2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    I am 5'4.I need to lose 50 lbs.Need support.Please assign me a mentor.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    fe452436 wrote: »
    I am 5'4.I need to lose 50 lbs.Need support.Please assign me a mentor.
    I got your Friend Request and would be honored to do what I can! Be warned, however, that I mentor from a very Christian standpoint. If this offends you, unfriend me now.
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    edited October 2017
  • lisad7051
    lisad7051 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love a mentor to help me. I could use a little, or a lot, of motivation. I just turned 47 and have 80 pounds to lose. I am not an active person, but I am willing to put the work in. I do have a bad knee, so there are a bit of restrictions.
  • allisonnicole6926
    I noticed a lot of these posts are from 2016, but if this is still a thing I would love the help!
    I'm 22, 5'6, and 180 lbs (20 pound weight loss since Mid April). I still have about 20-30 pounds to lose before I hit my goal. I've been stuck for a little while, not really making progress in any area, but I haven't truly been as consistent as I could be either. I'm EXTREMELY new to MFP. I just re downloaded and logged my first day yesterday so I'm still trying to navigate this and figure things out! Any help would be much appreciated!
  • Mom23now
    Mom23now Posts: 1 Member
    I need a mentor ! I'm a 65 year old diabetic who needs to drop at least 30 pounds. Going to Disney in one year so I will do this with some help and pushes. Hoping to find a mentor who is diabetic and can share their experiences in dealing with eating properly. In other words, I need help !
  • MrsLivering
    MrsLivering Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I'm a NOOB! (Well, kind of.) I've had this app on and off and this is my third go at it. A little about me to help a mentor figure out if im a good fit!
    I'm 20 (turn 21 next Friday woot!!) I'm 5'2" and I currently weigh 145 pounds. I'd just like to lose around 20 pounds so I can be a little happier with myself!
    Some of the struggles I have to overcome are; Chronic knee pain, Chronic back pain... and I'm absolutely exhausted 24/7 (which is undiagnosed) I lose motivation really easily! I'm not very good at motivating MYSELF. I'm really into MMA and am trying to get back into Muay Thai.
    Any mentors think I'd be a good fit for them? :)
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member

    I'm kinda a lurker been on this site on and off for a few years. So far I've managed to lose weight, but the last 15 is the most difficult.

    If I can obtain a mentor I'd appreciate it ^_^
  • denja70
    denja70 Posts: 6 Member
    Can someone adopt me pls, can't seem to stay on 60:20:20 my carbs is always low and my fats are alway in the 30's
  • WispyBlue
    WispyBlue Posts: 41 Member
    I’m a total noob. I’m 5’3, 126, all fat, no muscle. I’d like to lose 20lbs of fat and be more tone. I currently just eat 1,200 cals a day and walk 2 miles.
  • Irishguy97
    Irishguy97 Posts: 12 Member
    Adopt me! :D
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I would LOVE to be a mentor. A bit about me:

    *I am 50 years old and live in North Carolina (so, Eastern Time Zone).
    *I am divorced and a father to two boys.
    *I was an athlete in high school and college.
    *I have been fit most of my life.
    *There was a five year time span when I was anything but fit.
    *I worked my way back to being fit.
    *I work in IT but my true passion is Health and Fitness (so, Personal Trainer).
    *I have worked with numerous folks before (mostly women, but some dudes as well).
    *I believe that mind set is everything.
    *I believe that adherence is key.
    *I believe that putting yourself in a position to succeed is key.
    *I don't believe that age should be an excuse for anything.
    *I believe that hard work and dedication/persistence are two important traits to success, for anything.
    *I believe that everyone has time for fitness. Is it a priority? That is the question.
    *I believe in following a proper program for training at first.
    *I believe that food is fuel. Nothing more (but dang it if I don't enjoy it anyway!)
    *I am prepping for a power lifting competition in March, 2018 (USAPL) at the moment (just started last week)
    *I believe in making this something that is fun and enjoyable. Hard work for sure, but fun (dang it!)
    *I believe 100% that everyone is different and that a single "cookie cutter plan" is - at best - dangerous.

    I am not really too good at "tell us about yourself" type things when I have to respond by writing. I am much better talking.

    I would be willing to take two or three folks on at a time. But, no more. I want to help these two or three reach all of their goals. Quality over quantity. I believe in doing things right, the first time. I would be available every day, but not for super long periods of time (like not more than 30 minutes per person per day).

    I would be honored to be selected as a mentor.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hello I'm a NOOB! (Well, kind of.) I've had this app on and off and this is my third go at it. A little about me to help a mentor figure out if im a good fit!
    I'm 20 (turn 21 next Friday woot!!) I'm 5'2" and I currently weigh 145 pounds. I'd just like to lose around 20 pounds so I can be a little happier with myself!
    Some of the struggles I have to overcome are; Chronic knee pain, Chronic back pain... and I'm absolutely exhausted 24/7 (which is undiagnosed) I lose motivation really easily! I'm not very good at motivating MYSELF. I'm really into MMA and am trying to get back into Muay Thai.
    Any mentors think I'd be a good fit for them? :)

    If you are still looking for a mentor, I would be honored. And, if your husband wants to be mentored as well, all the more betterer! Yes, I said "betterer"!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Irishguy97 wrote: »
    Adopt me! :D

    Hey, man! You still looking for help? I would be honored. I am on the East Coast across the pond from you. I think that it could work! What is it - five hours difference?
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @MrsLivering - just answered your post about being adopted. Figured that I would ping you as well....I would love to help you (and your husband if he is interested).
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @IrishGuy97 - Hey, man! Just answered your post about being adopted. You are likely asleep now, but I thought that I would ping you as well. I would love to help.....
  • Irishguy97
    Irishguy97 Posts: 12 Member
    @IrishGuy97 - Hey, man! Just answered your post about being adopted. You are likely asleep now, but I thought that I would ping you as well. I would love to help.....

    Sounds good buddy I'm about to go to bed now but will definitely catch up with you in the morning. First day tommorow so going to hit chest and shoulders 3 excercises per group for 10 sets,sound good? Looking forward to hearing from you,thank you!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I'm a noob looking for a mentor!

    Yesterday, the people I cherish most expressed deep concern about my health and poor quality of living. It was a moment that completely shocked me and probably saved my life. I'm 5'6, 235 lbs, and absolutely insecure and miserable. I used to be a very athletic and confident person and I know that woman is still alive inside of me, and frankly I'm desperate to get her out. Hating yourself is exhausting. I have a FitBit that I really enjoy using, a dog that always needs a walk, and a very strong drive to change my life. I've spent the last 3 years waking up depressed and pathetic every single day- I refuse to spend another moment feeling trapped inside of myself.

    Good evening! I would love to help you. If you are still looking and feel that we would be a good match let's talk!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @rin_regenerates - Good evening! I thought that I might ping you as well as respond to your ad. If you are looking for a mentor and think that we might be a good fit, let's talk!
  • allisonnch
    allisonnch Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for a mentor, just time-to-time support.

    I'm an athletic female (5'4'', 134lbs) with long-term physical injuries, and long-term disordered eating. I love to geek out on perception and emotion, down to the biology and neurology. :smiley:
This discussion has been closed.