
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING......Sunny California has not been very fact it has been many days since the sun has shone...we have been in the fog....The sky is very gray this morning..but the weather people said the sun might break through sometime today...

    Well I am off to eat my breakfast.....1 cup of Multi-Grain Cheerios and a 100 calorie pack of Craisins...and my coffee:drinker:

    Have a great Friday.......TGIF :flowerforyou:
  • grams
    grams Posts: 3
    Hi, I am a 70 year old female who suddenly gained 5 more pounds. I am very concerned about my weight do to my family history. I would like to know how you chart the chair exercise as my log does not accept the information. I do walk and do all the chair exercises daily, I just started again, three days ago( had been sick for a couple of weeks) and I find that if I can't log my diet and exercises I loose interest . I do follow a low fat and low sugar diet.

    I live alone and I take care of my home, yard,and snow shoveling-- when needed. I do all my own chores including any painting or car washing and etc. But is this enough?

    My regament today was breakfast of 1cup of Cheerios with1/2 cup Fat Free milk. Lunch was a turkey sandwich on white with one tablespoon of mayo and a large leaf of lettuce. I have my dinner planned,being Talapia with a baked potatoe and boiled carrotts. Now snack time is my biggest problem, I always fell hungry around seven o'clock in the evening, how do you all deal with this? I usally crochet in the evening because I have to keep busy.

    Thanks for listing, I needed that.

    widow ole me
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Still no sun.........My lunch was very good and very filling......It was a can....yes the whole can.....of Campbells Select Harvest "lite" vegetable and pasta.....I added about a cup of raw baby spinach when it was heated......

    I have walked 15 minutes on the ET so far...will do more in about an hour.....:flowerforyou:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Biggramma!

    I am impressed that exercise everyday multiple times! Sorry about the no sun, at least you are not getting the 10" of snow that we are getting here! Anyway, keep up the good efforts, results will come!

    Have a great Friday!

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Thank you Jeffery....I really am not trying to lose more....I have lost over 50 pounds these past 2 years.....I just had to put a number down when I joined and my doctor wants me at that is what I put....You are doing well with your weight loss....
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi, I am a 70 year old female who suddenly gained 5 more pounds. I am very concerned about my weight do to my family history. I would like to know how you chart the chair exercise as my log does not accept the information. I do walk and do all the chair exercises daily, I just started again, three days ago( had been sick for a couple of weeks) and I find that if I can't log my diet and exercises I loose interest . I do follow a low fat and low sugar diet.

    I live alone and I take care of my home, yard,and snow shoveling-- when needed. I do all my own chores including any painting or car washing and etc. But is this enough?

    My regament today was breakfast of 1cup of Cheerios with1/2 cup Fat Free milk. Lunch was a turkey sandwich on white with one tablespoon of mayo and a large leaf of lettuce. I have my dinner planned,being Talapia with a baked potatoe and boiled carrotts. Now snack time is my biggest problem, I always fell hungry around seven o'clock in the evening, how do you all deal with this? I usally crochet in the evening because I have to keep busy.

    Thanks for listing, I needed that.

    widow ole me

    Hi Norma!

    It is always tough to know what or how much is enough with exercise and food intake. Keep doing what you are doing and try to increase the intensity of the exercise as best you can.

    For snacks, try celery with a little bit of peanut butter. I like to have an apple before my meals to help me get to that full feeling and to take the edge off. Here is one that a lot of folks over look. Eat SLOOOOOOOW! It takes about 15 minutes for the hypothalmus to inform the brain that the stomach is getting filled. Fast eaters blow right by the bodys measuring system. Raw broccolli is also good. Talk to you soon! Good luck!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Norman, welcome to our little group. I have sort of took the day off and work on some Thank you notes that I am just learning to make.. I made a few Christmas Cards . And will start on Valintine or spring cards. After I get a few Thank you knotes done. If anyone woulkd like to recived one of my cards send me your address. I used my emboidery machine I have lots of imrovement to make. But I am learning.

    Hope you enjoy it here. on this site. Do used the the calorie chart for that is what is really helping me. I have never counted calories before but with the calorie chart it is so easy. And it pays off.

    Hi Jeffrey---Don't get snow in. up there.. Hey you got me drinking more milk. I used the dry powder milk for I like to measure out what would make a cup and used it in my coffee in the morning and usally have enough left for a cup mid morning. At night I make a hot latte befor bedtime and it sure give me a good night sleep.
    I got my walk in and done some of that dvd Phoebe sent me. It will take awhile to get thru all of it..

    Pat---How are you doing? Seen you post earlier this morning. So glad you are enjoying this site. I am too. Such nice people we got here. .

    Biggramma--- a beatiful day here. Have had my front door open and seeing all my neigbors com and go. I am having a hamburger steak wirth onions and oven bake potatoes. for tonight. My faverite meal.

    Have a good night all_____________Marie

    Welcome Normal.. If you need any help one of us might can help you.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Just finished my workout. It was Kempo Karate tonight. It is a lot of fun and great cardio workout. We got a little snow with more coming, so I will be up early in the morning shoveling! Not too much else to report. Wife and I did the Walmart run and such. Just a normal night in rural Indiana! You all have a great evening and wonderful day tomorrow! I will check in sometime tomorrow.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Thanks for the complement. It has been a struggle and I have learned a lot. I still want to lose about 15-20 more pounds or get my body fat percentage down to 10% or less if I can. I think that I am at about 14-15% now. I am really in the tough part now but I gained on it this week. I will hit the scales in a few days. It is hard now to lose weight because my workout regiment is geared to building muscle now. How are things in Calif? I have been to San Francisco before and San Diego. I really liked both cities.

