Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I’m so tired today!
    It’s 4.15pm here and I’m done :lol:

    Drs appt this morning. Not much they can do for the cough but it’s not an infection, they said my immune system is lower due to pregnancy and he’s given me an inhaler to help cough easier and hopefully clear it!

    I blitzed downstairs this morning, got ALL the clutter away, toys away, sofa scrubbed from *someones* chocolate hands, scrubbed the table and chairs, cleaned out the rabbit poo, swept and mopped and polished.
    Then the kitchen! Empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, move all the clutter from the lounge to the stairs (haha I just kind of move mess around) and then wiped all the sides and swept and mopped that too and took all the rubbish out! And emptied the clothes dryer and folded it all and put them on the stairs.
    Then I had to clear the stairs.

    Then it was time to sit down upstairs out the way whilst OH had someone visit. He was trying to print something for them and ffs he couldn’t get the printer to work and instead of asking for help (not that I would of been able to do much) he punched the goddamn thing to smithereens lol!!

    Cue sending me to the bank before he arrived, they wouldn’t print a statement. Had to go library and get it printed there!

    And then get back to the house quick time lol!

    I’ve done nearly 5000 steps today! My bump feels rock solid and my legs are super achey lol

    Still got tea, bath and bed for the girls yet.

    What. A. Day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. going out to dinner with a friend - make wise decisions :) Had chicken quesdea (spelling?), but it was terrible, so only ate a little. Helps to talk a lot - less time to eat!!!
    3. drink water in the evening :)
    4. minimum 8 glasses of water today. This is still the hardest goal for me to meet for some reason -- I just keep forgetting to drink water!! :)

    Forgot to even post my goals for wednesday!! But, I did OK today - trying to drink more water

    So goals for thursday, 11.9
    1. go to the gym on morning
    2. dentist appt at 11:30. If hubby and I go out to eat afterwards, make wise decisions
    3. drink water - 6 cups during the day
    4. drink water and sip on it in the evenings
    5. eat slowly - be mindful of eating, and enjoy each bite
    6. get back on here - be accountable
    7. read my response cards 4x tomorrow to remind myself of why I want/need to lose weight

    @Bex953172 -- you are starting to look pregnant!!!! Wow, where how did it get to be 23 weeks already!!!!!!!
    @cschmitz110515 -- sorry you are having furnace issues! We had that last year - cost us almost $6000!!! Hopefully we'll never again have to replace our furnace!
    @junodog1 - pretty cool having a radio interview! I know you'll do great

    asclepsia - so neat for you to play the organ! My favorite kind of music to listen to - it is always so calming and relaxing!

    And what is it @cschmitz110515 and @junodog1 --- OK, no killing of husbands :D Even though this morning I felt that same way - hubby just woke up grumpy. So I went to the gym, told him to go back to bed, and get up on the right side of the bed LOL!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    It’s 5am here!
    This cough is triggering the pregnancy insomnia!

    So far I’ve done 22 steps. To the loo and to the fridge!
    Could I be anymore stereotypical for a pregnant lady haha
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap 11/8 W
    1) Do not kill hubby, and watch my tone, when dealing with furnace issues = Why is it hubby is so polite to service people but gets mad with me? Anyway, said a prayer on way home and behaved myself, watched my "tone" and we had 2nd service visit in 8 days. Furnace all better now...it should be, only 9 years old. :smiley:
    2) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 16,212 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 46 floors (including trips to basement when furnace being serviced, and just double-checking because, ya know) :smiley:
    4) Net calories green = Close....red 164 :/
    5) Get more of to-do list done in evening = kept very busy / more progress :smiley:
    6) Unwind 9:30 / floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = done / done / done :smiley:

    JFT 11/9 R - non-dog walk day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work (lunch at desk today)
    2) Meals & snacks are prelogged (pork roast in crockpot this morning) / stick w/ plan / net calories green
    3) Choir rehearsal & hubby has vacation day so he's home this evening / enjoy time w/ hubby <3
    4) No bedtime goal b/c F is observed holiday for Veterans Day (thank you veterans!) / still floss & retainers
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s 5am here!
    This cough is triggering the pregnancy insomnia!

