BIggest Loser Challenge - The Unstoppable Panthers (closed g

Hello everyone!!

I am very happy to welcome you in the Panthers group for the BLC !! We can use this thread to get to know each other and more important, motivate each other. Motivation is key to success!!

I hope you all had a good weekend and you are ready to kick butts this week until the weigh in Friday. Even if you slipped out your plans this weekend, we still have 4 days to improve ourselves.

What are your plans for today? What workout are you planning to do? Any challenge or struggle coming ? Let us know and please introduce yourself to the others.

GO TEAM!!! I know we will do FANTASTIC!!!



  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Hey guys!! I'm so excited about our team!! My name is Amy. I am a SAH mom of 3 kiddos...12, 4, and 4 months. I work from home for a transcription company. I have a VERY suportive husband of 16 years.. My highest weight, before MFP, was 255. I am currently 181.6 and my goal weight is 145. I have a love/hate relationship with running..:) I am on week 7 of the C25K. I ran 25 minutes without walking this morning!! YAY!!!! I am also doing the 30DS and am on day 9 today.. I am not on a diet anymore, ever again!!! My goals are lifestyle change and consistency... I am training to run a 1/2 marathon in November. This is a long time goal of mine... Then I want to train for a sprint triathlon! God is my strength and my provider of health, endurance, and focus... I want to glorify Him in all I do.. I am a WONDERFUL partner and team mate.. I will encourage you and push everyday to pull my load! WE WILL DO THIS!!!! My struggle right now is that TOM is just around the corner...:( I can tell the cravings are starting and just blah feeling.. I am determined to push through, but not a big fan of TOM...

    Friend me.... Look forward to meeting everyone!!

  • amorgan101187
    Hi team : )

    My name is ashley and im a stay at home mommy too, i have two kiddos 16 months and 2 months old. I also am in school for nursing. My highest weight was 225 (while pregnant with my son), I was 200 2 weeks postpardum when i started changing my habits, started mfp at 192 and I am currently 180. My long term goal is 135 or lower, my first mini goal will be approaching labor day weekend.. im hopeing to be 170.
  • amorgan101187
    Oh ya and i hve 4 days lefts of 30DS, i may pick up C25K again when im done, i had to stop at week 2 from hurting my knee a few weeks ago.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hello Team!!

    My name is Bridgette and I am a working mommy of one 8 month old daughter. When I started MFP I was 185 and now I am 170 (well, 172 if I count this morning :grumble: ). My goal is 145 and mini goal is 160 by Labor Day. I need all the help I can get! I usually can only squeeze in a 30-45 minute workout after the baby is down for the night. I do a combo of Ripped in 30 (only on Week 1) and Zumba for Wii; and try to get in a long walk on the weekend. I am trying to get up early to workout also but I have a hard time with this as the baby is going thru a no sleep phase. :frown:

    Let's go Panthers!
  • jjbranc
    jjbranc Posts: 27
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Julie. I am a preschool teacher and mom of 5-ages 21, 19, 17, 15, and 12. My starting weight was 240 lbs. and I am now at 144.2 (as of this morning). I hope to get to at least 125, perhaps 120. I do an at-home workout every morning 9currently Bob Harper's Pure Cardio Strength) and I ride my bike as many miles as I can, including back and forth to work. I will be 50 years old in January and my long term goal is to stay in shape and continue with good eating habits. I am looking forward to being part of this great team!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Georgette (GG) better known as the “Life of the Party”, I am an Education Program Consultant for the LA State Dept of Education. I work with failing/low performing schools across my state. My starting weight was 237 and I am currently 216.
    I am trying to achieve my goal of getting down to 165 perhaps 160.

    I am elated to apart of “The Unstoppable Panthers”.

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
    ~Thomas A. Edison~
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks all !!!

    So I guess I will introduce myself too.

    I currently live in Montreal, Canada, (yes, I am a francophone - sorry for my English writing :s) but I am moving this week to Charlottesville, VA to pursue a PhD in literature.

    My starting weight on MFP was 210 and I am now 184. I stuggled with weight all my life and I could decribe myself as a chronic yoyo dieter but I rather think that I am now changing my life and my love/hate relationship with food for good. I am strongly committed and motivated to this.

    I am a couch25k graduate and I plan to do a 5k at some point in the fall. I also want to train for a triathlon and complete it by next year. My goal weight would be around 145.

    I know we are the best team and we'll win this!! So grab a glass of water and get your 8-8 oz in today! We can do this!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Have the water down already - 80oz so far and will probably add another 24 or so. :drinker: :drinker:
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Good morning The Unstoppable Panthers!!!!!

    How are you this morning? Did you drink your 8 glasses of water yesterday? What are your plans for today? Any workout planned?

    Personnally, no workout but packing and cleaning like crazy!

    Have a great day and don't forget the water!

  • jeffwalsh
    jeffwalsh Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    Sorry for the bit of a delayed response, I got called into work and yesterday was a day away from the computer. It was way too sunny and nice here to be on this thing.

    My name's Jeff. I'm from Newfoundland, Canada. I'm 23 and a student studying social work. I started getting into shape June 2010. I started at 286lbs. As of last week, I was 215.5lbs, so I'm down 70.5lbs (and went from 2XL and 3XL to L and XL shirts).

    My first goal was 220lbs, which I obviously already passed. My next goal is 200lbs and after that, I'm gonna take it 5lbs at a time until I get to a place where I'm happy. It's also becoming more and more about the fitness than the weight for me. I set a lot of fitness goals, such as running 5k, hiking mountains, kayaking, etc.

    From now until the end of the entire Biggest Loser Challenge, I am doing p90x. I'm currently on week 2. I'll also be swimming regularly come the end of this month. I'm not able to swim at the moment because I work a casual call in job and can't have the phone next to the pool. haha.


    P.S. CharlotteintheUSA, no worries on the English, I didn't even notice. Now, if I started speaking french, then we'd be in trouble. :P haha
  • twotfluty
    Hello Unstoppable Panthers! My name is Stephanie and I live in upstate NY. I am 28 and am a middle school music teacher and orchestra teacher. I started at 216 back in January with weight watchers online and got to 195 by April. I joined MVP at the end of June still at 195. My big goal is to get down to 150 lbs. I have always been overweight and am feeling very ready to make this change. I KNOW I can do this, and I know WE can do this.

    I do apologize for getting back to this thread a little later. I am currently on a road trip from NY to Georgia (and back). I will also not be able to measure myself until Friday late when we get back home. I did work out at the hotel today for 50 minutes on a bike at the gym. I also ran a 5K on Saturday and had one of my better (possibly best times) of 38'38". I am hoping to not let travelling get in the way of my goals. I am getting back home Friday night, then to Boston for the weekend, home for 3 days and then off to Texas from Thursday to Sunday. I am going to bring a measuring tape with me to Texas :)

    Thank you for giving me a team-and I've been drinking my water!
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome Twotfluty and congrats on beating your running time! This is awesome!!

    I know we are a fantastic team and we will win this. How's your drinking going?

    Make good choices!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome everyone.. I am looking forward to seeing how we did this week. We seem to be a very motivated group, but not very talkative...LOL..... Today was my heavy day... Running and 30DS... I am pooped.. 9 cups of water:) Nite all...
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    We are quiet aren't we? It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for though!! LOL Well, all my water is down; think I"m at 80oz so far. I'm a little concerned, my back has been sore all day. I'm hoping it's 'tired' and it'll be better tomorrow when I wake up. I just did a lighter workout tonight; downloaded the walk at home video (since I can't get out to walk right now). Pretty good workout, more than I thought it would be. Anyway, looking forward to Friday! I'm hoping I'm in the 160's and shed those inches! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Good morning "The Unstoppable Panthers” let’s make it a great day!

    Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.
    ~Arnold H. Glasgow~
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Hey guys!! My body is feeling pretty tired today.. Just finished day 13 of the 30DS. D5 of L2. It was a nonrunning day and I'm glad..:) Since I started the 30DS I find that without my break day, by the end of the week my body is tired... I have a 25 minute run and 30DS shred tomorrow and then no more runs until Monday. I can usually recover a bit during those 2 days.. 4 cups of water so far today... Fixing to get to work for the afternoon..:) Looking forward to tomorrow!!!!:happy:
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Ok, guys.....Be sure and log in today and post your stats!!! I am down 2.8 pounds this week. I don't typically lose more than a pound a week so I"m pretty pumped about this weeks results.. My first goal was to be under 180 and as of this morning I weigh 178.8!! Here's to a great week!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    So were we supposed to post stats here or on the other board? I posted them on the other one. Let me know if I need to post here.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    We post them on the other board...

    The good news!!!!!!! We were in third place last week...

    The bad news:( 3 of our teammates didn't report!!! Come on guys!!!!! We all have something to add and contribute!! I know we have all heard the acronym for TEAM...

    T - Together
    E - Everyone
    A - Achieves
    M- More

    I think of you guys each day when I run, when I choose what foods to put it my mouth.. There really is strength in numbers, and EVERYONE has a contribution to make.. We all want this.... Let's do it!!!

    This weeks challenge - 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days this week.. I know life is hard and busy, but this is doable... If we all work together we are quite a team!!!

    It isn't until we get to the end of our excuses that we will really see true life change!!!!! Let's change our lives...

  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    We post them on the other board...

    The good news!!!!!!! We were in third place last week...

    The bad news:( 3 of our teammates didn't report!!! Come on guys!!!!! We all have something to add and contribute!! I know we have all heard the acronym for TEAM...

    T - Together
    E - Everyone
    A - Achieves
    M- More

    I think of you guys each day when I run, when I choose what foods to put it my mouth.. There really is strength in numbers, and EVERYONE has a contribution to make.. We all want this.... Let's do it!!!

    This weeks challenge - 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days this week.. I know life is hard and busy, but this is doable... If we all work together we are quite a team!!!

    It isn't until we get to the end of our excuses that we will really see true life change!!!!! Let's change our lives...


    Well said!!! and 3rd place!! WooHoo! :bigsmile:

    30 min of exercise is a piece of cake - been averaging about 40 minutes this past week.