Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @Morgori‌ - I know a few dudes who would be willing to petition to make that an official holiday. :smiley:

    Welcome, newbies! I've only been in this thread for a couple of weeks, but can tell already that I've found the right place for support, encouragement and the occasional kick in the pants.

    My Saturday Success is that Sissy Night went really well last night. We were at BigBro's new house for the first time. He has 10 children, so it's easier to go to them than have everyone come to me. The new house is about 3x bigger than their old house, and even with boxes everywhere (they're still moving in), it's a better setup overall. So the location was better, and I think having a week of daily yoga, meditation, etc. under my belt made it easier to handle the general chaos of that many little ones. (Noticed that when I subbed last week, too.) I also re-instituted reading aloud time as I start moving us back to a more structured evening post-holidays, moving, etc. Anyway, feeling good about all of that. :smile:

    Working my way through my weekend To Do's and noodling on what to set for my goals this week. I'll be back later with those.
  • jamesdjudson
    I am new here. I will be posting daily. Looking for support.
  • lleecc
    lleecc Posts: 25 Member
    Sunday Share-I love cold weather! Since we don't get that much in Austin, I relish the bracing wind, the red cheeks, and the cozy clothes-especially scarves. I adore scarves!! So I am loving this cold snap we have had.

    Have a great week. We will reach our goals if we keep up our hard work.

    Discipline - Laura
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    I am another one hit by a bug - feeling miserable today and sleepy. Not looking forward to hauling myself into work in the morning, box of tissues to hand! At least I am not eating much though not up to any exercise either. I envy all you ladies and gents who seem to have so much energy!! Reading comments above - I have given up trying low cal recipes that the family like and make my own meals separate to theirs. Will post something more positive in a day or two hopefully...

    @saggyandbaggy‌ this bug has been awful! Right before Christmas everyone at school was coming down with it, and now everyone in my house besides my brother has it. It's been going on 2 weeks now for me and finally just getting some relief from this sinus infection! Hope you feel better soon!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday so far! I'm still fired up from the Cowboys/Packers game. I wasn't cheering for either team, since my team played last night but football is always fun! I'm finally starting to get some relief from my sinus infection, although still not through the woods yet and still have this nagging cough. I'm still fighting for energy, but feeling a bit better so I can't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow after work.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone,
    Sunday Share - Hello all, my name is Lori. Been on MFP since June of last year. This thread has been one of the keys to my success. Currently down 59 pounds since joining and a total of 97 since Dec 2011. I log every day.

    I do check this thread every day, however I am just not good a personals. Please do not be offended. I do get so much from all of you and I do genuinely appreciate all that you share so openly.

    Fitness is going very well. Currently I am at the gym 6 days/week. Thoroughly enjoying it. If someone had told me I would be going to the gym this much I would have told them they were nuts. It has truly made such a positive effect on my depression.

    I am still trying to catch up at work. I took a few days off over Christmas, so I have a very busy week ahead.

    Pack won. Yea! Hubby just got home from the game and is so very excited.

    To all the sickies - Hope you get better soon. To all who are struggling, hang in there, do not give up.

    A huge part of losing weight is believing you can . . . then knowing it will not happen overnight. - author unkown

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @MKknits ~ If you have a y membership, your daughter might enjoy running around the track more than running in place. Though, you are still running to nowhere. Our y has a youth area with a couple treadmills for kids ages 7 and up, and my kids really like watching cartoons and walking on them. In the adult area, they have a few new treadmills with programs on them where you virtually run through different parks and cities. Fun facts pop up every few minutes, so it's kind of educational, too. If you can find access to any treadmills with programs like that on them, that may help. I think it's called Live Active or something like that.
    I started by running down a lonely road near my house. I quit when someone yelled out their car at me...I couldn't really understand what they said, but it didn't sound encouraging. I was too embarrassed to try again for a year or more. I walked a few 5Ks and saw others running and was inspired to try again. This time, I did it at the y and did the "couch to 5K" treadmill version. I still don't go fast. Walkers passed me quite easily at the half-marathon I did in September, but I figure I'm going faster than I was when I didn't even try!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Looking back at last week's goals, I had a fair amount of success: morning routine done Mon-Sat (I started it on Mon), gym 3x, yoga daily, some decluttering, some work. I also underwent a lot of introspection as part of my morning routine and as a result of being in this thread.

