

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Phoebe, good eating . \
    I had a good day too. 2 homemade waffle with sugar free syrup. and light butter spread.
    For lunch bowl of mexican soup. salad and 7 triscut low fat.
    For supper--broiled salmon. 2 servings of green bean and cold slaw.
    snack---Yogurt Just finish up my calorie chart and i didn't quite make 1300.

    Yes I got one bag in and Jerry got the other one. We should have red onions and white ones.

    Now it is time dto get ready for bed.

    Good night all----Marie
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Thanks for the support, everyone!

    Jeffery - way to go! It's amazing what happens to your body when you lose a few pounds! :drinker:
    Let me know if you find any thing - these days it's all about networking and who you know!

    Phoebe - I hope what you heard is true. Unfortunately, every company wants you to have experience in their field but no one wants to train you. But thanks for reminding me about Honeywell - I have a friend that did a co-op there so maybe he still knows people there!

    Marie - hope your onions turn out!

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone!

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! Had a good work out last night and feel real good. Looks like a pretty quiet weekend with the exception of going to the pagent. You all take care and enjoy the day!

    Shar- I will get digging.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi gang,,,

    Jeffrey i will keep my fingers cross for your daughter. Is this final pick? Any way the best of luck.

    Phoebe lets have another good day of eating good. I started off with fat free cottage cheese and canned peaches. Pretty good. will have my left over soup for lunch with a salad---- snack, . yogurt at 3:00pm for supper will have left over salmon and greeie beanies. and cole slaw. I don't mind eating the same thing a few days.

    Shar--- good luck on you job hunting. I wish i could help you but don't know anybody that could help. So many people are being laid off now days. Don;t know how they are surviing. anyway the best of luck. You may have to relocate but it is about the same everywhere.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good Morning.......I hope you all are wearing RED it is National Wear Red for Women I am sure you know that :heart: heart disease is the number one killer of women....

    I am still chest is still very congested...but since I have no fever and everything is clear I am not going to go to the doctor...there is nothing they can do since I do not seem to have an infection and I would be told to use my inhalers drink plenty of fluids :drinker: and rest...and I am already doing that...Since I have COPD I am watching it and will go to the doctor at the first sign of infection...

    It is raining here today which is real nice....the farmers need it so much....

    I hope you all are having a good Friday and that your weekend will be wonderful...:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning bigmmoma

    sorry to hear you have been sick. glad you are feeling a little better now. Missed not seeing you around here, You are lucky in getting some rain. We need it very bad here.
    Be seeing you.----Marie
  • jeffrey71
    Calie- Yes this is the final part. I have no idea what to expect on this one. I do know that she will have a bit of a disadvantage because she is not a "local" to Indianapolis, but she did get a special invitation to compete. She really is gearing for a couple of pagents later on this spring and summer. We shall see! Thank you for your thoughts!

    Biggmomma- Very nice to hear from you again! Get better! :)

    Take it easy everyone!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi all, late start on the pc today, been getting laundry done. Jim is gone to the funeral of a friend, he and another friend are driving Peterbilt trucks in the procession, as requested by the family.

    Shar, hope you get back to work fast, don't know why they won't train you, my goodness, that way, they get you doing it their way in no time!

    Bigramma, hope you are careful about not going to the doctor, I had no fever, but sinus infection that went to chest congestion/cough.. had to get antibiotics to get better.
    Which by the way, I am, much improved.

    Jeffrey - how exciting for your daughter, oh to be so young again!! Ha.. not really, nothing says I would be any smarter!

    Marie, I think Lafla will be here soon!! I had a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast, kashi go lean, coz it has fiber and protein, however, my sugar dropped down to about 55 in no time..
    Had to stop and eat an early lunch, not really hungry, but that doesn't matter when it is hypoglycemia.
    I don't know why some days it does that, and others it is fine to eat cereal.

    take care all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe----When I eat cold cereal my blood sugar goes up. I have to cut it sown to about 1/2 cup and 1/2 cup ff milk. I am eating my left overs today. I was at Kroger today and they had big bags of salmon without the skin and no bones. So I will be eating it quite often now. They had tapila ( wish they had soellcheck here) and cod fish too. Will get some of It next. I also like there greener grean beans so I got a couple cans of them.I have been eating them for years.

    Don;t know about this peanut butter deal. They are saying in the jar it is safe. Jerry eats a lot of the crackers and Peanut butter. I don;t think he bought any this time. He is getting our little garden spot ready.

    Hope the rest ofy ou guys are having a wonderful day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all

    Hope everyone had a nice breakfast and ready for a great day.

    I had a half serving of old fahioned oatmeal 1 t. of olive oil in oatmeal and half of an tara tara orange. i found at the grocer store yesterday. They had a real dark flesh and very sweet. and a glass of milk. of course my coffee.

    For lunch ---Haven't decided yet. Don't have any left overs

    For supper undecided yet too

    But so have to go baack and add the olive oil to my food chart, I forgot it untill now.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    THANK YOU.....:heart: It is beautiful....You have so much talent.....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You are welcome. It was a pleaure making them. Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    THANK YOU.....:heart: It is beautiful....You have so much talent.....:flowerforyou:

    Ditto!! I got it today.. so pretty!!
    thanks so much!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi everyone, late getting on here today.. I have been cleaning out old magazines and such.. got a lot accomplished, a big bag to take to the employee lounge at work. A sack of garbage too, and found some books I'd tucked away.

