JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 21



  • murrell007
    murrell007 Posts: 65 Member
    0/30 151
    11/1 152.7
    11/2 150.7
    11/3 150.7
    11/4 150.7 I think the scale is stuck
    11/5 I found the candy corn..I ate the candy corn yesterday..I could not bring myself to get on the scale.
    11/8 151.2
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member


    Thank you!

  • texasfarmer
    texasfarmer Posts: 500 Member
    Sarting MFP weight 223
    10-29 weight 171.6

    Round 21 - CGW - 169 (2.6 pounds)

    10/30 - 171.6 - Happy with this weight. No gain overnight.

    10/31 - 171.4 - A loss is a loss is a WIN! Staying focused and working hard. Off to the gym to run and lift.

    11/1 - 171.6 - Yuck!!! Hanging in there.

    11/2 - 172.4 - Ouch! And that's what happens folks when you don't work the plan as you should. I own it and I'm really mad at myself for giving up on me. Today is a new day and new mindset. I expect good results tomorrow.

    11/3 - 172.4 - Well I got nothin. Off to run a few miles and lift weights.

    11/4 - 172

    11/5 - 173.8 - Oh boy, not good at all. I wasn't going to post today because I was too embarrassed, but what is the point of doing the challenge if I'm not upfront about the awful days too. Hopefully better news tomorrow.

    11/6 - 173.2 - I'll get there. Not giving up.

    11/7 - 171.8 - Now that's what I'm talking about! If I work hard today I just may end this round with a slight loss overall. I was on the fence about running today but this just inspired me!

    11/8 - 171.4

    Good luck everyone. Remember, only YOU can make this happen!

  • ccrife
    ccrife Posts: 47 Member
    edited November 2017
    11/2 167.8 lb night, post workout. Not quite back down to my lowest (Halloween rise) but I'm getting there. Did a crap ton of exercise today (3 hours), I'm pooped.
    11/3 168.2 lb midday. Period struck. That probably has attributed to the rise. Just going to keep going as see what happens at the end.
    11/4 no scale
    11/5 no scale
    11/6 168.0 lb night. Kept it stable over the weekend! Hoping to see the number drop again by the end of this.
    11/7 166.6 lb night. There's the post period drop I was looking for. The period munchies have all but disappeared as well! Back on track with everything tomorrow.
    11/8 166.4 lb night. I just didn't want to workout today. But I made my self go and I did part of my workout. Hated every minute, but I got some in. Some days you just feel like this and need a break from the trudge.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 1 2017 226... I'm 5'6"
    Started R6 @ 177.1
    First Goal: 170 ✔️
    Next Goal: 159 ✔️
    Next Goal: Hit a healthy BMI 154.4'ish

    10/30 - 159.0
    10/31 - 160.1 Happy Halloween!! Been an off track last few days, but back at it. NSV: Wearing a size small today!! Just a sweater jacket, but small. Only size they had left super cute so I tried it on and it fit ok.
    11/01 - 162.5 Day after Halloween. Ate less than 1/4 of treats I would have on previous Halloweens. Had Indian for dinner and my increase is probably due to that. Gave the last few kids tons of candy their eyes were huge!! Only had 15 kids and gave out regular sized bars. I figured if I had (1) regular bar that the would satisfy me and I would end up eating less and lose count on all those tiny ones. So over on cals, enjoyed the night. Did way way better than previous Halloweens. So I'm chalking this up as a win!!
    11/02 - 161.1 Thought this was going to be way worse, having trouble with time manangement these last few days. Need to get to the grocery store and prep/plan dinners.
    11/03 - 159.6 It snowed here a little yesterday evening. Made it to the grocery store and picked up ingredients to make a slow cooker stew for tonight. Friday night of cozying up with a bowl of stew (380 calories/ bowl) and a movie with the kids. Simple Friday!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
    11/04 - 159.1
    11/05 - 160.3
    11/06 - 161.9 > I feel very bloated today, had a couple glasses of wine last night, it's been awhile since I've drank. SO is home for a couple days. Need to stay on track
    11/07 - 159.0 Got steps in, brought lunch to work for today. Tummy pains last night but better now. SO leaves on the first flight tomorrow morning, it's starting to get to him, been the longest stretch of months working away with only 3 days home :neutral:

    11/08 - 161.7
  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    R21 starting weight 167.4
    Goal weight this round:165
    Final goal: 145

    Jumping in late. Missed the last 2 rounds because of a broken scale and now right back to where I started a few rounds ago

    Here we go again. Back to water and tracking.

