Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hello everyone, I hope you all are keeping warm.

    Welcome all new people. There are a lot of you just now, so as not to miss any, I will say a general “hello”. You have found a great thread and group of people.

    @Melifornia Glad you asked about DOM: I didn’t know either and was about to ask.

    Kah Kelley, I hope the ground is holding still for you today. I think an earthquake would really frighten me, probably more than this insane cold. I heard a bit about that on the news tonight.

    @MNQueen Not sure what you are asking. I did go out today, just wore tons of layers and did finally get the long johns out for under my corduroy pants. I do remember when the kids were little we never even concerned ourselves with temps until wind chill was below -20º. I would bundle us all and walk them to school. And back when I went to Purdue a thousand years ago “young ladies” always wore skirts. We could not wear pants on campus unless the temp was well below zero (no mention of wind chill then) and the dean of women “allowed” it. We wore petti-pants and knee socks and had perpetually cold red chapped knees. Incidentally, we also had to dress for dinner. Times have changed!

    @cblue Lori, I am so glad things have settled down a bit. Now if your niece can get well. Will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    @Edna How’s it going? I hope you have been able to settle down a bit. Monday will come and things will be just fine for you.

    @Mara Good for your nice loss. Sounds like you have it figured out.

    @Niki I hope that nasty "bug" is leaving you. You deserve to feel good.

    AFM: I think someone needs to push my “re-start” button. I just can’t quite get going again after New Year’s. The day starts off fine and then I succumb to some dumb thing. I will “start” again tomorrow and the plan is to stay with it all day. I have the right food in the house so there is no excuse.

    And finally, @Robin Don’t forget to go to bed tonight. I will be here bright and early checking on you.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 2 /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 0 /31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY” Well this isn’t doing it is it???

    Thanks every one of you for being here.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    klp555 wrote: »
    No one seemed to notice me but that didn't stop me! I'm back! Yesterday was a fail. I did pretty well until night time which is probably the hardest time of the day for me. My night time snack was worse than all my meals... combined. Ugh. Why is getting started so hard. I am so unhealthy and need to get healthy for myself and my kids (2 & 4). My mom died 1.5 years ago really really horribly from a rare cancer, and she'd want me to get healthy, she wouldn't want this for me. Last month I had to be put on a CPAP for sleep apnea which I developed at some point most likely because of weight (not age) because I never had problems before. My dad has heart issues and diabetes and I'm sure I'm well on my way if I don't change things fast. Cry.

    Here's to making today better than yesterday.

    Sorry you missed my comment to all the @newbies and @retunees ... about 23 posts down from your original one on the 6th ...

    Thanks for telling us a little about yourself ... what are you trying to do to get your health in shape?

    Don't feel bad about having to use a Cpap ... it's not always weight related, though people who have a weight to lose often do have obstruction when they sleep .... they snore a lot and loudly, and often stop breathing for short periods ... which can lead to a stroke or a heart attack ... so be grateful you have the machine to keep pushing air into your lungs during those momentary stoppages.

    My son has the problem because of a deviated septum and has used a Cpap for many years and reports he sleeps fine with it. A few years ago I complained to my doctor about how tired I was during the day and thought it was related to blood sugar spikes after eating starchy or sweet carbs ... he looked at my food diary and said something else was going on because my food diary looked like I was following orders .... so he orderd a sleep apnea test and off I went for 2 nights at the hospital. Well .... I stopped breathing more than 30 times in an hour and some of those stoppages were longer than a minute. So now I sleep with a CPAP also. .... and my blood pressure has stabilized, the occasional arythinmias have deminished so that I am no longer afraid to exercise ... and I know I'll probably always need to wear the headgear because, for me ... it's not a weight related thing either ... although being so obese as I am doesn't help it one bit.

    So ... now that I've ranted to you about the benefits of a CPAP ... what are you doing to improve your health and diet? I'd really like to know.

    Follow-Through Niki
  • lleecc
    lleecc Posts: 25 Member
    Hello y'all! Since my mantra for 2015 is discipline, I have been thinking a lot about it. Then I came upon this on Pinterest...

    Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want more.

    So tonight, when I wanted that cookie after dinner, I decided that I wanted to lose weight more. One small victory for me!

    Week 1 Goal: under or at calorie goal 4/4 days
    Week 1 All In Goal: walk dog with H 1/4

    Discipline! - Laura

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Barbara, your post brought back memories. We are of the same generation. When it got -40 those who had to walk to campus could wear slacks, but they had to change at the first restroom they came to on campus. Did you wear brown long stockings with garters in grade school?
    Lori, I'm glad you had a better day.
    Klp555 I used a CPAP for several years, but have been able to quit using it since I lost weight. Apnea can be very dangerous. Did you figure how to mark this as a favorite so you can find us?
    AFM: no one who has bruised ribs should have to deal with a cough. Just saying. My Wednesday wish is obvious, I want this cough to go away. I did better today, but find that when I am feeling miserable, I look for food to make me feel better.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye Nope, bobby sox and saddle shoes in grade school. Gosh, we must really be relics of another era! LOL
    Sure hope those ribs get better. DH fought that after he fell off his bike this summer and I knew when he winced it was not fun; coughing would be awful. Get better soon.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    ...and one new challenge. I have to have the book "Dear Abigail" by Diane Jacobs read in the next week before my book club discussion. I think I am going to promise to read it every day....for some reason I just don't get this one picked up. It is about Abigail Adams and the Revolutionary war times and is quite interesting. go figure???
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I'm Lindsay. I wish I could eat as much as I want and not worry about losing weight.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @kaye--sorry about your cough with the sore ribs--that sounds like no fun. :(

    @laura--great job practicing discipline!

    @barbara--I started a book over the summer and just couldn't get into it. Got about halfway through before school started, and haven't picked it up since. Finally decided to just give up on it. Life is to short to read books I don't enjoy. Now I'm planning to start Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre if I ever get a break from grading.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that our bargaining session goes well tomorrow. We have another day off of school, but I still have to attend the meeting. At least we are able to start a little bit earlier, so it won't be such a late night.

    I also plan to go to the gym in the morning. Today was very lazy day and it turns out it will be my first day this month over my calorie goal. Between my starbucks latte and a couple of cocktails (to celebrate no school tomorrow), I will be over once I eat dinner. Only a couple hundred calories, so I'll still be under maintenance.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 6/7 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 1/2, week 2 = x/2, week 3 = x/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. 8/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE (too snowy, wet, and cold outside)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--gym NOPE
    Thurs--rest day (meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Kaye Nope, bobby sox and saddle shoes in grade school. Gosh, we must really be relics of another era! LOL
    Sure hope those ribs get better. DH fought that after he fell off his bike this summer and I knew when he winced it was not fun; coughing would be awful. Get better soon.

    ditto for me Barb and Kaye ... about the sore ribs and coughing ... not nice at all.

    Good going @lleicc ... Discipline Laura ... that's what it comes down to sometimes.

    @linzee32 ... yes, don't we all. But Lindsey, if we keep doing what we have always done in the past, we will not get any new results.

    @Skinnyjeanz .. good luck on the bargaining session.

    AFM ... I did wear those brown stockings that Kaye mentioned ... with a coin or button twisted in the top hem and put through a metal clip that looked like a garter clip but didn't come with garters. Those garters were something I didn't wear until I was grown up to hold up my silk stockings ... with the seam up the back! LOL ... what fun to remember how it was 'back then' in the simpler times.

    So to update you on my illness .. it's gone into my lungs so I now have Bronchitis but it's still in the viral stage so nothing to do about it but keep on self-medicating. Running a fever again and really coughing a lot. I've instructions to call my doctor if I don't see any improvement over the next 5-7 days, or get significantly short of breath.

    So ... what with sleeping oddly and not having any appetite unless the food is right in front of me ... I didn't eat today until 10:30 PM having only plain hot tea and cold water in my waking periods.

    Thus ...
    My calorie challenge is 7/7 (goal is 28/31)
    Obviously no exercise has taken place. But hey, I did cook my small dinner (porridge with strawberries and peanut butter) and did put away the dishes from the dishwasher plus put another load in to wash.

    Follow-through Niki
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I wore saddle shoes in grade school....but, only because they were "retro cool" then. Ha!

    Stay warm everyone! I draw blood all day, and there is a lot of small talk with patients...guess what everyone wanted to talk about today? The best was when one man's response to my "Have a great day!" was "You have a great day, too, and may your car start tonight!" like it was a standard greeting. Funny.

    My Wednesday Wish is that I keep my organization momentum going! I decided on Sunday to make a chore schedule for the family, so I can get more of my housekeeping done during weeknights and have less to do on Saturday. So far, so good. Everyone is on the schedule. I plan on scheduling more tasks next week. I feel like things are more under control and am less stressed knowing that there is a time for everything.

    We needed to change our daily schedules a bit to adjust for my husband's major schedule change. He was moved from third shift to first shift at work, which he was kind of upset about....because it wasn't his choice, but I think we're all going to benefit from this. The kids were surprisingly excited to hear that Daddy would be sleeping at the same time as them! Funny!

    January All-in: 3/7
    Mantra: You Know Better!
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2015
    @grandmakaye44 - Yes! I figured out how to mark it thank goodness! I cannot wait to get rid of the cpap. I didn't have to use it until after my second child and my highest weight, so I have my fingers crossed that it's weight related and not age related. I'm 38... my dad is over weight and has it too but stubborn and won't use the machine. So I guess it's possible it's hereditary?

    @nk1112 - I don't have a clear plan of what I'm doing, other than cutting back on calories and trying to exercise 30m a day, but I'm failing at the exercise part because the kids just don't give me a second to do it! I'm trying to explain it to them, but they are 2 and 4, they just want mommy and if I start doing something of course that's when they need my attention!!! So I started just trying to do free zumba's I find on YouTube when they are occupied. It's 3-4 minutes here and there which is more than I was doing, but not sure it's making any difference yet.

    I'm still unable to keep the cpap on all night... the first night, at the sleep study, I pulled it off and had a panic attack. I'm claustrophobic and it really made me feel... uhh... horrible. But at home in my bed I'm able to do it better. I've built up to about 4.5 hours a night and each day seems to be better. The weird thing is they told me how great I'd feel and that I wouldn't be tired any more but that hasn't been the case. Probably because it's only 4 hours of good sleep but still I thought there would be some change. I think I've had it a month now? I don't have my follow up for another month so I'll learn more then.

    Is anyone here doing anything that has been working for them? Low Carb? Nutrisystem? etc? I think it's just going to be a matter of watching what I eat and exercising when I can. OH and that's another thing, after having the kids weight loss is COMPLETELY different! Used to be I could just cut calories exercise 20 minutes a day and drop 5 pounds in a week... now I'm lucky to lose 1. I blame the apnea! :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,

    Just a quick pop in tonight
    Wish-That everyone who is experiencing the very cold temps stays warm and cozy. Those dealing with illnesses or family concerns sees healing quickly. Those who are getting started on their journey find the strength to continue when the going gets tough and they don't give up. May all the new people feel welcome and that you come back and post often.

    Glad I stopped in to catch up but it is getting late, so even with a delay tomorrow, I still need to hit the sack.

    Have a great night and stay warm.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--some of the schools in our area are doing a delayed start tomorrow as well, but most (including us) are closed again. Stay safe in this crappy weather.

    @klp--don't fret too much about the exercise--you can drop a lot of weight just cutting calories, and i imagine chasing after 2 toddlers burns more calories than you think. ;) As far as what works, I probably tried every "diet" out there before joining MFP: nutri-system, atkins, etc. They all work in the short term, but unless you are going to live like that for the rest of your life, it's just temporary. What really and truly works is making sure your intake of calories is lower than what you're burning. You can honestly eat anything to accomplish this; however, I think most of us who've been on here awhile have found that we are less hungry when we are eating nutritious foods. Avoid the empty calories b/c they don't fill you up as much or fuel your body as efficiently.

    I know, personally, I do better if I start the day with a lot of protein. Carbs for my 1st meal, even healthy carbs, tend to make me hungrier. During the work week I take a hard-boiled egg to work for breakfast and maybe a greek yogurt. Lunch is usually some sort of lean protein--chicken breast or fish. If I add carbs to lunch it is usually quinoa although this week I'm eating some noodles made out of mungbeans that my DH bought--they are pretty good too. My afternoon snack is a high protein granola bar--I currently love Target's store brand Market Pantry Peanut, Dark Chocolate, and Almond bars. Usually that leaves me with 800-1000 calories left for dinner and evening snack, so I don't have to worry too much about what the DH chooses to fix for dinner. I love salad though, so I almost always have some as part of my dinner.

    Bottom line is, eat what you like and can sustain--just make sure you log every bite and stay within your calorie allowance. :smile:

    @hansea--your story about about the greeting made me laugh. I had a lot of emails from students today with questions about due dates and such since we are off for 2 days. I found myself closing every reply with "Stay warm!" :)

    @niki--sorry your illness has progressed to bronchitis. I hope you recover quickly.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Had an extremely busy, highly frustrating, but ultimately productive day. Turned into a "screw it, I want beer & pizza & munchies" night, but I'm not stressing over it. Just really really done with this day. 'Night, y'all.
  • CRMillsap
    Morning all...Have a great day. For those who are experiencing cold weather stay warm. And if we didn't reach our goal yesterday today is a new day :) . 2015 CLOSE THE GAP..
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @klp555 ... It does take a while to get used to the Cpap ... if you continue to have trouble with claustrophobic feelings, consider asking to try a nasal mask instead of a full face one. That's what my son uses because he was uncomfortable with the full face one.

    Something you could try with your kiddies ... have them exercise along with you. Line em up and all three of you dance to the music, and whatever else you can think of. Little kids love to mimic their momma and will dance and spin around while you do your thing. When my son was your kids' age, he was part of my exercise routine ... I was big into pilates-type exercises back then and Yoga and often times he ended up being on me when I did my crunches on the floor. Of course, the best time to exercise was when he was taking his nap. It's probably your age and not your having kids that makes it harder to lose weight. I read that our metabolism decreases a bit every year and that as time goes by if we eat the same as always in calories we will gain weight because our metabolism isn't as fast anymore.

    As for what I've found works for me is to eat off a smaller plate and balance it ... visually cut it into 4 parts ... 2 portions are non-starchy veggies, 1 portion is a protein, 1 portion a starchy vegetable or grain. That with a side of milk and a piece of fruit is almost too filling. Also ... having non-creamy soups on hand is a great meal starter or meal in itself. Of course, being on MFP, I ended up getting a digital weight scale and weigh my foods if they cannot be measured in cups so I can record properly.

    For me, I have to allow for a snack in the evening. 'They' say not to eat for 3 hours before going to bed but if I do that then I have a higher blood-glucose reading in the morning than if I eat a light snack that includes protein and carb ... like a slice of 100% whole wheat toast with some ricotta cheese spread on top, or a celery/carrot sticks with 2T of hummus.

    Good Luck ... keep finding a plan that works for you and don't be afraid to alter the plan as you go along and find what's working and what's not.

    Follow-through, Niki
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Klp555- I am like several others here I welcome all newbies when I catch that they posted. Welcome to the group :) what has worked for me is small steps it take a few weeks for something to become a habit. If this is hard for you I would say pick one thing to focus on at time. Like me I am focusing on not eating out as much I would eat out 7 days a week multiple meals and ironically thought I would lose a ton more weight than I did. So I am back on the saddle again :) I also don’t deprive myself of any specific type of food including snacks (portion control).
    @Karen- my son say Riley needs a hearing aid and ADHD meds the vet told him things would change at 3yrs old. LOL
    @cblue- glad to hear the results were good.
    @Maram- no need to apologize we all mad skim at times because you are right there are so many posts.
    @Mountmary- I was just making a kidding joke with you :D
    @lleecc- congrats on not choosing the cookie
    @Grandmakaye- So sorry you have a cough at this point. I bet it hurts a lot. Hope you feel better soon.
    @NK1112- Prayers for your health right now and hope you start to feel better.
    @Hansea- I agree that everyone will benefit from hubby being at home at night. I smiled at the comments the kids made adults don’t realize sometimes how much they are missed.

    AFM- I have always been able to wear jeans to school ;) I did cut my hair and put it as my profile pic but it isn't showing the new pic in the tread so here it is. It doesn't look as nice with my current glasses tho. Thursday truth is I am getting depressed thinking about school starting on Monday because once again another Algebra class. I am just gonna pray about it and try my hardest to stay positive. I have this horrible gut feeling I am going to have to sue the car shop that installed my clutch wrong the man isn't trying to help me at all and when filed complaint with BBB he told them he did all he could I was not willing to take his offer....he didn't offer anything much and what he did offer I took him up on. He has lost a customer for life and when I get mad I tell everyone so the word of mouth is not good either for him. My fitbit has stopped linking to MFP and the website team has been helping me but we have not had luck...I may have to start logging food on the Fitbit site being that is where my calories burned are staying.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    edited January 2015
    Morning everyone!

