
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    I forgot! I am the "baby" here 55! LOL LOL LOL

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey what's up

    Hey what's for breakfast?

    Hey what's for lunch?

    Hey what's for dinner?

    I am nosey this morning/

    Hey Jeffrey what exercise today for us seniors?

    Have a fun day all
    What a great bunch of seniors
  • I hope you are including yourself in that great bunch of seniors. You are one of the best!! I miss Ms. Gayla, don't you?
    what to eat, eh? well, for sure, there will be an egg in my breakfast. I don't cook much for breakfast when we are home.. so a ham and egg croissant maybe.. or just eggs. and of course, a quart of coffee!! I drink less of it at home too, but not much less.
    I'm going to shut down the pc in a few and we will go to get our load after breakfast. It is another pretty day here, already 69.
    Here's hoping all of you who must get out today will be very careful.. so many slippery places, even if it isn't cold in your area.
    take care, have a great Thursday,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey what's up

    Hey what's for breakfast?---Oatmeal and coffee

    Hey what's for lunch?--bean soup

    Hey what's for dinner? hamburger patty wfith grilled onions and mixed veggies

    I am nosey this morning/- I am

    Hey Jeffrey what exercise today for us seniors?---waiting for instructions

    Have a fun day all
    What a great bunch of seniors
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Phoebe I do miss Gayla---She said she wuill come join us when she gets in a diet mood.

    It is cold here today but the wind is not blowing and that helps a whole lot.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Have a safe trip coming home Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING... Breakfast was 1 cup of Cheerios 100 calories...a 100 calorie pack of Craisins and two cups of coffee :drinker: ....Not sure what the other meals will be.....

    Hope all are having a terrific Thursday.....I have no plans for today....
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    I would recommend stretching and balance moves today. Try standing on one leg and balancing there for as long as you can. A very good goal would be 20 seconds, then do the other leg.

    Ankle: Use a chair for support. Stand on one leg, support yourself with the chair if you need too. Rotate the elevated ankle in a clockwise rotation 6 times then reverse the rotation. Be sure to "point" the toes while you are doing this.

    Calves: Stand up straight. Raise up on your tip toes repeat until you "feel" it. Support yourself if you need too. Do this with your feet about 9" apart and parallel. Later do it with you ankles turned out and then with you ankles turned in.

    And do some arm crosses. Good for the shoulders. Swing your arms across the front of your body. Right over left then left over right. Do for 45 seconds.

    Then do "swimmers: Rotate the right arm in a big circle forward from the shoulder like you are swimming and then do the left. Do these forward and back.

    I really like the balance stuff for the legs. Good real life stuff!

    Have a great day everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Jeffrey. I could really feel those old bones. They said hey what are you doing?????????
    Sammy and Calie strect ed all the time. I guess animals they knows what good for them.

    I'm embroiderying some lace this morning and as the machine is behaving itself I can do my exercise . I'm making yellow lace today. I will repeaat those moves thruout the day. Thanks coach
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I just added my ticker to my signature. I'm only down 3 lbs. in almost 2 weeks' that slow or what?? I try hard to not get discouraged but some days are harder than others. "Chatting" with all of you is definitely a "plus". Have a great day everyone and stay warm.....

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I just added my ticker to my signature. I'm only down 3 lbs. in almost 2 weeks' that slow or what?? I try hard to not get discouraged but some days are harder than others. "Chatting" with all of you is definitely a "plus". Have a great day everyone and stay warm.....


    Hello, You are doing just fine. 1 to 2 lbs a week is all they want you to lose. I would take a lb. a week anytime. Keep up the good work. And have a happy day:bigsmile:

  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good Morning everybody, 1 to 2 pounds a week is really good. It adds up quicker then you think. Keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning everybody, 1 to 2 pounds a week is really good. It adds up quicker then you think. Keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for droping in. It look like you have lost will good. Tell us your story . Looking fforward to you coming back. Have a wonderful day. auntkaren I bet you are a wonderful aunt.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi All!

    Here is the weather report. -11 right now wind chill is -27. It is so cold that I seen a fire hydrant looking for a dog!

  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone, Will I need some ideas on what to eat before I go walk. I will walk for an hour in the morning and it will be about 5:30 AM. I don't want to cook cause that will take to long but I need something that will help keep my blood sugar from dropping. Maybe some peanut butter and toast? :frown:

  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hi All!

    Here is the weather report. -11 right now wind chill is -27. It is so cold that I seen a fire hydrant looking for a dog!


    Jeffrey, cute!! :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Now dhat is cold. Too cold for me. we are supose to get down to 23 tonight and that is cold too.I hasve been drinking hot coffee all day to keep my blood warm. Take care out in this weather. Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    OK! Here you go! It is 19 below zero here right now! The wind chill is about 40 below. I want some global warming!

    Have a great day everyone! Stretch and balance again today. Stay loose!

  • ellie143
    ellie143 Posts: 20 Member
    :embarassed: So sorry I got lost for awhile but I am back:bigsmile:
    I have been concentrating on my DH and his bloodsugar and that monkey has turned around lost enough weight in a couple of weeks to lower his blood sugar below 100 and I am still struggleing. However I notice I have lost 3 pounds so at a pound a week and that ain't bad! My DH does not want his picture on here so "I cropped him out" I am catching up on all the topics I have missed the last 2 weeks and will be here again evry day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ellie so glad you are back. I have been worried about you. congrats on your 3 lb lost. Glad your dh got his blood sugar under control.. that is a hard thing to keep in control. You really have to watcg it.

    how is the weather there? It is quite chilly here but nothing like what Jeffrey is going thru.
    Welcome back.---Marie

    Jeffrey---Will repeat those exercise and do one of my chair exercise today. Thanks And by the way keep warm.

    And to everyone else have a happy day and stay warm.---Marie
  • ellie143
    ellie143 Posts: 20 Member
    We had a little cold weather last November and than it warmed up big time for us in the 60's and 70's but like everyone else we are gettin a blast of winter right now. It will be in the 30's today and the teens tonight. One thing know here it will warm up so it is not a big deal. We will bundle up and take an hour walk today. Have to get that in.:flowerforyou:
