JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 21



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,969 Member
    @Slimpossible007 I have 2 friends who were taking ibuprofen and noticed considerable thinning of their hair. I guess it is a recognized side effect although I have not confirmed that.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,300 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »

    I have noticed my hair is thinning, I currently eat around 1650 cals a day and I am losing slowly so I think its unlikely to be that I am eating too little if I eat any higher I am going to stop losing weight, or at the very least it will be lost at an even slower rate than now. (not that I have an issue losing slower but I think 1/4 - 1/2 lb a week is slow enough not to cause other issues such as hair loss)

    I've started taking supplements and I am currently using a lotion recommended by the hairdresser to help stop hair loss .. but if it's nutritional then I doubt that it will help.
    So I am looking for ideas in foods that might be rich in "stuff?!?!" that's good for hair to help stop the loss. basically I am looking to attack the issue from all angles :)

    I am hoping against all hopes I don't have to choose between thick hair and normal weight. I seriously can't afford to lose any more hair .. :-/

    Other than bouts of sciatica I have no other medical issues that I know about .. so I am making the assumption that this is mainly a nutrition problem.

    any help / ideas appreciated :)

    Have you ever heard of seasonal hair loss? There is scientific studies that show that women lose more hair in October-November and if you add that with a bit more hair that you could lose during dieting it may seem like you are losing a lot of hair. I really don't think that your diet is causing your hair to fall out but it could be just seasonal hair loss making you think you are losing more. A normal person sheds 60-100 strands a day.
    On a good note, it grows back.. even diet related hair loss grows back when your diet normalizes again. If you feel you want to do something then increase protein and essential fatty acids such as 1 teaspoon of olive, safflower, flaxseed, soybean, oil per day.
    Be good to yourself..

    TY for your reply - No I have never heard of seasonal hair loss - its been thinning out longer that that thou and I can't see any new growth so I think its more to do with no new growth than falling out. Happy to hear that its likely to grow back thou ... I will add the oil each day .. do you know a ball park number of fats I should be aiming for .. I am utterly clueless

    I have already upped the protein having extra milk and a spoon of peanut butter on days where I am lower ... although I've no idea what number I should be aiming for I try and make sure I have 50g or more each day ... I sometimes hit 70 - 80g .. but occasionally only get 40 .. and on those days I bump it up with the peanutbutter etc...


    I have noticed my hair is thinning, I currently eat around 1650 cals a day and I am losing slowly so I think its unlikely to be that I am eating too little if I eat any higher I am going to stop losing weight, or at the very least it will be lost at an even slower rate than now. (not that I have an issue losing slower but I think 1/4 - 1/2 lb a week is slow enough not to cause other issues such as hair loss)

    I've started taking supplements and I am currently using a lotion recommended by the hairdresser to help stop hair loss .. but if it's nutritional then I doubt that it will help.
    So I am looking for ideas in foods that might be rich in "stuff?!?!" that's good for hair to help stop the loss. basically I am looking to attack the issue from all angles :)

    I am hoping against all hopes I don't have to choose between thick hair and normal weight. I seriously can't afford to lose any more hair .. :-/

    Other than bouts of sciatica I have no other medical issues that I know about .. so I am making the assumption that this is mainly a nutrition problem.

    any help / ideas appreciated :)

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Difficulty losing weight and thinning hair can be symptoms of thyroid disorder. If you've not had it checked it might be worth getting checked out.

    TY for your reply - I had my thyroid checked many years ago, and there was nothing wrong, not to say its not an issue now thou .. I have an appointment with my doc tomorrow for my sciatica so I will ask him when I am there for advice on this :) I'm not really having difficulty losing weight, I am looking to lose slowly, I done it wrong in the past and lost too quickly so this time I am aiming slow and steady.