Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @susan - I may throw caution to the wind and leave the damn gate open all the time! Losing weight is about health, clothes that fit and feeling better about yourself, but for me it's mainly about the ability to do the things I've never felt I could before. I need to channel that feeling every day and focus on the pure joy of living each and every day.

    (I also love this picture because the cute, fluffy dog looks a lot like my dog and he's definitely a fan of open gates. )

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello my friends,
    Struggling today. Stress levels are through the roof.
    Hubby went for an endoscopy on Monday, while checking for one thing they found a mass in his stomach and it will have to come out. Too large for the scope so they took a biopsy, we should have the pathology by the end of this week. Too soon to know what is going on. But I want to panic.
    Work is also at an all time high. Had I known it would be this way this early in January I would not have taken days off in December. Lots of windows to be done before the end of the month. My sister and I do all the sewing. She has a new grandson, three months old. The DIL has come down with a rare form of Pancreatitis. She has a 30% chance of survival. Needless to say sister is driven to distraction and has to help care for baby several days a week. Again too soon to know how this will turn out, but I want to panic.
    Food is good and bad. Today I want to eat everything. This was my best alternative. I needed to get this all out in the open, down on "paper". I am a planner. Right now there are so many variables I cannot plan. I need to have things laid out in a logical way so I can deal with each step as it comes. At this time it is not possible.

    I need your prayers and good thoughts. Thank you for once again being there for me to lean on.
    Lori :'(
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, my Tuesday goals were hit and miss. I got a text from my sister that she felt like throwing up – it never passed so we had to postpone the gym (hope it’s not the start of morning/evening sickness). I made Blueberry and Cream Cheese Butter Braid so that put me over my calorie goal. Missed on my water. I did get my sheets organized but opened a whole can of worms in my son’s room in the process. I have to do the rest today as he had to shove things to the side so he could sleep last night (sheepishly said). And Robin, you will be happy to know I got 6 pairs of shoes out of my closet and either thrown away or in the box to donate.

    @Tom…I agree about Vegas and seeing it at least once. Although I think that about oh so many places. My goal is to get to all 50 states, but I know even if I accomplish that I am going to miss on some magnificent places – especially out west where the spaces are so big. SIGH. With that said, I will be staying in the Breckenridge area of Colorado this summer – if anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
    @MKknits…you are doing really well with your organization/food prep. I have found I am much worse now that I work from home…unfortunately, everything is too accessable. I need to start being more prepared.
    @Holly…I think that is a really cute hairstyle. I am back to growing mine out after a year – it drives me crazy that I can’t put it up when I work out.
    @melifornia…you were getting up about the same time I went to bed! HA
    @Susan…I think it’s been harder to get into the groove this time around. Sometimes I think it’s because someone else said, we try to go in full force – exercise, eat less, eat healthy etc. Maybe it is a matter of focusing on one things for a week or two and then adding in another and then another. They say that’s why so many resolutions fail – we’re all gung ho and then we get burnt out. Slow and steady, right?
    @Laurie & Karen… It’s been down to as low as -40 with windchill here the last couple of mornings and we aren’t even thinking about closing schools (ok they might think about it, but it hasn’t happened) here in Bismarck. I’ve driven my daughter to the bus stop because her bus is never on time and today would have been standing there for 15 minutes. They just had a write up in Sioux Falls about the call to close school due to weather. The principal said he loses sleep over it because on one hand, he doesn’t want kids standing out in the cold waiting for buses, but on the other hand, he understands how hard it is on parents that work and have to figure out where kids can go. I do take some weird pride in it  Cold is one thing but ice is another…especially when kids will be driving without much/any experience in it.
    @Robin…dang, that is a lot of scheduling. Glad it’s working out for the most part. Where are you going on vacation?

    AFM…I’ve got church activities tonight. Supper at 5. Jacob’s confirmation at 6. Emma’s “great adventures” at 6 and my Mom’s group at 6. Then choir at 7. After that, if Kristen is feeling better we will hit the gym. Busy night but always feel uplifted after choir. With being sick, I’ve missed the last two weeks and ready to get back to it. My cough isn’t gone, but enough to sing again (I hope).

    I have some DOM from my new lifting that I did on Monday. I knew it would happen…my arms felt like jello after the session. Last night it started and this morning – full blow chest and arm muscle soreness. Oh well, it’s a good kind of hurt..ha!

