40 minutes, and working out at the gym for an hour, and walking the dogs for thirty minutes, and eating no chocolate or icecream, or bread or cheese...still am up another nasty pound on the scales this morning. My body just loves to gain weight. Homeostatis or my setpoint will not let me lose weight, unless I fast or cut down intake dramatically. Just staying a little under calories does not work for me. I actually have to not eat ANYTHING. That is the only way I've ever been able to lose weight. Exercise just does not cause me to lose weight. I recently read a study scientists did on mice. Fed them exactly the same food and one set of mice gained a lot more than the other set. All to do with their sense of smell. This floored me. To think that triggers to store food as fat can be set off by smelling. I can't even walk past a bakery without gaining weight! I have a hair trigger. Here's the study:


    Looks like I am running in the rain this morning. <3 Wendy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :) I've learned a lot about decluttering and thinning down my possessions not only from Marie Kondo but also from a book called "Good Bye, Things, the new Japanese minimalism". I listen to podcasts by Josh and Ryan, "The Minimalists". All of this has been encouraging especially in contrast to friends and media encouraging everyone to get more stuff. The process has been gradual but very satisfying.

    :)Heather, if I had something like your writing, I would probably make use of a service to do the scanning. My stuff is photos and single documents. In many cases I am sharing them with Jake either before or after the scanning. I will be doing it a little each day since I have no deadline.

    <3 Barbie
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hello, all. Hug to Rye. Machka what lovely tulips. Well, ladies, I have thought I was too self-involved here. Writing too much about my life but I really haven't much of a life outside of my kitchen and son. I would like you to know I so enjoy reading of you and yours. It is on my worst days you make me feel okay. Recall that man who sort of bothered me at the pool-well, it only got worse. I complained and we sort of agreed I could go at 7:30 pm but then I don't like to be out in the dark. I am just plain old angry. And I am eating like crazy to not cry. And I will be 60 tomorrow. And I am crying anyway. You have to know I could well have said very mean things to him but did not.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla - thanks for being such a great friend to me. Arrow is a beautiful horse! Love your ghost. I will be MIA for a while. We're getting the ding fixed on the RV so we're heading to MN for a while.

    Karen VA- I'm definitely not mad at you! I value your friendship and candor. You have been inspirational and supportive throughout my time on here and especially with the challenges!


    Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,593 Member
    Hello, all. Hug to Rye. Machka what lovely tulips. Well, ladies, I have thought I was too self-involved here. Writing too much about my life but I really haven't much of a life outside of my kitchen and son. I would like you to know I so enjoy reading of you and yours. It is on my worst days you make me feel okay. Recall that man who sort of bothered me at the pool-well, it only got worse. I complained and we sort of agreed I could go at 7:30 pm but then I don't like to be out in the dark. I am just plain old angry. And I am eating like crazy to not cry. And I will be 60 tomorrow. And I am crying anyway. You have to know I could well have said very mean things to him but did not.

    What??? So you were harassed, complained, and then were punished? Oh, dear. I'm overly sensitive to this because we are in the middle of our workplace harassment training. I know the gym is not your workplace, but it is the staff's workplace, and it is their job to make sure that everyone feels safe. Terry in VT, am I right about that?

    And for what it's worth, I'm crying all of the time right now too. I think, speaking for myself, that I am more affected by the Las Vegas shooting than I initially thought. My anxiety is very high right now. I don't feel safe. :disappointed:

    Heading for a walk -- hope that calms me down a little.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    "A hole was discovered in the wall of a nudist camp; the police are looking into it. :p

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)"

    Haha! Funny!! I say I am, ( we all are! ), nudists under our clothes!


  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Karen I use coconut milk instead of yoghurt in my Lassi, and I only use about two tablespoons, then add hot water, a couple dashes of cinnamon and a quarter tsp of turmeric. Mades a Golden Drink that is good for you and once you get used to the taste you can pretend it is a tropical island teaser...
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Terry in VT, I have never tried mashed potatoes w/ a fried egg on top! I do love a good fried egg, ( thick yolk, not runny!). One of my trigger foods was tater tots, scrambled eggs, and cheese. Way too much of every item, with ketchup. So now I am particularly mindful when it comes to meals that have eggs in them!

    Another trigger food used to be Mexican food. Too much cheese, salsa, avocados, and sour cream. Its a treat now and then, but I don't make the meals at home anymore. I let restaurants do it, so I don't have sour cream in the frig!

    Today I clicked on nuke son, but he was about to go for PT exercise. Its hard to see him online, but not clicking on his momma! I have to untie that apron string I snuck in and tied when he wasn't looking!

    My middle sister is being Looney again. So I post on a resort FB site Somme old pics of us as a family. We used to vacation there every Sumner. So my middle sister types, " you were always a fun sister". What? Have I died? I still AM your fun sister ya loon!!! (What I wanted to type but didn't). She is back to drinking again. She lives in the basement of her OWN home. She has three perfectly wonderful rooms upstairs. Along with bedrooms, she has a dining room, a living room and a nice room off her kitchen that she doesn't use. Why? Her eldest daughter, with her deadbeat boyfriend, and her three kids, AND her single non working daughter live all up there! They just suck her dry financially. I have told her straight up that she is an enabler! I have told her straight up that she drinks to numb taking responsibility! She just texts to me " I know, I know". OK rant over!

    I typed to my eldest sister and told her I appreciated her!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Wendy, I didn't realize you needed that many. Sounds like a good business to get into (not sure how much 1 queen costs). Try going up in calories. Sometimes the body feels like it is starving and hangs on to the lbs.

    Josephine, go ahead and cry! Everyone needs a good cry now and then. If you don't want anyone to see you crying, go and take a shower. That's were I use to go when my daughter was growing up and I didn't want her to see me crying all the time. I think she thought she had the cleanest mother in town! I believe it is really the companies responsibility to address any reported or seen harassment on their property whether staff or patrons. Sounds like the answer they came up with was to have you go at different times. Is that correct? I don't believe they have to do more and they probably think the problem is solved. I'd go back and see if you could get a better time when you were not walking in the dark or if they could provide you with someone to walk you out to your car (I'm assuming you are taking a car).

    Felicia, I'm very sensitive today as well. I feel like anything could push me to tears right now. I think everything happening in the world is a big part of the problem. My DH is stressing over his mom and sister in PR, Las Vegas is where my cousin and his family live (they are ok), my daughter is struggling with her Java class and stressed out which stresses mom out, my house is a mess, I have both a yeast and bladder infection I'm trying to get under control etc...... I might need a good cry myself. Think I'll take a nice bath while DH is watching the news tonight.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :) The scanner we have is a function of the printer we bought about two years ago. I had never tried the scanner til this week when I sat down in front of it, touched the scanner icon on the screen and I got directions I could follow. I didn't understand what to do to scan to the computer so I touched the icon for thumb drive, plugged in my thumb drive and scanned some photos. Later I cropped the photos and saved them to my computer that has a backup hard drive attached. I don't use cloud storage. I'm posting from my phone so I can't post a photo but I l'll do that later. Someday I will buy a digital picture frame so I can show a bunch of photos

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington