
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    CALIECAT..Your new hobby is beautiful.....I have tried to use the photobucket here but so far have not gotten it to work....I use it all the time at the other site I use...

    Not feeling 100% today...been 27 year old grandson lives with me and he has had a I hope I am not catching it...

    No exercise for me today...I always take a day off....When I started here a little over a week ago...I weighed 142....this morning..I weighed 140.4....I am just trying to get into the 130's before I see my doctor on the 19th.....My weight is ok...but I just want it to be a little she would like me at 130...

    I hope everyone is having a very blessed Sunday.:flowerforyou:

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    :smile: Thank you so much Caliecat for showing me how to do the photobucket.....I did not know you had to change the IMG to lower case.....As you can see by my previous post I got it to work.......:flowerforyou:
  • Hi there golden sneaker people!! hope you are all doing fine, bigramma, hope you will feel better, the cough can be such an aggravating pest, my dh has a chronic cough.
    We went to the grocery today, I checked out the Healthy Choice cafe steamers, since they were mentioned here I think, and they are on sale.. I didn't see any I wanted to try, at least not right now.. several of them mentioned sweet in the name or description, and I do not like sweet entrees..
    I did however, find an 'Airborne' product on the clearance rack. It is a cherry flavored powder that dissolves on your tongue.. anyway, it is the immune system booster that a lot of people take nowadays.. Bigramma, have you tried it?
    We did not eat out, surprise.. we bought lite beef hotdogs and fixed them at home.. I only like to have a hot dog at home, so I can buy the lite ones.. Now my hot dog craving is satisfied for another couple of weeks!
    When I finish this post, I will be closing down the pc for the week. We leave in the morning.
    It is very cool here today, about 36 a couple of hours ago, i Know I know, some of you live in much colder climates, and we seem wimpy, but we have had a pretty mild winter, so it seems cold to us.
    Marie, those cards are so pretty, I know you are enjoying your machine. I want to get started on cardmaking too, and scrapbooking.. I should have done more on that with this time off, but I had plenty to do elsewhere. Most of the clutter in this room is either related to scrapbooking/cardmaking, or tax stuff. All of the Christmas stuff is put away, and I am glad about that.
    be careful this week, all of you, and have a wonderful time whatever you are doing!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :smile: Thank you so much Caliecat for showing me how to do the photobucket.....I did not know you had to change the IMG to lower case.....As you can see by my previous post I got it to work.......:flowerforyou:

    So glad we got it to work. My daughter was out and set me up again on Photoobucket again.
    Thanks for the complenment on my hobbie. .We just got back from Michael's buying more supplys.
    Hobbies are expensive but it keeps me half way sane. I love posting pictures too. Hope you are feeling better by now. Aand I hope your son is feeling better too.
    Have a good day.---Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    I am going to Michael's tomorrow.....It is time to buy the flowers for my late grandson, Kasey's, grave....His birthday is March 15th but by then they will have the fall flowers in...more than likely.

    I decorate his grave because his mom, my daughter, still has a hard time going out money is very tight for her so his Biggramma takes care of it.....

    We lost him at age 19 in a car accident on 12-07-01.....That is the same day that his cousin, my oldest grandson graduated from Navy bootcamp...They were 5 1/2 months apart...

    I have 4 children...9 grandchildren this includes Kasey and one great grand daughter...

    I am feeling ok now....not coughing....I have COPD so it does not take much to affect my lungs...

    I hope you all are having a great Sunday...I am just watching football....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi there golden sneaker people!! hope you are all doing fine, bigramma, hope you will feel better, the cough can be such an aggravating pest, my dh has a chronic cough.
    We went to the grocery today, I checked out the Healthy Choice cafe steamers, since they were mentioned here I think, and they are on sale.. I didn't see any I wanted to try, at least not right now.. several of them mentioned sweet in the name or description, and I do not like sweet entrees..
    I did however, find an 'Airborne' product on the clearance rack. It is a cherry flavored powder that dissolves on your tongue.. anyway, it is the immune system booster that a lot of people take nowadays.. Bigramma, have you tried it?
    We did not eat out, surprise.. we bought lite beef hotdogs and fixed them at home.. I only like to have a hot dog at home, so I can buy the lite ones.. Now my hot dog craving is satisfied for another couple of weeks!
    When I finish this post, I will be closing down the pc for the week. We leave in the morning.
    It is very cool here today, about 36 a couple of hours ago, i Know I know, some of you live in much colder climates, and we seem wimpy, but we have had a pretty mild winter, so it seems cold to us.
    Marie, those cards are so pretty, I know you are enjoying your machine. I want to get started on cardmaking too, and scrapbooking.. I should have done more on that with this time off, but I had plenty to do elsewhere. Most of the clutter in this room is either related to scrapbooking/cardmaking, or tax stuff. All of the Christmas stuff is put away, and I am glad about that.
    be careful this week, all of you, and have a wonderful time whatever you are doing!!