    To Do:
    *water…one of these days I’ll hit my goal of 4 bottles
    *finish Jacob’s room
    *declutter at least one drawer in my kitchen – I’d like to get all 5 drawers done, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure since I have a busy night.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @cblue Lori, I am so sorry about all that is going on for you just now. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You definitely have a load to bear. I wish you and yours all the best.
    Barb (mountmary)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International Programmer’s Day – 2015!
    It’s an exciting time to be living in! Technology just keeps getting better every year thanks to the contributions of programmers.
    Let’s take a quick look at some of the accomplishments of IT in 2014:
    * Mobile got bigger and better! iPhone6 was released; – 10 million sold within 3 days; Google announced Android has over 1 billion active customers.
    * Google opened up Google Glass testing; Visa CheckOut was announced with a barrage of celebrity commercials; Google works on self driving cars; IBM spends $1 billion on Watson AI technology, including buying up AI companies.
    * Java SE 8 was released!
    * New APIs released like Gmail, AdWords, DropBox, and more
    * Raspberry Pi Model B+ released: Want to run a Linux server serving up PHP pages on Apache connecting to a MySQL database wirelessly in the palm of your hand? Check out the Raspberry Pi Model B+. You could also plug it in HDMI to your tv, plug in a USB keyboard and mouse, and surf the web from a “computer” that fits in your pocket. And with 4 million Raspberry Pi’s sold since its inception in 2012, there is a huge online community.
    * Programming became cool when President Obama and a host of celebrities joined in on

    “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~William James

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  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    What's DOM? Something to do with muscle soreness?

    Day 3 of my Miracle Morning Routine, and now ish is getting real. I *must* get this sleep schedule figured out! Dragged myself out of bed this morning at 5:30 and went through my routine, but went back to bed around 7AM and woke up again at 9AM. I know what needs to happen here...I need to get to bed earlier. Time to adjust my night time routine (so long, reruns of The New Adventures of Old Christine that I've watched 10 times already!).

    On the plus side, I can really feel the benefits of doing 20 minutes of yoga 3 days in a row. Relief!

    Thanks for the lunch suggestions, teachers! I'm subbing tomorrow and think I have a good idea of what to take (with extra protein).

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 4-10

    Diet Goals

    * Make a meal plan and stick with it! - working on it!
    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - 1/7
    * No fast food 4/7 days - 0/7
    * Create meal plan for Sissy Nights (my night with nieces & nephews) with healthy options for me - DONE

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - 1/7
    * Find short yoga routine to do at home as part of Miracle Morning - DONE 3/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 3/7
    * Refill pill box when empty

    Personal Goals

    * Finish reading The Miracle Morning - just a couple of chapters left to read
    * Create Miracle Morning routine and implement 5/7 days - DONE 3/7

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen - decluttered one set of cupboards and the pantry on Sunday night

    Work Goals

    * Edit PR pitch and sent to partner for review - DONE
    * Write mag profile #1 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review
    * Invoice magazines
    * Set up interviews for profile #4 and feature article
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday
    * Send 5 pitches for PR client - DONE

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 7/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 1/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 3/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Karen~Wind chills of 35 below?! No thanks! I say, stay in the comfort of your warm house today. :wink: That is one thing I do not miss about the NY, bitter cold winters. I guess I can’t complain that the low tonight here is supposed to be around 18. :wink:

    @Amanda~Welcome back, great goals for the new year!

    @Holly~Riley sounds like Zoe, except she stole a piece of turkey off the counter the other day. Can’t turn our backs on them for a second! :lol:

    @L2T~I’ve seen that pic on Pinterest, love it!

    @Susan~Baby steps! Its amazing how the older we get the easier our parents get under our skin, isn’t it? My mom can sometimes be critical, I often need to gingerly explain to her that I am no longer a teenager and don’t need constant “mothering.” I know she means well, but I think they don’t always think before they say stuff and don’t always know whether or not it will hurt our feelings. Sounds like you and Cyrus are settling nicely back in Atlanta, how did his first day go in a new school?

    @Lori~I’m sorry for the struggles and stresses encompassing you and your family right now. I hope DH test results come back favorable and that your sister’s DIL makes a full recovery. Sending out thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

    @Tracy~That bread sounds fabulous!

    @Tom~I, for one, am grateful for the new iPhone 6! :lol:

    @Melifornia~DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness. Usually comes about a day or two after heavy weight lifting.