    As such, I've decided to alter the focus of my goals for this week. I took out or reduced some of the diet goals so I can instead concentrate on getting my morning and night routines solidified as well as going to the gym regularly. As much as I'd like to do it all at once, that just isn't realistic and expecting myself to do it is a recipe for failure. So, a bit at a time!

    You'll also notice a LOT of work-related goals this week. I picked up several assignments last week, and am expecting more this week, so I must stay focused if I'm going to meet deadlines!

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 11-17

    Diet Goals

    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - x/7
    * No fast food 2/7 days - 0/7
    * Plan meal for Sissy Night with healthy options for me -

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - x/7
    * Short yoga at home as part of Miracle Morning routine - 1/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 1/7
    * Refill pill box when empty

    Personal Goals

    * Follow Miracle Morning routine 7/7 days - 1/7
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30pm 5/7 days - x/7
    * Tweak night time routine -
    * Create concrete task(s) to accomplish after morning routine/before sitting down to work -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Finish decluttering kitchen -

    Work Goals

    * Edit mag profile #1 and file -
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review -
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review -
    * Write mag feature and file -
    * Set up interviews for mag profile #4 -
    * Invoice magazines
    * Write newspaper weekend feature #1 - DONE
    * Write newspaper weekend feature #2 - DONE
    * Invoice newspaper for weekend coverage - DONE
    * Set up interview for newspaper profile
    * Write newspaper precede #1 -
    * Write newspaper precede #2 -
    * Invoice newspaper for work this week -
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday afternoon -
    * Send 5 pitches on behalf of PR client -
    * Follow up on pitches from last week -

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 11/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 2/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 5/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kaihunter- I hope they figure out the problem quickly. RBC carry oxygen thoughout your body so if you are low, then that would explain the lack of energy.

    Saggyandbaggy-Congrats on your 84lb lose so far.

    Angiefaychai- Congrats on your loss.

    2laughis2live-Welcome. It is okay to get hungry and then to eat, the trick is not to over eat. The other option is to space your meals out through the course of the day so have 6 smaller meals compared to 3 large meals.

    Kaye-Hope you are better soon. You may still be able to walk the 10k, if you take it easy. Your fitness level is up and that will help.

    Ereilly- Hope you are better soon.

    Akneslon-, aliciar8401, -Welcome

    Mkknits-When I started running the best advice I received from my trainer is to start with a fast walk. That fast walk turns into a slow run. It works great and I still go back to the slow jog when running. You don’t need to run for long periods of time just a short 10-15 ft and build from there. Are you warming up before you run? Is there an indoor track in your area, it is not as much fun as outside but at least she can 2-3 miles without fear of ice and snow dangers.

    Crs4daz- Welcome. AFM—As for me—

    I will catch up with the rest of you tomorrow. It has been a very busy weekend with very little down time but overall not bad. Yesterday, I skipped swimming for a couple of reasons- it was to cold, Christmas tree needed to come down and most importantly, I did not feel like swimming. I was going to hit the gym instead but when driving by it was packed with youth basketball and these are not my favorite days to go. It is very loud on the track since it is above the basketball courts. Today, I went rock climbing again and had a blast. I am actually fine with missing yesterday since my body needed a day to rest. Went up the high walls and challenged myself to work on the more challenging walls.

    With the exception of no exercise yesterday, I meet all my exercise goals. My school week is starting with a 2hr. delay due to ice/ freezing rain so I will see if it turns into a day off. The freezing rain is suppose to end between 10 am and 1pm. My school district will not make the same mistake as last week when it comes to weather closings.

    I am Laurie, a middle school science in Maryland. I have been on this journey for 4.5 years. Throughout this journey, I lost about 70 lbs and have another 20-30 to go. My level of fitness has improved and I am able to experience a variety of activities such as rock climbing. When I started, my favorite activity was sitting on the couch. Now, you will find me indoor rock climbing, swimming, biking, running, hiking etc. I have completed indoor triathlons, a swim meet, 5k runs etc. The journey has been very rewarding but challenging however, the benefits outweigh the challenges.

