Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    i got the results from my blood work yesterday. i guess they did do hcg with the progesterone.

    hcg = 1
    progesterone = 7.4

    the doctor wasn't in to interpret the results though, so i still have no idea what that means. i have to call back in tomorrow. *sigh*

    Hey Hun,

    How many DPO?

    according to the ultrasound, about a week ago; they didn't give me a specific day. (according to the ovulation predictor test is was on july 9th/10th?)

    Well, to be honest, I'd brace yourself for some unhappy news (sorry Hun). But you aren't 100% out until the re-test the beta.
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    Godblessourhome-....if you don't mind me asking did you conceive your boys naturally or with meds?? I have PCOS also so i was just wondering!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    So, to cheer me up, DH got me a ring today - we wanted stand-in rings for our trip to LV this month (our wedding sets need to be serviced and we don't want to risk them). I love citrine (topaz is my birthstone and this is a less ugly version).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Well, to be honest, I'd brace yourself for some unhappy news (sorry Hun). But you aren't 100% out until the re-test the beta.

    thanks. i am prepared for bad news but i do want to know why the opt said i ovulated 2 weeks before i actually did. i find that really strange and it has me worried that i have inadequate luteal phase, premature luteinization, or luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (oh the joys of self-diagnosis via the interwebs). it will be just one more thing that stand in the way of me becoming pregnant again. :(
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Godblessourhome-....if you don't mind me asking did you conceive your boys naturally or with meds?? I have PCOS also so i was just wondering!

    my first two were natural; i just rolled over in bed and became pregnant. lol. however, they are now 8 and 9. i went through premature menopause when i was 27 because of pcos. my estrogen levels shot through the roof and then my testesterone levels went crazy when my estrogen disappeared. my doctors and i have been trying to reverse it for the last three years through chemical hormone re-balancing and controlling the pcos. my becoming pregnant again is a very long shot. i was hoping that last month was going to do it because, medically, everything was going so much better than anything in the last three years.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    So, to cheer me up, DH got me a ring today - we wanted stand-in rings for our trip to LV this month (our wedding sets need to be serviced and we don't want to risk them). I love citrine (topaz is my birthstone and this is a less ugly version).

    beautiful ring jalara!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    So, to cheer me up, DH got me a ring today - we wanted stand-in rings for our trip to LV this month (our wedding sets need to be serviced and we don't want to risk them). I love citrine (topaz is my birthstone and this is a less ugly version).

    Awwww, nice job hubby! PRETTY RING!!
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    LOL - I've been looking at rings too this week....that's a really pretty one. Good job hubs!!!!

    GBOH - I've given up trying to understand hormones at all......they really do control us (especially those of us with PCOS!)
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    okay ladies. Serious life changing/interfering question for you. My hubs is military. We've been stationed at our current location for four years now, which pretty much means we are hot for new assignment at any time. No problem there since I feel little love for the town we live in and we're no where near family. The big problem is that we stupidly/naively bought a home when we moved here. We were told at the 'bottom' of the market. Well, the current 'bottom' is about 50,000 less that what we paid. So, we have a few options.
    1. My husband can do a year in Korea. His follow on would be here again so we would have another four years at least to have the market rebound. I would be here by myself with our son.
    2. We could wait for word to come down on a new assignment and try to rent out or house.

    He's been offered a position in Korea for one year, starting in December. The idea is for me to be preggo by then with the baby due in June. Which would mean that, yes, I would be alone for the birth. He does get two weeks off while overseas so he could fly back but it would have to be timed precisely. But, he would make more money while there and we wouldn't have to go through the fears of not being able to rent out the house.
    Any advice would be helpful.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey Julia,

    That a rough situation. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't be able to split apart from my husband for a year - it would tear me apart inside. We have a very close marriage and we don't like to be apart from each other for more than a day.

    I think that starting or adding to a family also changed the relationship and one needs to consider if all those private experiences and life changing moments are worth having one of you miss out on (the birth, watching the baby grow in your tummy, being there to provide support and help out, and being there to manage the first couple of months after the baby comes). Also, not having family nearby would mean being alone for a lot of things as well, and I'd want DH around.

    I understand the military life (I was army for 12 years) and I get the mindset - but to me it's not worth it. Distance affects a marriage - no matter how strong things start off (in my personal opinion).

    Also, what if you don't get pregnant right away? There's no way to really plan a pregnancy and it can take longer than that. Or what if you have complication and end up on bed rest, or worse?

    To me, my relationship trumps everything else in our life - including finances and where we live.

    So - that's my personal thoughts - I hope, even if they differ from yours, that it helps in some small way!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I agree with Jalara that while we can all give you advice based on our own personal experiences, your relationship, your life and your home ultimately can only be decided by you.

    But here's my take on it: I get the financial hardship that it would potentially throw on you, but there is a quality of life issue too. Being a military means that you are asked to sacrifice a lot and this might be one of those things. How does your husband feel about losing a year being with you? Losing a year being with your son? Missing out on the birth of another child? How would you decide differently if he weren't military?
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Happy August everyone! Long post / catch-up, Sorry!

    Juliaotwellsmith - We found ourselves in a similar situation (although not military, but DoD and lived in a very military town). Our house value was less than what we still owed on the mortgage. We moved away to pursue career opportunities. We were able to rent our house out for about 85% of our monthly payment (including PITI). Although it's not ideal, it is definitely do-able and I'm surprised with how many young professionals I have met recently who are in a similar situation - renting their house out in another city until the market rebounds a bit. If you aren't a huge fan of the city you are currently in, why would you want your DH to spend a year in Korea and then be stationed there again? Just a question for thought. If it's purely monetary reasons, please check out Total Money Makeover. It will change your life. Good luck with your decision.

    godblessourhome - sounds like a pretty tough situation. I hope that it works out for you soon and the hormones are regulated :) As for prenatal vitamins, the only rx PNV that I have tried & liked is Prefera OB DHA. The pills are super tiny and it has iron and DHA.

    jalara - I am so sorry about what is happening for you right now. Hopefully your doctors can find some answers and you can be on the road to recovery soon. A big help to me, during my m/c, was this link I found on another site: - everybody's experience is totally different, but it was nice to know that I wasn't alone in all the crazy/gross/painful/emotional things I was experiencing. Good luck! Awesome job to your hubs for that ring! I

    PanteraGirl - welcome & good luck to you & your bf deciding to try for a baby.

    AlisaToth - sounds like you have a great plan down for working out / being healthy, and setting a financial foundation for a future baby. Yay!

    sdavisneill - sorry to hear about your coworker. Stay strong for everyone at work, and then let it all out when you get home.

    abeare - did you test yet!!??? keep us posted. Fingers crossed for you!

    kah78 - i'm sorry you're on the bloat boat! It is pretty bad, it just makes you feel blobby in clothes that should fit. Hope that it clears up soon! fingers crossed for you, how long until you can test? oh, and for the vitamins - can you take them just before bed so that the nausea won't hit you?

    MadBabysMama - the OPKs really do help. Good luck!

    kHaverstick - Welcome & good luck with your weight loss goals! You can do it!

    lmr9 - I've had those terrible weeks w/ high weight gain numbers too (usually involved a whole package of oreos and a 2-liter of mountain dew) - Just jump back out there and peel off those pounds. 128 ounces of water a day? How on earth do you keep that up? I do good to get 80! And I don't know the answer to the caffeine question, but I cut out all caffeine (except chocolate) last year, and it has really made a difference - my energy levels are way up and I feel great!

    rhondaredhead - good luck TTC #2! I will check out the walking challenge you linked, I love walking and do it a lot.

    fitterpam - YAY for august being your start month.

    AFM, AF finally came, the first after miscarriage. It was about 8 days late, I guess due to the residual hormones and craziness my body had experienced. I'm hopeful for O in a few weeks and then I can be back on the road to TTC! It's funny, a month never felt this long when I wasn't TTC! Still taking PNVs every night, exercising (I did some serious binge-pity eating a few weeks ago and have just arrived back to my weight prior to that episode - 153). I am hopeful to make it down to 150 in a few weeks. DH is excited to 'try again' - I am just worried that I will have another m/c and that would crush me :(
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Creepy stalker…….sorry, can you tell I have a hard time letting go?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Ron - hi!!! You're welcome to stop in anytime!

    Dcg - thank you so much. It's hard and I cried last night for the first time. I've been wondering what my cycle is going to do - I don't really remember what happened last time (it was a few years ago). I suspect there will be bleeding for awhile and I plan to keep temping in hopes to understand what happens a bit better.

    AFM - doc appt this afternoon, and I'm cleaning today. Last night I cried for the first time, but I'm so scared to keep crying because it will be really hard to stop. At the same time, I still feel very.... numb/accepting too. Also, my Hcg yesterday was 10 but my temp is still up - no one has tested my progesterone and I wish they would have - apparently only 2 labs in the city process progesterone - and the ER isn't one of them (the Women & Children's Hospital does, but they don't see pregnant people until 20 weeks in the their ER).

    I'm still distracting myself - here's the link t the curtains I made over the last couple of days:

    Does anyone know guidelines for exercising while miscarrying?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Bump. Sending love to those of you I know.

    Newbies, you have a great group of women here!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Julie - coming from a fellow military spouse, I would say wait for orders. Worst case scenario u can't sell/rent right away and you stay behind for a month or two until the house is taken care of....and in the mean time if hubs goes geo-Bach(better than Korea, at least he'd be in the continental US) for a few months and you'll still make a little more money based on separation pay! Coming from experience, you cannot plan the pregnancy around the military. I've been trying to for over a year now and we just got my husbands deployment rotation for next year and I'll be lucky if I see him for more than 3 weeks at a time from feb-aug next year and then another 7mo deployment! I'm getting ready to sit my husband down and have the "we can either have a baby, or you can be there for the birth" bc as it stands based on HIS schedule if he wants to be there for the birth we only have 6 cycles to try and I have ovulation issues, so NOTHING is guaranteed. We may have to wait until he goes on shore duty in 2 years...the very thought of that kills me. So if your husband leaves for a year and you DON'T get preggo then u have to wait AT LEAST until his R&R before u can try again....not worth it.

    Also, I've been hearing about the gov doing buy backs that if u bought your home before a certain date (not sure what that date is) when the market was much higher and now it's not worth that much the gov will buy it for what you owe or something along those lines. Don't quote me on the specifics
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Julia--a year is a long time to be apart. I fall with most others on the side of "keep the marriage close-it's the most important, and let the house issues work themselves out." Now if that isn't an over-simplification, I don't know what is! We are in the same boat--we had a townhouse, bought it near the peak, and now it is so totally not worth anywhere near what we need to sell it. So, we rented it out--this is our second year renting it. We took some time to try to find good renters, and we have been lucky with our choices so far. No big catastrophes, although my husband does most of the "property management" so it's a pain when something breaks and he has to go fix it. Depending on what your finances look like, you might consider handing it over to a professional property management team. Put them in charge of finding the tenants and doing the repairs if you are overseas. At least look into what it would look like to do that. Again, you have to decide what is best for you all. Only you can make the right decision, no matter how much advice we all give! Good luck!

    Jalara-I'm glad you cried. I hope you allow yourself some more space to do that. I have a book on secondary infertility--it's fascinating to me because a) I'm struggling with it, and b) my master's degree is in counseling, so from a therapeutic standpoint, I find it really interesting too. Anyways, the author who has worked as a therapist with RESOLVE (National Infertility Association down here in the US), was talking about taking time to grieve infertility, miscarrage, the choice to stop treatment, or whatever the issue may be, and the importance of it. The jist of it is that it may seem like it will never get better, and if you start to grieve, you won't be able to stop and will just get sucked down into the crappy emotional vortex for the rest of your life. But, she went on to talk about how our bodies seem to have a way of "coping" with the grieving--often they don't give us more than we can/should deal with at a time--our bodies/brains seem to have a "shut down" mechanism that often shields us from too much of that stuff at a time. That's part of the numbness/acceptance at first, and then it's part of the reason why dealing with grief issues often seem to come and go, popping up when we thought we were through it, I guess. It's being broken up into smaller pieces over a larger time. I had never heard of that before, and thought that was really interesting way of looking at grief. An old Zen saying "The best way to deal with a bull is to give it a large pasture." (That was from the website, BTW--I've found their resources helpful.)

    I myself have used a timer-limit on myself (different grieving issue, but still). I set a time--like on the calendar, for however long I want to give myself, and then for that appointed time, I just let it all out. When the timer dings, I pull myself back together and go do something else. The nice thing that it has done for me is that during the times that I need to have my act together (work or whatever), somehow just knowing that I have that time set aside for it, even if it is later, allows me to focus better on other things when I need to. Compartmentalization at it's best, I guess. Good luck hon. If you aren't pregnant when you go to LV, I hope you find some killer gluten-free adult beverages and live it up!

    AFM: I"m just coasting. The bloating seems to be getting better, but my mind is playing tricks on me, of course. One second I feel hopeful, and the next I'm just certain it didn't work. And the crazy thing is, not one ounce of all the worrying, thinking and ruminating can do anything to affect whether it actually worked or not! Yet on and on I go. I must need some more projects to work on. Tomorrow is my weigh-in---not looking forward to that. I've been experimenting with mantenance and not logging my food, and I'm not sure that it has been a successful endeavor. BUT, what a time to try that--during treatment and the 2WW. I totally set myself up. I think I was just sub-consciously looking for a way to simplify my life during this process. It worked--everything is just a simple choice to put what I want in my mouth and eat it! Haha! So, we'll keep coasting for the next week or two. I think I"m just going to go with it till this 2ww is up. If I"m not pregnant, I'll need to exercise control over something to balance my feeling out of control-ness with this infertility crud, and I think I"ll chose my diet at that point. We'll see. Good luck ladies! (Sorry this was so long--I just kept going. I tend to do that. Oh well.....)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks ladies for welcoming me....nice to know I have a support system...I chose not to tell most of the people in my life because this is my first time trying, and I don't know what the future I prefer not to make it known...because I don't want the pressures of "Are you preggo yet??? Are you preggo yet?" Don't want to hear it.

    Also I told a couple friends that I was thinking of having a baby and I got an ear full because I'm not married. They say they were not being judgmental and that they were playing devils advocate to make sure I'm making the right decision....but my feelings tell me different....They were really I didn't bother telling them that we decided to start trying in July.

    So for this group I am thankful cuz now I have other wonderful ladies for support...and hope to be of support for others.

    Jalara- Although I do not know you, I am thinking of you :) Crying is good.....the stress of bottling up feelings is not! I'm glad you were able to get it out! xo And thanks for your support on my "when trying to conceive post....." as well as for you support here!! Looking forward to getting to know you better :)

    Julia- You have a tough decision to make.....I'm not in that same boat bf and I work together...and the company we work at is not doing so hot at the we started talking about what will happen if the doors close.....I'm pretty freaked out because we decided to starting trying for a baby....but now with the just seems like bad timing. Should the company go down, bf may have to go up north and work with his uncle who does work contracts around the world. So I would be alone. Pregnant, or with child...all alone. I can't stand the idea of being away from him so many months at a time. Not to have him there for the experience of my pregnancy or birth.
    So now I ask myself....when the hell is the right just have to do it and take things as it comes I guess....if you might be too late.....but in my opinion, having my bf is really important. I don't want him to miss out on anything. The experience of it all makes a relationship so much stronger.
    I ve had a few buddies tell me....that they never realized their wives love and strength until they watched her give birth to their children. The experience for them has created so much more respect for what women do and who they are as wives, friends, mothers etc.
    For me...i may have no choice but to let him go abroad for a little while, however you do.....I would really think about it. Renting out the house....may make you extra money in your pocket as well for you future family. Wish you luck!
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Does anyone know guidelines for exercising while miscarrying?

    I don't know "guidelines" but I know what did / did not work for me :)
    The morning after the m/c started, I tried to do the JM 30 Day Shred Level 2 full-out. That was crazy, I don't recommend that. Just be careful with anything that has you upside down (yoga/pushups) or any kind of ab exercises. I walked every evening for about an hour and that seemed to help (plus it was quality bonding time with DH, we were able to talk a lot and sort of grieve out loud for our little blueberry we lost.

    However, I had to go in for 2 weeks to have my bloodwork HCG levels taken - I thought I had stopped the heavy bleeding (just spotting) after 7 days, but my bloodwork said that my hormone levels were still high. So I did a bunch of situp/abwork and bleeding started again. Way TMI but I did this 2 more times throughout the next 7 days and it helped the rest of the tissue come out, and bleeding to stop completely the way it was supposed to. I have read about people needing D&C after a natural miscarriage b/c not all the tissue came out. Just wanted to tell you my experience, and what helped me.

    Sorry again that you have to go through this. :(