    Yesterday was just one of those days and I never got a chance to comment although I read everything. At lunch yesterday I had my carefully packed and pre-tracked lunch heating in the microwave, took it out and butter-fingered it so I dropped the entire thing on my classroom floor! Only about 1/4 cup of sweet potatoes and 1/2 cup of broccoli were still in the container (and it had 4 oz roasted chicken, 1/2 cup of sweet potato, 1 cup of broccoli and 1/2 cup of brown rice in it to start) - so I ate that and then ate my packed and tracked afternoon snacks as the rest of my lunch. I had recess duty so no time to run to grab anything else. By 3 I was starving because I didn't have enough protein for the day but I had no real time to run anywhere to get some healthy forms of protein (on daughter had her yearly physical right after school and then after that we had a school function to go to) so I settled on a chicken nugget happy meal - which totally hit the spot and didn't cost me too much calorie wise. I was pretty happy that after a total wrench in my carefully planned system I was able to plan on the fly and still keep my macros in range for the day (I think fat was a tad over but I'm not hugely worried about that I do a lot of full fat but healthy fat items so I don't worry about that macro as much as calories/protein/carbs).

    I read this article on Huffington Post the other day about forming new habits and have decided that in the interest of making this a real change for myself and not a "diet" I am going to master a new habit every 66 days. My first habit is tracking (good or bad it doesn't matter just tracking everything) for 66 days. So I'm going to start adding that to my daily report, when I get to 66 days of continual tracking I'll add in a new habit to work on.

    So for me today:

    12/66 Days to a new habit
    7/31 Daily calorie challenge

    Oh and it was -21 here this morning, as in the real temp before we take into account windchill. That is cold and I am dressed in so many layers for work today I look ridiculous but I'll stay warm in my freezing cold classroom so I don't care (I'm even wearing Uggs which I think are ugly beyond belief but my feet are warm today so I don't care).
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Good morning! Another frigid one here in Kansas. *shiver*

    @Cblue541‌ - Those test results must be a huge relief!

    @MKknits‌ - It's funny, I was just reading about habits this morning, too. I'm on Day 4 of my new morning routine and feel like I'm over the hump, but know I need to stay committed for at least 30 days to make it a habit.

    @hansea47‌ - That greeting sounds like an Irish blessing. :smile:

    AFM, I'm subbing for high school physics today. I've subbed for this teacher a couple of times before, and he usually has good classes. Today I'll have a couple of classes of Freshman, which could be challenging, but I looked over the roster and recognized several names from when I was at the middle school last year.

    Brought a protein-packed lunch and put my gym gear in the car so I can go straight there after school and hit the elliptical.

    Got to sleep around 11:30 last night, still about an hour off my goal time, but much better than the 12:30-2AM window of the past few months. Made getting up at 5:30 to do my routine a lot easier!

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 4-10

    Diet Goals

    * Make a meal plan and stick with it! - working on it!
    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - 1/7
    * No fast food 4/7 days - 0/7
    * Create meal plan for Sissy Nights (my night with nieces & nephews) with healthy options for me - DONE

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - 1/7
    * Find short yoga routine to do at home as part of Miracle Morning - DONE 4/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 3/7
    * Refill pill box when empty

    Personal Goals

    * Finish reading The Miracle Morning - couple of chapters left (I'm reading about 10 pages/day as part of my routine)
    * Create Miracle Morning routine and implement 5/7 days - DONE 4/7

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen - decluttered one set of cupboards and the pantry on Sunday night

    Work Goals

    * Edit PR pitch and sent to partner for review - DONE
    * Write mag profile #1 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review
    * Invoice magazines
    * Set up interviews for profile #4 and feature article
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday
    * Send 5 pitches on behalf of PR client - DONE
    * Request quotes for 2 newspaper articles - DONE
    * Set up interview for newspaper profile
    * Update client website #1 - DONE
    * Update client website #2 - DONE

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 7/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 1/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 4/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Joygerm Day
    Jan 8. 30th annual. Men, women and children on fire with the desire to conspire and inspire, who elect to collect, infect and direct those “down in the dumpsters” to develop resilience to rally round the rigors of reality by hugging, smiling, laughing, grinning and winning victoriously over regression and depression. Motto: The only things Joygerms allow to get depressed is their tongues!

    National JoyGerm Day was created as a day to remind people across the country that by being positive and treating people with kindness, they can influence those around them and pass that positiveness on to others, impacting the lives of people and even those that we do not even have direct contact with.
    To celebrate National JoyGerm Day, see how often, throughout the day, you can spread the JoyGerm!
    Laugh, smile, be kind, inspire and spread the one type of germ that is good for everyone to catch!
    “A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” ~Patricia Neal
