Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member

    Name: Melissa
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (as of Oct. 23rd): 274.5
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 264.5

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesday)

    1. Oct. 25: 274.3
    2. Nov. 1: 275
    3. Nov. 8:
    4. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.7
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +0.5

    Total weight loss so far - since October 23, 2017 +0.5 LBS

    I really need to GET OUT OF MY OWN WAY! I am self sabotaging again and I know it, that's the sad part. I even had a conversation with my youngest (9) daughter last night when I picked her up from the gym. She didn't want to go because usually she goes with her older brother and sister, they had wrestling practice at school so no gym for them. She went anyway and did a 2 hour class. I asked her how was her class and she said great, I'm glad I went, I feel good. I then smiled at her and said you know what, I need to remind myself that even during those days when I didn't feel like working out in the past, once I was finished with a workout I always felt great that I did it. She looked at me and said YEP you really should tell yourself that mom because nobody ever regrets exercising mom, they only regret NOT exercising! That's one smart girl I have raised there. Today I promise to get my body moving for at least 30 minutes.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6ft

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 182.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 180 to 185 (goal is to MAINTAIN! No need to include my weight fluctuations in group's weekly stats)

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 182.2
    2. Sept. 27: 182.2
    3. Oct. 4: 185.0
    4. Oct. 11: 180.4
    5. Oct. 18: 182.2
    6. Oct. 25: 183.8
    7. Nov. 1: 180.8
    8. Nov. 8: 183.8
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3.0
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +1.4

    Total weightloss since April 2016 = +/-120lbs.
    "Maintenance" since June 2017

    Here's the good news, Friends: even tho the scale shows me up 3#s from last week, only yesterday I weighed in at 3#s more (186.8). Up and down, up and down - that's how it goes... :D
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member

    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 230
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 223

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 229
    2. Sept. 27: 226
    3. Oct. 4: 229
    4. Oct. 11: 229.8
    5. Oct. 18: 232.8
    6. Oct. 25: 231.4
    7. Nov. 1: 230.6
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.8
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +0.6
    Total overall weight lost this year: -19.4
    Total lost from highest recorded: -26.4
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (Sept 16th): 249.2
    Goal Weight (Nov 18th): 239.9
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept 20: 249
    2. Sept 27: 249
    3. Oct 4: -- 248.6
    4. Oct 11: - 247.8
    5. Oct 18: - 249
    6. Oct 25: - 249.8
    7. Nov 1: -- 251.4
    8. Nov 8: -- 250.6
    9. Nov 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.8
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +1.4
    Total overall weight loss: -35.2

    The scale went down this week. I don't know how but I will take it! Now, I need to build on it starting today! Since this is another challenge where I will not meet my goal, I will just strive to get and stay in the next "decade" (240's). This is the second or third challenge where my goal was 239.9 and I didn't make it. But I am not giving up!

    I think that maybe I will see how I do if I step on the scale twice a week instead of once a week. Maybe I can be encouraged by seeing a downward movement. If it goes up, hopefully it will encourage me to get back at it SOONER instead of allowing more damage to be done by not knowing until my normal weigh in day. At the very least, maybe any upward movement will be minimal and I can stop it from getting seriously out of control. Am I just trying to fool myself?

    @Nikion901 - AWESOME video share. I love that song. It makes me cry, in a good way! We are all fighters, aren't we? And congrats on reaching your halfway mark!

    @Birdygirl15 - Don't fret, it happens to the best of us! :) Your story about your cleaning polish reminded me of a story about my best friend's mom from years ago. She was putting mousse in her hair (I am talking about the big hair days of the 80's) and unlike you, she thought, "Gee, this mousse STINKS!" After looking more closely, she had realized that she had put NAIR (a depilatory) in her hair! She jumped in the shower so quickly and washed her hair. Being teenage girls, my friend and I were hysterical at her mom when we realized what happened.

    @mtumale - your daughter sounds wiser than her years! Something that we all should remember. Exercise DOES make us feel better!

    @bapcarrier - I remember when I reached ONEderland during my last big weight loss journey. It is an amazing feeling for sure! Keep up the GREAT (and hard) work!!

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!

  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member

    Name: Jo
    Age: 47
    Height:161 cm

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):167.6
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 158.6

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 165.5
    2. Sept. 27: 164.3
    3. Oct. 4: 170.6
    4. Oct. 11: 165.3
    5. Oct. 18: 164.3
    6. Oct. 25: 161.6
    7. Nov. 1: 164.9
    8. Nov. 8: 160.7
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:...................-4.2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:....-6.9
    Total overall weight lost so far:......-72.1

    I got rid of the pms and extra carb weight.

    Re-dedication for the month of November is going okay. Not perfect but better than October, so fingers crossed for this week

    Good luck to all the people here, on your road to a better, healthier life <3<3<3
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Name: Andrea
    Age: 41
    height 5'9

    Start Weight Mid October 330
    Goal weight 200

    Weigh in weeks:
    10/18: 329
    10/25: 332
    11/01: 325
    11/8: 320.2

    I have cut back on my carbs.
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 27) 232.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 220

    2. Sept. 27: 232.4
    3. Oct. 4: 227.8 (amazing what drinking extra water can do!)
    4. Oct. 11: 226.6
    5. Oct. 18: 226.2
    6. Oct. 27: 225.0
    7. Nov. 2: 223.4
    8. Nov. 8: 222.8
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: - .6
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: 9.6

  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Been a long time since I checked in here... need to get back at it. Gained back about ten pounds of what I had lost, but still down 30 or so from my all time high. Have developed a stupid old lady knee that slowed me down some, no half marathon this year and slacking on the exercise in general.