    Wishing everyone a great week.

    Sunday- Rock climbing
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Tuesday- gym
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- swim
    Sunday- swim meet???
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hello everyone, I hope you all are keeping warm.

    Welcome all new people. There are a lot of you just now, so as not to miss any, I will say a general “hello”. You have found a great thread and group of people.

    Sunday Share: I am Barbara. I have been on this thread since about Halloween and had lost about 10# to finally get back on my ticker; then a zillion crazy things happened and I regained two pounds. Back at it again, but will not know the results until I weigh on Wednesday. I check in daily and really get a lot of inspiration from this thread and plan to keep it a part of my life while I lose this weight.

    @tlh0407 Good job getting to the gym so often. Sure hope you make it to bed a little earlier tonight. 1:30 is a little late if you have anything to do the next day and I am sure you have plenty to do.

    @Mara You are such great a motivator! You just make us all feel great. I am hopeful you can get the food planning back in line easily; it sometimes is a real challenge isn’t it?

    @Hansea Sound like a fun way to get exercise at the ice rink. (Where is the ice rink?) Great loss. Good for you! Also, how about those Packers??

    @Tom That was funny. Sorry for the burn though. Ouch!

    @Melifornia Are you doing the De clutter in 15 minutes a day/ 365 challenge? I decided to try that. Sure sounds like you might be. Fun time with all the little ones.

    @MNQueen Good luck with the classes. I KNOW you can do it and as you get each subsequent class under your belt you get closer to your goal. I went back to school like that and I have never regretted it. You go for it girl!

    @cblue Lori, good luck getting caught up with the work. You have done so well and are such an inspiration.

    @Edna Good luck Monday.

    @Kai Good luck to you too. You deserve to be well.

    @Everyone else with these crazy “bugs” going around. Get well.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 5 /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 0 /31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY” Well this isn’t doing it is it???

    Thanks every one of you for being here.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Wow, I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon. I have been trying to keep up with the thread, but even that has been challenging. I've just spent the last few hours reading posts from the last 4-5 days and remember how inspiring everyone is here! If nothing else, I need to DECIDE (my 2015 trigger word) to find my way to this thread every day and to at least read the posts even if I don't post myself.

    To all the sickies, I hope you're feeling well soon!

    To all the newbies (even though I feel like a newbie myself, so many new faces!) Welcome!

    @mnwalkingqueen - LOVE the hair cut! My hair is nearly to my waist these days and falling out by the handfuls! I need to do something short and your cut is what I've been thinking. If I make it to a salon one day soon, I might show them your picture as a reference!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited January 2015
    @mountmary84‌ - I'm not doing an official challenge, just trying to declutter one area per week. My house is pretty small, so I figure it should be in good shape in just a few months!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    RobinB0812 wrote: »
    Wow, I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon. I have been trying to keep up with the thread, but even that has been challenging. I've just spent the last few hours reading posts from the last 4-5 days and remember how inspiring everyone is here! If nothing else, I need to DECIDE (my 2015 trigger word) to find my way to this thread every day and to at least read the posts even if I don't post myself.

    To all the sickies, I hope you're feeling well soon!

    To all the newbies (even though I feel like a newbie myself, so many new faces!) Welcome!

    @mnwalkingqueen - LOVE the hair cut! My hair is nearly to my waist these days and falling out by the handfuls! I need to do something short and your cut is what I've been thinking. If I make it to a salon one day soon, I might show them your picture as a reference!

    Holy cow! I lost most of my post! Frustrating after all the personals I typed out! Grrrrrr!

    Better luck tomorrow!
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for the advice about running for me and my DD. Sadly our Y is small, and poor :) We have a pool but no indoor track and not fancy treadmills. She'll walk on a treadmill but not run. The college DH and I went to is about 45 minutes away and has an indoor elevated track I think she would like that so we are talking about bringing her on the weekends so she can at least stay running through the winter a bit - the swimming helps but it isn't the "cure" that running is. Swim ends mid-Feb but then track doesn't start until the very end of April (if the snow is gone last year it wasn't so they had to postpone track). The track coaches have already talked to her about doing 1600m, 800m and relay so I know she'll get plenty of running in with that!

