Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I swear, I'm usually the most happy, upbeat, person. In the real world everyone knows me by my smile. But I feel like all I've been doing on here is ranting and complaining about my little problems. I guess I just joined this chat at a really rough time in my life and I can't seem to shake off all the stress and sadness. It feels like one thing after another has gone wrong for 3 months straight. I'm so sorry for all of the complaining.

    I guess the best thing about these chats is that this is a win-win: I get to feel better for getting this all off my chest and you never actually have to take the time to read all of this rubbish and I'll never know if you did or not! lol.

    We do read it :smiley:

    At least, we often do. I don't always have time to read everything but I try to read as much as I can.

    Don't worry about complaining - it's not complaining, it's talking about what you're going through so as to get help! Either through getting practical tips/advice from others, or just through the comfort of sharing. A problem shared is a problem halved!

    I think most people on here are going through some kind of difficulty - that's life unfortunately - and we all share our experiences and get supported through them. It's definitely not just you!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not quite such a good day yesterday. PMT and work stress got to me a bit and I ended up having some snacks and then a slightly fattening dinner, with wine.

    Having said that.... I could have been worse and I did actively stop myself from going 'sod it' and really binge eating. I realised that just because I've eaten a few extra things, I don't need to give up on the day entirely. I think that is good progress!

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Lunch less than 450 cals :smiley:
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry :'( I had a clementine and 4 ginger nuts. It was kind of mindless stress snacking
    - Be in the green :'( nope, went over by some way. Will have to make that back through gym!

    - 30 + minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Have a walk outside :/ didn't have time for a proper lunch break. This probably affected my mood
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive :| I did concentrate on the key things but somehow I was very slow and inefficient
    - Stay positive (listen to music) :| I did listen to music but mood was low regardless
    - Leave work at 5PM (have an event this evening) :'( This was an utter fail - left at 6.30 and missed event

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry
    - Be in the green with 350+ deficit
    - No alcohol

    - Go to gym at lunch
    - Meditate
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Stay positive (listen to music)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    My heart goes out to those of us who are struggling-weight or other issues.

    HGSmith-it's so hard to come right off meds (cold turkey) sometimes. I had to slowly wean down to a lower dose for my Celexa, the dreams I had were crazy & my sleep was disrupted. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had just stopped it. Hoping the days ahead are better for you.

    Joan- on a good week, on Sunday night I write on my fridge calendar what we'll have each night for supper. Then on Monday I have my shopping list based on the menu. Can't say it worked out this week so smoothly but when I follow through, it eliminates a lot of stress. As for the water consumption, I try to consume the bulk of my water in the afternoon & evening. It seems to go right through me and after having kids, well, let's just say the mechanics in that dept aren't as strong as they used to be :smile: . I do notice a big difference when I've been doing Pilates for a few weeks so I have to find a class that suits my schedule. I would love to have a day where I'm not concerned about where the nearest bathroom is!

    Sick with a cold today so I'll settle for:

    Walking the dog 30 mins.
    Grocery shopping-healthy foods.
    Drinking lots of fluids.
    Painting 2 promo signs-can't put it off!
    Take a nap.
    Meeting tonight-bringing healthy snacks to Boy Scout Council meeting. Making a healthy version of a pumpkin bread. Oil sub w/applesauce, sugar sub w/Truvia.

    Don't compare your worst with someone's best. This is your journey.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Yes, I do read everyone's posts. And it's not complaining, it's describing how you feel and what you're going through. Which affects your day every day, and maybe how you eat in response. I consider every post an opportunity to vent & get it out of my system. That's how I deal with JFT. :smile:

    Recap W 10/4
    1) Walked dog 2.34 miles before work = :smiley:
    2) Washed 2 loads laundry & hung up before work / after work, fold clothes & put away = Well, everything got brought in house and folded, most made it upstairs, and some even got put away. I call this a win! :D
    3) Draft program & supplementary documents for operational project = Made good progress, just need boss lady to decide how much /what info she wants for interim report. :smile:
    4) Do not get peeved at hubby during lunch for scheduling his day off w/o discussion = Lol, hubby reminded me Monday is federal holiday, which he gets off. He isn't federal employee, but works in federal building which will be closed. I still have to work. :D
    5) Plan meals / grocery list = Reviewed a bunch of recipes, selected what I want to eat in coming 7 - 10 days (one new, others are favorites) & made grocery list. Just have to match recipe with each day. :smile:
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Flossed & done :smiley: But spent too much computer time close to bedtime & a little amped up. Usually I fall to sleep straightaway. :#

    JFT R 10/5
    1) No dog walk this a.m., she can run in fenced-in yard. I needed a break after 6 days in a row. So, move during workday, which will be difficult in afternoon with staff meeting followed an hour later by teleconference meeting. Fitbit goal: 5,000 steps.
    2) Meals prelogged today / stay w/i 100 green
    3) Wash 1 window before choir
    4) Grocery shop after choir
    5) Unwind (that means no screen time on phone or PC!) 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    @josephinebowman Happy Birthday! May you have a great day!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited October 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    6. try and get better at planning meals. WHY is this so hard for me to do!!!! Any suggestions as to how you guys do it? DO you pick a time each week and plan the weeks menus? I get so busy, and then we need eggs, milk, etc., and I just grab meats, things I think we need - with no planning at all. I know planning is the key, and this is something I really want to turn into a better habit. But so hard for me to do it seems!

    Consistency with meal planning is my problem. I do really well sometimes, and then not so much. This is what works for me: When fresh food is available at the farmers market, I plan around what's in season. I like to occasionally review my recipes (favorites or new, always easy) for ideas. Sometimes I put recipes on a list and tick them off as I make them. Sometimes there's things in the freezer or pantry I need/want to use. Once I decide what I (& hubby if he has any requests) feel like eating for the next week or so, I plan depending on our week's schedule. I make out my grocery list to fill any gaps. My favorite recipes make 6 - 8 servings, since I'm a big fan of leftovers; it means I don't have to cook every night. With the arrival of fall and winter coming, I am really looking forward to making big pots of soup, I have at least 6 soup recipes I love to make. And I love my crockpot even though I don't use it often enough. Sorry for the long response, hopefully some of it's useful. :smile:

    Carmela, I LOVE your approach with the recipes...looking at them, making a list and checking them off as you make them. I also love making soup (especially when I make it in the crockpot). That's a good idea. I haven't made soup in a while. When I do manage to meal plan for the week, I write the meals on the whiteboard on the fridge so everyone knows what we are having each night, and I add ingredients we need to the shopping list. Then I have what I need for each thing...no excuses then. I'm going to get out a few of my cookbooks tonight and start thinking about next week.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    The first week challenge, it’s body weight divided by 2, in what measurement is that? Lbs? So if I’m 170 do I need to drink 85oz?

    I’ll have to convert oz to ml as well! You lot and your backwards measurements :lol:

    Hahaha! That's what the book says, but it is not a book written by a doctor or anyone clinical. It is just a book of different things to make our lives healthier, happier and less stressed written by I'm-Not-Sure-Who.

    I'm not shooting for 1/2 my weight in water. I'm trying to make sure I actually drink water throughout the day because I'm a coffee drinker and I really need to get my water intake up.

    I think everyone has different needs and especially pregnant. You just drink whatever you think is right for you!!!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    I swear, I'm usually the most happy, upbeat, person. In the real world everyone knows me by my smile. But I feel like all I've been doing on here is ranting and complaining about my little problems. I guess I just joined this chat at a really rough time in my life and I can't seem to shake off all the stress and sadness. It feels like one thing after another has gone wrong for 3 months straight. I'm so sorry for all of the complaining.

    I guess the best thing about these chats is that this is a win-win: I get to feel better for getting this all off my chest and you never actually have to take the time to read all of this rubbish and I'll never know if you did or not! lol.

