

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    School has started her for one parish where beth teaches and starts in other parish where kids go on Monday. So today I have 5 kids instead of 2. When they all start I will just have byron. being a former teacher I have to change my thinking from liking school being in instead of being out since I have less kids when in. Barbie Rhea is okay. They said she will be sore and beth said on Sunday she was walking slow and hurting but she is here today and seems fine. I just looked at her back and brushburn is gone I think she will be fine with maybe some recall of it. I know if something was on top of me and I could not get up I would feel smothered. Thanks so much for asking. Hope the move goes well. I know you are ready for it to be over. Natalie prayers for a great surgery and speedy recovery. Just think good thoughts and it will go well. Welcom to all newcomers. Robin hope new job gets better. No rain yet today. Hopefully we can skip today and i can cut grass when kids leave.
    Have a good afternoon ladies.
    vicki M
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Hi ladies, Happy August.:flowerforyou:

    We're back from St, Louis where we saw the American Idol finalists tour, it was so much fun and we really enjoyed all the energy and listening to those wonderful young people sing. :flowerforyou:

    I ate yummy, good , healthy food the whole time but I was mindful of portions and what I was eating for every meal, I wish I could say I was as mindful about what I was drinking. It was with great trepidation that I stepped onto our scales this morning...what a pleasant surprise I had. I was exactly the same as when I left home, whew what a shocker,...I had prepared myself to be able to accept a temporary few pound gain from drinking so much wine...Wow, told my hubby that I am thinking of going on the fine time wine diet...LOL:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So now it is full speed ahead, we have 11 weeks until our cruise. :glasses: Last time we went on a cruise I felt like petunia pig boarding the ship...I hope those words were not offensive to anyone, but that is just how I felt. This time I know I am going to love myself and feel great. They take so many pictures while on a cruise and I always hate to see them, might actually buy one this time. My goal is to lose 9 more pounds before mid-October, I know I can do this.

    So today it is 114 here and we are not going out of the house, all the laundry is done and put away from the trip...I have new books that I ordered to take on the cruise and they are so tempting me to open one and get started but I know that I would not be able to put it down until it was finished ..well might just look at the pictures and read the captions in the Steven Tyler book.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    WOW! We are a BUSY, busy group! I read all of the posts and WELCOME to our new members! You'll find lots of help here!

    Barbie: Thinking of you packing up and moving. You're almost there!

    Lori: Good for you for committing to dropping the wine. I know that for me, if affects whether I lose or not. I don't miss it some times and then when I start having a glass or 2, I get back in the habit of having it again...it also makes me want to eat more. Let me know how that goes for you.

    Natalie: I hope that the infection clears up and you can get your surgery over with!

    Sissy: 114???? That is too, too hot! Take it easy!

    Well, I am day 2 of being super mindful of everything I eat and doing my Gut N Butt exercises again. I got my nice walk in earlier and have been doing lots of planting here. At this altitude and being on the mountain, digging a hole is LOTs more work than elsewhere. My new plants look good though, so it is worthwhile.

    Have a good day everyone! :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    August Already….
    The months are just flying by. Tonight was our Weight Loss Challenge and I stayed the same this week. As I look over my goals for the last month, I see that I didn’t make it to the gym as much as I did in June. I do know that I need to move a lot to lose weight so this month I need to make that a priority. Going to the gym is important but I also think I need to move more around the house….get off the computer. I will think it through and change my goals.

    Natalie..I hope everything goes as planned for Thursday.

    Let August be a month of good losses!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Natalie, I'm thinking good thoughts for your surgery....you will feel so much better when it's done

    :flowerforyou: they've set the escrow closing for both houses and they will be a day sooner than we expected.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:javascript:add_smiley('bigsmile','post_body')

    :bigsmile: Robin, take it one day at a time on your new job and before long you'll be comfortable in the new setting.

    :flowerforyou: sally, "if you're moving, your losing"

    :bigsmile: a bit of exercise and then off to bed so I can get up at five and walk those eager frisky poodles :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Ladies - I'm going to post this, but it may be totally unfounded. I'm a bit concerned that Vince isn't eating nearly enough. His lunch today was a diet coke. Admitted, I didn't really have any lunch to speak of, I was so full from the breakfast his friend made so that probably explains why he didn't eat. However, at dinner he had one crab cake. I had two. I had a big salad, he had a small salad and some corn. Usually, he has a snack at night, tonight he did have some ice cream cake. I really don't want to see him get weak in this heat. I'm the person who exercises, he's not. I think I'm just going to mention it to him and see what he says. I hope he doesn't say something like "well, if I'm not eating, then I'm not taking in calories and I should be losing weight". It's not just calories. Today he was complaining that his knee was bothering him. I did a little bit of food shopping and he just stayed in the car (in the heat, I kept telling him that the store has benches but he says that he's seen where all the benches were full. Maybe at one end of the store, but usually not at the end where I was. At times it's almost like I can't talk to him -- he knows and nothing that I say will make any difference. He's getting to be more and more like his father, which is scary.

    kitmkath - this program may tell you how much you will weigh in xxx time, but I've NEVER EVER seen those weights. Sometimes I wonder why they even bother. So don't let it get you down. I just ignore that number.

    Natalie - prayers for you that they don't cancel the surgery. That would be horrible!

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical and then an hour of taichi. I've never taken taichi (well, once I did and I swore that I'd never take it at that place again, tried it at a different Y this time). It was very interesting, but did I ever feel like a fish out of water!!!! I understand that you just have to go a few times to get the moves down.

    Tonight we played Mexican Train Dominoes with the Newcomers. Everyone brings something. I don't understand, but nothing appealed to me. One lady brought these meatballs in shells, to me that were somewhat fatty. Someone else brought some sort of taco casserole. Ground beef, taco chips broken up, etc. There were tomatoes that I know one lady brought from her garden, someone got cheese/crackers/luncheon meat and put it on a different tray, I brought these celery sticks stuffed with shrimp salad, desserts (that I didn't even touch), artichokes that were marinated in something (they were pretty good). I had one shell, some of the taco casserole, some cheese, some tomatoes, and some artichokes. Just drank water. I just input that calories that I had left over from the day as I'm not sure what the calorie count would be. You know, next time I should probably have something at home like sardines and just nibble there. There was no fresh fruit, only these cakes etc for dessert which really didn't appeal to me at all.

    Tomorrow yoga and then deep water.

    I'm not sure why, I suspect it's the heat, but my ankles are swelling up. The taichi lady suggested that I soak them in hot water and then massage them. I'm wondering if there might not be something to this. Last year there wasn't a yoga class before the deep water so I used to go into the hottub and my ankles didn't swell nearly as much. I'm also being careful about my sodium intake.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: Today is my last day of freedom!!! Back to work tomorrow. Thought I'd better get myself back now I'm feeling so much better. Isn't it funny, I'm a bit nervous about going back :huh: :huh:

    :flowerforyou: Natalie keeping my fingers crossed that all is fine with you and the surgery can go ahead, I know how hard it is waiting.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, men!! they always think they know best don't they. I'd keep and eye on what your Vince is eating and make sure he is drinking plenty of fluids if I were you, it's probably nothing more than the heat, but as you say, he needs to keep his strength up.

    :flowerforyou: Robin Good Luck with the new job.

    :flowerforyou: Sissy the fine wine diet sounds good to me! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie hmmm the Gut N Butt exercises, I printed them out many moons ago, probably should try them again myself.

    :flowerforyou: Sally I'm with you, trying not to spend too much time at the computer, I find it hard though because I am addicted to on line games and I always think just one more game and before you know it I've been sat at the computer for hours and hours! Don't have the excuse that I am recouperating now :bigsmile:

    Looks like it might be another sunny day :glasses: I've booked a few days at Bridlington with my mum and dad, I managed to find a ground floor apartment for them - we go 15th August for 3 or 4 days we are not sure yet.

    Time I was moving :bigsmile:

    Take care everyone and have a good day.

