

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening All!

    Just finished my 2 hours of yoga and I am SORE! Had vegetable soup for supper with a peanut butter sandwich and my skim milk. Pretty good day! the weather here in Indiana stinks. Freezing rain again today, snowing now! I HATE winter! LOL Keep after the yoga folks, if will serve you all very well. Balance, posture, muscle tone, coordination, and so on! I am happy for all of you and very proud to know you all! Keep going!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe----No that don't sounds like mine I will look it up on the internet and see if I can find. This I found on TV and ran about 297.00 one of those Sunday morning ad shows. But for my way Of cooking I really do like it. It cooks all the fat out. Jusst what we need. And is so easy to clean. It is a big glass sbowl with a zzimos that sits on top and plug it into eletric power. I cooked a por chops yesterday, corn on the cob.And steamfresh veggies[ in the microwave].Roasted corn was prettty good. Tonight I have been pretty busy so I had a TV dinner Left over veggies. Some nights you just got to rest your mind. I will check back with you I got my book out and it is call FlavorWave oven
    Here is the information I got out of the book that came with it

    Thane International. Inc La Quinta, ca. 92253
    Maybe that will help. ==Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just look at general diet and Weight loss and there is a post by fitness chick Posting a grocer list That is good to choose our food from. I copy them off and will make a copy to take to the grocer store with me. And just check off what I need. Great!!!!!!!!! There are 2 list one from body and one from Hungry
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone, just thought I better check in.

    Marie, my dog is really growing. He is such a sweet puppy. One of these days I will get some pictures on here.

    pjsattic, I'm not sure but I think you ask about Weight Watchers. I belong to Weight Watchers on line. It is a good program but I think I would rather log my food on here. Their new plan is about the same as flex and core. Not a whole lot of difference. This is just so much easier for me and it is free. I will probably give my membership up and stay right here. You all are just so supportive.

    Jeffrey, glad to have you here. Wow you have done good with your weight loss. I love yoga and I need to start doing it again. I walk a lot and then I stretch. My doctor wants me to add weights so I need to get with it. I do a little weights but need to add a little more.

    Biggramma, I just looked at your pictures, you are doing so good. You just look great.

    Hope you all had a nice day. I need to get in bed so I can get up early and go walk. Talk to you tomorrow.

    Pat :flowerforyou:
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    By the way, have you seen Weight watchers new Momentum ads on tv?
    Does anyone have any input on this program.. I'm not sure if I want to go back to WW or not.. but they do have Mobile capabilities now, so I can keep up with my points. I think I do well with this website, MFP, and I don't want to enter everything twice.
    what do you all think?

    I forgot to tell you that there is a site that is called and they support weight watchers. I think if you go there you can learn all about the new plan. I hope I got that right. You might google it and see what you come up with.

    Pat :smile:
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Good morning, are you all sleeping in? Get up it's time move it, move it. Get out there and start doing your exercise.

    Your friend, Pat :drinker: :happy: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Pat YES LETS MOVED IT. our coach Jeffery will be along shortly to get us really moving. Got to get these old bones a rattlings. I am so thankful I found MFP and all you nice people. I have been doing some deep breathing exercise this morning to get it started. Out of this week Women world.

    So how is thing in Ok. this morning. how is Toby doing. I bet he hated to see you o back to work.

    Rise and shine all my new buddies.---Marie

    I found this yesterday somewhere on MFP To chang the amount of servings When you enter your food click on serving size and if it is 1 c and you want 1. 4 c. change the serving size to .25 For 1/ 2 cup change servings size to .50 , For 3/4 c change servings size to d.75 Be sure to put decimals point in frontof Such as : ----..25 And it does work. Hope I explain it OK If not let me know
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Pat YES LETS MOVED IT. our coach Jeffery will be along shortly to get us really moving. Got to get these old bones a rattlings. I am so thankful I found MFP and all you nice people. I have been doing some deep breathing exercise this morning to get it started. Out of this week Women world.

    So how is thing in Ok. this morning. how is Toby doing. I bet he hated to see you o back to work.

    Rise and shine all my new buddies.---Marie

    I found this yesterday somewhere on MFP To chang the amount of servings When you enter your food click on serving size and if it is 1 c and you want 1. 4 c. change the serving size to .25 For 1/ 2 cup change servings size to .50 , For 3/4 c change servings size to d.75 Be sure to put decimals point in frontof Such as : ----..25 And it does work. Hope I explain it OK If not let me know

    Hi Marie, Toby is doing great, he is really growing. Right now he is like a two year old. He hates it when I go to work. He is so happy when I get home. Thanks for the changing serving size, that is very helpful. I have been on here all morning and have been all over on the message boards. I need to start getting ready for work. I just love this site. How is your little dog doing? Oh, I forgot to tell you that my husband name is Jerry too.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Pat YES LETS MOVED IT. our coach Jeffery will be along shortly to get us really moving. Got to get these old bones a rattlings. I am so thankful I found MFP and all you nice people. I have been doing some deep breathing exercise this morning to get it started. Out of this week Women world.