    @Tanya~I’m thinking about the new Fitbit Charge HR also. I almost preordered yesterday (may today), the only thing that makes me nervous are the LED HR sensors on the wrist—I know they are supposed to be safe but don’t want to have these permanent marks on my wrist from them. I haven’t been able to find much information in the test phase…

    AFM~Not much to report. I was able to keep my session with my trainer last night, tonight I will most likely have to work late but it’s too early in the day to know for sure. Experienced my 2nd earthquake last night about 7pm. It was low with 3.6 magnitude but the area has been plagued with them recently—think we’ve had 25 small ones since October, there were 9 yesterday. Another one in the same area was reported this morning. You ask me it’s a result of the natural gas fracking.
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    No one seemed to notice me but that didn't stop me! I'm back! Yesterday was a fail. I did pretty well until night time which is probably the hardest time of the day for me. My night time snack was worse than all my meals... combined. Ugh. Why is getting started so hard. I am so unhealthy and need to get healthy for myself and my kids (2 & 4). My mom died 1.5 years ago really really horribly from a rare cancer, and she'd want me to get healthy, she wouldn't want this for me. Last month I had to be put on a CPAP for sleep apnea which I developed at some point most likely because of weight (not age) because I never had problems before. My dad has heart issues and diabetes and I'm sure I'm well on my way if I don't change things fast. Cry.

    Here's to making today better than yesterday.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Hansea- Good luck on the weight loss challenge and training for the half marathon. It is great your hubby supports you and the miles goal is awesome.
    @Kaye- I think we all struggle with hunger some days more than others. Well I know that I do.
    @RobinsEgg- I would be exhausted after all those phone calls. Something on sale can always find us new things to eat  In this freezing weather something really cool is to take really hot tap water in glass toss the water in the air and watch it freeze can see some cool designs.
    @Mountmary- be safe in the cold but I like how you looked at the situation because most kids don’t dress for the weather unless parents dress them.
    @Lives2Travel- I love hearing what the south thinks is cold being 38 degrees in MN this time of year would be a heat wave…lol but true. Love the pic with the dog.
    @Susan2396- Yes baby steps. I know that hurt all too well my son was not always as nice and well behaved it was actually a child shrink that told me that.
    @cblue315- Sorry for all your stress. I will pray for you and your family.
    @tlh0407- I hope it wasn’t a real can of worms . Wow… 6 pairs I own maybe 6 pairs but only 2 fit LOL.
    @kah68- I mean this in a loving way but Riley is part German Shepard part Beagle (vet thinks anyway with the beagle) he is smart, stubborn and kind of dumb all in one. He just steals things because he is being stubborn and not wanting to listen to commands. Puppies are like having toddlers in my eyes. LOL He is a great cuddle buddy tho.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    klp555...Welcome! I know when I do personals, not every person gets commented on each time, but you are welcome here and we read you! :) Sorry to hear about your Mom and your Dad. I hope this is the beginning of a great journey for you and you'll be able to kiss that CPAP machine goodbye in the future.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    DOM - delayed onset muscle soreness or something close to that.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Lin!! :smile:

    @holly--yes, puppies can be stubborn. I'm starting to think that's true of senior dogs as well. Gunner is 9 now, and he's just recently been exhibiting some really stubborn behavior: counter surfing, begging, whining for treats--all stuff he knows is wrong and would have never done in the past. He's NOT hungry, so I know he's just doing it to break the rules. LOL

    @klp--I tend to give a general welcome to newlings until I see them come back b/c I used to write long welcomes and only about 1% even come back to read them. :wink: As far as night time snacking, I figured out early on that I like to eat at night. Rather than fight that, I just make sure to save enough calories to have a substantial dinner and evening snack. Sorry to hear about your mom's passing and your dad's health issues--it's good that you are doing something to help insure better health for yourself.

    @kelley--Yes, very chilly here, but I will probably venture out to grade somewhere. Those earthquakes sound scary--what are we doing to our planet?!?!

    @melifornia‌ --as others said DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness that can begin a few hours after exercise, but is usually at its worst 24-72 hours later. You already got some good suggestions for lunch, but one I didn't see yet is hummus. No need to heat it and it keeps really well in a lunch bag. I eat mine with crackers or raw veggies. Glad you are enjoying your yoga.

    @tracy--yes, I know some folks think it's weird that we close for low temps. A bunch of my friends on FB were all talking about how it was as cold when we were kids and we never got a day off, kids today are "soft," blah, blah, blah. In reality, it's the parents who complain for the very reason you stated--they don't want their kids standing outside in the cold waiting for a bus. So it's the people my age who are forcing our superintendents to close the schools. Irony.

    @lori--sending good thoughts your way. I'm sure the hardest part right now is the lack of control you are feeling--as you said, too many unknown variables to plan for. :(
    Can you try to focus on what IS in your control--plan your workouts, meals, and work as much as possible--to distract yourself from the unknowns?

