Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Hi! First day posting on this thread (or any thread). I have been on MFP for awhile but not very "public" about it. I'm newly working on a LCHF eating plan. I have used the idea of JFT to eliminate bad habits in the past and I like the concept of not conquering the world - just dealing with today. :wink:

    So JFT 10/24/17:

    1. Log food, stay within macros
    2. Use 1 new recipe today
    3. Visit the mythical land of Gym
    4. Read - just for fun, not work
    5. Begin writing tasks for web content
    6. Practice vulnerability by posting on MFP

    whew. exhausted. :blush:

    Nice of you to join us :)

    The gym is a very mythical place haha
    I have only experienced it a few times! :lol:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    10/24/17 Tuesday JFT:

    It's been a busy day so far. This morning I did the typical routine for lunches, etc. Then I also prepared dinner in the slow cooker this morning :smiley: After that I took the kids to school and headed off to the university to work on research. Came home for lunch and relaxed for while. The remainder of the day will consist of:

    Elliptical ~ 30 min.
    Organize some more boxes for storage
    (Working on remodeling our studio to convert to a teenager loft, lol. We're making room for the new little one :blush: )
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 9 pm

    The second half of my day should be pretty easy going.

    Welcome to ALL the newcomers :smiley:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate more on water - 2 glasses with each meal, 2 glasses in the evening, and sip on water during the day :/ Drank about 6 glasses today though
    3. go to the gym in the morning -- remember how much better I feel when I go :)
    4. lay out gym clothes for next morning :)
    5. brush and floss teeth after my planned nitetime snack, so I don't snack anymore :) Going to go do this shortly
    6. eat slowly, and be mindful of what I eat :)
    7. read my response cards, to remind myself of why I want to lose weight :)
    8. get back on here - be accountable and honest :)

    My goals tomorrow are going to be very simple -- just a few goals at a time until I have it mastered. I am pretty good with going to the gym, so taking this off for a few days.

    JFT, Wed
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on 2 glasses of water with each meal, and 2 glasses inbetween, 2 glasses in the evening. Goal is 8 glasses of water
    3. brush and floss teeth to keep from eating in the evening
    4. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable for just these few goals
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    "joan6630;c-40696757" What's the name of your new thread? Just curious, like some others, I'm staying with this one.

    I understand what you mean. But I was afraid many people were not coming to this thread because of all the drama we had last week. I started the other one - like Bex said, hoping this one could be used more as conversation and goals, and the other one more just goals - with more people feeling they could jump in. It has attracted new people, and maybe it will just die down on itself, but ... to me ... if it helps even one person, it is worth it. But I agree .... no need to post in both places if you don't want to. [/quote]

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Goals for October 24:
    Research composers for radio talk show in the afternoon.
    Practice organ for one hour.
    Keep in the green.
    Exercise for 15 minutes.
    30"minutes of cleanup
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    "joan6630;c-40696757" What's the name of your new thread? Just curious, like some others, I'm staying with this one.

    I've also just been posting here - at first I was just cutting/pasting, but that seemed kinda weird posting in 2 places. There are some new people that are posting on the other. But once I started the thread, I really don't know how to delete it.So ... we'll just see how it goes, and maybe those people that started will also feel comfortable to come here to post. A few new ones have already.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    . Garbage day :)
    . Eye specialist which means > half the day :) not really much choice on doing this one. Being sent for more tests in Nov and Dec
    . More water :)
    . Brush and floss by 8pm :) heading there now
    . Bed by 10 :) with teeth done this should be quicker

    JFT Wednesday
    1. TV and glass to recycling exchange
    2. Satellite group
    3. Optometrist appt
    4. Grocery shop
    5. More water
    6. Brush and floss by 8pm
    7. Bed by 10
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    1) Stay hydrated :|
    2) Have Me-time in the evening (Paint fingernails, shower, cook nice dinner, relax, look forward to seeing bf soon) :)I honestly did not cook. I was somehow still full from lunch.
    3) Don't worry :|Mostly, I'd say.

    One more day working, then 11 days "more or less off". I think my mum is still mad that I am doing this, usually she wouldn't go two days without messaging me. So honestly, I planned to call before leaving tomorrow, but I can't take the negativity. More me-time in the evening.