    I do read everyone's posts. I feel like this is my friendly neighborhood gather-at-the-cafe to drink coffee and chat group. And I totally get what you are saying! I am usually really upbeat and happy too! I am the person people usually come to at work to get cheered up when they're down. They actually call me "Smiley"!!! Yet, on here I feel like all I do is whine.

    I agree with @slittlemeister and others. I really think that what we are going through in life affects how we do with our health. It's all a part of our journey! And this is a good place to get insight. (((HUGS)))
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Journal every bite. Don't even worry about staying green. Just journal every bite. :(
    2. Do my 52 small changes Week 1 - Try for 85 oz of water, but be happy with 64 oz :)64 oz. Forget that 85 oz stuff! LOL
    3. Reach my step goal. Sit less. :(Worked at home and sat at dining room table on laptop all day into the evening.
    4. No complaining about work at home. :(Yeah...that didn't happen.
    5. No working past 6:00 p.m. :(Yeah, this didn't happen either.
    6. Simple Abundance chapter and Gratitude Journal before bed to unwind :)This totally happened. I can honestly say this is now a habit. I can't go to sleep unless I do it now. So this is a win!

    Good morning everyone! I'm working from home again today trying to get my project done that is due tomorrow. After this particular project, I plan on not letting the other projects stress me out so much, and I am going to stop volunteering to help on projects nobody else wants to do. It's killing me stress-wise and I am just going to be kinder to myself. I didn't take care of myself and hit my goals again yesterday, so I will use most of them again today. Here goes:

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Journal every bite. Don't even worry about staying green. Just journal every bite.
    2. Do my 52 small changes Week 1 - Drink more water. Goal is 64 oz.
    3. Reach my step goal.
    4. Sit less. Work standing at counter with my laptop, alternating with desk.
    5. No complaining about work at home (anymore today).
    6. No working past 6:00 p.m.
    7. Get out my cookbooks and start looking at recipes for meal planning next week...hopefully crockpot friendly! Thanks @cschmitz110515 !
    8. Simple Abundance chapter and Gratitude Journal before bed to unwind.

    "52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you.":
    First week's change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 My plan is to be medication free. I feel a lot better mentally today, physically I still feel like *kitten* but mentally I'm in a better place.

    I had my dr appointment and got my B/C implant out this morning. The Dr said that I could get pregnant in as little as two weeks. That is definitely not the plan, we want to wait until the beginning of next year, but if it happens, it happens. Lol. So I'm actually pretty excited! I think that that possibility has increased my mood. Had a great chat with Mom as well. Talk about a bunch of different things. It's really nice that we can talk about our spouses now. Now, Mom actually lets me in and shows me that their marriage isn't perfect because growing up I feel like they tried to portray it as such. And I'm letting mom see the hard parts of mine as well. My marriage was really really easy in the beginning. Over the past month or two, it has definitely gotten harder. But that's apparently common. The DH is having some neuropsychological issues from past head trauma and it's taking a toll on him. He's living under incredible amounts of stress and then there are my med issues, so it's definitely straining it. But we are still going strong.

    Anyway, Lol. Today's goals I think are going to be simple.

    1. Log all food
    2. Do the dishes
    3. Make a shopping list
    4. Food in crock pot
    5. Walk
    6. Nap
    7. Bed by 10

    I have to be to work at 8 am tomorrow so it's going to be an early night for me.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    Consistency with meal planning is my problem. I do really well sometimes, and then not so much. This is what works for me: When fresh food is available at the farmers market, I plan around what's in season. I like to occasionally review my recipes (favorites or new, always easy) for ideas. Sometimes I put recipes on a list and tick them off as I make them. Sometimes there's things in the freezer or pantry I need/want to use. Once I decide what I (& hubby if he has any requests) feel like eating for the next week or so, I plan depending on our week's schedule. I make out my grocery list to fill any gaps. My favorite recipes make 6 - 8 servings, since I'm a big fan of leftovers; it means I don't have to cook every night. With the arrival of fall and winter coming, I am really looking forward to making big pots of soup, I have at least 6 soup recipes I love to make. And I love my crockpot even though I don't use it often enough. Sorry for the long response, hopefully some of it's useful. :smile:

    Thank you SO much for the ideas! I started yesterday going through my large 3-ring binder where I keep our favorites - and jotting down just the favorites on a piece of paper to keep in the front. I am hoping this might help me, at least to get started with meal preparation.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    I swear, I'm usually the most happy, upbeat, person. In the real world everyone knows me by my smile. But I feel like all I've been doing on here is ranting and complaining about my little problems. I guess I just joined this chat at a really rough time in my life and I can't seem to shake off all the stress and sadness. It feels like one thing after another has gone wrong for 3 months straight. I'm so sorry for all of the complaining.

    I read every single post on here --- and I want to thank everyone so much that writes on here - good and bad. We all have our struggles - it goes in cycles. When one person might be up, another is down. When one is struggling to stay on track, another is doing great, and can give the encouragement needed. This is what this thread is about.

    Losing weight is so much more than just what we eat. It is all about our emotions, our ups and downs which cause us to eat unhealthy. But its not just the number on the scale. It is our health, and that is everything.

    So please do keep posting. I don't always have the time to respond, but I know what it is like. You are going through a lot right now --- and we are all here for you. Venting is the best thing we can.
    Hugs from across the miles --- you are not complaining.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    I had the longest post written - only to lose it all before I hit Post!

    But, I wanted to respond to so many of you - just not enough time today. But ... I do read every post, and understand so much what we all go through. Thank you for venting, giving encouragement, using this as a sounding board. You are not alone we all understand, and we all go through the same struggles.

    I know I am an emotional eater. With both my husband and I losing most of our family, it gets depressing. You know the saying, friends and family are so important. We both work out of our home, so friends are few, and family is non existence. It is hard to find "couples" to do things with, and our son and his family live 600 miles away. So some days it is hard to stay upbeat. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, but family and friends are important to.

    My high school friends left on sunday, and I've been eating since they left. A way of coping, as I know many of you go through as well. Whether it is work related, family, etc., this is what we learned to do at a early age, and it is hard to change.

    But ... we will change... one day at a time. So I want to thank you all so very much -- and please keep posting. We all care for each other --- we are a bond I think!!

    Somedays when I am having a really hard day, I get on here and read the struggles you are all going through -- and I know that I am not alone. We all have so much to be grateful for - somedays we just can't see it. But when we read of others struggles, we know that we are not alone.

    I can't even remember all that I wanted to say, other than thank you to all. So please keep posting - no matter how or what. If this was only a board where everyone is doing great, all the time, us that are struggling would stop coming. Because we would feel alone. No, we are not alone.

    This morning my weight was back up to 197 - so I know I have been bad. I know it is mostly because I am eating too much, and hoping to drop back down (no one can gain 6 pounds in just one week!!!!)

    So , THursday
    1. log ALL FOOD
    2. drink water. Concentrate on challenge -- 85 oz of water today
    3. work on writing out meal ideas
    4. write down list of 100 calorie snack ideas
    5. get out my response cards -- why I want to lose weight. Read 4 x today
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
    7. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. under 1400 calories
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. 8+ freggies
    5. 10+ C water
    6. weight workout
    7. walk

    Well, the giant emergency of MANCOLD has struck my household and all goals are out the window. I did not make it to the gym yesterday as all of my efforts have gone toward making chicken soup, going to the pharmacy, visiting the grocery store for very specific food items and visiting the Mexican store for particular kinds of bread. Sick men totally need sweet bread.

    I will probably have time to get caught up on my tracking today...not sure if I will get to the gym or not.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Bex, I happened to go to a mainstream store this morning (I usually shop at discount places, farm stands and ethnic stores) and stumbled across a British foods section. This is at Fred Meyer/Kroger, which is a big US chain, so this is probably fairly typical of what you can find.