    So far I’ve done 22 steps. To the loo and to the fridge!
    Could I be anymore stereotypical for a pregnant lady haha

    Hope you feel better soon! Not fun being pregnant and sick!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    thursday, 11.9
    1. go to the gym on morning :)
    2. dentist appt at 11:30. If hubby and I go out to eat afterwards, make wise decisions :) We ended up instead of eating, since neither of us were really hungry, to go home, and made lunch at home. Much healthier to eat that way!
    3. drink water - 6 cups during the day :/ But hoping to drink water tonite
    4. drink water and sip on it in the evenings :) Doingthis now!
    5. eat slowly - be mindful of eating, and enjoy each bite :)
    6. get back on here - be accountable :)
    7. read my response cards 4x tomorrow to remind myself of why I want/need to lose weight :)

    Friday, 11/10
    1. go to the gym -- yes, it will be 29 degrees, but go anyhow!!
    2. log ALL food
    3. drink water. Have to work so much harder to make this become a habit
    4. read my response cards
    5. get back on here - be accountable
    6. be mindful of what I eat. Pay attention to each bite.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap 11/9 R - non-dog walk day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work (lunch at desk today) = Fitbit 7,901 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours (only missed 6 a.m. b/c no dog walk!) & 34 floors. :smiley:
    2) Meals & snacks are prelogged (pork roast in crockpot this morning) / stick w/ plan / net calories green = Green (barely)! Even declined smoked salmon & crackers with hubby in evening, just to stay w/i daily limit. :smiley:
    3) Choir rehearsal & hubby has vacation day so he's home this evening / enjoy time w/ hubby = <3:smiley:
    4) No bedtime goal b/c F is observed holiday for Veterans Day (thank you veterans!) / still floss & retainers = Nope, too lazy. :D

    JFT Friday 11/10 - Veterans Day (observed holiday...both hubby and I are off work today). Thank you, veterans, for your service! <3
    1) Temp 12F when I got up at 7:15 so staying indoors so far...bundle up & walk dog later
    2) Drink at least 10c water...harder for me at home
    3) Net calories w/i 100 green...no food plan with hubby yet
    4) Enjoy free day with hubby <3
    5) Floss & retainers, seriously!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Anyway, said a prayer on way home and behaved myself, watched my "tone" and we had 2nd service visit in 8 days. Furnace all better now...it should be, only 9 years old.
    I can relate to the furnace problem. Mine is seven years old-supposedly super energy- efficient. The only problem is the outdoor sensor was reading 20-30 degrees higher than the actual temperature, so when it was 40 degrees outside, the sensor was reading 70. The technician came three times before we jointly decided the outdoor sensor should be by-passed. It's running well now--thankfully, since our current temp is 35. Killing frost this week--glad my outside work is finished!
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    edited November 2017
    @joan6630 I am binge free today! Yay!

    I am choosing to take care of me, and put myself (and family) ahead of my job. I work in a very toxic environment. It’s a new job. I came to the hospital last year. The culture is not very supportive of physical or emotional health. Mine deteriorated. I was binge eating just to get through the shift. I totally agree this time of year- we need to keep each other close!

    I did not binge today. I didn’t vacuum or do laundry. But I did use my coupon before it expired.

    Goals for Sat 11/11
    1. Do not binge
    2. Log all food
    3. Laundry
    4. Vacuum
    5. Update resume and cover letter for a new job come the new year
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Anyway, said a prayer on way home and behaved myself, watched my "tone" and we had 2nd service visit in 8 days. Furnace all better now...it should be, only 9 years old.
    I can relate to the furnace problem. Mine is seven years old-supposedly super energy- efficient. The only problem is the outdoor sensor was reading 20-30 degrees higher than the actual temperature, so when it was 40 degrees outside, the sensor was reading 70. The technician came three times before we jointly decided the outdoor sensor should be by-passed. It's running well now--thankfully, since our current temp is 35. Killing frost this week--glad my outside work is finished!

    Our furnace is also super efficient. We just had a total tune-up and serviceman said sometimes it's just the connections that need to be tightened up. Never used to happen with old dinosaur furnace. So glad it's working now, woke up to dusting of snow on the ground and temp 28F. Snow should melt w/i week, temps may reach 40, will feel like a heat wave. :wink:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap Friday 11/10 - observed holiday...both hubby and I off work
    1) Temp 12F when I got up at 7:15 so staying indoors so far...bundle up & walk dog later = Walked dog 3.86 miles, even explored some new roads in area development. Happy dog :smiley:
    2) Drink at least 10c water...harder for me at home = Drank water after long dog walk, yardwork prepping for winter, and eating smoked salmon & crackers with hubby. Still felt parched, so total of 14c water. :smiley: Daily weigh in reflected sodium. :p
    3) Net calories w/i 100 green...no food plan with hubby yet = See #2. Net calories red 362 and sodium 4,299mg. Ack!!!! :s
    4) Enjoy free day with hubby = Very nice day <3
    5) Floss & retainers, seriously! = Done! :smiley:

    JFT Sat. 11/11 - Thank you veterans!
    1) Walk dog...dusting of snow on ground this morning so tread carefully, no slip and falls this winter
    2) Drink extra water to flush yesterday's sodium
    3) Net calories w/i 100 green
    4) Floss & retainers
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited November 2017
    @cschmitz110515 -- since your weight-in day is saturdays, I will switch mine to also be on every saturday. (Also, it helps me stay on track over the weekend!)

    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight Sept 1st: 192.8
    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8
    November 1: 187.7

    November 6: 189.4
    Nov 11: 188.0 - slowly climbing my way back to "before halloween candy:!
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    So inspiring! @cschmitz110515 and @joan6630 fantastic weights! I love seeing the success add up. I will weigh myself on Saturdays too with you! I love this group!

    (5’5”, 33)
    I weighed myself on my birthday 11-6: 169.6lbs
    11-7: 168.4lbs
    I then binged. I was very emotional from work, and being way too strict that I decided to change from Weight Watchers and join MFP on Thursday, 11-8.
    Today’s weight. 11-11: 168.4 post binge on Wednesday into Thursday

    I will keep up with sharing on Saturdays with you!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I’ve been MIA trying to get everything as updated as I could before my last day at my job. Yesterday was my last day there and I now have 2 weeks off before starting my new job. I’ve been eating like a grazing cow, so over the next two weeks, I plan to get back into my healthy habits and start posting on here daily again. I have missed you all!!

    Bed. You have a baby bump! So cute!

    I’m just checking in tonight because my husband took me to dinner and a movie to celebrate my new job. So happy to be done. It was getting extremely toxic for me and I already feel happier!

    I will post tomorrow morning! ❤️
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    Hi @OConnell5483 congrats on your new job! Very courageous move! Stay calm and focused. It sounds like it will be a nice transition.

    I was binge free today. Did laundry, vacuumed. Yay!

    Tomorrow’s goals:
    Log everything and stay within my caloric intake
    Stay binge free no matter what I have to do
    Windex and dust my rooms
    Shower (being depressed lately makes this a task)
    Go to GNC and get some protein powder and shakes
    Visit my friend who just gave birth

    I love this thread. Hope everybody’s having a great night. I know with a great plan- we can!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Good morning! I'm so happy to be back! The last few weeks have been just overwhelming. Friday I said goodbye to a company I had worked for for 23 1/2 years. Do you know how much crap a person can accumulate in their desk over 23 years? OMG! I had to get my projects caught up to hand off. Packed my desk. Taught my normal classes. I was working day and night, weekends too. It's been crazy. I took off 2 weeks between jobs and it hasn't sunk in yet that I don't have to work this weekend and that I won't be going back there tomorrow. This is life-changing for me and my husband both. We spent the whole day together yesterday. We had a birthday party for our granddaughter, then went to dinner and a movie. It has been a very long time since we had a day like that! I'm still physically feeling tired and not feeling quite "healthy", but I do feel happy right now.

    Welcome to the new faces I see on here today! So happy to have you join us! You have some great goals!

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal every bite and stay in the green
    2. 80 oz of water
    3. Meal plan for week
    4. Plan healthy snacks
    5. Start cutting fabric for baby quilt to send to (BEX) :smiley:
    6. Reach my FitBit step goal
    7. Read success stories and look for ideas to incorporate into my new lifestyle.
    8. Listen to today's podcasts
    9. Read today's chapter for Simple Abundance book, write in my gratitude journal before bed.
    10. Start a "donate" box and declutter (Goal is a box a week.)

    When you think about quitting, think about why you started.