Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member

    I'm back again today! Still no exercise but sticking to the calories at least. My cousin told me last night about her co-worker who lost 100 pounds very quickly on Medifast. Has anyone tried it? I'm a little concerned about all the soy in it, but otherwise looks fairly do-able. Although Nutrisystem is food and fewer shakes and bars, Medifast seems to be all shakes and bars. I'd be curious to hear from anyone who has tried it.[/quote]

    My friend did Jenny Craig and lost a lot of weight fast but when she could no longer afford the meals and had to eat regular food she gained all the weight back plus an additional 15. So, I am very skeptical of any of those programs that require you to buy their food. My concern is how long do you take the shakes a month, year or your whole life?

  • aliseasea
    aliseasea Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all - I have had success in weight loss and lost over 80lbs in 2012/3 but gained it all back last year due to a number of things for which I take full responsibility. I am starting fresh again - knowing I can do it but looking for support from others in my shoes and and willing to give support as I know it is absolutely possible to get (and maintain) a healthy weight :)

    Looking forward to learning more about your journeys!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Newbies, ahoy! Welcome aboard!

    @Teresa_3266‌ - hey, welcome back! Yeah, when you're starting over I find it takes about a month to get back into the habit of logging accurately.

    @RobinsEgg‌ - oh, sweetie, get better! :(

    @Lauriek70 - It's okay, I promise. We all have those munchies days.

    @170isreal - you go, girl! Sending you a friend request, this is my year too!

    @mountmary84 - Yes, you CAN do it. It's hard after a stretch of going over, but you can get back in the habit. Keep tracking! :)

    @skinnyjeanzbound - we had several closings in a row here as well, it's frigid out. I'm so sorry to hear about the negotiations. The way teachers are regarded in the US is one of the reasons I changed majors in college, and among the first reasons I plan to homeschool my kids. The restrictions and lack of resources you have to contend with are ridiculous, and all for a lower average pay than I made working full time at Subway as a cashier. People like you who put up with all that nonsense are heroes.

    @bsracer - Are you a night owl or a morning person? I'm totally a night owl, and with a 6mo baby I'm often up very late and finding myself extra hungry. I have my diary separated into time blocks (6a-10a, 10a-2p, etc) and because I know I'm going to want something fairly substantial after my son goes to bed at 8, I try to go into the evening with the calories to allow for a pretty hefty supper and a treat.

    AFM - it's Friday Fitness... aaaaaaand I cleaned my living room. And by that I mean pulled out all the furniture & swept under, pulled the couches apart and brushed out the insides, put all the toys away, picked up all the stray socks, etc etc etc. Life with two small children.

    Now I get to spend a couple of hours putting the play mat back together with the "help" of the 3 year old. Joy.

