JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 21



  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,612 Member
    Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4

    Round 21
    Current Weight: 145.4
    Goal Weight: 139
    Challenge goal weight: 143


    10/30 145.6 Yesterday I was able to get a jogging in the pool, it felt awesome. Plus my vacation weight is finally dropping....

    10/31 147 ~ (Steps 17,403) ~ Yesterday, I started doing Piyo again, :)

    11/1 146.9 ~ (Steps 17,632) My post is gone again, too weird :(

    11/2 147 ~ (Steps 17,731) :(

    11/3 146.1 ~ (Steps 20,515) ~ Yesterday was felt fabulous doing my workouts.

    11/4 146.4 ~ (Steps 19,245) ~ Nice all around day...

    11/5 147.4 ~ (Steps 20,480) ~ ugh probably because of my latte, :s:'(:s

    11/6 147.6 ~ (Steps 12,665) ~ Had a bowl of pumpkin life cereal last night ugh....

    11/7 147.6 ~ (Steps 22,236) ~ I’m going to not do my Piyo today to see if my weight drops today, :)

    11/8 147.3 ~ (Steps 19,016) :(
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    ElleEm72 wrote: »
    I’m in for my fifth round! Love this challenge and the accountability and support it offers!

    Sept. 03/17 - 163lbs
    R17 EW - 157.5lbs
    R18 EW - 158.7lbs
    R19 EW - 156.0lbs
    R20 EW - 156.3lbs
    Ultimate GW: 135lbs

    10/30 - 157.9lbs. Too much indulging this weekend. Yay for starting this new round on a Monday!
    10/31 - 156.7lbs
    11/01 - 156.0lbs
    11/02 - 156.8lbs ... Halloween treats... ugh!
    11/03 - 156.6lbs
    11/04 - 155.4lbs
    11/05 - 156.1lbs
    11/06 - 156.3lbs... I’ll take that especially coming off of a weekend!
    11/07 - 155.7lbs
    11/08 - 154.5lbs ... very pleased with this round. Looking forward to the next round!
    Thanks for the support everyone! :)

    Keep it up!
  • smc92079
    smc92079 Posts: 219 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    smc92079 wrote: »
    Back again. This challenge really keeps me motivated! Keeping my goals for each round pretty low since I've been bouncing a lot.

    11/4 - 215.2 - I'm sure this will be higher tomorrow. I didn't do any tracking today because we got engaged!!

    This?!?!?! How did I miss this???? CONGRATULATIONS!

    Thank you!!!!
  • VisionOfKathleen
    VisionOfKathleen Posts: 10 Member
    When are you starting Rd22?
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Round 6 135.7
    Round 7 134.4
    Round 8 133.8
    Round 9 Last weigh in 7/8 135.2
    Round 10 132.8
    Round 11 131.6
    Round 12 132.7
    Round 13 131.4
    Round 14 132.6 :(
    Round 15 131.8
    Round 16 133.2 :(:(:(
    Round 17 130.8
    Round 18 130.2
    Round 19 Epic failure
    Round 20 133.2
    Goal weight maintain 129 -132

    10/30 - no scale (on the road)
    10/31 - 132.2 went for a 4.5 mile run, ran around doing wedding planning activities with my daughter (wedding is 11/18) AND Halloween candy to boot. I am being stressed and not handling it great. But keep trying!
    11/01 - 131.8 not sure how but I'll take it.
    11/02 - 132.2
    11/03 - 132.8 other than working out, I am very off kilter :/
    11/04 - 133.2
    11/05 - 135.2 That happens when you are complacent. Don't log and sabatoge yourself. UGH!!!
    11/06 - 133.8 It's a rollercoaster for the noncompliant!
    11/07 - 134 not happy with myself during this round! My daughter is getting married in 11 days, I was really hoping I would be able to maintain. :(
    11/08 - 134 Not exactly how I wanted to things to end this round, but at least it's not worse. On to the next round!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    Female, age 60, 5'4"
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    I weigh first thing in the morning when I get up. My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day.
    10/20/17: Oooh, I like this thread! I've been weighing myself daily since April, keeping track in MFP Food Notes, and logging my "official" weigh-ins on Saturdays. I've been amazed at how much my weight can fluctuate from day to day, depending on eating out or processed foods, adult beverages, net calories green or red, etc. Daily weigh-ins really help me see cause and effect with high sodium days, adult beverages, too much sugar, etc. I don't get freaked out as much by a jump on the scale now, since I know what I did to cause it, and what I can do to change it. My scale measures in 1/2 # increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    Round 20
    10/20: 166.0
    10/21: 166.5 After vacation day with hubby & eating out for lunch and supper, not so bad.
    10/22: 167.0
    10/23: 168.5 Ack! Sedentary day, pizza for supper & 3 days too little water.
    10/24: 167.0 Drank 15c water and net calories (barely) green.
    10/25: 166.0 Back to SW this round. Net calories green 35 & 12c water.
    10/26: 166.0 A little surprised....happy hour after work with 1 pint beer, "healthier" pub food & popcorn for supper. Drank 14c water. Fitbit 14,674 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 40 floors.
    10/27: 165.0 Fitbit 15,929 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom) & 38 floors. 14c water. Been low on fiber lately.
    10/28: 164.5 Fitbit 15,461 steps, 250+ steps 13/14, & 37 floors
    10/29: 166.5 Ate way over on carbs and every bite was delicious! I don't care, it was one day.

    10/30: 166.0 Very sedentary day (church, visit parents & 3 hour round trip) following high carb day, no surprise. Fitbit 3,888 steps, 250+ steps 5/14 hours & 7 floors. At least I drank 12c water.
    10/31: 165.0 Fitbit 13,521 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 48 floors and 12c water
    11/01: 164.5 Fitbit 13,993 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom) & 40 floors; 12c water
    11/02: 164.0 Dog-walk day plus active evening: two loads of laundry, made large couscous salad, cooked triple batch cream of leek soup & baked lemon zucchini cake. Fitbit 16,109 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 42 floors; 13c water.
    11/03: 165.0 Expected. Net calories red plus non-dog walk day plus shortened workday (fewer stairs breaks) plus inactive evening (busy-ness & stress of past 3 days took its toll). Fitbit 8,110 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 20 floors. 12c water.
    11/04: 163.0 Wow, unexpected. Of course, net calories green, dog walk day & kept busy around the house after work. Fitbit 16,188 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom) & 49 floors (plenty of stairs breaks at work plus home); 12c water.
    11/05: 164.5 Pizza for supper, net calories red & 12c water. Walked dog 3.58 miles. Fitbit 16,837 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours, and 28 floors.
    11/06: 166.0 Ack! Can you say sodium? Not great eating all day but active. Then caved when hubby got out tortilla chips & salsa con queso in the evening. Usually I ignore his snacking, but he was sitting next to me on the couch. I will have to forbid snacking next to me in future. Net calories red > 500 and sodium > 4,600mg oh my! 10c water and Fitbit 15,573 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 20 floors. Will be drinking lots of water today.
    11/07: 164.0 Better. Net calories red 12, sodium green & 15c water. Fitbit 14,887 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom) & 41 floors.
    11/08: 164.0 Non-dog walk day, net calories red 319 & 12c water. Fitbit 7,056 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 28 floors. On to the next round!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,170 Member
    @lbrules Perhaps 6# in 10 days wasn’t realistic? Most sources say 0.5 - 2 pounds per week.

    @Gaia85 But that would still be a loss overall, right?

    @candchughes What a great post!

    @cyranda63 Your final statement to @Leroyoliver is the reason I started calculating my AW per round. It makes a difference to see it drop, slowly but surely.

    @swopen I love Keto but have to say it took me about 6 weeks to stop craving bread!

    @VisionOfKathleen Round 22 starts tomorrow.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,170 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 8.5 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15

    10/30 153 Whoo hoo!! Yesterday’s weight was 154.5. What a difference drinking my water has made!
    10/31 152
    11/1 152.5 Had a really salty dinner last night so I’m good with this.
    11/2 152
    11/3 152
    11/4 151.5
    11/5 152.5 Expected. Had 2 Margaritas and 1 bite of chocolate cheese cake. I’ve got this!
    11/6 151.5 or 154? Kept switching. Don’t know how I could have gone up, I hardly ate anything. May be lacking in water since it is cooling off here in the desert.
    11/7 152
    11/8 152.5 Expected. We had Chinese buffet yesterday.
  • lbrules
    lbrules Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for the last challenge. I love this and want to keep going. My goal weight is 140 lbs, but for this 10 day challenge I will settle for 148 lbs.

    10/30 - 154.4 (down .2 lbs from yesterday)
    10/31 - 155.0 I don't know why I am going up. Maybe not enough water intake?
    11/1 - 155.6 ARGH... too much Halloween candy!
    11/2 - 155.0 Not doing so well this round. No energy to excercise, so that is most likely the problem. Sigh!
    11/3 - 154.2
    11/4 - did not weigh in
    11/5 - did not weigh in
    11/6 - 156.8 - The weekend happened. I tried to keep the food to a minimum, but entertaining with friends so...
    11/7 - 155.6 - I guess I'm not making my goal.
    11/8 - 154.8 - Well, up .6 from when I started this challenge. Those darn weekends!!!!

  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Round 19 - SW: 169.5 EW - 168.4
    Round 20 - SW:168.4 EW - 168.0
    Round 21 – SW: 168.0

    10/30: 168.0 – Not bad considering I went out to dinner last night
    10/31: 167.9
    11/1: 170.0 - Halloween candy - Back to being good today!
    11/2: 169.5 - Need to drink lots of water and flush all of the sugar out
    11/3: 168.0 - Back to the beginning....
    11/4: Out of town - No scale
    11/8: 168.2 - No progress for these 10 days