    11/2 167.4
    11/3 165.4 good workout yesterday and watched my carbs last night.
    11/5 166.2 can't find my post from yesterday. Lots of sodium these past couple of days.
    11/6 165.6
    11/7 165.6
    11/8 165.8 Ending .8 above my goal but I feel close enough and glad to be back on track.
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    I was out of town and super busy this weekend so didn't get a chance to report earlier. I have been getting lax about logging and due to my travels cheated a bit more than normal (carbs, alcohol, treats). Still, given the issues, I am hanging in there. Surpassed my BF goal and did lose a bit (0.5 lb). Going to try to get back with the program starting tomorrow!

    SW 155.7 35.5% BF (July 19, 2017)
    GW 125-130, 21% BF
    Round 17 136.6 29.3% BF
    Round 18 138.0 28.5 % BF
    Round 19 135.1 27.0% BF (but had a couple extra days in there)
    Round 20 (start this round) 133.6 27.4% BF
    Goal this round 132.0 26.6% BF

    10/30 134.1 26.8% BF Water walked + PT
    10/31 134.1 25.9% BF Ran 3 mi + PT
    11/1 134.7 25.8% BF Walked + PT
    11/2 133.2 25.9% BF Ran 3.5 mi + PT
    11/3 134.6 26.3% BF Nothing (ran out of time)
    11/4 Out of town
    11/5 Out of town, Ran 10 mi
    11/6 136.4 26.4% BF Water walked
    11/7 133.9 25.8% BF Ran 3.5 mi
    11/8 133.0 26.2% BF Walked

  • kilobytekelly
    kilobytekelly Posts: 3 Member
    Will there be a new challenge starting 11/9? I'd like to join.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Starting 2012: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5
    Round 21 SW: 167

    10/30: 167.0
    Had a dr appt today, just routine, was hoping she'd notice or comment on weight loss but nope. Nice relaxing day otherwise.
    10/31: 166.5
    My lowest yet, but I've seen it four (five?) times now. I'm ready to move on.
    11/1: 165.0
    Today the magical scale showed 163, 164, 165. I'll take it, but doubt it's for real. On my feet all day working an event, lots of standing and walking back and forth. Brought my own food so I didn't buy from vendors or try snackies in the break room. Drank lots of water, practically perfect on macros. No added sugar.
    11/2: 165.0
    Worked very late, got home at 11. Under ate today and not enough water.
    11/3: 163.0
    I ate low and was dehydrated yesterday. I enjoyed a rest day today, just a half day in the office then out to eat. It was lovely after two days working outside. I expect a tick up tomorrow, but I hope not above 165. Oh, had honey mustard dressing so I can't say no added sugar today.
    11/4: 163.5
    OK! I'll take it. Had a decent day with water, food, exercise and not touching the bleeping leftover Halloween candy that appeared in the office. I'll be honest, it was tough not to eat it.
    11/5: 163.5
    Fine on food & water. Enjoyed a "dessert" of plain Greek yogurt with cacao nibs and one chopped date for a little sweetness. I think I'll look up some recipes for cacao nibs, they are growing on me.
    11/6: 162.0
    Monday is my "Saturday." I went on a hike, I'm proud of myself for making it up 880ft elevation gain in a mile. We went out to eat, then I had a lovely nap. Not sure what to expect on the scale tomorrow, definitely had a large calorie deficit today and I'm ok on water but I'm expecting sore legs and that can mean a little inflammation.
    11/7: 164.0
    Just all over the scale this round, still down from beginning of the round. Had a good day, rested, ate out but well under calorie goal. Lots of water.