    Phorbr Hope I make it before you shut down there in Ga. Alice did make it out I fix our lunch and then we haeaded out to Michael's . I am working on Neil a get well card , He has his surgery here pretty soon.. Have a safe trip. Are you heading out to Calif. Be a good girl and watch those Calories!!!!!!!!!!!!
    See you when you get back.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Just a note to say hello! I messed my ankle up again tonight exercising. I just got it out of a cast 8 weeks ago. Plenty of snow here and another winter storm or 2 coming this week. I am sooo sick of winter! Talk to you all later!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey boy
    Why did you do that? Hope it is not too bad.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning all of you, Had a vevry nice week end. I brought me a yo yo maker at Michael's yesterday. It makes making yoyo simple.

    I think today is suppose to be real nice. so going to get my sneakers on and head out the door.

    , hope you are feeling better today.

    Pat---- I am going to try my best to meet my goal by Valentine of 4 lbs. My doctor just want me to lose 5 lbs. a month. so that will suither just fine.

    Phhoebe----See you soon.

    Biggramma----Morning to you., Sorry to hear about your loss of your Grandson. How is your cold this morning?

    Hello to Ellie, Normal

    I am off to Walmart in a minute.
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good morning....from crisp cold California, but the sun is shining and the sky is blue so I am loving it.....I am feeling fine this morning...I have some errands to run....the bank...the grocery store and maybe Target...but I get myself in trouble I may stay away...I may go to Michaels also...

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their week.....:flowerforyou:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    The swelling is down some in the ankle. Still sore as the ****ens. We are waiting for the next storm to hit this evening. Sounds like it is going to get rough. Thanks for asking.

    Biggramma, I have the same trouble when I go to Target too. LOL

    Not too much else to report, just had a lovely weekend shoveling snow, and shoveling snow and shoveling snow, and when that was done....shoveling snow that blew back again. LOL Is it March yet?

    You ladies have a great Monday!

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    I did not go to Target...but I went to K-Mart for some Joe Boxer sweat pink size small.....and picked up a sweater in pinks and purples that is an XL....Went to Michael' the flowers they are white and green....bought a gift card for a granddaughter who will 13 niext week...she lives in Oregon

    I then went to the grocery store and picked up a few things...darn few since the bill was under $20....:laugh:

    Now I am home had lunch...will do a load of laundry...and need to walk on my ET..I did with my shopping put 4000 steps on my that is some exercise...

    Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ~~~~~~~Biggramma~~~~~~~~ My you are an active senior sneakers today.. I ended up and not getting out of the house I ave a slew of doctor appt the end of the week so getting reup for that. My back has been given me a little problems.
    :happy: :laugh: :happy: :laugh: ~~Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Tuesday Jan. 13, 2009

    Hello all. Its cold here this morning.
    nothing plan today. Gonna cook a pot of bean soup/s
    Work on some embroidery. I got a Get Well Card may and sent off to Cananda to one of my cyber friends whose sonn is haveing surgery, and I wish him the best.
    Have qa wonderfyull day.

  • Hi from amarillo tx! i am able to get here via my cell phone. typing is slower so i wont gab. marie hope your back is better.
  • Hi from amarillo tx! i am able to get here via my cell phone. typing is slower so i wont gab. marie hope your back is better.
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING...from Central California....No plans today...just housework.....vacumming..dusting...laundry..etc.etc.etc...

    Hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday.......:flowerforyou:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Snow and wind, wind and snow! Ya gotta love Northern Indiana! I am really looking forward to our annual fall cruise! Nice to see you back PJ! Calie the ankle is getting a little better. I really busted it up earlier in the fall. You all have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    , What a nice surprise seeing you on the road. How is the weather where you are at? Hope it is nice and sunny. The sun is out but it is a little chilly.

    Jeffrey---, Oh so cold up there. You need to moved to the south. We ave more warm weather than cold.
    Glad the old ankle is better. Don't overdo it.

    Biggramma---Busy everyday work . me too.

    Hi Pat,.
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member
    Ellie, Marie, Pat, & Phoebe,

    My name is Caralyn and I live in Reno, Nevada and I would LOVE to join your discussions. I, too, am a senior and deal with a couple physical issues - nothing too serious. I don't have time to write more right now because I need to leave but would appreciate a reply from later