    It looks like you can get Scottish oats, wine gummies, Builders tea, syrup sponge and many different kids of digestive cookies. :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I swear, I'm usually the most happy, upbeat, person. In the real world everyone knows me by my smile. But I feel like all I've been doing on here is ranting and complaining about my little problems. I guess I just joined this chat at a really rough time in my life and I can't seem to shake off all the stress and sadness. It feels like one thing after another has gone wrong for 3 months straight. I'm so sorry for all of the complaining.

    I guess the best thing about these chats is that this is a win-win: I get to feel better for getting this all off my chest and you never actually have to take the time to read all of this rubbish and I'll never know if you did or not! lol.

    Have a good evening everyone. Xo

    We do read your rubbish :sweat_smile:

    The nice thing about this thread is that is not 100% weight focused. We actually realise that a lot of it comes down to our lives and the daily stresses that can affect our weight and eating habits. I think tackling these are just as important as taking part in the weight loss side of things!

    See on here I seem pretty upbeat and happy. But most the time I’m just grumpy.
    Which is why a lot of the time I don’t reply, but I always read everything!

    It’s nice to know you get some relief from getting stuff off your chest on here :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex, I happened to go to a mainstream store this morning (I usually shop at discount places, farm stands and ethnic stores) and stumbled across a British foods section. This is at Fred Meyer/Kroger, which is a big US chain, so this is probably fairly typical of what you can find.


    It looks like you can get Scottish oats, wine gummies, Builders tea, syrup sponge and many different kids of digestive cookies. :)

    Wow, hahahah I loved that thankyou!!!

    What’s worse is that jumbo oats by Mornflake are a CHEAP brand over here!!

    We a literally known for tea and biscuits. Haha it’s so cliche!
    I don’t even think I’ve seen that “builders” tea over here?! Although we do call a standard tea a “builders tea”

    I had a Fanta Berry the other day, apparently another American drink (we just have Fanta Orange/Lemon/Fruit twist)
    It was bright blue! :anguished:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    1. log ALL FOOD :)
    2. drink water. Concentrate on challenge -- 85 oz of water today :) Can you believe - 12 cups today!! I put a cup next to the kitchen sink, and every time I went by, gulped down a glass.
    3. work on writing out meal ideas :) I am in the process of making a list of meal ideas - so when I plan to go the the store, hoping this will help me.
    4. write down list of 100 calorie snack ideas :/ Didn't get this done today - but tomorrow thats my plan
    5. get out my response cards -- why I want to lose weight. Read 4 x today :)
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :) I find I have so much more time in the evenings than in the morning, so I will be posting my goals for tomorrow.
    7. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning. :/ Not going to do this, as we may make a short weekend - get away trip to see a friend :)

    Today I kept busy all day - rewashed 12 patio windows outside! I had already washed them, but I think the vinegar/water dried to fast - and tons of streaks. So hoping this helps. Then, cleaned the garage - and busted up a lot of boxes for recycling.
    Now .... going to finish sewing those towels we are giving to a good friend who is retiring.

    JFT, Friday
    1. concentrate on water. Challenge: drink 1/2 my body weight. Going to aim for just 80 oz - 10 cups. If I can do this, I'll be happy
    2. log all food
    3. we may be taking a out of town trip - watch what I eat. Just because we are eating out, I can still eat healthy
    4. if we do not go out of town (hubby is still trying to decide what he wants to do), get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
    5. keep calories under 1400
    6. finish writing down meal and snack ideas --- work on my planning ahead skills!!! Thanks for all the suggestions as to how to do this guys!
    7. read my response cards 4 x

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I did not have the best day either. It sounds like work is making this more difficult for most of us.

    I was not over calorie allotment
    I was over carbs
    I did drink my water goal- need to increase
    I did not have any sort of break at work all day
    I did make dinner even though I am dog tired
    I did not prep food for crockpot but I have to be at work 2 hours early tomorrow anyway so I would not have time anyway

    Goals for tomorrow- do not go crazy with food because I am happy it is Friday. Make a plan in case everyone orders out.

    What do you all do when your office orders out for lunch- pizza or Chinese. Please tell me!!!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you for any suggestions