What is your Go To Breakfast?



  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Power Cakes (1/2 Cup Mix)
    3 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
    Coffee with 1 tablespoon of natural sugar
    1 ounce of almonds
    Water water water
  • kerynwolff
    kerynwolff Posts: 4 Member
    oats, with lite soy milk and lots of berries. Its helped get my cholesterol back down after a year of following that dreadful low carb high protein and fat diet craze stupidity
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    1/2 cup oatmeal: 150 cals
    1 diced apple: 95 cals
    1/2 oz walnuts: 95 cals
    3/4 cup almond milk: 25 cals
    sprinkle of cinnamon: 0 cals
    1 Tbsp sugar: 50 cals

    Mix oats and almond milk, microwave for 2:30, let sit one minute, then stir in apple, nuts, cinnamon, and sugar. So delicious, easy, and only one bowl to wash + knife for cutting the apple.
  • tami139
    tami139 Posts: 14 Member
    I like frittatas. 1, 6 muffin pan is breakfast for 3 days. Load em with veggies and eggs. Yum
  • youvegotwildtalents
    During the week:
    Oatmeal with: Almond or soy milk, 1/3 cup frozen berries, cinamin, flaxseed and/or chai seeds, pinch of salt, turkey bacon or sausage
    During the weekend: whatever is at the front of the fridge when I open it.
  • deekring
    deekring Posts: 13 Member
    Vans protein power waffles with pb and banana topped with Cary's sf syrup
  • leonhnchan
    leonhnchan Posts: 36 Member
    Right now, my breakfast is nothing special as I am doing intermittent fasting but come my cheat day on Sunday, I love to go to cafes and indulge in anything delicious!
  • dahliaAZ
    dahliaAZ Posts: 4 Member
    * low-fat cottage cheese with blueberries and chia seed. High-protein almond milk in black coffee.
  • Anvasilak
    Anvasilak Posts: 20 Member
    Oatmeal made with water, an apple chopped up and cinnamon included. Very filling.
    1 egg, 2 egg whites omelette topped with salsa
    1 Fried Egg, avocado sandwich
    Cheerios, low fat milk, banana
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I usually wake up rush to work stop at my local scottmid as I walk past and grab a link sausage Roll I recently learned it's quite unhealthy to do that everyday so now I just have a coffee once I get to work occasionally pitch a biscuits I havn't got time for breakfast haha weekends I like baked beans on toast or just plain toast or cereal

    I've heard this claim many times, but how much time do you think you really need for breakfast??

    I have breakfast at home everyday before going off to work. Nothing spectacular. Always a bowl of cereal with milk. Most times a boiled egg with buttered toast. Sometimes toast with other spreads such as jam, marmalade, honey, cheese, lemon curd, etc. Occasionally a slice of ham with the toast instead of the egg. Always a cup of tea (or coffee).

    The only thing that takes time is the boiled egg or boiled water for the tea, but that's usually happening while something else is going on, so it isn't separate waiting time.
  • clh5030
    clh5030 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2017
    When I actually have time to eat a proper breakfast and am not running out the door, I love to make this “southwest protein breakfast burrito” by skinnyms. It has scrambled eggs, feta cheese, pico de gayo, black beans, cilantro, spinach, and Greek yogurt for the sour cream. One of my favorite breakfasts ever! Here’s the link:
  • mrsbarnett1012
    mrsbarnett1012 Posts: 63 Member
    It varies... my favorite right now is a toasted light English muffin, with 14 g hot pepper cheese on each half topped with a medium sunny side up egg. So good and come in at about 300 calories.

    Other favorite are oats (either steel cut or oat bran) cooked with egg white, sweetened with a little bit of Stevia and cinnamon and then topped with fresh berries.
  • GailK1967
    GailK1967 Posts: 58 Member
    Scrambled eggs 5days a week, poached on weekends. No toast, just on their own. 2 of my coeliac kids were sick and massively underweight so I started doing this for their breakfasts although they have toast. 18 months later and they still insist every day. Nothing else tempts them. The occasional time I tried pancakes we wrre all starving and crotchety by 10am.
  • Liz7899
    Liz7899 Posts: 1 Member
    Cooked Apple and cinnamon on toast with a cup of coffee. Yum!
  • justinrye1982
    justinrye1982 Posts: 5 Member
    Lately it's been 3 scrambled eggs and mix in some Frank's red hot.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'm changing my breakfast plan. I'm not sure what it's going to be, but I know that exitbuddy has asked me not to use the Ninja before 7 a.m. I do know I can be happy with a pot of coffee through most of the morning, so maybe it's just coffee now.
  • Mkneedtogetfit
    Mkneedtogetfit Posts: 93 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Last weekend I baked bread, cooked a dozen eggs and had these sammies with veggies and home made pickles throughout the week. Simple + delish + nutritious = winner.

    What's the dressing? Can you share the recipe? Looks yum!
  • zeldon919
    zeldon919 Posts: 118 Member
    Weekdays - 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter or whipped cream cheese and honey or raspberry jam. Cup of coffee, and another when I get to work

    Weekends scrambled eggs with toast is a common thing. Or toast with PB, banana, honey and a bit of cinnamon.
  • NatashaDNMS
    NatashaDNMS Posts: 173 Member
    6oz of organic Greek yogurt, blueberries, Keto Bomb creamer, French vanilla coffee, homemade Keto eggnog, and a homemade keto lemon poppyseed muffin...mmmmm.... ^_^