October 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Starting to look at getting a coach for training for my next race, but with where I am, it would be online, so I'm not so sure about shelling out the $$$ for it, even though a structured and supported training cycle would probably be a good idea, since I half assed my 100k training.

    My husband has only been running for about a year and signed up with Runner's Connect a few months ago and they've already helped him PR in the 5K (21 mins) and 10K (43 mins). He loves not having to think about what to do. He just tells them his goal race (and mini-goal races if applicable), weekly mileage comfort, how many days he wants to run, and they give him a plan. He says they push him to do easier (they made him run at least a min slower than he normally did on most runs) and harder workouts than he would on his own. The coaches seem active (it's kind of a social media site similar to this), though he's not a very challenging client. He does whatever they put in his program. The only downside I've seen is that the workouts won't send directly to Garmin; their download file doesn't work. I have to input them all manually for him, which is annoying.

    I would love a coach, but I know a couple things...

    1) They will give me workouts I have to actually think about while running.
    2) They will cost too much and would not be able to afford races anymore
    3) Did I mention they would want me to think about my work out instead of zone into my audiobooks?

    But I really probably need a coach (or at least a solid plan) to break through my level.

    Ha, I think it is the opposite for him. He said he spends no time thinking about what to do now. He just has to be a machine and do it. He listens to audiobooks and podcasts with no trouble. It does cost about $40/month though.

    What kinds of workouts do they give him? Intervals? Track work? Something else?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom Is that the Spooktacular 5K you're doing? Have fun! I'll be doing my last long run before my race. Rain? Yuck!

    @garygse , @fitoverfortymom , @ctlaws44 , and @cameronheel -- are we all Scorpios? What a great group we are! Any others?

    Interesting read regarding birth month...

    "...A British study where 8,000 kids were measured at the same absolute age found that a kid born in November can typically “run at least 10 percent faster, jump 12 percent higher and is 15 percent more powerful than a child of exactly the same age born in April.”..."

    Unfortunately, I'm April. :neutral:

    Yuck. Me too. :(
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    10/01 - Rest
    10/02 - 10 miles Z2
    10/03 - 9 miles easy Z2 in the heat
    10/04 - Strength + 7 miles Z3/4
    10/05 - Strength + 6 miles Z2 in the rain
    10/06 - 11 Miles Z2
    10/07 - 16 Miles Z2
    10/08 - Rest
    10/09 - 9 Miles Z2
    10/10 - 10.5 miles Z2
    10/11 - Strength + 6.25 miles Z2
    10/12 - Strength + 7 Miles
    10/13 - 7 Miles
    10/14 - Stop Drop and Run Race - 4.5 mile
    10/15 - 11 miles
    10/16 - Rest
    10/17 - 7 Miles Easy
    10/18 - Strength + 7 miles
    10/19 - Strength + 8 miles
    10/20 - 7 Miles
    10/21 - Rest ( Funeral)
    10/22 - Rest (Stuck doing non-running things)
    10/23 - 9 Miles
    10/24 - 11 Miles
    10/25 - 7 Cold Miles

    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    Thanksgiving morning - Turkey Trot - Double Gobbler! (5K + 5 miles)
    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.
    05/12/18 - Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Ultra (or maybe 30K Still debating)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Sooooooo first run with Mr. 935 was today. First thing I noticed was how much lighter it is than my AppleWatch. Not that the AppleWatch is heavy, you can easily forget you are wearing it, just that it is heavy in comparison to the Garmin. The Garmin's screen is much dimmer too. If I ever get a sunny day again, I am concerned about being able to read it. But today it was cold and rainy. My big problem with reading it was all the water on the screen.

    I did as you saw up thread install the Star Trek watch face, cause I am totally a mature adult. :tongue:

    I also installed Race Screen, also mentioned up thread. Having looked at the default running faces, and comparing, there is no contest. Far better than anything the watch came with.

    So... took it out for a run. I was not ready to trust it, so I started the Garmin, then started RunKeeper on my phone, and started running. While running I kept wondering why the Garmin had me traveling faster and farther than RunKeeper, but I let it go and planned to check the maps when I got home. Well after the run, it auto sync'd over to Strava and I got a bunch of PRs. Best 10k, best mile, and so on. I thought that was odd since RunKeeper said it was my 19th fastest run.

    Well, someone over on Strava (sorry forget who) commented on it and said: "It looks like you started running before you had a GPS lock." I do not know how they could tell, but they were correct - because I am not used to waiting for a lock at all. Both my iPhone and AppleWatch take only a second or 2 to get GPS (because they already know where I am via WiFi and cell towers). Turns out the Garmin needs like 30 seconds at least to get a lock. That will take a lot of getting used to. I am used to just opening the app (on phone or watch), and by the time I can click "start run" the GPS is already locked.

    So, deleted the run from Starva and uploaded my RunKeeper run. Will try again next run - and I have to dig out the manual on how to turn on voice prompts over my BT headset. And I need to look up the "modes" for tracking. I know it has 3 or 4 modes, but I do not know what they are yet or the pros/cons of each.

    On the positive side though it came with 82% battery, and I only plugged it in long enough to download the updates and set up the Wi-Fi on it and now it is at 80% even after an hour in "Run" mode. Some killer cool battery life.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    I don't know about all marathon runners birthday edge, but I know the hottest runners were born in August...just sayin'

    Hottest. August. I see what you did there. ☺
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited October 2017
    Starting to look at getting a coach for training for my next race, but with where I am, it would be online, so I'm not so sure about shelling out the $$$ for it, even though a structured and supported training cycle would probably be a good idea, since I half assed my 100k training.

    My husband has only been running for about a year and signed up with Runner's Connect a few months ago and they've already helped him PR in the 5K (21 mins) and 10K (43 mins). He loves not having to think about what to do. He just tells them his goal race (and mini-goal races if applicable), weekly mileage comfort, how many days he wants to run, and they give him a plan. He says they push him to do easier (they made him run at least a min slower than he normally did on most runs) and harder workouts than he would on his own. The coaches seem active (it's kind of a social media site similar to this), though he's not a very challenging client. He does whatever they put in his program. The only downside I've seen is that the workouts won't send directly to Garmin; their download file doesn't work. I have to input them all manually for him, which is annoying.

    I would love a coach, but I know a couple things...

    1) They will give me workouts I have to actually think about while running.
    2) They will cost too much and would not be able to afford races anymore
    3) Did I mention they would want me to think about my work out instead of zone into my audiobooks?

    But I really probably need a coach (or at least a solid plan) to break through my level.

    Ha, I think it is the opposite for him. He said he spends no time thinking about what to do now. He just has to be a machine and do it. He listens to audiobooks and podcasts with no trouble. It does cost about $40/month though.

    What kinds of workouts do they give him? Intervals? Track work? Something else?

    They give easy runs, track work, intervals, cut downs, progressives, tempo, and long runs. They also give recommended strength workouts most days, but he does his own. He runs 6 days a week. They have phases where he has more or less speed work. His main goal is to improve his half time next June, but his mini goal is a 5k next month, so he is currently in a pretty intense 5K phase. He had a 22km long run last Sunday. Tues are hard track days about 12-14k, Thurs are tempo days about 10-14k, and Mon, Wed, Fri are usually easy runs between 6 and 12k. He likes their plan but grumbles a bit. He has been pretty impressed with his results as he wasn’t getting faster on his own.

    Oh, and I am pretty sure your Garmin will get the GPS faster in future. It likely just had to acquire the first time. Mine only takes a couple of seconds.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @ACJones82 Ah, that explains the quote!

    @fitoverfortymom Hope your calf heals up soon.

    @zdyb23456 I can't even begin to think how tough deployments must be, but as others have said, thank you for your family's service.

    @PastorVincent Congrats on your new toy! Regarding the screen, like all modern Garmins, it has a transflective display which means in poor light conditions it will appear a lot dimmer, but the brighter the ambient light gets, the easier it is to see...you'll truly appreciate it in direct sunlight. As for the GPS, the initial signal lock may take a while (as long as 30 seconds), but it should acquire a lock in just a few seconds on subsequent runs just like your Apple watch and phone. Running before acquiring the lock simply delays its ability to lock on to a signal though.

    @amymoreorless Good luck with your half this Saturday. HMs are fun; just enough distance to be able to challenge yourself without killing yourself in the process. :)

    @7lenny7 It's great that you run with your son. My youngest always wants to run with me, but at six years old, his distance is limited, so he gets to be my warm-up lap around the neighborhood. Hopefully his interest will still stick when he's older.

    @WandaVaughn Another Scorpio...woohoo!!!

    @Toni1071 Congrats on hitting your goal!

    Yesterday's run was the longest since my race, and so tonight's run was a lot shorter. It feels nice to be slowly working up the distance again. My running group actually texted me to see if I was ok (I haven't been running with them due to the low mileage recovery runs); they're so thoughtful! I sent a reply back saying that all was good and I'll be back to running with them next week.

    02 - 5.26
    03 - 4.06
    04 - 4.07
    06 - 2.80
    07 - 2.01
    08 - 26.21
    11 - 2.06
    14 - 6.89
    17 - 4.07
    19 - 5.56
    21 - 5.59
    22 - 4.05
    23 - 4.08
    24 - 7.05
    25 - 4.07

    Total: 83.83 / 100 miles
  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    edited October 2017
    October 24th - off
    October 25th - 4.13 miles

    October total 64.07/75 miles

    4 mile regular loop, nothing exciting. It was 41 degrees out. I wore pants. :|

  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Interesting read regarding birth month...

    "...A British study where 8,000 kids were measured at the same absolute age found that a kid born in November can typically “run at least 10 percent faster, jump 12 percent higher and is 15 percent more powerful than a child of exactly the same age born in April.”..."

    That explains my super-fast 8 year old son (he turns 9 in the middle of November)!
  • dominiquehomza
    dominiquehomza Posts: 12 Member
    I’ll shoot for 50 km!
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Oct. 25 - 2km
    Wasnt really feeling it yesterday, had some things to do after work and only managed walking to my parents place and back.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    hjeppley wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Interesting read regarding birth month...

    "...A British study where 8,000 kids were measured at the same absolute age found that a kid born in November can typically “run at least 10 percent faster, jump 12 percent higher and is 15 percent more powerful than a child of exactly the same age born in April.”..."

    That explains my super-fast 8 year old son (he turns 9 in the middle of November)!

    I think I'll use "November" to explain all those kids in elementary school that kicked my but on track and field day! I always wondered why they were so fast.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    hjeppley wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Interesting read regarding birth month...

    "...A British study where 8,000 kids were measured at the same absolute age found that a kid born in November can typically “run at least 10 percent faster, jump 12 percent higher and is 15 percent more powerful than a child of exactly the same age born in April.”..."

    That explains my super-fast 8 year old son (he turns 9 in the middle of November)!

    I think I'll use "November" to explain all those kids in elementary school that kicked my but on track and field day! I always wondered why they were so fast.

    And everyone in front of my poor April bottom in every race :smiley:
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Another November born athlete here. $ miles with 3 1/2 mile intervals all on treadmill. 1/2 mile interval at 7:07 minute pace and recovery at 10 minute pace.

  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in for 40 miles in 16 runs.
    2 OCT 2.59 mi
    5 OCT 2.82 mi 5.41 mi total
    7 OCT 3.2 mi 8.61 mi total
    9 OCT 2.84 mi 11.45 mi total
    11 OCT 3.21 mi 14.66 mi total
    14 OCT 2.83 mi 17.49 mi total
    17 OCT 4.24 mi 21.73 mi total
    19 OCT 2.83 mi 24.56 mi total
    21 OCT 3.19 mi 27.75 mi total
    25 OCT 3.98 mi 31.73 mi total
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @7lenny7 - That sounds like a magical run. I have to say, I was a little apprehensive about my middle of the night leg of the Bourbon Chase, but it ended up being my favorite one. Not quite as hard core terrain as your run, but it was along a twisty and hilly back country dirt road at 3AM. The moon and stars were bright and the surrounding woods were totally alive. Of course, I wasn't entirely alone out there. I did pass seven other runners and one passed me, but for the most part it was solitude. I did not see another person for the first mile and a half,and that was through the low lying foggy area. It was spooky and peaceful and invigorating all at once. It makes me want to get up and drive to remote roads at 3AM every night.