    Meet/close to Calories w/o going over - 5/7 (Wednesday was OVER)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello everyone. I am back and just spent most of the morning getting caught up on the posts between doing everything else. The hubby left this morning for the first contract of the year so time to really focus on me for awhile. On the first I promised myself I would log every day regardless and get back in that habit before I worried to much about anything else. I am happy to say I havent missed a day yet so that is going well. Finally got out with my son and the dogs and had a nice little hike down at the park this morning. It felt good/exhausting to push my limits a little getting up the hill. I started a 30 day squats challenge yesterday with my two kids. Neither of them has weight issues to my extant but they arent small either. The challenge started at 50 and boy was I feeling that in my knees this morning. Its not painful per say just kinda weak kneed and slightly achey. I am 25 into todays 55 so far. I dont know why I never thought about the fact you could break them up throughout the day until my daughter proposed the challenge last night and I was like there is no way I can do all those right now. So I am going to make it to the end of this challenge. I told the kids if we go all the way done then I would take us each shopping to buy a 20 dollar something that isnt food related. Not a major prize but something to look forward to. If this goes well we will try something else next month. My daughter has given up fast food which for her is huge. She isnt saying she will never have it again but only if there is absolutley no better option at the given time. No more getting it 3-4 nights a week cause she doesnt like what I am cooking. I keep a very well stocked kitchen and she can always come home and find something easy to make that might not be the super best but is still all over better then Mcdonalds, lol. So far she hasnt missed a day yet :) I think I told you all we adopted a couple of kittens a few weeks before christmas. Between them and the dogs I have something to laugh at and smile every day. They were very young when we got them and are just now at about 4 months and reaching the super playful stage. I think the male is going to be far bigger then any cat I have ever had. He weighted over five pounds at his 16 week checkup and has these massive paws that definitley need some growing into. They get along well with the dogs now that they are all settled in and it is so funny to watch my 55 pound dog Zeus playing with them. Petey at only 7 pounds is much more their size and will probably be smaller then both of them when they get done growing. All of my animlas are late afternoon/early evening cuddlers. My kids say i sound horribly racist cause they will want me to get up for something and I say I am cuddling with my blacks right now. The one kitten isis and petey the little dog are both pure black and seem to end up in a puddle together most days on my legs :)
    I just want to say I hope that everyone fighting that nasty bug get better feeling soon. I think it finally went all the way through our family and we are done with it now. Also hope you all stay warm. I am one of the few lucky ones living in the one little corner of the country not being hit with this massive cold front. Have a great day everyone and cya all tomorrow :)
  • Rozie1019
    Good afternoon. Thank you to everyone who is keeping my mom in their thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me. She isn't doing too well but she is making a little progress. The short story: She has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and leptomeningial disease (the cancer spread to her spinal fluid). Chemo really hasn't made any progress. She got sick and weak, got the LMD diagnosis got stronger (surprised the heck out of the dr), had a chemo port put in her head 2 weeks before Christmas, Now she isn't well enough for any treatment. The dr's said she probably won't be able to treat any more. She went to the hospital Tuesday. She has acute kidney injury, which means her kidneys aren't filtering properly and are dehydrated, which cause a build up of potassium, which caused her heart rate to be high and her to be really weak. They are giving her meds to help.

    KristinaK-You can do it!

    Nanners- I used to be a scale junky. Then I started listening to my body. As long as I was feeling good and my measurements were going down I was happy. I now have to have my hubby hide the scale. I know there are daily fluctuations but I hate seeing them.

    mnwalkingqueen- I like the hair cut! It looks great.

    MaryPoppins- Hearing about you cleaning your living rooms is motivating me to clean mine. We have a table in the middle of it right now with a puzzle my husband is working on and then my craft stuff in a container under it then dog toys all around. It's a mess.

    To all those who are sick GET BETTER SOON!

    Hubby and I decided that once I have reached my goal weight and maintained for a few months we are going to try to have a baby! I'm so excited. It really gives me more incentive to lose weight. We are both having baby fever right now and as much as we want one we need time to save money and get ourselves healthy. No exercise this week. Worked late everyday and visited my mom. I will start working out tonight since I know I'll have some time.

    Have a great day!

    Under calories- 1/26 (been really stressed)
    Exercise- /7
    Appearance- 3/25 (something good at least)

  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    Back after two days, skimmed all the posts. Wow. I can't remember all of them, so welcome to the new people!

    And get better soon, all the sickies, of which I was one just last week.

    It is cold here in the mid-atlantic, but not as cold as yesterday. Despite that, I took a walk yesterday and saw my trainer today. It was very distressing to see how quickly I pooped out and we quit about 10 minutes early, at my request. I don't usually quit like this but decided to be kind to myself - first time exercising in about 3 weeks and right after being down with the flu.

    As to follow-through with my goals, well, I seem to be back on track today. But up to yesterday I was eating things I shouldn't and even shocked myself after logging my food to see how much I'd eaten in 1 day (yesterday). I never liked logging food and would quit doing it after about a week, but am determined to continue it as a daily practice. You might say yesterday's calorie count was a real eye opener about how much a small volume of something can add up. Many of you already know this. Heck, even I 'knew' it but it just never sank in - in fact, I think logging in fits and starts was a way of avoiding being conscious about something that I was already conscious of, if that makes any sense to anyone else but me.

    So I guess the truth that I am now embracing is that I can't truly fool myself, whether I log or not. So I might as well do it, because part of me already knows when I am sabotaging myself; the difference is between fuzzy knowing and laser-sharp knowing, between honesty and attempting to lie to myself.

    My mantra was to have been 'follow-through' (sorry Niki, I don't know which of us thought of it first) but I'm going to think of an additional one to help me remember that I am fooling only me when I'm not honest about my eating/exercise AND I'M NOT EVEN TRULY FOOLING MYSELF!!!!!!!!

    So, I hope you all have a wonderful, warm Friday - or what remains of it - and I'll see ya tomorrow!

  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Hello! New to this thread but not new to MFP. Have been off and on for a while - trying to make sure I didn't put any more weight on! Now slowly losing (15lbs) and have 100lbs to go.

    Looking forward to coming back to this thread to get to know everyone.

    As I see Friday's post is all about fitness - I haven't anything planned as I have been very poorly over Christmas. Just getting out and walking without collapsing into a coughing mess on the floor, will be a huge step forward.

    Planning on hearty stews and soups for this weekend's food - filling, warming and fairly low in calories.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Kab x
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I'm tired... skimmed the posts. A few people asked for my protein ball recipe... here it is, but beware, it's based on rice krispie treats so it's not a "health food", but I've made it just a bit less sinful.

    Peanut Butter Protein Rice Krispie Balls

    1/4c butter or margarine
    5 cups mini or 40 regular marshmallows
    1/2 tsp vanilla (optional... I skipped it)
    4 cups rice krispies (calls for 6 cups, I used 5, but still too dry so try 4)
    1 cup peanut butter (creamy works best)
    4 scoops vanilla protein powder (or unflavoured, but if using vanilla omit it above)

    Melt butter, then marshmallows in a big pot on low heat until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter until smooth, stir in protein powder, then add rice krispies and stir quickly. (All these steps must be done quickly while mixture is still warm-- suggest everything is premeasured and ready to go)

    While still warm, form into balls, or press into a pan. Amount of balls/bars will vary according to how big you make them. Edit your recipe to get accurate nutritional/calorie info for each.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    w00t! Made it to the gym today! That's my 3/3 goal met this week. Feelin' pretty darn accomplished. :sweat_smile:
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Friday everyone....or what's left of it. I've been stuck at work all day and looking forward to going home in less than an hour. Not looking to going out into the frigid cold. Us Southern's aren't liking this cold and the store has been dead all week. Makes for really LONG days!! :#

    Thanks for all the warm welcome back!! I really am so happy to be back on my eating plan, exercising again, and posting on MFP. Feels good to be in control of my actions. :)

    @Rozie, I am so sorry about your mother and will pray for her and your family.

    @ Jtconst, good on you for doing the 30 day squat. I tried that last year and think I lasted about 10 days. :D

    @aliseasea, fresh starts are great because it means we aren't giving up!! I'm looking forward to giving and receiving much needed support. :)

    I've got an hour left of work and I think I will put on my walking shoes and take a brisk stroll. B)
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Friday!!
    I hope the weekend is restful for you all.
    @Barbara - I don't believe having tenacity has anything to do with succeeding the first time you try something. :) It is OK for something to be difficult, seemingly impossible, for a person to be tenacious in how they deal with it....Look here. I looked up the word for review. (the teacher in me....)

    tenacity - the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.
    synonyms: persistence, determination, perseverance, doggedness, strength of purpose, tirelessness, indefatigability, resolution, resoluteness, resolve, firmness, patience, purposefulness, staunchness, steadfastness, staying power, endurance, stamina, stubbornness, intransigence, obstinacy, obduracy, pertinacity

    the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.

    the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

    Now, the way I see it, you are only NOT tenacious is you just walk away from the challenge. Being challenged by the challenge may even be a requirement to show your tenacious nature. Go get 'em, bulldog!

    @klp - changing your health habits is hard for all of us, but having health concerns definitely puts pressure on the whole thing. Do one small step at a time, even though it is so important, of course, to make all the changes in your mind. Doing one step at a time makes things more understandable, and you actually can recognize what affects your change is having. MKknits posted above about 66 days being required for a new habit....check her post out. Go slow. Go easy. Keep on rocking. Like NK112, I'm interested in what you have on your horizon in the immediate future. ;)

    @NK1112‌ and @Robin's Egg/Ellen - Feel better soon.

    @mnwalking -Cute hair cut!

    @MKknits - Great idea to add a habit every 66 days. That way you have the chance to get used to it and see the change in different situations before adding others to it. Thanks for the advice.

    Had a leg day with weights...a bit sore. We'll keep on rocking, but with a limping, unsure gait. :wink:

    Take care. Perfect effort and balance.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Friday. Enjoy the weekend.

    A busy day at work and a long one as well. A good climb tonight but now I am ready for bed. The swim tomorrow, well I will see it depends on how I feel in the morning.

  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    edited January 2015
    Tell y'all something... my body does NOT like it when I fall short of that goal. I feel that for daaaaaays.

    10 at night and I am some kinda crazy hungry right now.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Just a quick stop in tonight. It has been quite a day. Funeral this am for a friend's DH and then home to fix food for a dinner party we were attending this evening. The dinner was Scandinavian but who knows how many calories, probably too many. I sure wish the hostess had cut smaller pieces of meat...yes, I know I could have spoken up or left some on my plate, alas, I was just quiet. It was a nice evening though and the dessert smallish thankfully.
    @Mara Thanks for the cheering on. I too looked up the definition when I chose the word as I knew this was going to take some tenacity. So once again I will pick myself up, dust myself off and start again.
    Like everyone else I am really tired of this insane cold. I have been in the house almost an hour now and still can't seem to warm up. I think I will find my jammies and climb into that nice warm bed.
    Have a great weekend.
    Thanks for being here.
    Barbara (mountmary)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    So tired of not being able to get out and walk. When I don't feel well enough to do anything, my motivation to work on my other goals plummets. It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
    Here's to a better weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    January has me in it's grip. This long, cold, dark month is always the worst. I just want to stay home and bake. As much as I want this weight loss I am still stalled at 200. Temps here are hovering around zero and I just could not drag myself to the gym yesterday. Kudos to those of you who made it there. I will go this morning.
    My success today is that I am leaving for spin class right now, then lift weights.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Please forgive my quietness over the past week. It appears that I am having medical problems. I have absolutely no energy and if I try more than a few minutes of exercise I'm gasping for breath and/our throwing up. I got scared and didn't want to make a doctor's appt., but the people in my life convinced me I had to. Found out last night that my red blood cell count is very very low and I'm severely anemic. The doctor doesn't know why. This morning I go to the hospital for more tests and then I'm being referred to a hemotologist. I've been in bed before 8:00 every night and it's a struggle to do anything. I haven't forgotten everyone here and I miss you all. Is love to here from you.

    Thanks! Kai
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    That last sentence was supposed to be I'd love to hear from you.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Please forgive my quietness over the past week. It appears that I am having medical problems. I have absolutely no energy and if I try more than a few minutes of exercise I'm gasping for breath and/our throwing up. I got scared and didn't want to make a doctor's appt., but the people in my life convinced me I had to. Found out last night that my red blood cell count is very very low and I'm severely anemic. The doctor doesn't know why. This morning I go to the hospital for more tests and then I'm being referred to a hemotologist. I've been in bed before 8:00 every night and it's a struggle to do anything. I haven't forgotten everyone here and I miss you all. Is love to here from you.

    Thanks! Kai
    Hugs to you. I hope they can find out what is going on very quickly!

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kai, Oh my goodness. I agree with Kaye and hope they figure out what is going on quickly. You are such a bright spot here; I always enjoy your post.
    First things first though: Take care of yourself. that is sooooo important.
    Barbara (mountmary)