Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Everyone, sorry I haven't checked in a few days. This sinus infection has really kicked my butt this week. My anti biotics weren't doing anything for me, so my doctor switched them to a stronger one yesterday. I slept in til noon today! I don't know the last time I've done that! I still have no energy but I am finally starting to feel a little better. I have been pretty good with my nutrition until the last two days, where I've let it go a little bit. Time to get back on track tomorrow. I went to my cousins house to watch the Patriots game this evening and we got pizza, to be expected for playoff football!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!
  • LaughinLovinm3
    LaughinLovinm3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. new to post. Just wanna say hello! U are inspiring!
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @grandmakaye44‌ I hope someone can take your spot, and I hope you are feeling better soon. There will always be another 10K!

    I am so jealous of everyone who can run, I've worked and tried but it ends up bothering my knees and ankle too much. Hopefully I can get some answers about my skin and knees (they bother me a lot too) and figure out a way to start learning to run - my daughter is a fantastic runner (at 10) and was kicking butt at cross country. I would love to be able to run with her and do 5ks with her one day.

    14/66 toward making a new habit
    10/31 on plan - actually was under calories today by more then I would like (second day of that) but I'm not really hungry. We were so busy with my daughters swim meet that I kind of just snacked and nibbled on things which kept me full.
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    Just popping in quick because I feel like I should read and post as often as I can. Still sticking within my calories although today I had some gyro meat and kind of had to guess at the nutritional info. And then later found out that gyro meat can be packed with carbs so I guess that counts as a slip up! The kids kept hubby and I busy all day and now it's 10pm and I didn't get to have dinner until now - about to have a salad. Eating this late is not the best... I need to be mindful of that and be sure to fit my dinner in at a more reasonable hour.

    OK that's all for today. Need to do better tomorrow. Soooo tired!!

    Oh and hopefully I can come up with a more focused plan with "rules" adding new ones as I go as suggested. But I really need some guidelines, at least at first when I'm starting otherwise I'm too tempted to bend those rules and make exceptions!

    Have a wonderful weekend all!
  • Hello, new to the group
  • lindroosh
    lindroosh Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am new here. I am having a hard time logging all my meals but this week has been decent goal wise. I think Mayo Clinic Recipes online has some great recipes. I like that they encourage eating real food as a way of life. I think when we deprive ourselves of anything, we will try to find a substitute and end up over eating. If you want chips do it in moderation. Buy a small single serve bag and be done with the craving. I do look forward to giving and receiving support.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @MKKnits, just to clarify, I am a walker, not a runner.
    @klp555, hard and fast rules will only lead to discouragement and ultimately defeat and failure. You need a few good sensible guidelines that you can live with for the rest of your life. Just my two cents worth.
  • aliciar8401
    aliciar8401 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, this is my first visit. Hoping to make new friends, get motivated, change lifestyle and lose weight!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Hi just stopping in real quick before I actually go to sleep. My Saturday success is that I have been to the gym six out of 10 days in the month of January. Woo hoo! Still haven't seen any changes in the scale but I really am contributing that to the fact that my musclesare needing repair in my body is retaining water to do so. I haven't met my calorie goal every day but not too bad. One of the things I'm going to work on this coming week is going to bed at a decent hour. It is 1:30right now and still awake! No personals tonight because I'm on my phone… I love talk to text!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi kids,
    Happy Sunday! I hope you have had a restful weekend, and a weekend full of successful endeavors.
    @Barbara - Tenacity is a perfect word for this forum. You've got it in spades. You have had a hard week, personally, and are still walking forward for yourself. I'm sure you don't feel like it...but you know you have to. You are an inspiration to me. It would be so much nicer if tenacity could be an easier trait to have. proud of yourself, of your efforts, especially when it is hard. You are walking through it and onto your goals. Rock on, lovely lady!
    - @Kaye - I hope today is better.
    - @Kai - Take care of yourself. Do what the doctors say, you will feel better, faster, if you do.
    - @slimbluehen - Thanks for the cheer!!
    - @marypoppins - I also find it hard to stay up with the numbers I'm supposed to hit (calories, macros, etc)
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    @marypoppins - sorry...pushed the wrong button....let's try again...I find that if I do have a low day one day, the next day, I am very hungry and have little energy to do what I need to do, exercise wise. It's to the point, now, where I feel like a really tall toddler...I have my lunch bag filled with various snacks, so that I can eat a bit all day long. Not everyone needs to do it that way, but for me, it helps me stay more on target so I don't have this large amount of food to have to eat at the end of the day, or end up not eating, at the end of the day.
    - @melifornia - Thanks for the ways to stay positive, even in the duldrums of winter. :blush:
    - @saggyandbaggy - I think eating at times when everything that is available is delicious and challenging is going to be a life long struggle, even when all the weight is off me. It is just so easy to pop food into my mouth at those times. It helps to have my own food with me, but, let's admit it, it can't always happen. Just do the best you can, and get back on the horse after. Keep the workouts regular. Keep the flow of your life regular. Then, those special days will work themselves out. I didn't get this way by overindulging on the holidays. I got this way by overindulging on every other day of the year. A healthy body can take a few days of over indulgence, as long as it gets back to a strong routine afterwards. Just keep rocking!
    - @angiefaychai‌ - Congrats on your weight loss! Fantastic work!

    AFM - Struggling with food planning with others. Will just plan for myself if necessary. Going to work out right now, to keep the focus.
    Perfect effort and balance,
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi again, I posted in the wrong page. Hi to all the newbies on this last page! Welcome aboard.
    Keep on rocking, everyone!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @angiefaychai and @saggyandbaggy ~ Congratulations on the huge weight losses! Keep up the hard work of keeping it gone and going for more!

    @jtconst ~ Have fun with that new bike! I love riding, but it will be a while before the weather lets that happen in WI.

    @nannersp61 ~ I love that more and more places and functions are trying to include healthier food choices on their menus. Makes life easier for us!
    My cold's gone and I actually lost weight at my shoe store weigh-in- surprise!

    @Teresa_3266 ~ Cheeseburgers always smell so good to me, too. I eat them, but I try to plan for them. Good job not letting the heavenly aroma derail your food choice plan for the day!

    @2laughis2live ~ Welcome! I try not to let myself get hungry to the point where I'm desperate to eat anything and everything. I changed my diary settings this month to start recording my snacks at the time when I eat them to help remind me to have an am snack and a pm snack.

    @mountmary84 ~ Go Pack, Go!

    @skinnyjeanzbound ~ Way to go on your gym work! I have to make myself get to the gym at least once this week...

    @grandmakaye44 ~ Hope you find someone to take your 10K. I missed the beginning of your illness...have you had this a long time? I hope the rib pain is just sore muscles from all the coughing you've been doing and gets better soon.

    @MKknits ~ I have dreams of running with my kids one day, too. We're kind of opposite, though. I am the one who runs, and my kids are learning. My daughter enjoys it, but hasn't gotten the hang of pacing herself so she can go longer distances. We've done 5Ks, but we usually walk and only run part of them. When you do eventually start, start slow and build slow.

    @klp555 ~ Life is full of exceptions. I've found that I can't set myself up for failure by expecting huge changes that I can't sustain. I don't want to get too strict with myself and then beating myself up when I "break a rule". My guidelines are to count calories, exercise, drink water and pick fresh, whole food over processed foods. Life isn't perfect and neither am I. I still eat processed foods, slack on tracking, slouch on the couch instead of working out, and miss my water goal. I've been using MFP for two years. I'm not dropping mega pounds, but each year I am a little lighter than the year before and I think that will work best for me over my lifetime.

    @tlh0407 ~ I need to get to bed earlier, too. I hardly ever do anything productive when I stay up late, but I feel like the day usually goes better when I get a good sleep and get up early. Who was that, Ben Franklin? "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." True!

    @maram29 ~ Are you trying to meal plan around your husband and kids? When I first started healthy meal planning, I was trying all these new recipes and my family hated it. So, now I try not to introduce too many new things at once. I do maybe one new recipe per week. And I keep one or two meals "normal"....things like mac and cheese or hot dogs. I've gradually replaced them with whole grain macaroni and turkey dogs.

    Welcome to all the new people! You've found a great space for support and accountability.

    AFM ~ I got a surprise on the scale at the shoe store yesterday. Down 1.8 lbs! Now, I have the final weigh-in at the Y this week...this is the hold your weight over the holidays program. I can't remember what I weighed on their scale back in November, so I'm not sure what to expect. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will not be earning the gas card for maintaining or losing.
    Yesterday, my daughter had a party for a school friend at the ice rink. The birthday girl's dad ended up having to stay home with their sick baby, so her mom was glad to have me stay and help watch all the little 7 & 8 year old girls with little to no experience skating. I hadn't been in a pair of ice skates in twenty years or more, so I was just as wobbly and nervous as some of the kids! After a while, I got in a groove and it was a lot of fun. Now, I'm thinking we need to take our family there during open skate some weekend. It was such a good time, and great exercise!
    Now, I am off to cheer on the Packers from the comfort of our basement family room while pedaling our recumbent bike! Go Pack, Go!

    January All-in: 4/10
    Mantra: You Know Better!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Newbies- Welcome to the group
    @Rozie-Sorry to hear about your mom’s cancer. I will keep her in my prayers.
    @Jtconst-Love the squat challenge – wishing you all the best with that.
    @Grandmakaye- hope you feel better soon and hope those ribs heal soon
    @Kaihunter- prayers for your health and that the doctors find out what is wrong.
    @Go Packers! Eventhough due to algebra I haven’t watched a single game this year
    @Karen- Congrats on avoiding the bar food. How far is Lake Geneva from Mpls?

    AFM- I am enjoying my last day off from classes by straight up doing nothing. Classes start up tomorrow I am taking Intermediate Algebra and Micro Economics. I made breakfast sandwiches for every day next week and each sandwich has less than 200 calories :D . Laundry is on the agenda today so lots of going up and down stairs.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen ~ Happy Last Day of Break. I love that you said you're straight up doing nothing, but that today is laundry day. What a very "mom" thing to do! Even on the days where we're doing nothing, we're doing something. Ha!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy drink Whiskey and watch playoff football day!
    I will be fully complying in this made by me holiday by drinking some Uisce Beatha Real Irish Whiskey watching football and smoking two pork Boston Butts. :) Wish me luck I may need it. I already burned my thumb and I have not even started on the Whiskey. :\

    “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown

  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @hansea47‌ Thanks for the advice did you start on a treadmill or outside? We live in a really hilly area that bothers my achilles so I'm wary to start around here. My daughter is not only a good runner but she loves it and it helps a lot with her ADHD and anxiety disorder (both are pretty severe and we can't not medicate her). During the seasons we can take her out to run we can actually reduce her meds if she can get in around 2-3 miles a day in. Winter is hard though she hates running on treadmills and there is usually too much ice and snow for road running with a kid to be safe. We have her on swim team in the winter but it doesn't do the magic running does for her. She is so happy when she runs and pushes herself to beat her times. We have a friend who marathon/triathalon trains who is going to work with her this summer to train for the kids tri the y does this summer.
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    I am another one hit by a bug - feeling miserable today and sleepy. Not looking forward to hauling myself into work in the morning, box of tissues to hand! At least I am not eating much though not up to any exercise either. I envy all you ladies and gents who seem to have so much energy!! Reading comments above - I have given up trying low cal recipes that the family like and make my own meals separate to theirs. Will post something more positive in a day or two hopefully...
  • crs4daz
    crs4daz Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    :D Hello, I am a newbie to this thread but not to MFP. I have over 100 lbs to lose also and am just beginning this journey (again) along with my husband. I have read about 3 pages of posts and seems like a lot of similar people/issues as myself. I do wonder what AFM stands for (is it All FitnessPal Members?).
    Thanks in advance.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @hansea47‌ I fell while walking outside about 10 days ago. I did a belly flop onto the road and bruised some ribs. The cough started about a week ago and is really making it hard for my ribs to heal.
    AFM (as for me). My ribs don't feel quite as bad as yesterday, but still really sore. The cough is not very frequent, but very deep and painful. It takes a lot to keep me home from church, but I'm not going anywhere today. Today I am just resting and putting an all in effort into getting plenty of water.
    I hate hearing that so many people are having issues with these viruses. I don't think we can share them through cyberspace, but one could wonder.
    Have a good day. Onward and downward. Kaye