    Take care everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jan. 10.2009

    Good morning MFP buddies,

    Haven' t got a thing planned today except work on some valintines cards. Gonna embrooidery some hearts today. To put on them. Got my Thank you cards in the mail for my cyber friends. They turn out sort of cute

    Jeffery-- good morning. I usally have a Tv dinner for supper. I had a Lean Cusine Meatballs and noodles last night A hot Latte and a Nutty butter for a bedtime snack. Love those nutty Butter.

    Pat---Its a little chilly here this morning but not real cold. Hope to get some walking in. and some chair exercise. I may shake things up some and get rRchard Simmons Dancing to the Oldies.

    Bigmamma----I ave been trying to get pictures on here But when I copy the img it just paste in an old copy and paste it in. Maybe one of these day. Going to have to get Phoebe to help us. she is pretty good at things like that.

    Phoebe are you gone yet? If so have a safe one. Be looking for your returned. You had a long Holiday, glad you got to stay home and get some rest.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:

    Normal---Good morning to you. Come and shine with us.

    Ellie,,,You have been MIA, But I still think of you and you husband wondering how you are doing.

    Be checking in again later.----Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Morning Calie!

    I came into the office this morning to work for a while. I have some errards to do later on so kind of a slow day and that is fine with me. Nothing really scheduled except a trip to Sam's Club later on. Today is my rest day for exercise but I think that I will do some cardio later on. How is your needle work doing? Sounds like you are staying busy! I am starting to plan my garden for this spring and planning my flowers. My wife and I really like to do outside work together. We are talking about trying to schedule a trip to Atlanta to see our daughter if money allows. Our other daughter is competing in another beauty pagent in Feb. She was first runner up in Miss Indiana State this year. We are very proud of her.

    Everyone have a good morning!

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good Morning....What a beautiful sight I woke up to this morning...the sun was shining and the rooftops are covered in was 32 degrees....I love it...I was so tired of the grey weather....

    This weather will be nicer for the Extreme Makeover team that is tearing down a house in my town today....They start building tomorrow....The show will air in March...I will post here when that happens...

    I hope everyone is having a super Saturday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Jeffey and Biggramma See that you too are in a good mood today. Me too.

    Biggramma---I didn't know it got that cold in Calif. and frost too. Keep us in touch with the show. It is one of my faverite show.

    Jeffrey----Do you plant any veggies. We plant some tomatoes, squash.onions, And I have some new seeds. Jerry does all the work and i enjoy the veggies. Oh yes the cucumbers love them. We don't have much space but we plant what we can.

    See you later.----Marie
  • Hi from the late one! We have been hanging new curtains, moving stuff around, putting new lamps in place, moving stuff again, and on and on.. I couldn't make up my mind about where to put a small table, kept moving it.. that counts for a workout, I'm sure.
    Hi Norma, you are very active already, congratulations for that and for taking care of yourself. I don't know how you would log the seated exercise, I suppose you could just decide what it compares to that is available as a choice, and pick the closest match.
    We eat about 7pm here, so if I go to bed at a decent hour, I don't get hungry again. I know that wouldn't work for everyone though. I have read several posts about green tea.. if you like it, you could enjoy a cup when you begin to feel hungry..try flavoring it, squeeze a little lemon, lime or orange juice into the cup, or sprinkle a bit of cinnamon in the cup. I don't know if you can find decaffienated, but I know they used to make it, since you would be drinking it kind of late at night.
    Jeffrey, did you get that snow.. I would not want to get out on the roads in that!!
    Marie, Bigramma,Pat, Ellie, hope you are all doing well.. we leave Monday morning, will be gone about a week I guess.. take care all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am really up late tonight., I sign up with Love yourself challenge to lose 4 lbs. by Valentine's Day. But Didn't realize it was just around the corner. I will be doing good if I lose 2 lbs. I will have to change that. Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Goof morning, All is well here. I work all day on making cards yesterday. It sure Keeps me busy. and I enjoy it.

    Jeffrey ----I forgot about your daughter being in the beauty pagent. What an honer. You must be really proud of her. Keep us informed. And good luck.

    Pat--- good morning to you. Have a wonderful day. How did you Friday Dinner turn out. Did you go out to eat or did you cooked at home.?

    Bigramma----Sunny Calif. at last...The sun just make you feel so much better.

    Phoebe---- You kept Jim busy while you guys was home. We need to do a make over on our old house. I think I will start in the family room and get new carpets, New curtains and hopefully can talk Jerry in a new paint job.

    Hi Ellie.

    Hello Normal

    everybody have a great day.
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Good morning to everyone. Hope you all are having a nice morning and the rest of the day. I got up late this morning. Toby woke me up early, he had to go outside and then we both went back to bed and slept another hour. I have him in a crate at night and when I'm gone cause he gets mad at me when I leave and will tear up anything he can get a hold of. He is just like a two year old. He will grow out of it.

    Marie, yes I did end up eating out last Friday. I had a hamburger and diet coke, that was not to bad.

    You all have a wonderful day and will be back later.

    Pat :smile:
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    I am really up late tonight., I sign up with Love yourself challenge to lose 4 lbs. by Valentine's Day. But Didn't realize it was just around the corner. I will be doing good if I lose 2 lbs. I will have to change that. Marie

    Marie, I joined up for the challenge. I'm going to try and loose 8 pounds. I might not make it but going to give it my all. I will be happy with what ever I loose. I have blood work in March so this challenge will keep me going.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is a picture of my new found hobby I worked on yesterday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is another pic of some that I did for Christmas..

    Here is how I found to post a picture to our site! I use Photobucket and select my picture and then copy the IMG link. Then it is simply a matter of pasting it to a reply box. Once the link is pasted to your reply you MUST change the uppercase IMG in your link to lowercase. It is in the link do it in both places. Have fun!