    So my skin issue (that we think is psoriasis but have to wait to see a derm is so much worse) my arms are swollen as are my hands. I figured this wouldn't be a good weigh in week with that I feel puffy - and I was right the 3 lbs I lost this week are back. I know it is probably temporary and hope I can get in with a derm soon, the itch and swelling not to mention the ugly ugly rash are driving me bonkers. The yuckiness of how it looks bothers me, I'm embarrassed to show my arms at all.
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    I finally am getting my eating back to some sort of normal. Bags of popcorn have been calling me for days, now, and once I start I can't make my stop muscle work :p ! But all the bags are gone, I've seen the movies I wanted to see, and my only recourse is air popped, no butter, no salt, so I feel sure I won't be going overboard now.

    @morigori - that quote is just perfect for me. I need to keep it in mind for eating and other things in my life. It seems to me that I have often wanted someone/something else to take my hand and lead me where I want to go! “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown." Funny (sort of) how you know something, but you try to avoid knowing it. A big thank you for the serendipitous quote.

    @melifornia, skinnyjeans, and everyone else who lists your goals and note their accomplishments - you all put me to shame. I admire you for sharing them, and I will have to begin such a practice myself. I think I've been hesitant to do so because I don't really trust myself to follow through (see above paragraph :s ). But one reason I am here is to learn and exercise some responsibility for my actions, or inactions as the case may be.

    "Follow through"

    Week of 12/11/15

    Exercise - 150 min/wk
    Trainer 1 hr 12/12
    Walk 30 min 12/14
    Walk 30 min 12/15
    weights 30 min 12/16

    1/2 hr. 12/14
    2 hrs. 12/17
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    <3 (*) <3o:)Hear Ye, Hear Ye- JNettie is a mom. :):D<3<3

    Nettie has given me the honor of announcing the birth of her daughter last night (1/10/15). She arrived at 36 weeks and 5 days, just a few days shy of full term.

    Her name is Isabella Saoirse, the middle name is pronouced Sear-sha, which means freedom in Galeic. Isabella arrived 8:49 last night, weighing in at 6lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long.

    Nettie will be in the hospital at least until Tuesday. She did have a c-section, since the baby was still breeched. Mom and baby are doing great.

    Nettie did give me permission to share this photo.


    She is looking forward to catching up with everyone on MFP but is not sure when she will have a chance to get on line.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2015
    Go PACK!! SO excited they won today!!

    Welcome to all of the newlings!

    @MKknits‌ --So sorry to hear about your skin issues. I have 2 close friends who have psoriasis, and it's not a fun condition to live with. I hope, for your sake, that's not what it is, but if so, that you respond well to treatment. As far as your daughter's running--does she not like the "feel" of running on the treadmill, or does she find it too boring? If it's boredom, maybe she could download some fun running apps--like Zombies, Run! or Charity Miles--or listen to an audio book (possibly even get through some homework) while running.

    @robinb--sorry you are struggling to get back into the swing of things. Yes, the thread is moving at warp speed right now--I'm also struggling to keep up.

    @laurie--we are getting some snow tonight as well, but not enough for a snow day. Stay safe tomorrow!

    @holly--I googled it and Lake Geneva is about 5 hours from Minneapolis. I'll PM you some info about the trail run.

    @hansea--congrats on the unexpected loss!

    To all who are sick--sending healthy vibes your way!!

    Sunday Share:
    Since I saw a couple people post with questions about getting started running, I think I will share my experience. I actually bought a treadmill many years ago (1998?) and have attempted running in the past, but it never "stuck" or became something I enjoyed--mainly b/c I didn't know what I was doing and made very little progress. This most recent attempt worked for a variety of reasons.

    First, I had MFP and the wealth of information and support that it offers--I read all sorts of threads about running, along with other info on the internet.

    Second, I used the Couch to 5k (c25k) treadmill program which gave me a solid plan.

    Third, I signed up for a 5k. I started c25k in June of 2011 and signed up for a 5k in August of 2011--just 8 weeks later. That really motivated me early on--if I wanted to give up, I just thought about the 5k and how awful I would feel if I didn't give it my best effort.