    So, my latest inspiration is the quote set as the wallpaper on my phone, "I want to see what happens if I don't give up."
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5ft 2ins

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 294lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 276lbs

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 291.5
    2. Sept. 27: 291
    3. Oct. 4: 291
    4. Oct. 11: 288
    5. Oct. 18: 287
    6. Oct. 25: 289
    7. Nov. 1: 283.5
    8. Nov. 8: 282.5
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1lbs
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -11.5lbs
    Total overall weight lost so far: 39.5lbs since February '17

    Urgh....the scales can't decide what I weigh today, so I'm taking the median line and settling for just a 1lb loss. Still, it's a loss and after shifting a lot last week, I'm OK with that. I've not done much exercise after all the recent gardening, but the weather is decent today so I'm planning a walk around the estuary and lagoon where we get overwintering birds we don't usually see the rest of the year.

    Where I live there is a 26 mile long pebble bank called Chesil Beach or Bank, a freak of geology and tide action where the waves over millenia have graded the pebbles so the largest are at the Portland end (that's Portland, Dorset, not Oregon, obviously! :) ) and the smallest towards West Bay. There is a long lagoon behind it that creates calm waters for much wildlife. Local legend has it that when the smugglers of old were bringing in the brandy from France under the nose of the customs men, they knew where they where on Chesil Beach from the size of the pebbles. One photo below is taken from the top of the island of Portland, looking west, just after some massive storms a few winters ago.

    The beach crest is very high, but the force of the wind and waves pushed the whole ridge back many metres. Those of us familar with it were astonished at the change. The other photo is a sunset, of course, also from the same spot, but by the carved Olympic rings made for the London 2012 games. We had the sailing events held in Portland Harbour, and with Portland island famous for its limestone rock, it was natural for the carving to be made. Portland limestone has been quarried for centuries, most of London's iconic buildings are made with it, and others around the country. Poor Portland is pockmarked with quarries now, and there are not many areas left that can provide the stone. However, the quarries are used for sculpture parks and wildlife reserves, so out of destruction comes beauty in the end.



    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5’8”

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):240.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 228

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 236.2
    2. Sept. 27: 233.8
    3. Oct. 4: 234.6
    4. Oct. 11: 234.2
    5. Oct. 18: 237
    7. Oct. 25:233
    8. Nov. 1: 233.4
    9. Nov. 8: 231.2
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -9.2
    Total overall weight lost so far: 28.8

    Sorry, I'm late posting again. I've been running around like a crazy person, again. I just can't learn. BUT- I did better with my eating. So, something is going in the right direction! I've been really struggling this challenge. I'm just glad I'm hanging in....

    Some great inspirational and motivational posts going on. It's helped me get through some rough days. Y'all are aweome!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Greetings from NYC!

    On the last part of my vacation ... just a few days before heading back home ... mixed feelings because I love NYC and would live here any day, however I do miss my doggies (which the sitter has told me are so spoiled... :D doesn’t surprise me!).

    But, got a new NSV :) ... flew economy for the 1st time since I lost the weight and fit perfectly ... didn’t miss the business seats, slept the whole way from SFO and I don’t look like I was on the red - eye flight ... so ready to start my day here!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!!!

    @Birdygirl15 what a beautiful view!! I am sure it’s gorgeous no matter what time of the year.
  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member

    Name: Melissa
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (as of Oct. 23rd): 274.5
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 264.5

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesday)

    1. Oct. 25: 274.3
    2. Nov. 1: 275
    3. Nov. 8:272.5
    4. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.5
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -2

    Total weight loss so far - since October 23, 2017 -2.0

    I was so happy yesterday when I weighed in and saw a loss, it's been a LONG time since I have seen the scale move more than 0.2 in the negative direction. Thank you all for the positive vibes!

    Now for Truthful Thursday! Ugh ok so after the loss on the scale oh and also seeing an increase of over 2K steps on my FitBit and sticking to my meal planning for the week so far, yep you guessed it, I stopped by McDonalds on the way to pick up my daughter from the gym, EVEN THOUGH DINNER WAS COOKING ON THE STOVE! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I didn't eat dinner too, so that's a plus, but I still chose to eat McD instead of my yummy meal I prepared at home. I felt so disgusted that I went to bed early. I love the quote you guys posted about self sabotage I am planning to print it out and use it as my mantra so I can stop getting in my way with things that sound good at the MOMENT! I am moving a little more, still not as much as I really need to but I am taking baby steps. I hope you all have a great week!
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    Truthful Thursday: My sister didn't feel like cooking last night so we ate pizza (and salad) which wasn't too bad in itself, BUT then we got a donut after! So I went over my calories yesterday and had already been having a "hungry" day. But today it's right back on track and tonight going to the gym. Won't let one meal ruin all my progress!
  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member

    Name: LaDana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5' 2"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):271
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 260

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 270
    2. Sept. 27: 270
    3. Oct. 4: 269
    4. Oct. 11: 268
    5. Oct. 18: 271
    7. Oct. 25: 272
    8. Nov. 1: 269
    9. Nov. 8: 270
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -1
    Total overall weight lost so far: 33