    So how is thing in Ok. this morning. how is Toby doing. I bet he hated to see you o back to work.

    Rise and shine all my new buddies.---Marie

    I found this yesterday somewhere on MFP To chang the amount of servings When you enter your food click on serving size and if it is 1 c and you want 1. 4 c. change the serving size to .25 For 1/ 2 cup change servings size to .50 , For 3/4 c change servings size to d.75 Be sure to put decimals point in frontof Such as : ----..25 And it does work. Hope I explain it OK If not let me know

    Hi Marie, Toby is doing great, he is really growing. Right now he is like a two year old. He hates it when I go to work. He is so happy when I get home. Thanks for the changing serving size, that is very helpful. I have been on here all morning and have been all over on the message boards. I need to start getting ready for work. I just love this site. How is your little dog doing? Oh, I forgot to tell you that my husband name is Jerry too.
    Hi Pat-- Isn't that strange Our husband has the same name. Well I have been at his computer for 1 1/2 hour Time to get up and get a nice breakfast. Got to take my embroidery machine in to get it work on again. The times just fly when you are enjoying yourself.--Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    you two, Pat and Marie, have already put in a big day, and I'm barely getting started. Pat, if Toby is your dog, and he is still young, you are lucky he doens't tell you how upset he gets when you leave by tearing the house up!! My dogs used to do that.. made me nuts, but I couldn't fuss at him, he was such a sweetie.
    Marie, I checked out your oven, and it is not the one I was looking at. I see that it is an appliance and not a skillet for the stove. I'm sure you are enjoying it.. you know usually when they sell something on tv, you can wait a bit and buy it at walmart.. but I don't remember if they ever sold those, do you?
    I got my slice design cutting machine yesterday, opened it last night, plugged it in to charge.. then read the instructions thoroughly.. now I'm not so sure about it.. every time you use it, you must use a repositionable glue, then place your paper or cardstock on that, then cut.. I don't know if I like that glue or not.. seems it will be messy, so I'm going to think about it a while.
    I took 'Pudge', the new cat, for a ride this morning. We went to the post office. He cried a little, then got quiet.. he let me hold him, and what bothered him most was the vehicles going by us.. he got into the floorboard under my legs and never made another peep. He might do well on the road, but I still want to leave him at home with our male cat.. to help them become used to each other.
    Today, I am rearranging Christmas decorations, cards gift wrap. got to get to it, although I'd love to avoid it, but I can't walk thru here anymore, so I have no more excuses!!
    Thank you Marie and Pat for the grocery lists and boot camp buddies link.. I think that the best choice for me right now is right here.
    take care all and have a great day!!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hello Everyone!

    Sounds like you are all staying busy! Just working away today. It is cold here! 13 degrees. My best friend is losing his job. So I am really sad for him today. His wife lost her job about 2 months ago. They have 2 kids in college. I don't know what they will do. I hate this economy! It did not have to happen. My wife went to see her mother today. It is about 100 miles away. She is 89 and we handle everything for her. She is in a retirement community but is slipping now, dymentia. So that is a mess now. But! We will make and we will go on! We have cats at our house too, Cuddles and Stinker. Cuddles is about 18 years old and Stinker is about 5. I would like to get another but my wife says NO! We will see! LOL Got a hard workout scheduled for tonight. I hope that you all got your exercise in today. Remember to take time for yourself! Have a great day and I will catch up with you all later!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Phoebe, I got the tape this morning as we were leaving to go and get my embroidery machine threader fix. And jut ot home. Thanks so much. Will watch it as I eat lunch She had to put in another new one. Something much have been wrong with it.

    Jeffrey good to hear from you. Hate to hear about your wife's Mother. I lost my mother 6 years ago. I still missed her. Will do the tape that Phoebe mailed to me as soon as I eat. I am having a 3 oz hamburger patty 96% fat free. with french fries cooked in my flaorwaave turbo cooker and some veggies. And a double fiber bread..:drinker: :drinker: Marie.

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good morning/afternoon.......I am sure late getting on here..but I had to go have some blood work done this morning....I have an appointment with my Endocrinologist on the 19th and she is checking my Thyroid and my calcium and Vit D levels.....I know they are ok...since I take so much now....I take 50,000 of Vit.D once a month....and then of course the Caltrate 600 + D......

    Still cool and things happening in my home town today.....

    Ty Pennington and the Extreme Makeover Home Edition is here...they are going to do a home for a lady who was born without legs and has only one useable arm....She has graduated from college and raised 4 children.....I think the show will air in March....

    Hope everyone is having a good terrific I am off to do my Elliptical trainer and then lunch.....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Bigramma,, Busy day today. Seems like every day is busy around here. Always somewere to go. And meals to prepare., Cothes to wash, dishes to do and all the other things to do around here.

    But we had a lovely day here in Texas. Make you want to get out and work in the garden. I am ready for some fresh veggies. Miss our fresh cucmbers. Those in the store taste like ougggggggggg.

