Team 20... Team Persistent Determination (closed group)



  • Eplizzitiz
    Eplizzitiz Posts: 40 Member
    Keep it up Team PD!!!!!
  • cshore54
    cshore54 Posts: 70
    Hello to all my team mates on day 2 of the challenge. I am so happy to report that my extra mile is DONE! Did a little over 4 miles this morning. It was pretty slow by most standards, but an accomplishment for me. My water is all in, so I will probably not get good sleep today. Calories are on track with good choices. Now I am ready to head off to bed, gotta love night shift. I would rather spend the day at the pool. Good luck meeting you goals today. Push through and a little beyond what you think you are capable of. I suprised myself and it feels great. GO TEAM PERSISTANT DETERMINATION!!!!

  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    a BIG HI to Team Persistent Determination!!!

    I am trying to streamline this as much as possible as I noticed I was on here about 4 hours more than normal yesterday (I hope that was just start up stuff!) :huh:

    If you all would please message me when you meet your exercise and food/water goal I would REALLY appreciate it! I checked from here, to the news feed, individual walls and in messages to find out. :sad: The two best ways for me to c heck are Message (my preference) and on here (cause I read it all the time anyways!) It is hard to make sure I didn't miss people on the news feed and time consuming to check all the walls (some don't have diary open either so is doubly hard)

    As to when the challenge exercises need be done...

    There are six exercises to be done in six days.... so there is a little wiggle room as far as "oppsies" go! You can rearrange as needed to fit your schedule just please let me know what you are doing so I don't get all freaked out on ya! :sad: :devil: :explode: :mad: ..... :wink:

    On that same line... If starting on Mondays doesn't work, or you will be entirely out of touch for a day... let me know as soon as you can, this challenge is logged for 6 days of the week. I would just need to know so I can let Gary know when to expect our weekly total.

    Speaking of weekly totals... here is the skinny on how points rack up...

    1 point per pound lost
    1 point per day per person for exercise challenge
    5 points for the team if ALL of us complete ALL 6 exercise challenges for the week
    5 points for the team if ALL of us log under our calories and drink 64+ oz (this weeks daily team goal) for the 6 days

    This may change as people drop out (the 1 point per day per person for exercise challenge specifically)
    but as of now, this is accurate.

    We are all here to support one another!!! I have noticed such wonderful encouragement being shown that it makes me extremely proud to be the Captain of Team Persistent Determination!!!! :bigsmile:

    I have a teammate who gave me their start weight but has not contacted me further... hadley0910,... If you know her, please ask her to contact me! :-) There are people on the waiting list who desperately want to join and if she doesn't really want to participate, it's okay... :frown: :sad: ....:wink:

    I would really like to get start pictures from all of you! Yes, I know they tend to be lumpy (mine were) BUT seeing the progress is a HUGE motivator!!! Message me for my personal email. (Not posting it here cause I don't want the WORLD knowing it! lol) :bigsmile:

    Because we have several timezones and work schedules, I will post the exercise challenge my night before. (I will post the full list at the beginning of each week when I get it!)

    I hope this covers all the start up things! :indifferent: ....:wink:

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!



    BTW, I will be away from my computer Friday night, all Saturday, and Sunday morning for a massive Boy Scout service project, delivering and setting up classrooms in various locations for the schools of Joplin... I is gonna be HOT :blushing: so, if you are so inclined, please pray for the boys safety! Message me anyways so that Sunday when I get back we don't end up missing the bonuses cause I can't get hold of everyone to verify participation! :sad: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! :bigsmile:

    I will still be logging, and will even do the squat lunges Saturday (will get clarification on what those actually are soon!)
  • jessele1971
    Hi Sonia,

    Sorry did not get this until today, I drink at least 8 -10 glasses of 8z per day that is cover.
    I will do the jumping jacks this evening and already ran an extra mile last night but will do it again tonight.
  • jessele1971
    Thank you for being such an awesome captain!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I am just a follower of the team for this, but plan to participate in all of the challenges (daily & weekly). Maybe, if someone drops I am far enough up on the list to become part of the team during the challenge.

    Although I did not see this thread until right before I was heading to bed last night...I have managed to get in the 100 Jumping Jacks today (50 this morning and 50 more during lunch...YAY).
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I am just a follower of the team for this, but plan to participate in all of the challenges (daily & weekly). Maybe, if someone drops I am far enough up on the list to become part of the team during the challenge.