    @L2T--great mantra! I love that meme--have seen it on FB and it always makes me smile. :)

    AFM--man is it cold! I was going to go work out, but think I'm going to focus on grading today. The stress of that stack of papers is getting to me.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Holly~Maine Coons are the same way, they are described as toddler's until they reach full maturity at 5 years old. She's two and acts like she's in her terrible two's--has temper-tantrums, leaves her toys out and I have to watch her every move! LOL I wouldn't change a thing, :heart_eyes: her to pieces.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Brrrr. Winter arrived today and boy is it cold. Ok, at least as cold as we in the South are likely to experience. My daily walk has been moved to lunch time when it will be a balmy 38.

    I posted my goals a bit ago, but neglected my mantra. This is a hard one for me. I see and read so many things that have spoken to me that to whittle it down to one word or phrase is tough. So, I read back through one of my Pinterest boards looking for the answer. I had many choices "Never Give Up", "Onward", "You're worth it", "One Day at a Time", but they all seemed to focus on what we say to ourselves when we mess up. I don't want to focus on my failures anymore. I want to focus on the WHY of the whole thing. Why do I want to lose the weight? What am I hoping to gain when I lose? And how do I want to get there? Focusing on the days I screw up or focusing on joy? So, here is my mantra:


    floating puppy.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    It's freaking COLD here, too. I'd planned to hit the gym this afternoon, but am joining @skinnyjeanzbound‌ in the decision to stay inside and work instead. I have several articles that need to be written plus a couple of updates to do for website clients. So I'm going to hunker down and work on those projects for the rest of the day (plus a couple of household chores), then take my workout gear with me tomorrow so I can head straight to the gym when I'm finished at school.

    (DOMS - got it!)
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    @tlh0407 - I totally understand... seems to be a big following here. Will take me time to catch up!

    @skinnyjeansbound - That makes total sense, I'd imagine there are lots coming and going. It took me like an hour to find way back to this thread after I had posted the first time. I bet some people get lost!

    Thanks for the welcome!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick drive by b/c my brain needs a break from really bad Scarlet Letter essays. Ugh.

    I'm currently at starbucks grading. Plan to grade all afternoon before heading home for dinner. It's looking like we may have another emergency day tomorrow. If that happens I will still have to go to my bargaining meeting in the afternoon, but it will give me an opportunity to go to the gym. :smile:

    Normally, I would be upset about these closing b/c it would mean a bunch of extra work adjusting my lesson plans. However, this is coming at the best possible time of year for me b/c I have a lot of review for final exams planned next week which is really easy to adjust. :smile:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 6/6 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 1/2, week 2 = x/2, week 3 = x/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. 6/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE (too snowy, wet, and cold outside)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--gym NOPE
    Thurs--rest day (meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    Hi Lin!! :smile:

    Hi back at ya! B)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello all,
    Thank you once again for helping me through a difficult day.
    Pathology came back and all is well, not sure what the mass is but they do no want to do anything at this time. So that is a HUGE relief.
    Very cold here today so no walk in customers today. Sister came in for the whole day and we got so very much done. She says she can put in a full day tomorrow as well. Yippee!
    @Lives2Travel‌ Love the dog picture! It will have to go on the fridge for a while. It makes me smile every time I look at it.
    My Wednesday wishes were answered!
    Living life Gratified
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi kids,
    Hope today is finding you well, making good healthy decisions for you.
    @Barbara: Happy to hear that life is settling down for you. LOVE the hair cut comment and idea....I hope it works!
    @MKknits: It sounds like you have the "balance" part of my mantra down...which is always the hardest part for me. Life happens. Enjoy your choices, and get back on track afterwards....I need to learn that one.
    @ereilly: Feel better soon.
    @BSRacer: Congrats on your weight loss.
    @KLP, @watraders, @nannersp61‌, and @robinrmcfal‌ (and any other newbies I may have not caught...: Welcome. Hope we can help one another...
    @loosaedna‌ : I'm sorry that you are so overwhelmed. Try to take one step at a time with the new doc. You are looking at a lot of stuff...just go one thing at a time. Try not to overstress, about things that may or may not happen. Keep making great decisions for yourself. One step at a time. You can do this.

    I apologize profusely for my mad skimming of your posts....I can't get over how many postings happen on this discussion. I am sorry if I missed something you posted that was important to you.

    I had a great weigh in this week. I've been on track with exercise and eating. Trying to keep balance with work life and real life. :) Next week, going to wake up go back to my earlier wake up time, so I can get to work early and use the time to get caught up. It's particularly hard during the cold, long dark part of the year. I just need to do it and make it work. :blush:

    Take care of yourselves.
    Perfect effort and balance,