    All of this really helped me achieve my goals; 6 weeks after starting, I was able to run a full 5k (albeit slowly). Since then I've run a number of 5k's, mud runs, obstacle races, and even an 8k. The most challenging was an obstacle 5k called Rugged Maniac--boy was that one tough!

    A few things I've learned about running:

    If you start too fast, you won't finish. I tried to start running at a 5 mph pace and got really frustrated when I couldn't increase my time running. Then I read that if that happens you should slow down--keep your running gait to build the runner's muscles, but do the movement at the pace of a fast walk.

    Get good shoes! Go to a specialty running store and get fitted. You will spend a little extra that first time, but the knowledge you gain from the store personnel will allow you to shop for cheaper shoes (online or at outlets) in the future. And you'll save yourself a lot of pain and money spent dealing with injuries from wearing the wrong shoes.

    Runners are super nice and supportive. When I run outside, other runners always say "hello" or wave. At every race I've ever run, many of the fast runners (who finish a 5k in literally half my time) will cross the finish line and then backtrack the course to cheer on the rest of us.

    At the Rugged Maniac I mentioned above, I got to an obstacle that involved using a rope to scale a very steep hill. At the bottom a very fit looking guy was stopped catching his breath and waved me ahead (he had clearly been running all out while I was only walking the course). I started up the rope and when I was about halfway up, I felt him start up as well. I was going really slowly and was worried he would be annoyed that I was slowing his race. About 3/4 of the way up, he had caught up with me. I was really focused on my footing and trying not to let his presence rattle me. Hanging about 10 feet back, he started talking to me: "You're doing great! One step at a time! You've got this!" I went a ways and stopped to rest--he said, "You're there! Look up!" I was looking at my feet so didn't realize I was at the top. I climbed over the edge and moved out of his way to catch my breath. He climbed up behind me and then high-fived me before running off to the next obstacle.

    That's the kind if experience I've had at every race I've entered, so don't ever think people will make fun of you or judge you. Runners are super critical and judgmental--of themselves.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 10/11 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 1/2, week 3 = x/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/66 AP essays
    2. 24/30 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. 10/66 AP journals
    4. x/60 SL annotations
    5. SL test corrections DONE
    6. Tone test corrections

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sunday Share:
    I have not posted for 3 days because I was feeling to awful to, but I did read through every post for a few minutes when I'd log my food. My heavens ... there are more than 30 posts a day! Isn't that grand! And very many people have posted for their first time ... so hello to all of you. I did jot notes with a plan to do personals when I felt better ... it would probably become to long for anyone to want to ponder it that long; so I'll just say:

    @Skinnyjeanz - thank's for the get well wishes. I am def. on the road to recovery. Your advice to @klp555 was 'right on the money'; I like it so much it's worth repeating for all the newbies to read ... "Bottom line is, eat what you like and can sustain - just make sure you log every bit and stay within your calorie allowance". I read the Scarlet Letter in high school and remember feeling so shocked at the story ... it had a big impression upon me. Why am I not surprised the bargaining group ran into a mountain of outrageous proposals? They must be stacking so they have bargaining chips.

    @CRMill - I like your phrase #2015 Close The Gap"

    @MNwalking - nice new haircut. I like your plan to focus on one habit to change at a time. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew in our surge of self-disgust and diet-motivation. "A hot flame burns out quickly, while a smoldering fire heats for a long time." ... my wording of a quote I remember in my own words and don't know who spoke them.

    @MKknits - So unfortunate about your lunch 'drop' ... is your new plan for lunches working? Hope you can get your daughter into her running as it makes her feel better. Sorry about your rash.

    @Melifornia - One of you cleaning goals routiniley shows up on my TO DO list. So true, your statement about 'depression is a liar' ... I've had to fight with that liar many times and am so glad that bully is getting weaker all the time. I miss those Sissy Nights I shared with my own sis while our kids were growing up. 10 newphes and nieces from BigBro! --- Wow!!

    @Morgori - Joygerm Day ... I love it! Plus, 10-Jan is going into my annual calendar to remind me next time Bittersweet Chocolate Day rolls around so I'll be prepared to celebrate. Thanks for that Less Brown quote. I want some of those smorked pork butts!

    @kah6 - Bronchitis - yuck! I've been pretty blessed about not getting it for the past several years and this year drew the short end of the stick. Is your schedule getting worked back to your liking? You created a quote for me without realizing it ... "think of sweating as your fat crying".

    @Tlh - Better on protein now? With your weight training, you probably need more of it to help repair ripped muscles. Funny .... I just had a word connection in my mind .... I always thought of 'ripped musches' as being really strong and bulging, now after reading a lot about weight training I realizie that they really are ripped, as in torn. I never knew it was the repair of those tears that makes muscles grow and become stronger.

    @Rozie - prayers for your mom during this difficult time, and for you.

    @klp5 - WW Cabbage Soup ... I had a recipe for that back in the 1970's that I just loved. You do have to aclimate to eating cruciferous vegetables because they can cause bloat if you eat too much of them. Congratulations on keeping up the logging.

    @Grandmakay - Ouch those sore ribs with bronchitis settling in. So sorry for your pain.
    It is so true, your wisdom about not denying yourself anything. Even us diabetics can eat whatever ... just whenever and how ever much we may desire.

    @bsracer - you asked for some recipes ... there is a Group on here called RECIPES that has MFP poster's submitting theirs. There is also a MFP BLOG, 'Hello Healthy' that offers a lot more besides healthy and easy recipes. Hope you find them

    @cblue - thank you for your kind remarks about a post I made. "A huge part of losing weight is believing you can . . . then knowing it will not happen overnight. - author unkown" ... thank you for this.

    @RobinsEgg - hope you are feeling better, my friend.

    @Lauriek - One Milky Way, in the scheme of things, is not something to derail you. For me, my biggest temptation is ... almost any candy you can find lining the aisle at the checkout counter of the grocery store!

    @mountmary - Congratulations on meeting your calorie goals. It's been a rough time your way lately, so be gentle on yourself.

    @maram - your posts always cheer me up.

    @slimbluehen - When I was thinking of a word, I thought of a word in my parent's native tongue that is so melodious when spoken but translated into 'to bring to fruition' or 'to bring to completeness'; however at that time we weren't thinking of phrases. So I came up with the compound word follow-through when I found it in the dictionary. It rings for me.

    @Kaihunter - Good luck with you medical tests. Hope you are well.

    Welcome to all the newbies, returners, one-time drop-by's ... hope you all come back. If you are interested in what most of the regular posters are working on together for January, go back to page 637 and see what @RobinsEgg posted that has red hearts banners. Join us if you'd like ... there is still a lot more month left.

    AFM ...
    Calories goal is 11/11 (month goals is 28/31) ... my calories have actually been lower than 'at goal' because on some days they were well below 100 calories lower than goal ... but I'm being easy on myself.

    ALL-IN (gym 3 times a week) ... none at all this first week. Have not left the house and barely left my sick bed.

    I am so waiting for the morning so I can weight myself. Not jumping on the scale every morning like I have done for the past 8 years is such a anxiety-provoking act. However, I am learning to trust how my body feels instead of what the scale says.

    Follow-through Niki

    PS .... so happy about @Jnetti having such a beautiful daughter. Welcome Isabella Saoirse and thank you @Lauriek for posting the news. Wonderful!!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ I love the story you told about your race experience. I keep signing myself up for 5ks but still haven't become a "runner" (one of my main goals). I'm always so scared at the races that everyone is judging me because I have to walk like half of it, but it's always so surprising how many fellow runners will cheer you on and help out!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki--Yes, I agree that they are stacking their proposals. However, that's not been the way the 2 sides have done it for the past several contracts, so now our side feels they are "playing games" rather than being honest about what they want. It's definitely created some animosity. :( Glad you are on the mend.

    @erin--I've never been to a race where there were no walkers, and plenty with some folks walking the entire 5k, so you shouldn't feel bad about walking part of it. Also, one trick I learned when looking for new races is that you can check last year's results to get a sense of how competitive it is. If the slowest people are running sub-30s, I know it's not the right race for me. LOL There are also a lot of races that don't even time the runners, like The Color Run or the Dirty Girl Mud Run--they are just for fun. :)