Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Still here. Just barely keeping up with days.
    I cringe every time the phone rings, but the worst of the daughter crisis seems to be over. We want to try to help her find her direction. She needs to heal emotionally.

    Everyday I strive to keep up three basic things:
    Calorie limits
    Water intake
    10 K Steps

    I have been doing OK with these basic factors. Since Oct 1 I am down around four pounds. Slowly working at it.

    I too am doing the job search. Very limited applications. I am scheduled for a 3 hour second interview in December. I am very interested in the position and positive. I like that I have a couple weeks to work on my case and practice my interview points.

    Tomorrow I go to a conference until Friday. This offers me training and lots of good networking if I stay in the job where I am currently. It should be good days. Just an hour away though so no change in climate.

    Pack my bag.

    'See' you soon
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited November 2017
    JFT, MOnday
    1. detox again from sugar. :) OMG --- I wanted something sweet SO bad today!!
    2. log all food :)
    3. drink water --- min 6 glasses :)
    4. already been to the gym - but lay out clothes for tomorrow :) Clothes are ready for tomorrow morning!
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)
    6. remember how much better I will feel come january if I don't gain weight :) Made myself a note to stick on my computer
    7. read response cards today to remind myself of why I want to lose weight :) Posted these again by my computer
    8. when wanting to cave into a craving - drink 2 glasses of water and wait :) Had to do this 3x today!!

    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go and get hair cut/colored
    4. go to the gym in AM. Lay out clothes for wed morning
    5. work on PC boards
    6. start sewing chemo hats. Have not made her any since June!
    7. finish quilt for young girl who is in a nursing home
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
    9. NO sugar. Drink 2 glasses of water
    10. read my response cards - remember how I want to feel come January 1st.

    @junodog1 - good luck to you on your job search! Lots of new jobs here I see! I will be praying for your daughter. It is the hardest thing to see our children suffer. I know with time your daughter will be OK, but it is nice you can be there for her during this hard time. My son is also in the midst of separation from his wife of 14 years. He lives 500 miles away from us, so that is so very hard for me. I want to talk to him everyday to be sure he is OK, but I can't do that (or when I try, he does not always answer the phone). So what do I do ... grab comfort food. I have to keep myself from getting sick with worry - always thinking the worse when I can't reach him.

    You are doing great managing the food part and losing - congrats on that.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Congratulations on the new job. You will surely be an asset to the new company.
    I really like your goals, particularly the one that mentions the donation box; I've accumulated so much clutter over the years--now I'm determined to empty these boxes one by one. Perhaps losing weight is similar to removing clutter from your home!
    [*] Start a "donate" box and declutter (Goal is a box a week.) :)
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Monday
    1. Water :)
    2. Back to work :):s It was a long day
    3. Pull fabric for Mark's quilt :)
    4. Brush and Floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Tuesday
    1. Water
    2. Dinner with my daughter
    3. Brush and Floss
    4. Bed by 10:30
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member

    I am feeling so stressed about because my Employer passed a very disturbing comment about my need for a leave of absence with my mother. My mother is going in for knee surgery and I have to take time off to be with her. My union rep. said she was ‘afraid what they could do next’ and whatever that is supposed to mean. I have to be with my mother for surgery. So honestly, I am just going to NOT BINGE IN ORDER TO STAY STRONG FOR MOM AND ME DURING THIS TIME, and keep the faith.

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Do not binge
    2. Track and eat what I log when I go to work
    3. Be encouraged and not afraid
    4. Have faith
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited November 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I decided on a name. Casey-Leigh x

    Awesome name! It just rolls off the tongue in the right way. :)

    I woke up from bad dreams with a headache, so I am somewhat rethinking the week... gym will be moved to tomorrow and friday, because even if it gets better I don't feel like hauling the gym bag to work today.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited November 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Monday 11/13 JFT:

