

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    October Accountability
    Progress Monday 10/2
    ✔1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    [B25, L3, D21, BBS24= 75]
    ✔2. Fiber 30g [29g]
    Plus Water 72oz
    3. Vegetables - big salad daily
    ✔4. Track every bite and complete the MFP entry daily.
    5. Steps - average 5000 steps,30 Fitbit minutes.

    Steps. Couldn't make myself do it. And... not doing too well today with energy. But... too much sitting is not good. So... I'll find some motivation from somewhere.

    DH made a casserole last night with leftover chicken, vegetables and cream of mushroom soup. Which he served over penne pasta. Tricky carb count. Measured... No salad fixins in the house last night.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finished my garden project in 2:30 today. Now one more large bed to get ready for winter.
    Got my hair cut today. Been growing it out for several months but finally had enough of it.
    Have to log my food.
    SueBDew in TX
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Pip, the dogs are so beautiful and look like they are smiling .

    Sue, I love the feel of a new haircut. My hair has gotten so thin. My dr said I had female patterned baldness like men have. I even tried Rogain but that didn't help. No bald patches yet, just really thin. I keep it short and hope it doesn't get any worse.

    Off to bed and book. Have a good night ladies.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr spinning downloadable workout. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the deep water class

    After exercise took my gown to the lady who did the alterations. She forgot to take it in in the sides, the pin was still there. Also, when I danced, I would step on the gown so she's going to take it up some.

    machka - thanks for your concern. Today that sensation is gone. Never went to the doc. Today I don't feel a thing

    Exercised then went to get my gown remeasured. It's funny, as I was getting my shorts back on, there was this "stuff" on my shorts. At first I thought it was dog slobber (she has two dogs) but there was too much of it. I smelled it. Seems she has one of those automatic soap dispensers and if you put something under it, it dispenses soap. I guess my shorts were under it while I changed into my gown. I just rinsed the shorts out. But I had to come right home since it was quite cold wearing wet shorts. This afternoon we had another dance lesson. I think we're going to have to really practice, he showed us this turn in the rumba. I think it'll look good, only we need to get it down. Had to stop at the airport to get the basket for drink money for our Newcomer general meeting which will be offsite, then bought gas, now home.

    Joyce when you see Mozart getting on Melanie, try spraying him with a water bottle.

    Flowers are lovely. Speaking of flowers, can anyone tell me some flowers that come up every year (perennials?.) Goes to show you how much I know about gardening...lol), don't require much if any maintenance, good in a shady spot (it does get sunlight first thing in the morning), doesn't grow very high. I know I have a lot of requirements and there may not be anything that meets my requirements. I fully understand

    Speaking of gardening. Well, not really gardening .... more like landscaping. Anyway, I really need to put down grasseed in some areas. These areas are maybe 4 feet wide by about 9 feet long. Is there any kind of machine that I can even rent that will aerate the soil so that I can get the seed down in the ground? We have this hand thing, but I'm thinking that'll take forever to do these areas. Is there like a walk-behind thing that I can use?

    Rey - I'm ever so glad you didn't leave us. I'm the same way as you, I tend to be somewhat of a people pleaser

    Karen in VA and Rey - a pin the tail on the donkey game sounds good to me.

    yvonne - Virus Appreciation Day???? I do hope you're talking about computer viruses, appreciating the ingenuity of the person who established the virus, and not talking about the illness virus

    janice - welcome to a great group

    smudjiemfp - welcome back!

    I asked Denise to invite her Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob to the rehearsal dinner. She hasn't seen them in almost 15 years. I told her that at her reception she won't have time to really sit down and talk to them. I haven't talked to Bob in about 5 years. I do hope she does invite them. I could tell when I asked her that there was silence, she was probably thinking about how Maria would feel about asking someone else. Hey, she likes to spend money, Denise is the bride. Most of the guests at the wedding will be from Pete's family, there will only be about 6 from our family. That's the least she and Maria can do. I'm going to mention again to her that she should ask Carol and Bob soon so that it doesn't look like a last minute invitation. She can send me the invitation and I'll forward it on to Carol. Denise didn't ask for Carol's email when she wanted to know if Carol got her "save the date" card (I told Denise to send it to both of Carol's homes, but Maria only sent it to one of them), she asked me to ask Carol.

    Margaret - thanks for sharing that story. Really touched my heart.

    katla - unfortunately, we won't have much of a Halloween display this year since we'll be going to PA for the wedding. But watch out Christmas!!!!.....lol

    Allie - I agree that Tom is looking for ways to keep in touch. He probably thinks by doing this, you'll feel sorry for him and come back. Little does he know.....