    11/8: 163.0
    Nice end to the round. Meh day at work, good day with food & exercise. Not enough water.
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Round nine for me...ding!  I'm upping my exercise game.  Watch it Round 21, I'm coming to get you!!

    Have a great MOVEmber!

    Rounds 13 - 20:
    Round 13: SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4
    Round 14: SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2
    Round 15: SW 165.6, EW 164.0 (-1.6 lb),
    LW 163.6, HW 165.2, AVG 164.4
    Round 16: SW 164.0, EW 162.6 (-1.4 lb),
    LW 162.4, HW 165.6, AVG 163.8
    Round 17: SW 162.6, EW 159.8 (-2.8 lb),
    LW 159.4, HW 161.8, AVG 160.2
    Round 18: SW 159.8, EW 158.0 (-1.8 lb),
    LW 157.4, HW 159.8, AVG 158.7
    Round 19: SW 158.0, EW 154.6 (-3.4 lb),
    LW 154.6, HW 158.0, AVG 156.6
    Round 20: SW 154.6, EW 155.2 (+0.6 lb),
    LW 154.8, HW 156.8, AVG 155.6

    Round 21
    SW:  155.2
    GW:  153.0

    10/30:  154.8  Good start.
    10/31:  154.6  :)
    11/1:  154.4  Lowest recorded MFP weight!
    11/2:  154.4 
    11/3:  154.2  Oh happy day!
    11/4:  154.2  C'mon 153s!
    11/5:  154.6  Not too worried.  Higher than usual sodium yesterday and also retaining a little, ahem, waste.
    11/6:  155.0  Panic Time!!!  Breathe...  I must keep in mind that just three short weeks ago I would have done backflips in seeing this number.  Three months ago, this number was a far-off dream.  Perspective.
    11/7:  153.4!  New low!!  On higher weight days I must also remember that my weight can fluctuate as much as 1.8 pounds in a single day.  Although, thinking that it could go up that much more on high-weight days might depress me!  Hahahaha!
    11/8:  153.2  Close enough to goal for me!  :)

    Round 21: SW 155.2, EW 153.2 (-2.0lb),
    LW 153.2, HW 155.0, AVG 154.3

    - Lost 2 pounds
    - Average weight down 1.3 lb
    - Low weight down 1.6 lb
    - High weight down 1.8 lb

    Thank you for all the encouragement!  On to Round 22!!

    I believe in my ability to MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, to LOSE WEIGHT, and KEEP IT OFF!
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Will there be a new challenge starting 11/9? I'd like to join.

    @kilobytekelly - Yes! Please join us!! <3
    cyranda63 wrote: »
  • susanbenita
    susanbenita Posts: 95 Member
    SW (March 2017) - 191
    GW - 134
    53 yr old female, 5ft 5.5"

    R19 SW 185
    R20 SW 185.6
    R20 EW 184.4

    10/30: - 185.4
    10/31: - 185.2 C'mon!
    11/1: - 185.8 *sigh
    11/2: - 184.6 - yaay!
    11/3: - 184.6 - half-way. I must keep up the momentum.
    11/4: - 184.4 - excruciatingly slow
    11/5: - 183.4 - whoosh!
    11/6: - travelling
    11/7: - travelling
    11/8: - 183.6 Happy Dance!!!!

    Mini-goal for this round: 183
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member

    11/1 - 275lb
    11/3 - 273lb
    11/4 - 272lb
    11/7 - 270lb
    11/8 - 269lb

    TOTAL LOSS IN 10 DAYS - 6lb
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,833 Member
    I HAVE the power and determination to do this.

    In the middle of Round 20, it occured to me that I may have reached my maintenance weight. I have hovered around 159 for weeks, despite keeping to my calorie goal, (10% below my TDEE), and doing loads of exercise, (and eating back minimal exercise calories). I am in the normal range for my age height and build, so I wondered if I was being realistic in my Target Goal Weight. I'm fitter and healthier than I have been for decades. I think fit and healthy should be my new focus rather than weight loss!
    New Primary Goal - stay under 160lbs.

    Losing a pound would be ace, as I would like a cushion for celebrations.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gif to all the Newbies, and Hi to those returning for another Round. This has given me an element of daily accountability which is motivational.

    Observations, and Previous Rounds
    Many events along the way will scupper our best intentions, but they merely delay the achievement of our goals. Life is for living, and one must learn patience. It takes many years to put on excess weight, so It follows that it takes much time to remove, but it does come off, bit by stubborn bit! If you stick with it! The game continues!

    A lot of people get upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight fluctuates, both up, and down, from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in a gain due to water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    If you are making positive lifestyle changes it will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way!

    Previous 5 Rounds[/colour=green]
    MW : R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6
    Round:..~ Mean ~ Highest ~ Lowest
    13/6: ... ~ 160.4 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 161.8
    14/7: ... ~ 160.7 ~~ 167.8 ~~ 160.4 (on vacation)
    15/8: ... ~ 161.8 ~~ 163.8 ~~ 163.8 (on vacation)
    16/9: ... ~ 161.3 ~~ 162.8 ~~ 162.4
    17/10: . ~ 160.5 ~~ 162.2 ~~ 160.0
    18/11: . ~ 159.8 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 158.4
    19/12: . ~ 159.0 ~~ 159.2 ~~ 158.2
    20/13: . ~ 158.8 ~~ 159.4 ~~ 158.6
    29/10/2017: 159.0 Goals ✅ Holding steady! And still under 160. I call that a successful Round.

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct: 158.2. Final goal weight: 155.0

    Round 21: (Round 14 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs) [/b]

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 8,000+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    Stay under 160!!!

    30/09/2017: 159.5 Goals ✅ Weekend bloat. It will soon go!
    31/10/2017: 159.8 Goals ✅ Or maybe not?
    01/11/2017: 160.4 Goals ❌ Cause and effect! Party Central weekend + Halloween! Chose to be off plan! It will soon go!
    02/11/2017: 162.1 Goals ❌ Hhmm! Wrong direction! But understandable.
    03/11/2017: no scale Goals ❌
    04/11/2017: no scale Goals ❌
    05/11/2017: no scale Goals ❌
    06/11/2017: 162.5 Goals ✅ I have had the week from hell foodwise. Involved in a gameplay event in Belfast, eating on the hoof. Lol!
    07/11/2017: 161.6 Goals ✅ Phew! Back on plan. Mostly water weight, so should go soon.
    08/11/2017: 161.2 Goals ✅ Not my best round! Lol! But the next round will be better.

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 162.5 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 159.5 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

    :star: Round 21 is almost over. Good luck with final weigh-in, everyone! :star:

  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member

    ROUND 21 - Starting weight on Oct 30 was 187.0
    ROUND 22 - Starting weight on Nov 9 was 185.6

    11/9 - 185.6
    11/10 -
    11/11 -
    11/12 -
    11/13 -
    11/14 -
    11/15 -
    11/16 -
    11/17 -
    11/18 -

    I have no goal in mind for only 10 days. I will be happy with a 1 or 2 pound loss after each round. My ultimate
    goal weight is 170

  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    ROUND 21 - Starting weight on Oct 30 was 187.0
    ROUND 22 - Starting weight on Nov 9 was 185.6

    11/9 - 185.6
    11/10 -
    11/11 -
    11/12 -
    11/13 -
    11/14 -
    11/15 -
    11/16 -
    11/17 -
    11/18 -

    I have no goal in mind for only 10 days. I will be happy with a 1 or 2 pound loss after each round. My ultimate
    goal weight is 170

    Cynthia, come to the next round!