    ✔Regular A.M. routine for kids
    ✔Enjoyed nice breakfast with hubby
    ✔Cleaned and organized house for furniture delivery
    ✔Receive furniture delivery and inspect everything!!
    ✔Post JFT
    ❌Grocery List
    ✔Grocery Shop➡️made a small trip, no list
    ✔Finish research project #2 and email mentor by this evening!!
    ❌Run by mailbox (kiddos have package from Grandpa :) )➡️do this Tuesday (ran outta time)
    ✔Pick up kiddos & teeno from school
    ❌Elliptical ~ 20 min. (main goal is to just do something on my elliptical today!!)➡️my research project took priority and I just ran outta time :(
    ✔Prepare dinner (dinner by 7 pm)
    ❌Prep backpack and meeting info for school tomorrow➡️once again, not enough time
    ✔Review research documents (necessary for meeting tomorrow)
    ❌Bedtime by 10 pm➡️bed by 11:30 pm

    Yesterday was pretty busy and pack full of certain things I had no control over. Therefore I am just going to move on and try again today!

    Tuesday 11/14 JFT:

    Regular kids morning routine
    On campus 9 am - 1 pm (Working on research)
    (Meeting w/ professor at 9 am)
    Rest ~ 20 min.
    Run by mailbox
    Grocery Shop --> dinner items
    Pick up kiddos and teen from school
    Elliptical ~ 20 min. [As Nike says.....Just Do It!!]
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm

    Alrighty, let's see if I can time-manage the day and succeed on getting onto my elliptical. :D

  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Question... What is this being in the red and being in the green about and is it attached to some device?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited November 2017
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Question... What is this being in the red and being in the green about and is it attached to some device?

    Your calories.

    If you have 100 calories left over for example then you’re “in the green”
    And in the red is when you’ve ate that donut you promised you wouldn’t and went over your calorie limit.. into the red! :lol:

    I think we use them terms because it doesn’t put the emphasis on “calorie limit” and people tend to associate green with good and red with bad!
  • cshern
    cshern Posts: 55 Member
    Wow, great thread - too bad it petered out.

    I've only been on this site since October 21 of 2017, so I missed the beginning. But, if anybody is out there:

    I'm at 255.8 lbs today and committed to staying within my calorie limit and exercising at least 15 minutes.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Question... What is this being in the red and being in the green about and is it attached to some device?

    I think Bex answered your question - being in the green is always a good thing! And BTW -- I LOVE your quilt on your profile! Is this the one you finished at the retreat! Beautiful work!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Congratulations on the new job. You will surely be an asset to the new company.
    I really like your goals, particularly the one that mentions the donation box; I've accumulated so much clutter over the years--now I'm determined to empty these boxes one by one. Perhaps losing weight is similar to removing clutter from your home!
    [*] Start a "donate" box and declutter (Goal is a box a week.) :)

    Thank you! I am on another MFP group that has different challenges each week and decluttering was a challenge last summer. I decluttered so much and rearranged things in our house that we stopped looking to sell our house and buy a larger one! We actually ended up gaining a whole room! Ever since then, I set out a box and throw a few things in it each day as I come across them.

    That same group (A Challenge a Day, is the name of it) is having this same decluttering challenge again this week. One of the suggestions was to pick a spot in your house to start and spending 15 minutes a day...having a donate bag, put away box and throw away bag. I'm trying that this week. Donate goes in the bag. Throw away goes in a bag. Put away goes into a laundry basket and at the end of the 15 minutes, I stop and put away the items in the laundry basket. 15 minutes is doable for me! When my house is decluttered, my brain is decluttered and I just generally feel better! :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I didn’t post last night because I had a small breakdown. This pregnancy has officially broken me tbh.

    The sickness, the tiredness, the cough, the backache.
    Last night I started having a coughing fit, now assuming I might wee myself (as you do) I went to the toilet. And instead randomly vomited all over the floor.

    My partner walked in to me sat on the toilet, in floods of tears and sick all over the floor.
    It was the last straw and I just couldn’t handle it anymore!

    Anyway! Someone ‘up there’ must have noticed because last night I got a full nights sleep. My back felt slightly better due to the extended rest. BOTH my kids stayed asleep for an extra 1hr 30 mins! And the dog didn’t mess around in the morning and just waited til I got up! (He normally paces up and down next to the bed)
    I woke up feeling refreshed!

    I got ALL the washing done in one day! Went to my antenatal appointment and she’s said everything looks good, spoke about how I was feeling and we discussed my absence from appointments and she was really understanding and is glad I’m feeling better now and she said I could transfer my care to a different hospital. But I’ll still have the midwives taking care of me for general check ups due to still living in the area.
    I also get growth scans from 28 weeks onwards every 3 weeks as Marley was actually a “small baby” on the 5th percentile.
    So that’s nice :)

    And I got the Nursery funding form in on time (you can get 15 free hours in the UK for 2,3 and 4 year olds) so luckily don’t have to pay anything!

    Only thing is I’ve not ate much today.

    I keep forgetting to eat.. is that even possible :lol:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 That looks delicious! Sounds like you had a good day, and I'm so happy to hear it. Pregnancy is so hard on a woman, physically, emotionally and hormonally. I'm glad you got some rest and that the Big Guy up high made sure you got it!

    I have to ask, because I feel stupid that I don't know... Is your "tea" like our "dinner" or "supper"? Like your evening meal?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Dang it! I had a whole thing typed out with my goals for today and it disappeared! I've never had that happen before on my laptop. Just my phone or iPad.

    So, I'll just keep it short and post today's goals again.

    Just for Tuesday:
    1. Weigh/Measure and journal every bite
    2. Drink more water today than yesterday
    3. Hit my step goal today
    4. 30 minutes of activity of some sort!
    5. 5 more things in the donate, throw away or put away box
    6. Work on quilt
    7. Grocery list
    8. Do not look at email from old job. Not my problem anymore.
    9. Listen to optimal living daily, optimal health daily and Good Life Project podcasts
    10. Read Simple Abundance chapter, write 5 things I'm grateful for today in my Gratitude journal tonight.
    11. Bed early so I can get up earlier tomorrow. Reset my internal clock!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @Bex953172 That looks delicious! Sounds like you had a good day, and I'm so happy to hear it. Pregnancy is so hard on a woman, physically, emotionally and hormonally. I'm glad you got some rest and that the Big Guy up high made sure you got it!

    I have to ask, because I feel stupid that I don't know... Is your "tea" like our "dinner" or "supper"? Like your evening meal?

    Haha yeah
    The UK sometimes says dinner too but it just depends where you’re from, some people say tea lol
    Which gets confusing because tea is also a cup of tea (and biscuits of course)

    See our “supper” is like a small meal (normally a soup or something) after our evening meal lol!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 That looks delicious! Sounds like you had a good day, and I'm so happy to hear it. Pregnancy is so hard on a woman, physically, emotionally and hormonally. I'm glad you got some rest and that the Big Guy up high made sure you got it!

    I have to ask, because I feel stupid that I don't know... Is your "tea" like our "dinner" or "supper"? Like your evening meal?

    Haha yeah
    The UK sometimes says dinner too but it just depends where you’re from, some people say tea lol
    Which gets confusing because tea is also a cup of tea (and biscuits of course)

    See our “supper” is like a small meal (normally a soup or something) after our evening meal lol!

    This is pretty funny. My boyfriend and I have discussed this multiple times (he's French, and just doesn't understand our ways).

    Tea is a northern concept - it's not used in the south (I think). I'm from the north originally but have been living down south for 13 years so now I always say dinner. :smile: (unless I'm drunk, in which case it all comes back!)

    I think - although I might be wrong on this as I don't really remember - that 'tea' tends to be used if you're eating slightly earlier whereas 'supper' is later.

    I think possibly both of these can be used to describe lighter meals or snacks, whereas 'dinner' is always a full meal.

    This leads to bizarre situations like when my mother calls a meal at 1pm 'dinner at lunch' because it's our biggest meal of the day.

    Unless it's Sunday in which case it's fine to call it 'Sunday lunch'.

    (In recent years we also have 'brunch' which I think you have too).

    My French boyfriend thinks all this is insane...

    (In France they just use 'dejeuner' for lunch, 'diner' for either lunch or dinner, and don't worry about how big the meal is or exactly what time it is eaten!)