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  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Rye, thanks for the FEMA info. I'll pass it on to DH. I appreciate everyone's concerns and supportive comments. Thanks.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    stats for the day:

    Manual treadmill- 6.49min, 136ahr, 155mhr, 13.38min mi, .5mi = 85c
    Apple Watch- 79c
    Rowing machine- 30min, 111ahr, 138mhr, 55aw, 4857meters = 203c
    Apple Watch- 212c
    Arm ski machine- 11min, 121ahr, 139mhr, 47aw, 1700meters = 102c
    Apple Watch-106c
    Rope pull- 10min, 128ahr, 142mhr, lvl5 out of 7, 1076ft = 103c
    Apple Watch- 90c
    Floor exercises- 19.28min, 101ahr, 118mhr, 2sets of 10ea, 8 diff exercises= 105c
    Apple Watch- 100c
    bosu ball balancing- 15min, 111ahr , 132mhr, 2sets of 15ea, 3 diff exercises= 116c
    Apple Watch- 81c

    total cal 714
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    ((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))), Allie
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    Ok never dry towels in the dryer at night when your tired lol.im finally in bed with a cup of Sleepytime tea.
    It is so quiet here at night.which is good...and I am getting used to having someone live over me.but honestly it doesn't bother me much at all.will call Weds night to see if I have to show up for jury duty...I'm.hoping not as I have a hair appointment.that I might have to reschedule...ahhh the perils of an unpaid day off.well will check in in the.morning.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Like Lanette, I started with Weight Watchers online. It really clicked with me and i dropped 30 lbs pretty quickly. Then I got tired of paying. Fifteen lbs creeped back on. I started looking for something simila4 to WW Online without the fee. I’m not sure how I landed here. It must have been a magazine article. I tried Spark people and it just didn’t click, 3 fat chicks, meh! But something about this site just fit with me. I lost about 20 lbs, then lost interest, it started to creep up again, I recommitted along with the Taste for Truth study on my own, then I discovered this thread and the rest is history.

    Caminogirl, you’re welcome. Don’t feel stupid. We all need help with our technology from time to time. Figuring out which star bookmarks this site is another challenge. My current challenge is trying to figure out what I’m doing with this new keyboard to get a number rather than a letter. I can see the little numbers above the letters on the new keyboard, but for the life of me, they just randomly pop up while I’m typing. The 8 and the 5 above the I and the t are the most problematic.

    Dave made it through surgery ok, but he had trouble urinating so we were late getting home. Now he doesn’t feel like eating which is driving me crazy. We were told to come back to the ER to get his bladder emptied with a catheter if he still continued to have trouble, but he swears he is ok.

    That’s all I have today.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,980 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2017
    I joined MFP in June 2014 at the suggestion of our dietician at my bariatric surgeon's office. She kept encouraging me to keep track of my food by macros rather than calories and this is the perfect site to do that. Having a stomach the size of an egg, does not allow for "normal" caloric intake. So I can set MFP to track my food intake by petcentage of protein, fat and carbs. It shows me a pie chart, perfect for my needs.

    The bonus was discovering this group of very special women who have become very dear to me. <3

    Janetr okc
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Janet your grandson looks so cute. Looks like a little man in big man's clothes. Wow he must be smart to get into that program. I'm sure he takes after his grandma.

    Allie, I can just picture you relaxing in your new bedroom. Makes me smile.

    Well off to bed and book.

    Night ladies.

    Terry in VT where it's supposed to be less rainy tomorrow.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    get away sounds fun. My daughter and I go away for a weekend sometimes and we love it. The movie Thor will be out soon and we always go to those. Olivia says is great eye candy. Lol Wow and congrats on the new grandbaby! How amazing that your sister could deliver it. Boy or girl? I don’t think you said.
    It actually was my sister's grandbaby, not mine. So she delivered her own 8th grandchild. A boy. I have 13 grandkids, not looking to add any more any time soon. :)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Janet your grandson looks so cute. Looks like a little man in big man's clothes. Wow he must be smart to get into that program. I'm sure he takes after his grandma

    Terry in VT where it's supposed to be less rainy tomorrow.

    Thank you, He's very, very hyper-active which accounts for his thinness. We're hoping he outgrows it eventuslly. I do think it's a bit better this year. Alas, his intelligence comes from his Mom (my younger daughter). Both of my girls inherited high intelligence from their father. I think it's about th e ONLY contribution he made. Lol He's pretty much been completely out of their lives since they were 2 and 3, they're now 42 & 43. He's finally beginning to realize what he missed out on. Too little, too late.

    Janetr okc
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I looked back and discovered I joined MFP in August 2012. Don't remember when I joined the thread. I had been on WW and lost weight but gained it back. I left MFP for awhile and went back to WW but got tired of paying the fee. Really the best thing for me has been this group. There is so much wisdom, compassion, humor, sharing and real friendship on this thread. This morning I realized I had lost almost 20 pounds this go-around. Almost at goal weight. Yea. I do remember that I lost this thread and ask Michele on Facebook how to find you guys. Thanks Michele!!!
    Terry- your daughter's wreath is beautiful. Bet yours is too.
    Janetr- your grandson is so cute. I bet he will do well in scouting.
    Had another day of working in my iris beds so I am really tired tonight.
    SueBDew in TX where we set a record high today (96).
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie and Sharon I too have been divorced twice, and married for third time, which I swore I'd never do. It's the best thing that's evet happened to me, besides my daughters. I finally found my Prince Charming. :). My first husband was an ordained minister, NEVER occurred to me that we would divorce. My girls dad never saw a need to help support his children. My second husband was a good friend and nice guy, just wouldn't keep a job and I was already working a full time and a part time job to support us. He and I remained friends until he passed two years ago.

    Divorce was a nasty word in my mouth, I hated saying it and felt ashamed the first ttime I got divorcd. Then I did it again. I thot I must be the biggest loser ever. I have five older sisters, not one of them divorced, only me and twice. They have been married for 48 years to 53, oldest was just short of 55 year anniversary when her husband passed. Then along came me. Took a long time to begin to realize that I only had control and responsibility for my OWN actions. I was single for 12 years after the second divorce. I was happy and okay with it, that took a while too.

    Some times things are just out of our control. We have no answers as to why me, or how come. But you are worth being loved and cherished and you must take care of you. I love you both and send hugs and prayers. You are NOT alone.

    Janetr okc

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    So here's a question for you all ...

    What brought you to MFP? Why MFP? Why calorie logging?

    M in Oz
    I found two apps: MFP and Lose it! — and quite frankly I stuck with MFP because I like looking at blue more than I like looking at orange. Weird maybe but the truth I’m using MFP because I don’t much like the color orange.

    Lose It was the second option for me as well. I didn't notice the colour difference (although, I too prefer blue to orange), but Lose It only had American food. I actually contacted them and asked if they might be uploading food from other places ... I think they had started doing some from Canada, but they didn't seem all that interested in getting Australian food going. So ... MFP it was! :)

    M in Oz