JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 20



  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Back again for your wonderful support and accountability. This group has kept me on track for the last 6 months and I couldn't have come this far without it!!

    For the newbies....here is what my daily weigh ins look like over the last 180 days. It's not all down....fluctuations are NORMAL!!! Trust the process and the weight will come off!!!


    SW - 182.4 in March
    GW - 145 - SMASHED this last round!!!

    I will be continuing to check in here to keep myself accountable as I figure out eating at maintenance. I don't plan on decreasing my activity so it's all going to come down to calories at this point. I have some fitness/activity goals I want to achieve so weighing daily will continue to help me monitor where I am so I can make adjustments as necessary before things get out of hand.

    10/19 - 144.2 - coming in from round 19
    10/20 - 144.6 - normal fluctuation....had a small piece of cake at a baby shower at one of my client's yesterday and a glass of wine last night...kept calories where they should be at this point I think.
    10/21 - 144.0 - Thought I ate enough yesterday...but went for a run in the woods with the dog and spent 8 hours getting the gardens ready for the winter and cleaning the house so I guess I underestimated a bit. I'll use it as a cushion for dinner out tonight :smiley:

    10/22 - 144.8 - went out for dinner last night and didn't get a lot of water in me so I'm happy to keep this under 145...we'll see what tomorrow brings, we have my son's hockey team over for a BBQ this afternoon so lots of treats available....


  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW-160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12
    R19 SW- 152.68

    Current weight- 150.7
    10 Day Goal: I would be over the moon if I managed to get out of the 150's. I still have a cough and shortness of breath when exerting myself, so I will be slowly work myself back into exercise.

    10/20- 150.48 It was a quiet day today. Came in under calories. Tomorrow I have another university visit with my son, so I will get some exercise.
    10/21- Woke up early and forgot to weigh. Went to a university open day with my son. Did lots of walking. We ate dinner out, but I think I probably came in under calories.
    10/22- no scale Realized this week is going to be difficult. We have another open day on Wednesday. Dinner was out again tonight. Should be under calories, but this is a total guess. Nervous to weigh tomorrow morning.