    Phoebe I watch all of that tape. I will hve to take it in difference parts at first. I do like it. Thanks you so much for sending it to me. I got my machine fixed. I hope you enjoy your new toy iif you decide to keep it.

    I did get my walk in. and some strecting exercise in.I am thinking about mac and cheese for supper. Got to see if I can find the recipe. It is calorie friendly.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Isn't it funny, the Extreme Makover crew came to our community too.. they did a house for a divorced lady who
    1. Lost her teenage son in a terrible car accident about a mile from her house.
    2. Lost her job/laid off
    3. Had huge medical bills for her daughter, who was in the back seat of the car when her son died.
    4.. Had started building the family's dream home when her son died.. he was the designer of their house. Had to stop building it, it just sat there unfinished, mold got to it, etc.
    So, it was great that they took care of everything for her. My guess is that she knew someone who knew Ty, coz he is from the area where she works. She was eventually called back to work.. who knows now though, she may get laid off again.
    Marie, glad you liked the dvd, hope you can use it. It is almost a yoga type of workout, don't you think? just not a strenous one.
    I'm worn out, need to eat. I've been repacking all of the Christmas stuff.. whew! it was definitely a workout. had to move a big rug I had stored.
    so I will say goodnight.. craving peanut butter!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe, Which cat is that on your ticker? I am going to start some embroidering and will do some exercise while the machine is going. Gonna try to make some lace. I got to find the site so I can download the design. I am going to be making Spring cards. And thanks for the card you sent me ,. that was sweet of you.

    Hope everone of you had a good day today. I just finish filling out my food chart and I ave 113 calories left for a snack later. See you guys tomorrow.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening everyone!

    Just got the workout in and had my dinner and milk! I am beat. For some reason tonight I really struggled getting through the workouts. My rest day is Saturday. I am looking forward to it. We have another winter storm watch for Friday and Saturday. YUCK! I am getting real sick of this! Spoke with our daughter in Atlanta tonight, and she is good. Have not heard from the youngest yet today. My wife got home from visiting her mother and now just got back from a music meeting at church. Pretty much a normal day. I think that I will go and aggravate the cats for a bit! They like that! You all have a great evening. I will check in with you again tomorrow! Stay strong and committed!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning Jeffrey. Hope you had a good rest after your exercise last night. Hope you don't over do it. Glad you take a day off. I have had too maany days off.But thanks to you guys I am up and going. Maybe slower but still going. Haven't watch TV much. Just the Football games.

    Good morning Pat, My daughter called last night and she wont be out this week end. for she has some out of town guests. butt will be out the following week end. We always go out for lunch and I don't know how i can handle a meal out.. But I got to learn.

    Phoebe, I guess you are all pack and ready to go. Watch those calories while you are out on the road. See you when you get back.

    Biggramma--- Ohh Sunny Calif. It is a beatiful state. When I was a young girl and beore my Marriage my girlfried and I went out there. Her husband was in the Navy station in SF area. She had a young son. We got us a job and live in a hotel for a couple months. Then her husband was shipped to the east coast aand we came back to Texas. Enjoy our stayed out thhere.

    Ellie---I still think about you. ope you and your husband doing fine.

    Hope I remember all of you.

    Have a big day.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Calie! And Everyone else!

    We are just waiting on the "storm" to hit. We are supposed to get about 10" of snow with some freezing rain mixed. Just another lovely weekend! My workout will be on the business end of a snow shovel!

    Not much else going on this weekend, I hope. Wife has to work on Saturday and is on call on Sunday, so we will stick close to the house. I have a couple of little projects in the garage that I can get at and finish off and maybe a workout or two. Any of you have anything fun for the weekend going on?

    Have a good morning!

  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Good Morning Jeffrey. Hope you had a good rest after your exercise last night. Hope you don't over do it. Glad you take a day off. I have had too maany days off.But thanks to you guys I am up and going. Maybe slower but still going. Haven't watch TV much. Just the Football games.

    Good morning Pat, My daughter called last night and she wont be out this week end. for she has some out of town guests. butt will be out the following week end. We always go out for lunch and I don't know how i can handle a meal out.. But I got to learn.

    Phoebe, I guess you are all pack and ready to go. Watch those calories while you are out on the road. See you when you get back.

    Biggramma--- Ohh Sunny Calif. It is a beatiful state. When I was a young girl and beore my Marriage my girlfried and I went out there. Her husband was in the Navy station in SF area. She had a young son. We got us a job and live in a hotel for a couple months. Then her husband was shipped to the east coast aand we came back to Texas. Enjoy our stayed out thhere.

    Ellie---I still think about you. ope you and your husband doing fine.

    Hope I remember all of you.

    Have a big day.

    Good morning Marie, I know what you mean about eating out. It is very hard for me too. We always eat out on friday nights but I think we will just stay home tonight. Not sure yet what I'm going to fix but it will be healthy. It is suppose to be nice here today. I need to listen to the weather to see what is coming up.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, Pat :smile: