Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Laurie thanks for sharing jnettie's news. The baby is beautiful. If you are in touch with her, please give her my best wishes.
  • CRMillsap
    Hello All....
    @NK1112‌ Thanks. Don't want to dwell on last year. I have to push harder, reach further and keep my eyes on the prize ;) .
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hey peeps, I have returned. Not been so great, Christmas was a bit bad. I managed to swim for an hour three times, but still managed to gain 5lbs and reach my record highest weight. I weighed myself on the 1st January, and took it with a pinch of salt and weighed myself again this week and was 0.1lbs heavier so the weight gain wasn't the water weight I was hoping. This seems to happen every year. I don't tend to put much weight on over the year, it happens over Christmas and I spend the year trying to loose it, and failing, obviously.
    So, one gift Mr Christmas gave me this year was a new MisFit to track my swimming (yay!) and he also gave me The New Rules of Lifting for Women, which I have just finished reading, but I may read it again before putting it into action because the information was all a bit overwhelming and I don't really feel I have taken it in, plus by February the gym may have emptied a bit.
    The MisFit was a tad disappointing because the app to use it only comes on the iphone, which I don't have, but my phone upgrade is due the end of this month and I wanted an iphone for the mfp app anyway so hopefully I shall be able to use it by February.
    I told you it has all gone a little bit wrong, I'm hoping if it happens at the beginning of the year, that leaves the rest of the year for only good things to happen! :smile:

    Anyway, that's me over a done with, how are you all? Everyone have a good Christmas? And I must say Congratulations to Nettie for the new arrival! How exciting! Hope you are both well and getting good a strong! :flowerforyou:

    I will come back with the updated challenge and personals as I have fallen very VERY behind. (trying to organise myself and get back into the work routine)

  • runninghouse
    runninghouse Posts: 10 Member
    This is my first time using this app. I like it -- ha ha. It has only been 2 hours. I did weight watchers last year and had some success but after major surgery this summer, I failed miserably. This apps seems to work the same and it is free. The graph about my nutrients is great. Coffee is going to kill me on the carbs. I have a good feeling :)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Just going to slide this in here....

    I can't believe how many pages I had to go back to find this! I've missed A LOT!
    RobinsEgg wrote: »


    The First Goal is the Calorie Challenge. Each person is challenged to stay under (or within 100 calories of) their MFP recommended daily calories. We hope everyone posts their tally the following way: if you are successful for 10 days out of your first 11 days of the month you’d write it like this: daily calorie challenge: 10/11. You are also allowed some days off, if you choose, ie. A family birthday, holiday, etc.

    The Second Goal is "ALL IN" - in whatever capacity you choose. Put all your effort in this.
    If you choose Exercise- give it your all, if you choose Organizing your house, give it Your ALL., Whatever you choose to work on, Drinking Water, Whatever, give it YOUR ALL!

    And be sure to tell us what you're WORKING ON in your posts! Thanks!

    Please copy this post to a document on your personal computer! Thanks, Robin

    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    We are also proposing we each choose One Special Word (or Phrase) to Live By in the New Year. This will be in lieu of a New Years Resolution. The one word should be a word that resonates with you and applies to the change you are making in yourself. You should be able to easily remember it and to easily think of it at the most important times of your day when you need to be reminded to be strong about your lifestyle change.

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    daily calorie challenge: 0/0
    daily water challenge: 600/1200ml
    weekly swim: 1/3 days

    I'll have to think about the special word/phrase
    I'm also trying to up my protein, but it's impossible without upping your carbs at the same time! I don't really see myself as a protein shake kinda person... any useful tips for upping protein with out eating a whole chicken daily? :wink:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sundays just don’t seem to work to get me to do more than logging food, so here’s a quick Sunday Share: My name is Tracy. Live in Bismarck. 41 years old. Husband of 19 years. Kids – Jacob 13 & Emma 8. Work from home, which isn’t always a plus.

    Monday Check-In. Weekends continue to be a struggle for me. Went over in calories yesterday but not as bad as I thought it would be since I helped my Mom de-Christmas and had to move boxes from her Garage (down a long corridor) to her house and back. Then we moved some furniture back to their rightful places. We even went out and took down her outside Christmas stuff even though it was super cold. She is hosting a Christian Women’s meeting this week and “every single Christmas thing” needs to be gone. Luckily my sister helped but we both are sore from the gym so it was actually a bit humorous.

    @Mara…everybody needs to find out what works for them and if having little snacks with you all the time works for you, then it is right. If everybody’s weight loss worked the exact same way, none of us would have a problem.
    @Laurie…I’m part of those youth basketball Saturdays and they aren’t fun for me either…No, love watching them, but finding a parking spot is near impossible unless you are the first team of the day. Thank you for passing on the announcement and picture.
    @Nettie…beautiful! Glad you and baby are doing well. (Laurie, since she won’t be on for a bit, would you please pass on my congratulations?)
    @Barbara…I somehow got my sleeping schedule off. Last night I worked really hard on going to bed early…I took a bath. Was in bed by 10:00 and then it was toss and turn. My husband was in bed with me since he switched from evening/night shift to day shift today and he was not being very successful at sleep either. I’m actually thinking about buying some Tylonal PM to get me back on track. I’ve never had a problem sleeping but it’s been too many nights of seeing 1:00, 2:00 or even 3:00.
    @Nikki…protein is still a bit of an issue, but getting better at it. I know I need more so I just need to get back in the habit of my protein shake to start my day off. Maybe when I start sleeping again, I’ll actually get up in enough time to make that shake before I start working.

    AFM…football wasn’t going the way I wanted it to this weekend. The only team I was rooting for that won was Green Bay. I know most of the Cowboy fans are pretty upset about “the call” but in my opinion they got a freebie against Detroit, so they can’t get too upset that the “catch.” Especially since the rule was followed to a T. As a Vikings fan, I never thought I’d see the day, but --- “Go Packers!!”

    I can barely walk right now. Squat day was Saturday and consisted of squats to failure, front squats, leg press and then another one that I don’t know the name of. I hate the fact that I have to use stairs to go potty in my house right now.  It’s been a while since I’ve been this sore. Don’t think I’m seeing the inside of a gym today; however it is arm day so maybe I can swing it.

    2015 Mantra – Start Again.

    Have a great Monday all!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @‌JNettie Congratulations on your beautiful little daughter. Thanks Laurie for letting us all know.
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    hansea47 wrote: »

    @klp555 ~ Life is full of exceptions. I've found that I can't set myself up for failure by expecting huge changes that I can't sustain. I don't want to get too strict with myself and then beating myself up when I "break a rule". My guidelines are to count calories, exercise, drink water and pick fresh, whole food over processed foods. Life isn't perfect and neither am I. I still eat processed foods, slack on tracking, slouch on the couch instead of working out, and miss my water goal. I've been using MFP for two years. I'm not dropping mega pounds, but each year I am a little lighter than the year before and I think that will work best for me over my lifetime.

    You are right. I have the all or nothing mentality and unfortunately can be my downfall. I like your guidelines, those will be mine as well! I would like to lose significant weight, 100 pounds this year is my goal. If I don't, I won't go to my class reunion. I just won't. But maybe that's just more of goal than a rule.

    @melifornia - you have a lot of work goals!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - OK I just have to ask are you in Wisconsin? You posted the other day about the cold and schools being closed and such and now yesterday posted Go Pack.

    Well I didn't pop in yesterday, was a busy day with the husband and kids. I did OK sticking to my calories, I think both weekend days I went over by 200 or so calories, but thankfully I didn't gain weight, but I also didn't lose anything. Back on track for the week!

    (And I did 5 hours on the CPAP at night instead of 4 so that's going well too! Still don't really feel that much more rested though, but I wonder if when I finally meet with my sleep doctor if he'll say that has something to do with the kids? Or being 38? Or still affected by my mom passing Sept '13? I still wake up every 2-3 hours with or without the machine.. and then if they kids wake up. I wonder if I will ever sleep straight through the night ever again.)
  • meglala22
    meglala22 Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning! I just found this group and I am very willing to have a group of people to hold me accountable and help to support me. I am 31 years old and a mother to a very energetic 2 year old boy! I want to keep myself healthy for him and I would like to try to get pregnant by the end of this year as well. I started eating clean the beginning of December and so far I've lost 12 pounds. Holiday's really screwed me took a good 2 weeks to get back on track after that. My total goal is around 200 pounds to be to where I really want to be. A lot of people don't believe me when I say that...but I'm also 6' tall, so I carry my weight well. :neutral_face: Anyway, I hope that I can find some really good support here! I have a ton of support in my daily life as well.

    This morning has been pretty good so far. I had my usual breakfast, a 2 egg spinach omlet with turkey bacon. Coffee and a low fat yogurt. Feeling a little tired but not bad. About to get up and do some moving...get some water.


  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ I never thought to look at the previous years results for a race. I know I usually am not the slowest one out there, but I just have that irrational fear and freak out lol. I still go out there and do it though. When I first got my rheumatoid arthritis while in college I was playing basketball and softball so was very active. My doctors told me I'd never be able to run again, and since then 12 years ago I've been trying to prove them wrong. I know I can do it, I just have to stop giving up on myself. I was also about a hundred pounds or so lighter back then, so it'll be more difficult now.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lauriek70 wrote: »
    <3 (*) <3o:)Hear Ye, Hear Ye- JNettie is a mom. :):D<3<3

    Nettie has given me the honor of announcing the birth of her daughter last night (1/10/15). She arrived at 36 weeks and 5 days, just a few days shy of full term.

    Her name is Isabella Saoirse, the middle name is pronouced Sear-sha, which means freedom in Galeic. Isabella arrived 8:49 last night, weighing in at 6lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long.

    Nettie will be in the hospital at least until Tuesday. She did have a c-section, since the baby was still breeched. Mom and baby are doing great.

    Nettie did give me permission to share this photo.


    She is looking forward to catching up with everyone on MFP but is not sure when she will have a chance to get on line.

    Nettie- what a great blessing so precious :)<3
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    hello everyone I would like to join this group and I have been on this calorie tracking for about a week and I am getting the hang of this I have also been exercising and moving so its getting exciting to see the changes.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Newbies- Welcome to the group.
    @hansea- Lol true about the mom thing, but for me laundry is one or two baskets of clothes and that is it.
    @All the people that are sick- I hope you feel better soon.
    @grandmakaye- They say this is worst flu season yet. I never get a flu shot and (knock on wood) never been seriously ill. Last year my son got a flu shot and was sick all winter long.
    @melifornia- Glad you had a good time at your brother’s house. I couldn't even imagine 10 kids.
    @cblue- the exercise will help with the depression and I am glad you are seeing a positive result.
    @RobinB- Thank you and feel free to use the pic if you want to.
    @slimbluehen- I am a popcorn junkie- I have learned air popped with some unsalted butter is good for me with a little bit of hot sauce. Also could try using popcorn toppings they have a caramel vanilla one that is good.
    @Karen- I got your email I think Lake Geneva is by the Dells. It has been awhile since I have been that way being kiddo is all grown up now and thanks for your information on running for the group.
    @tlh0407- I never thought I would see someone openly admit to being a Vikings fan (just kidding). I have lived in MN my whole life and rarely cheer for a MN team we just don’t have winning sports teams. I didn’t watch the game but I am a Packer fan.

    AFM- Weekend was spent doing some house work and running errands. I did okay food wise even though my choices weren't the healthiest. And broke down and had McDonald's after running errands after 10 days of not eating it man it made me feel like yuck. Realized I love, love, love Morningstar black bean burgers. I didn't get to go out my son was less than thought full took the car and stayed out until the next day. I can’t even be mad because I told him I didn't want to go anywhere when really I did. It’s that whole going alone thing I wanted to go but not alone so I told him I had no plans. I got my first assignment this morning and man it is a lot of work and my math class starts tomorrow. I am kicking myself is the butt for not going out more on my 3 week break.
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    Beautiful baby and so peacefully sleeping.
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen -- thanks for the info about the popcorn toppings. I'll have to look for the caramel vanilla, it sounds scrumptious.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Happy Monday everyone... I missed 3 pages of posts over the weekend and just caught up. I fall so behind on this thread now that it feels overwhelming to try to do personals for so many days, so I will just read and give updates for the time being.

    NSV yesterday... I went on a group hike that lasted most of the day, but halfway to the meet point I realized I left my lunch bag at home. There was no time to go back for it, and everyone brings lunch so there is no stopping to buy anything once we get going. So I only had time to run into a convenience store for water and 2 chocolate bars. I chose the chocolate bars for quick energy. Despite the crappy lunch and raging hunger, I was able to go home and balance out the day quite nicely without overeating the hunger away. Came in under calories, and made my protein goal so I was very proud of myself.

    I'm STILL experiencing whiplash symptoms from a minor car accident in September. In addition to several weekly sessions with the physiotherapist and chiropractor, I'm now going for a weekly massage too. Sure it sounds wonderful, but due to the muscle tenderness that is worked on I feel much worse for the next day or two. I wish this would get better so I can return to my active sessions and get my fitness level back up. I think the pain is responsible for some of the lack of motivation to get back to the active sessions.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi kids, Happy Monday,
    (that kind of seems like an oxymoron...but....we'll go with it.)
    I hope today was successful for all of you.
    @Hansea - Thanks for your advice about meal planning.
    Welcome to the newbies I caught: @CRS4daz, @jamesdjudson, @runninghouse, and @meglala!
    @Grandmakaye: Feel better soon. Falling takes a while to recover from.
    @Barbara - Thanks so much for your kind never miss yourself. :)

    Today went choices in line, exercise in line. Trying to keep my nose to the grindstone and keep dropping....every decision that is healthy brings me closer to what I really want....
    I just need to remember that when the decisions present themselves. No problem, right?

    Perfect effort and balance,
  • jamesdjudson
    Thank you @maram29‌ . Today went great for me. I managed to go to the gym and hold my calories really low... actually too low. I need to go eat an Apple. Go Oregon!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Monday Check-in
    Lost 2 pounds this week ... we will see what transpires once I get my full appetitie back, but want it to stay gone no matter how it got gone.

    Calories 12/12
    ALL-IN ... no exercise today besides moving about the house a bit doing chores.

    AFM ... my sleep pattern is all upset now and my schedule is off by about 8 hours. This morning I thought I could just tough it through the day after waking up early but it was just not enough sleep so I couldn't even stay awake. However I am feeling better a little every day so perhaps I'll have better energy on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone had a good check-in day

    Follow-through Niki