    Although I did not see this thread until right before I was heading to bed last night...I have managed to get in the 100 Jumping Jacks today (50 this morning and 50 more during lunch...YAY).

    Welcome, Angie!! That's great that you'll be tagging along...I'll send you a friend request. Even though it won't count toward our team goals, it's ok...the more the merrier!! Great job on those jumping jacks!!

    :flowerforyou: Shanna
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Hello to all my team mates on day 2 of the challenge. I am so happy to report that my extra mile is DONE! Did a little over 4 miles this morning. It was pretty slow by most standards, but an accomplishment for me. My water is all in, so I will probably not get good sleep today. Calories are on track with good choices. Now I am ready to head off to bed, gotta love night shift. I would rather spend the day at the pool. Good luck meeting you goals today. Push through and a little beyond what you think you are capable of. I suprised myself and it feels great. GO TEAM PERSISTANT DETERMINATION!!!!


    I love the persistence and dedication!! Wonderful job, Chris!! Good night!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks Sonia for doing all this for us.....I just hope that I can keep up with you guys you are killing me with the water intake and the excercise....I am going to try my hardest to not let any of you guys down..... I hope I motivate you and MUCH as you motivate me to get up and get my butt moving everyday!!!!!!

    You're doing GREAT! I'm so proud of you!! Go at your own pace, but definitely push yourself - we can usually do MUCH more than we think we can!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    DAY 2:

    Challenge [done]
    Under calorie goal [yes]
    Water intake [64 oz]

    Chari is on the ball!! You GO girl!! :drinker:
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    DANG...wish I had got in on this challenge before it closed!

    Although, I can't help you all earn extra points, if you all don't mind - I would like tag along with your team through the daily challenges, staying within my calories, and just chat in general.

    Here is my info if anyone would like to know:

    First name: Angie
    start weight: 121.4 (as of 7/31)
    want to lose this month: 2-3lbs
    loss on MFP up til now: no loss yet

    Since I am just now seeing this thread, I haven't done the 100 jumping jacks and won't be able to (it's about 9:30 my time and getting real close to my bedtime).

    I will get a mile done on the treadmill as well as my regular Zumba session tomorrow :happy:

    Sonia - could you add me to your email/message list so that I get the forum link each week?


    I will do you one better and put you in our excel chart (just without the points calculations added on your cells) !!!
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    You can call me Chari guys! :)

    @sonybalony: can I change my gw just in case I reach it early?

    If you reach it early, just keep on trucking!!! :wink:

    If you REALLY get to a point where it will be a significant difference, of course we will adjust it. As long as it is a reasonable # we are good as a team. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!!!

  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Hi All Team PD!!
    How did everyones Day 2 go? I am cooking dinner, just got back from the gym which was oober hot but I did my extra mile!
    Hope everyones doing ok.
    x :flowerforyou:
  • nlynnm716
    As of now, I have drank 67.0 oz. of water. My extra mile will be completed later this evening. It is my Dad's birthday, so the exercise after the cake sounds like a much butter deal. Even with the party, I plan to be within my calories. I made the cake, so I know how many calories our in it to the point :)
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member

    I know we are fully capable of doing this TOGETHER!!!

    That means we DO need to be accountable to each other...

    There will always be reasons to slack off on water, or logging, or calories, or exercise, and some of them are really truly valid...

    BEFORE this becomes an issue, I want to remind you all that we are a TEAM! A team that needs to be Persistent, and consistently display Determination! I know that week one is hard, it is for me too, we all need to get used to the habits and accountability, but this is the week to form the habits!!! (One of those habits is making sure the info gets to me so we can get our points and kick some hiney on all those other teams!!!) :bigsmile:

    On to other things...

    hadley0910 had to leave the team,:sad: she will be hanging out with us still:happy: , but not earning points for the team. She will still need encouragement and will encourage us too!:flowerforyou: Gary is supposed to let me know who on the alternates list will be our newest teammate. (I requested Shortee75 (Angie) as she is already hanging with us, but it is not up to me otherwise)

    I am looking forward to a month of fun and fitness with ALL of you!

  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member

    I know we are fully capable of doing this TOGETHER!!!

    That means we DO need to be accountable to each other...

    There will always be reasons to slack off on water, or logging, or calories, or exercise, and some of them are really truly valid...