    We had spaghetti for dinner, mixed a small jar of prego with a can of diced seasoned tomatoes, and crumbled several strips of cooked bacon in it.. added to Barilla Plus angel hair pasta.. mmmm
    I like it better than cooking ground beef.

    I'm going to have a yogurt and maybe a tangerine before bed.. even though it is passed bedtime already!! Whew, I didn't realize til I just looked at the clock..

    It was a nice day here, tomorrow is supposed to be another one. We leave Monday morning.

    take care, til tomorrow...
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    First Congratulations to all of you in your sucess. I am soon to be 65 and I am over weight. I was not always overweight but in the past ten years I have been a yo yo. Everytime I would go on a diet I would loose 20 pounds and then go off the diet and gain back the 20 and a few more to go with it. Anyway now I just want to be healthy. I wear a size 18 pants and am not so much hung up on size as I am on not being able to bend over or climb stairs without running out of breath. I lost 15 pounds last year on this site from Jan to March. I have just now gained all of that back. So I am back. This time seeking support from people around my age. Hope that I can report a good loss next week. Thanks for sending me the link to this thread.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi lorelai, Welcom to the tread. We all have Weight to lose here and we try to help one and another.
    What part of the country are you from? We have a great bunch here.

    Phoebe---hi, your supper sounds good. I end up with a Lean Cusine dinner.. I did stay in my calories and and my sodium Didn't want to cook and clean up the mess. I cook me a green pepper in the turbo cooker it was real good . I had it for anack. Alice has lost 11 lbs now. She has out of town guest for the week now so we shall see how she makes it thru this. Glad you guys got your cards that imade. I never got Jeffrey address so I guess he does not get one. I am working on all ocassions cards now. It fill my time up.

    For my breakfast I am having fiber one waffles with sugar free syrup and low fat margerine.
    This will be my regular Sunday breakfast if it work out. and I don't over do it. Got the crock pot going with a roast and I think my veggies will be brocolli today.

    Have a great Day-Marie.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Loralai, what a pretty name.
    welcome, and we hope you will stay with us.
    I know the feeling of being short of breath, trouble climbing stairs, etc.. funny thing is, it seems to come and go. Some times it is much harder to climb stairs, and sometimes even gentle grades make me huff and puff.
    Right now, I'm ok on both, as long as I do not exert myself too fast.
    My aunt is an early riser, she goes straight to the exercise room and does her treadmill.. I hate treadmills, I couldn't last five minutes on one.. she goes about 45 minutes. She is 71. She is not skinny though, but she is relatively fit for her age, she moves well, even though she gets very winded on stairs, and quickly. I guess there are many degrees of fitness, and maybe it is the overall big picture that is most important.. such as a good report from your annual physical.
    Please don't beat yourself up for gaining and losing, I think we all are at that stage, or have been.
    Anyway, that's my 50 cents worh!

    Marie, I really like kashi waffles, I think about having one, then I forget, but that is ok, coz they are there in the freezer when I want one. I like them for dinner!
    I had yogurt last night, well, half a yogurt, the cats got the rest.:happy: It is the kind with fiber, and it satifies my nighttime craving for a sweet treat or snack before bed.
    today, ugh, I am working on taxes.. although it is supposed to be up to 68 here.. I hope to get out this afternoon to walk if I don't let the time slip away.. waiting til it is the warmest, about 3pm
    take care everyone!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I'm going to shut down the pc for the week, tired of being up here, back hurting, waaa waaa waaa!!
    sick of working on taxes is most of it.. hate doing the get it together part.. every year I say, I am going to manage things better then I just let it go.. maybe I'll do better this time.. remember what needs to be sorted/details, and what is just saved for 'proof' etc.

    had leftover spaghetti, which I love, now I don't need any dinner.. so close to dinner that I won't be hungry.. hey. waffle night!!

    ok enough jabber,
    Marie, is Mo in South Africa or Australia? I saw the fires on the news in Australia.

    have a wonderful week everyone, hope you have some beautiful weather, like we are having!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe,, Mo lives in So. Africa. Haven't seen any news today. Jerry has had his nose stuvck in movies all day. there is a TV in here but I kind of like the quite and peace in here. I do turn my cd on and listen to some music. and work on my embroifery. Nice warm day outside.

    Lorelai, How are you doing today? I see you are from Me. From some pictures i have seen that is sure pretty country up there, bsut too cold for me.

    Bigramma---Good to see you around here again. Missed you

    Pat----Missed you too.

    Shar--- Hope you have luck in your Job search. Do you have any help getting thru this?

    Jeffrey----been waiting to hear the outcome of your daughter pagent.

    Caralyn----been missing you too.

  • ellie143
    ellie143 Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry folks, I have been under the weather for a while. Had some test made for gallbladder but seems like I have a problem with high fat and stomach acid and am on medication, been on a strict low fat diet and now I am better. I am glad to be back.