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited October 2017
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 7.46min, 141mhr, 11.6amph. 1.4mi= 84c
    apple watch- 54c
    floor exerc- 40.42min, 3 sets of 10ea, burpees, squats, running stationary lunges, squats w/jump, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts w/10# weight, crunches, sit-ups w/10# ball, on butt-knees to chest, on side, leg lifts, l shape, on side, leg lifts, to back, on side, leg lift, inner, 130mhr = 170c
    apple watch- 418c
    *new* arm ski machine- 126mhr, 84c
    apple watch
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.04min, 14.4amph, 135mhr, 1.4mi= 61c
    appple watch- 39c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 14.57min, 145mhr, 12.2amph, 3mi= 147c
    apple watch-
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.59min, 145mhr, 9.48min mi, .5mi= 59c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.20min, 10.11min mi, 145mhr, .5mi = 61c
    apple watch-56c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20est, star didn't record, 156mhr, 2.5mi = 192c
    apple watch-141c

    total cal 858
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Question - do any of you eat peanut butter as a carb alternative, especially to stop a binge? I was hungry after supper so had a spoonful of Adams natural peanut butter. It seemed to do the trick and stuck with me for a long time!

    Nope ... peanut butter (and peanuts and peas) make me bloat tremendously and feel really, painfully uncomfortable. :(

    I haven't touched peanut butter in about 25 or 30 years.

    I do eat peanuts and peas occasionally, but only just a few. For example, I can handle about half a dozen of them in a granola bar on a weekend bicycle ride, but that's about it.

    And in the last few years, sadly, nuts have joined the list of foods that make me feel ick. :(

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited October 2017
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, the botanical gardens sound wonderful and the pictures are absolutely beautiful! You are a very good photographer.Thanks for the recipe.

    Thank you ... to you and the others who have made complimentary comments. :)

    I miss taking photos ... haven't done nearly as much of it in the last couple years as I used to do. Too busy with university stuff.

    And I've missed going to the garden. The winter and early spring weather was bad enough I didn't feel motivated to walk all the way there and back. In order to get there, take a few photos, and get back within a reasonable time at lunch, I've got to be moving. Very, very brisk walk.

    However, I'm hoping to be able to do that walk about once a week now, and through the summer. :)

    M in Oz
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good evening! :)

    I hope everyone had a great day. I went to my Bible Study this morning and had a too good of a good time eating the goodies. I was about 150 calories over my goal, not bad but too much sugar.
    I brought carrot cake I made which was about 200 calories a slice. I should of stopped there!!

    I got my Disabled Plate for my car. I can't believe I waited a year to do it. I guess I was trying to walk more and get better, but it was just too painful at times to walk from parking spaces that were too far away from a store.

    Becca I have switched out food packages on my kids too! They never knew the difference!

    Joyce Our church has a sign language interpreter. There is a small group of deaf people and the church even offers sign language classes. I thought about taking it. I learned some signs years ago, but forgot most.

    So I thought about what I'm going to do to improve my goals so, my October goals are:

    - Eat less sugary items
    - Eat more green veggies
    - Measure my food if quantity is doubtful
    - Drink more water
    - Walk more as much as possible
    - Clean out garage, box by box
    - Take old clothes to Salvation Army
    - Finish projects I start!!

    Have a good week and keep tracking!!
    Dana in Arkansas

    Coonhound Dolly:

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I just figured out how to use the scanner on our printer so now I can start to scan documents and photos to save digitally so I can get rid of a lot of paper. We have cleared out so much stuff that doesn't bring value to our lives but photos and documents have been a challenge for me. It's never too late to learn a new skill. The first old document that I read and scanned was my autobiography that I wrote at age 13.

    <3<3 Barbie from NW Washington

    I need to do this. We've got the scanner and back-up harddrives and everything, but just need the time. I've even entertained the idea of hiring someone to do it.

    I have purged a lot of my stuff over the years, but still have about half a dozen file boxes and a shelf of binders that could be scanned.

    If I can get to it this December, that would be great! Even just to start the project.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Michele yes you can rent an aerator to go over that ground. They are a bit awkward and it helps to have a pick up to get it to your home.

    You are further south then up here in Minnesota. Perennials are plants that come up every year without having to replant them. Annuals die off each year and you need to replant them. The perennials we have here usually to not bloom continually. One of the few is wild geranium. It is low, but does bloom better in sun. Hosta is one of the favorites here for a shady spot but it has spikey flowers that only bloom a short time. Most gardeners plant them for their foliage. You might have more choices because of your climate. How well your soil drains can also make a difference in what does well and moisture makes a difference too. Sometimes if you cut a perennial back you can get another bloom per season. Lenora would probably have a better idea because her climate is closer to yours. I would also walk around your neighborhood and see what they plant.

    For shade up here I plant coleus for their colorful foliage, impatience ( they do tend to die out because of a fungal disease, I still have some this year (this is the longest they have lasted in awhile), and a polka dotted leafed plant that comes in pink, white, and red. Up here these are annuals. I also plant lobelia a small blue flowered plant also an annual here. Sweet William often comes back here without replanting. I do get some flowering in light shade.

    Hope that helps. You are lucky you have a longer growing season than we do.

    :heart: Margaret
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member