    Viv xx
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I have been crazy busy lately! Remember when I said that I needed to do more things for myself? Well I have been swimming everyday and have been going out shopping and eating with new friends I have met here at the apartments. I also have been having friends over for dinner and then we watch a DVD. Problem is and this is going to sound like 'I am all that", but I feel like I am being pulled in different directions and don't have enough time in the day to be with everyone. I know this is going to sound crazy, but the people here that I have befriended are very possessive! They don't seem to understand that I have an obligation to take care of my mom. Unfortunately, mom takes precidence over every thing and everyone. The other night I was invited over someones house for dinner. I told them that I would be there at 6:30 pm. Well I did everything I needed to do and took the dogs out for a walk to go potty before I left. Well I noticed Boo was straining while peeing and when I dabbed the area with a napkin I noticed that there was some blood there. I checked her when we got back but I couldn't find the source of it. I decided to check the next time I took her out. Then as I was about to head over to my friends dinner, my mom told me she needed to use the commode. Timing! By the time I got the commode ready, psoitioned. walker out, mom taking less than 8 steps (which takes her at least 5 minutes to do), and listening to her blaming me for her not walking and arguing with me, cleaning her, walking back to the bed and repeating the same things, diapering her, and situating her on the bed with a transfer sheet....it was 8 pm!:noway: Something that should have taken only a half hour, tops, took and hour and a half!! The lady kept calling me and I woud tell her it would be another 10 minutes finally got fed up and opened a can of soup and put the meal she began away in the fridge. I could hear in her voice she was irritated and I tried to explain my situation, but she couldn't grasp why it was taking so long. Nobody understands here how hard it is for me to make plans or why I have to be home within 3-4 hours to change my mom. I felt so guilty that I ended up taking the lady out for dinner with money I didn't have. The man that I helped set up the food delivery for and also do dogsitting for, got upset with me the other day because I didn't answer my phone and didn't return his call right away. (I was helping my mom walk and couldn't leave her at the moment because she is so unsteady on her feet and I have to be there so she won't fall.) I tried to explain my situation and told him I did call him back, just not right away, but he was upset and he told me "If you want to be my friend, then you need to answer your phone, otherwise forget it."
    Yesterday with the dinner plans ruined I was thinking "Maybe its just better to not go anywhere or have friends because my life is so unpredictable."I don''t know how to explain to these people just how hard it is taking care of my mom.
    I ended up telling the lady yesterday that from now on I would have to have future dinners at my house only, so that I could be near my mom if she needs something.
    Who knew that I was going to have this problem? I never expected to have so many friends here and that they would want my attention so badly.:huh: It has gotten so bad with splitting my time among people here that I have forgone swimming some days!! I hate not swimming daily! It is a great stress reliever and I need the exercise! But I don't have the time!!! Not sure what I am going to do about this, but I know I want and need to go swimming. I am going to end up hurting someones feelings.

    Well just needed to rant.

    Everyone take care
  • kitmkath
    I'm in a bit of a tiz - I definitely see that I am an emotional eater. Last night we found out that my son can be placed in a family treatment home (he's 16 years old, autistic, tourette's, reactive attachement disorder and fetal alcohol effect). Even though this was the news we were waiting for, I immediately ate leftovers and two servings of brownie bites. Then I felt sick. That was really worth it ha ha.
    I'm better this morning - DS will leave in a week and a half -lots of paperwork and physical, etc... For 9 months he'll live at the Family Treatment home - M - F, and we will have him home during the weekends. This is definitely going to be an adjustment - probably for the best.
    I DON"T WANT TO EAT THROUGH THIS WHOLE TRANSITION.....but it seems like food is the first thing I go to when I get upset. Ok, here is an opportunity to recognize my eating issue and do something about it. But what??? Yikes. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Carrying July goals to August, Gotta get my head out of over indulgent Vacation mode, self-induces back-to-work-stress mode, and get it into bk's happy/healthy habits. Will catch up and check in as I can...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    This is a great article that is a "must read" for all of us who weigh ourselves all the time.....:bigsmile:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Chiclet - please make time for your swimming. Would any of your new friends swim with you? As for the man you helped. Explain again, gently that your mum needs attention and that you'd still like to be friends but that your mum must come first. If he (or your other friends) can't or won't understand that, then they aren't really friends. Try again - perhaps going for coffee rather than a whole meal for a while and you could still entertain at home (then when your mum calls they will see how long it actually does take for the things you need to do).

    Kathy - so sorry to hear about your family problems. Just think that your son will be getting a lot of help that he really needs. Why don't you prepare a bag of mixed veggies - carrots, cauliflower bits, tomatoes, peppers - and have them in the fridge then when you need to eat (and we all get like that sometimes) you just grab a handful of veggies and then firmly shut the fridge door..

    It looks like the oil is out of my t-shirt. So, if you are in Canada, I can really recommend President's Choice Laundry Soil and Stain Remover with Grease lifting power. The t-shirt is almost dry, so I think I'd be able to see if there was still oil spots on the shirt. Perhaps I now need to spray the screen door and door mat that also got oil on them.