    1) Stay hydrated
    2) Stay focused at work
    3) Don't worry, be positive
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Wow I've really not been keeping track of this at all! I need to get back into the habit of daily goals! This morning I was 189.2! I'm getting closer and closer! It's a major motivation and I want to keep up this great trend! I know things would be much better if i was drinking more water... so that will be my mail goal for today:

    Just for today:
    Drink 8 glasses of Water
    Stay within Carb goal
    RELAX and enjoy the day (I've been stressing BIG time for the past week and a half... not sleeping properly etc because I need to make some BIG life decisions about my job etc. this week)
    Go to Bible study tonight (It's been a long time and I know this will do me some good. especially in terms of my anxiety levels).
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Don't panic too much about homework. You'll figure it out. :neutral: Still trying to figure it out and frustrated.
    2. Figure out weekly schedule once gym membership starts back up next week. :( Didn't get a chance to even look at my planner.
    3. Finish the kid's laundry. It's small. Not that hard. :) Finally got this done! It only sat in the dryer for a day and a half.

    1. Drink 9 cups of water.
    2. Stay green in calories.
    3. Clean the house for speech evaluation at 4pm.
    4. 3000 steps
    5. Stay productive during nap time. Don't go nap with him. There's too much to do!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi team,

    Today I got to post my very first Non Scale Victory and I thought I'd share it with you all too!

    No More Food Addicition!!!

    This is a HUGE HUGE deal for me. This advancement has changed my life.

    I know that this is for real because of how long it's held out and to what extreme! (2 months and counting and 3 major life events as well as a minor depression caused by stress which should have derailed me).

    Using this weekend as an example... I've eaten out at "all you can eat sushi" twice in the past 3 days and I did NOT overeat!!!!! I'm so proud of myself! I ate slowly and savoured what I normally wolf down and I ate within my carb/calorie limit. Not only that, I wasnt cranky because I had to watch the people around me eat whatever they wanted and I had limited myself, not to what I COULD, eat but to what I should reasonably eat.

    Also, I had a birthday without needing or wanting a dessert, spent 2 weeks in France and 2 weeks in the USA without gaining a thing and just spent the weekend away for my wedding anniversary without ever going over my goals.

    I feel that I've FINALLY conquered my decade long battle with bad food psychology. I've yo-yo dieted for years. I've abstained and then BINGED, lost 20lbs and then gain back 30 and I've done that so many times that I thought there was no hope of ever finding a balance.

    If I was an animal, the vet would have said that I have food agression. (I hated having to share and LOVED eating as much as I could as often as possible and being the first one served at functions that had lots of people and included food). My life has revolved around food for so long that I don't remember there ever being a time when I didn't wake up and wonder "what will I eat for lunch today?" I used food to validate my achievements and drown my sorrows, to celebrate life events and to stave off boredom.

    I would get bitter and resentful if I had to say no to something because I was "dieting", and when I was binging, I would eat foods I didn't even like (ie a full bag of candy) just because I could! Now I say no all the time because I know how to listen to my body and realize that I just don't want it.

    I've been slowly losing weight for the past 3 months. I've still got a LONG way to go, but food no longer consumes my thoughts or affects my emotions and that is the BEST thing that could ever have ever happened to me. Whether I lose slowly or quickly or not at all, I'm just so happy to be free of that negative influence in my life.

    For the first time in my life my "bad days" are normal bad days where I eat a bit of junk food and go over my calorie goal eating things that I love (not spiralling out of control and eating 4x what I should and all kinds of things that I don't even like and then feeling guilty and eating more).

    I know I can do this and I feel amazing. I've reclaimed my life and am ready to invest in other passions and interests.

    Thanks for all of the help and support that you've given me in this thread (especially at the beginning of this journey).

    Congratulations!!! I am SO PROUD OF YOU! This is a really big accomplishment...better than any Scale Victory!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    Recap T 10/24
    1) Raining, so no dog walk. Instead, forced myself to get up early and walked treadmill 3 miles before work. Yay! :smiley: Plus Fitbit 250+ steps 13/14 hours and 47 floors :smiley:
    2) Most meals & snacks prelogged for day / stick with plan / net calories green = Green 35 & 12c water :smiley:
    3) Write thank you to ex-roomie for bday gift = Done, ready to mail :smiley:
    4) Do at least 3 other things on to-do list = Progress! :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / floss / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Nope / Nope / Nope :s

    JFT W 10/25
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, saw Orion and Venus = happy me and happy dog :smiley:
    2) Happy hour with former colleagues after work / enjoy one drink and their company / order healthier option from menu, or better yet, eat leftovers when get home
    3) Bring planters in / frost warning tonight
    4) Floss / bedtime & TV off 10:15 (need my sleep!)
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    asclepsia wrote: »
    "joan6630;c-40696757" What's the name of your new thread? Just curious, like some others, I'm staying with this one.

    I've also just been posting here - at first I was just cutting/pasting, but that seemed kinda weird posting in 2 places. There are some new people that are posting on the other. But once I started the thread, I really don't know how to delete it.So ... we'll just see how it goes, and maybe those people that started will also feel comfortable to come here to post. A few new ones have already.

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Goals for October 24:
    Research composers for radio talk show in the afternoon. :) Only used a fraction of what I found out; but I guess knowledge is never wasted.
    Practice organ for one hour. :/ accomplished 25 minutes
    Keep in the green. :p very close--only 35 over
    Exercise for 15 minutes. :)
    30"minutes of cleanup
    :| Only did 20 minutes of cleanup because I was very tired last evening, but 20" is better than none--right?

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Stay hydrated :|
    2) Stay focused at work :)
    3) Don't worry, be positive :)

    Happy thought: Tomorrow this time I am in a plane to my bf.
    Sad thought: My parents haven't messaged with me since Sunday. There was no fight, I just feel my mum dislikes my bf and is therefor mad that I am 'losing' time visiting him.
    Whatever. I am focusing on the happy thoughts.

    JF tomorrow:
    1) Go through bag again, pull everything out I won't need anyways.
    2) Relax, eat well, hydrate so I am ready for travel
    3) Have a relaxed flight
    4) Enjoy falling asleep next to bf. :#
  • groundhog07
    groundhog07 Posts: 8 Member
    So JFT 10/24/17:

    1. Log food, stay within macros - :neutral: meh. too much protein - my biggest struggle (get fat wo protein)
    2. Use 1 new recipe today - :smile: Keto friendly chicken curry with cauliflower rice = fantastic!
    3. Visit the mythical land of Gym - no
    4. Read - just for fun, not work - :smile: now I have to learn how to put this book down...
    5. Begin writing tasks for web content - :frowning: neglected to prioritize and let other work creep in
    6. Practice vulnerability by posting on MFP - :smile: NSV

    JFT 10/25/17:
    1. Log food, stay within macros
    2. visit MLOG - woo hoo! already done.
    3. Finish correspondence
    4. seriously, I gotta write web content today
    5. Practice vulnerability when engaging with my stepson

    ~ good vibes ~ all! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Oh my goodness! I am so far behind!

    Just hopping on to say that I interviewed for the other job on Monday. I was home sick from work so wasn't at my best but I did the best I could with how I felt. I heard that a few of my references received emailed forms requesting information so I think that is a good sign. One of the things I really liked was how they said the hours were 8:00-4:30 but because it is salary, sometimes we have to flex the hours and come in a little early or stay a little late but then we take back time another day. They asked me if I had a problem with that. OMG. I work 65 hours a week right now. I wanted to ask me where I sign up! :smile: The job sounds really challenging and interesting, and as much as I don't want to leave an organization I am so proud to be a part of, I think this would be a really great opportunity.

    I'll post goals tomorrow. I'll read and catch up with you all tonight! xoxox Hugs.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    2. visit MLOG - woo hoo! already done.

    ~ good vibes ~ all! Thanks for the encouragement.

    I so love your description of MLOG lol. Congrats on going. :smiley:
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    For tomorrow:
    1. Log all food
    2. Make soup in crockpot so there is something reasonable to eat over weekend
    3. Control myself at dinner meeting tomorrow night- just eat dinner and avoid too many appetizers. Eat a small portion of dessert
    4. Minimum 40 ounces of water
    5. Check weight in the morning. I have been avoiding since I have been having so much difficulty with diet.