JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 21



  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    SW: 269.4 (9/12/17)
    Highest: 279.8
    CW: 247.6
    R17SW: 264.2 R17EW: 262.0 Loss: 2.2
    R18SW: 262.0 R18EW: 256.6 Loss: 5.4
    R19SW: 256.6 R19EW: 251.4 Loss: 5.2
    R20SW: 251.4 R20EW: 247.6 Loss: 3.8

    R21GW: 245.0

    10/30 - 246.2 - I am so HAPPY about this loss! I've been trying to add more exercise at night, and I think it's really going to pay off. I would love to go much further than my goal in this round and I'm going to try!
    10/31 - 247.2 - I ate a little extra but I worked off some of it. I think the lack of sleep was a factor. Tonight's Halloween, so I'm really hoping I can keep my resolve and have a loss instead of a gain!
    11/1 - 247.8 - I had candy, not a lot, but I did have some. I actually am pretty proud of how restrained I was. I was still under calories with exercise, and it wasn't a big gain. I'm going to call it a win and hope that tomorrow is better. Eating at book club tonight, so hopefully there are some healthy choices for me!
    11/2 - 248.8 - I was bad. I ate way too much, didn't exercise. I'm hitting a low point and I'm not really sure how to pull myself out of it.
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