    I'm off to lawn bowl as we have yet another lovely day here in Ottawa.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Been busy--will try to get back later!
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone .............

    a very quick nip in ...:laugh: what's new!!.....

    I'm being honest and can say ...:frown: .I weighed in this morning to a plus 3lb!! :sad: OMG!!! There I was thinking I'd done so well ....birthday cake, booze etc with no gain .....who am I kidding!!
    Soooooo ...it's begin again week now .....what's new there!!?? :ohwell: Nothing much!!
    Shopping has been completed today and we steered clear of the naughty things that have been sneaking in the basket!!
    I'm back to working my full hours this week now. Last week I cried off my Friday hours.... I had the end of the "Family" cold and loads to do for the Birthday party , then the most awful migraine which kept me in bed 'til 2pm. So unfortunately I didn't have the cleaning hours to reduce my calories. :sick: That was two migraines in three days lately .......all the birthday excitement maybe,? too many chocolates? .......red wine?

    :drinker: Anyway .here I go again folks.......two steps forward and one back........Yo Yo ...ing!!

    I hope your week's going well and that you are all Losers in the nicest possible way.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Blood tests came back NORMAL, thank goodness... surgery is a go...
    PRAY for me....
    I am scared, I know that it's a long recovery, but I am strong, and I will make it happen.
    The diet is on hold, altho I know I will lose more in the hospital and rehab as I will probably not be to hungry.
    I just want all this PAIN to go away.
    Take care...
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Today is a gym day and also grocery shopping. I have to keep in mind that if it does not get into our cart it will not get into our house and therefore will not make it's way in to my hot little hands and mouth and then directly to my belly and hips. With it being so darn hot I really don't feel much like cooking these days. Tonight we will eat half a Walmart rotisserie chicken and a large salad and maybe cantalope as our snack. :drinker:

    It seems like ages since we've been to the gym, missed going the end of last week because we were in St, Louis so fully expect to be sore again ...I just don't ever seem to get over that. I really want to get back on the 3x's a week schedule because I have found that is the only way I can have consistent weight loss.:bigsmile:

    This board is such a friend to me, I take comfort in reading that there are others who struggle with hurdles like nighttime snacking and learn from those who have found ways to overcome other problems. I cannot believe how difficult it can be some days:sad: and then other days it seems everything could not be better. :bigsmile: I guess we all have our ups and downs.

    Have to run now, eat breakfast and head out to the gym...it is supposed to be 112 degrees today.:smokin: ..what kind of horrible joke is this??? I cannot remember it ever being this hot before.

    Have a wonderful day today ladies,:flowerforyou: plan something you will enjoy even if only for a small part of the day. :love: xoSissy:heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Sissy - it looks like you and I have lost the same amount, but you don't have as far to go as me. I find that although I eat a good breakfast, a sandwich and veggies for lunch and then meat and veggies for supper and then some fruit during the evening, I'm ending up with less than 1200 calories. I don't feel hungry and don't know what to add to make up the difference. When I add something, I find that I am well over on the protein.

    I try to lawn bowl 4-5 times a week, but sometimes (like last evening) only 1 other person turned up so no bowling. I hadn't done much exercise during the day because I was planning to bowl, so when I don't bowl it is late to start doing exercise - don't want to go walking later in the evening..

    Just got the schedule for the winter aquafitness program that I usually follow. Registration starts on August 9, so I need to keep that in mind for next week.
  • Cj107
    Cj107 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP so not even sure I'm posting correctly. But I would like to join this support group. I know it's much easier to do this with others than trying on my own. I joined the middle of July. So, July goal met of tracking food even the things I didn't want to record. August goal is to add some strength training twice a week and to lose 8 pounds.

    It looks like everyone is doing great from what I've read!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    welcome CJ!!
    Natalie,prayers for you.
    Jackie-sorry about the gain.i know how you feel.
    Everyone have a great day!
    HUGS to you all
  • mynyddisamrs
    :sad: Mmmm! ....the nights not got any better!!!

    The tin of B'day cake MUST go ....:sick: I feel slightly sick now I've just eaten another piece.
    Sorry folks!......
    :ohwell: I know I shouldn't but I did.
    I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow.

    :embarassed: Jackie