    BEFORE this becomes an issue, I want to remind you all that we are a TEAM! A team that needs to be Persistent, and consistently display Determination! I know that week one is hard, it is for me too, we all need to get used to the habits and accountability, but this is the week to form the habits!!! (One of those habits is making sure the info gets to me so we can get our points and kick some hiney on all those other teams!!!) :bigsmile:

    On to other things...

    hadley0910 had to leave the team,:sad: she will be hanging out with us still:happy: , but not earning points for the team. She will still need encouragement and will encourage us too!:flowerforyou: Gary is supposed to let me know who on the alternates list will be our newest teammate. (I requested Shortee75 (Angie) as she is already hanging with us, but it is not up to me otherwise)

    I am looking forward to a month of fun and fitness with ALL of you!


    Ok, so I am really stressing out. Friday I am attending an all day wine festival. This is my 7th year in a row attending. Even if I drink water between the wine samples, with the available food there (think festival food), I don't see how I will be able to stay under my calorie goals for the day. In general, I struggle with this concept because for me, this has become a lifestyle change. That means that some days I will be under my calorie goals and some days I will be over. But as long as I continue to slowly and steadily lose weight, I'm good with that. I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone to be under their calorie goals every single day for a month. For me anyway, that is not an easy lifestyle to maintain. I'm not going to deny myself something socially that I want to do because it could put me over my calorie goals. I imagine many of you also have events coming up in the next month and may be faced with the same dilemma.

    Thoughts? Anyone else feel the same way? Or am I the only one? I'm sorry if I let my team down on Friday, but I want to be able to go the festival and have a good time with my family and friends.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Ok, so I am really stressing out. Friday I am attending an all day wine festival. This is my 7th year in a row attending. Even if I drink water between the wine samples, with the available food there (think festival food), I don't see how I will be able to stay under my calorie goals for the day. In general, I struggle with this concept because for me, this has become a lifestyle change. That means that some days I will be under my calorie goals and some days I will be over. But as long as I continue to slowly and steadily lose weight, I'm good with that. I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone to be under their calorie goals every single day for a month. For me anyway, that is not an easy lifestyle to maintain. I'm not going to deny myself something socially that I want to do because it could put me over my calorie goals. I imagine many of you also have events coming up in the next month and may be faced with the same dilemma.

    Thoughts? Anyone else feel the same way? Or am I the only one? I'm sorry if I let my team down on Friday, but I want to be able to go the festival and have a good time with my family and friends.

    Christi - if you have a pedometer maybe you can track your steps and add some calories back to help offset the drinking/eating on Friday
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    OK, here it is ladies... our first week we will not be getting our log food +water bonus.... :brokenheart:

    This does NOT mean that we shouldn't continue taking care of business! (WE ABSOLUTELY WILL!!!! (cracking bullwhip here!!!:mad: ):wink: ) but...

    What that means is that we need to try our best to keep up the points in the exercise category and the weight loss category. Our continued logging under and 64+ of water :drinker: a day will assist in this!

    As a group we need to encourage each other to do our best! We need to be about encouragement and support!!! (NO Stinking Thinking!!!):frown:

    Gotta go finish my day as well!!!!

  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Ok, so I am really stressing out. Friday I am attending an all day wine festival. This is my 7th year in a row attending. Even if I drink water between the wine samples, with the available food there (think festival food), I don't see how I will be able to stay under my calorie goals for the day. In general, I struggle with this concept because for me, this has become a lifestyle change. That means that some days I will be under my calorie goals and some days I will be over. But as long as I continue to slowly and steadily lose weight, I'm good with that. I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone to be under their calorie goals every single day for a month. For me anyway, that is not an easy lifestyle to maintain. I'm not going to deny myself something socially that I want to do because it could put me over my calorie goals. I imagine many of you also have events coming up in the next month and may be faced with the same dilemma.

    Thoughts? Anyone else feel the same way? Or am I the only one? I'm sorry if I let my team down on Friday, but I want to be able to go the festival and have a good time with my family and friends.

    Christi - if you have a pedometer maybe you can track your steps and add some calories back to help offset the drinking/eating on Friday

    I do have a pedometer. I average about 12,000 steps a day. Maybe I will log steps above and beyond that... I will do my best ladies to stay under my calories for Friday. I can't promise, but I will try :wink: