What 'healthy' foods did you ultimately give up on?



  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    I decided to give up the fiber one bars that I had been using as a crutch. I snack on fruits and veggies now and get about the same fiber content with a better full feeling.
    Also I learned that I hate anything with acai. Don't know why but I can't stand it.
  • Stevia and protein bars.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    twinkles4 wrote: »
    Whole wheat pasta and rice
    The whole Daiya line *super barf* :no_mouth:

    ohhh goodness yes Daiya is horrible. If I ever went vegan, I'd just leave off anything like that rather than try to get used to Daiya.
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    twinkles4 wrote: »
    Whole wheat pasta and rice
    The whole Daiya line *super barf* :no_mouth:

    ohhh goodness yes Daiya is horrible. If I ever went vegan, I'd just leave off anything like that rather than try to get used to Daiya.

    I really tried, honest. I thought I could get used to it in time, but I cant. The whole product line is super gross.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,333 Member
    twinkles4 wrote: »
    Whole wheat pasta and rice
    The whole Daiya line *super barf* :no_mouth:

    ohhh goodness yes Daiya is horrible. If I ever went vegan, I'd just leave off anything like that rather than try to get used to Daiya.

    Daiya is just scary. My sister tried to go full-on vegan for a while and stocked up on Daiya stuff. Even after several tries, she just couldn't get used to it. Her cat, on the other hand, would howl, paw at her and even try to jump on the counter to get a bite of the stuff! Ever since then, I can only think of Daiya as cat food. I don't eat cat food.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    unigirl143 wrote: »
    I decided to give up the fiber one bars that I had been using as a crutch. I snack on fruits and veggies now and get about the same fiber content with a better full feeling.
    Also I learned that I hate anything with acai. Don't know why but I can't stand it.

    Fiber One bars and my digestive system really don't get along. Thank goodness I always had the dogs to blame.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Stevia and protein bars.

    Me too with Stevia. Tastes terrible.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    edited September 2017
    [/quote] DX2JX2

    Fiber One bars and my digestive system really don't get along. Thank goodness I always had the dogs to blame.[/quote]

    LOL, me too, I liked how they taste but the ahhh, after effects, not good. But as we only have a parrot and no dogs, no hiding who was to blame at our house.

  • Amym26
    Amym26 Posts: 83 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sweet Potatoes, kale, plain greek yogurt, baked chicken, fish, quest bars, and spaghetti squash
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    quest bars
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    edited September 2017
    Anything that requires to much prep or takes too long to cook... Lmao

    Oh and kale...just no. Ick!
  • pielattes1
    pielattes1 Posts: 62 Member
    Kale -> It tastes like unhappiness mixed with dirt
    Chia (pudding/or chia anything)
    Flax seeds
    Bananas -> propagated by "Big Fruit" like Chiquita and Dole
    Brown rice
    Sweet potatoes/regular potatoes
    Green juice
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Plain oatmeal is so sad tasting. Like a child's school project with too much glue and construction paper that got wet on the school bus. Ick.
    I do manage to get it down if it's doctored up with peanut butter & jelly.

    And steel cut oats, soaked in 1:4 almond milk/water overnight, then slow cooked w/ cinnamon and dried fruit...whole different ballgame. So good.
  • AcaciaRaff13
    AcaciaRaff13 Posts: 1 Member
    All "super foods" like chia seeds and spiralina. I thought I had to spend hundreds of dollars to be thin. So I could do that because I didn't have the money for it
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    AnnofB wrote: »

    Fiber One bars and my digestive system really don't get along. Thank goodness I always had the dogs to blame.[/quote]

    LOL, me too, I liked how they taste but the ahhh, after effects, not good. But as we only have a parrot and no dogs, no hiding who was to blame at our house.


    LOL - we have a parrot, too. I've trained her to make certain noises so she can take the blame when the dogs aren't around.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited September 2017

    LOL, me too, I liked how they taste but the ahhh, after effects, not good. But as we only have a parrot and no dogs, no hiding who was to blame at our house.

    Blame the parrot.
    I blame my quaker all the time ;)
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member

    LOL, me too, I liked how they taste but the ahhh, after effects, not good. But as we only have a parrot and no dogs, no hiding who was to blame at our house.

    Blame the parrot.
    I blame my quaker all the time ;)

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    AnnofB wrote: »

    Fiber One bars and my digestive system really don't get along. Thank goodness I always had the dogs to blame.

    LOL, me too, I liked how they taste but the ahhh, after effects, not good. But as we only have a parrot and no dogs, no hiding who was to blame at our house.


    LOL - we have a parrot, too. I've trained her to make certain noises so she can take the blame when the dogs aren't around.[/quote]

    Love it! Mine snores like my DH... at least I'm pretty sure it's his snore and not mine... hmmm...
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    I remember my mom eating rice cakes. Which I find to resemble cardboard with less flavor!
    Protein powder! I now just drink chocolate milk post workout.
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I never forced myself to eat things I don't like. That said, I like most things...always have. Dieting didn't really introduce me to anything I wasn't already eating.

    This. Although most of the things I randomly dislike are things I don't think are especially healthy anyway. The few things that are nutrient dense that I don't care for, eh, there's always something else similar enough nutrient-wise.

    Reading the things people tried because they were healthy makes me realize that whatever my other issues I ate a pretty varied diet filled with nutrient dense foods even before I lost weight.

    We always ate a good, varied, healthy diet. Just too much. I can't really think of anything I wasn't already eating, except oatmeal. I don't like hot cereal, and oatmeal is the worst. We always ate oatmeal when I was a kid. A few months ago, I decided to try for breakfast every morning, because "good for you" I choked it down for 2 or 3 weeks before I gave it up as a lost cause. If it was a choice between starving to death and eating oatmeal, I would have to sit down and think it over.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Coconut oil, for real. Honestly, I use what I've got left and whisk 3 tsp of it with 3 tsp olive oil, one egg and one egg yolk, coat my detangled hair with it, put a cap on for 30 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water then shampoo (which has improved my curls tenfold in the last several weeks).
  • malioumba
    malioumba Posts: 132 Member
    edited October 2017
    ZoneFive wrote: »
    Grapefruit. Cottage cheese. Celery. Kale. Especially kale.

    Wow, I love all these.

    I never forced myself to eat any foods. I think it's because I like all veggies/foods, that I never felt I needed to force anything down.

    Except oranges/mandarins. And never ate 'em, other than my caring mother always insisting I "try this one orange cause this one is different than all the others ones."
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    The only thing that I totally eliminated from my diet are sodas but don't think many would call sodas "healthy." Otherwise, I will pretty much eat snything as long as I can fit it w/in my daily caloric limit.

    However, I do make an effort to eat/drink as little in the way of baked goods, bread, potatoes/starches, fried food and alcohol as possible. None of that is considered particularly healthy either.

    The PC approach on MFP is to deny that there is any such thing as an "unhealthy" food on the theory that it doesn't matter what you eat, it just matters that you eat less in cals than you burn (CICO) in order to lose weight.

    While that is technically true, it is also true that people have a certain weakness for certain kinds of food that can easily cause them to exceed their daily calorie limit.

    Sugar rich foods and drinks, like sodas, are problematic for many and certainly were for me. While I can certainly still choose to eat/drink such food, it's easier to just cut sodas out of my diet. I was not so addicted to the taste of soda that I need to buy diet sodas; water is fine.

    Doing so also matters nutritionally because sodas are carb dominant and nutritionally empty and, if I do not exclude then, it reduces the amount of protein and more nutritionally benefical carbs (as well as fat) that I can also consume w/in my caloric limit to order to maintain a more balanced diet.

  • klowieislyfe1
    klowieislyfe1 Posts: 46 Member
    Kale and quinoa.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I never forced myself to eat things I don't like. That said, I like most things...always have. Dieting didn't really introduce me to anything I wasn't already eating.

    Yes this is true for me. I am not really a picky eater at all. I was raised on fresh raw AND cooked produce so not really any healthy stuff I don't like. As I always say I haven't had a vegetable that I hated. I avoid corn. Just feel it is useless and doesn't really digest too well for me(or anyone in my opinion)but I occasionally enjoy a grilled corn on the cob. Creamed corn is the worst and I definitely pass on it. EWW

  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I never forced myself to eat things I don't like. That said, I like most things...always have. Dieting didn't really introduce me to anything I wasn't already eating.

    Yes this is true for me. I am not really a picky eater at all. I was raised on fresh raw AND cooked produce so not really any healthy stuff I don't like. As I always say I haven't had a vegetable that I hated. I avoid corn. Just feel it is useless and doesn't really digest too well for me(or anyone in my opinion)but I occasionally enjoy a grilled corn on the cob. Creamed corn is the worst and I definitely pass on it. EWW

    I never liked creamed corn until I realized that the way to make it edible is to add a ton of butter and salt.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Kale. I just can't, tried it in omelets and smoothies and nope.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    Kale. I just can't, tried it in omelets and smoothies and nope.

    I never ate kale until recently but it's a great buy at only $1/bunch where I get it and I think its best used in veggie/bean soups and stews.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I never forced myself to eat things I don't like. That said, I like most things...always have. Dieting didn't really introduce me to anything I wasn't already eating.

    Yes this is true for me. I am not really a picky eater at all. I was raised on fresh raw AND cooked produce so not really any healthy stuff I don't like. As I always say I haven't had a vegetable that I hated. I avoid corn. Just feel it is useless and doesn't really digest too well for me(or anyone in my opinion)but I occasionally enjoy a grilled corn on the cob. Creamed corn is the worst and I definitely pass on it. EWW

    Canned creamed corn is horrid, but I like homemade.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I tried these homemade oat cookie things, then realized they were a lot of calories and carbs and not that much healthier than just eating a cookie. I can't fit cookies into my goals very often but when I crave one, I eat a real cookie now, not a weird healthy cookie.