August Day by Day Challenge (OPEN): 1 year anniversary!!!



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tuesday’s Goals:
    1. Under on calories – Yes but way too much sugar
    2. Exercise: 30DS, Walk, & introduce brother & his GF to C25k – yes, yes, & yes
    3. Water - yes
    4. Tidy up the living room before people arrive - Yes
    5. Check I've got enough bedding for people coming to stay this weekend – Still no!


    Yesterday evening was wonderful. I took my brother and his GF out to do their first day of C25k, they did really well, far better then I did on my first day. Then they came back to mine for dinner and to help me make stuff for my friends hen party/bachelorette party this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it and dreading it also. I really want her to have a lovely weekend and for it to go really well. Which probably means it’ll be a disaster. Any way I’ve obsessed enough about this weekend, time to get on with today.

    Wednesay’s Goals
    1. under on calories
    2. water
    3. exercise: Run or dvd when I get home
    4. Finish of making things for hen party.

    Have a lovely day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug.2:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--Done.
    3. Track my food and make healthy choices--esp. this evening at our neighborhood's National Night Out party!.--Yes. and Yes!

    Had fun last night. watched a magic show, listened to some good music and collected some cool freebies. Also did well on the eating. It was very warm, though, and we came home after a couple of hours.

    I have been staying up too late and need to get back to a better bedtime so it is back on my goals list/

    No workout this morning as my knee is hurting. I'll see how it feels later, though, and try to get one in after work.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

    Goals for Aug. 3:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my food and make healthy choices.
    3. BED BY 9:30!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Aug. 2
    Fitness Goals:
    1. Bike ride-3.25 miles in 23:38
    2. Ab circle pro-30 min workout done
    3.Drink 8 glasses of water-had 12!!!!!
    4. Do one of my workout videos-Didn't do, but went walking with Beth and did 2.71 miles

    Non-Fitness Goals:
    1. Finish cleaning the living area-not done
    2. Put dishes away-didn't do, was too tired from all the workouts that I did.

    Goals for Aug. 3
    1.8 glasses of water
    2. log food
    3. get 1 workout done today (Wednesday are currently my errands/paying bills day, so I don't get as much done and its usually my cheat day)

    Non-fitness goals:
    1. Dishes
    2. Clean bedroom
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    August 3 goals:
    1. Run 3 miles, no zumba, training ONLY 2 MILES, YES TO TRAINING W TRAINER
    2. eat before and after workout. YES AND YES
    3. organize closet and dresser drawers YES/NO
    4. go to bed at a decent time YET TO BE SEEN!

    glad staying under 100 carbs wasn't a goal today, as I was at 116 net. I usually eat more on days that I train hard!

    August 4 goals:
    1. get up at 7am to run.
    2. daughter to eye doctor @ 10:30
    3. pick up a present for birthday party.
    4. keep carbs extra low to make up for Wed's mishap.
    5. organise dresser drawers (if timem permits)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone! It seems that everyone has been doing great on goals!

    I've been doing pretty well. Meeting all my goals. I need to start watching my sodium intake though. I seem to be over every day.

    So goals for tomorrow:

    1. Gym workout and continue with knee exercises.
    2. Stay around calorie limit.
    3. Get all of my calcium and stay under sodium.
    4. Clean room.

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesay’s Goals
    1. under on calories - No
    2. water - Yes
    3. exercise: Run or dvd when I get home - No
    4. Finish of making things for hen party. - Almost

    I took yesterday as a rest day and I’m just exhausted today. Far more tired then I was when I was burning up 1000 calories a day. I’m also rather aggravatingly up 1.5lb. I did have a lovely evening yesterday making everything for the hen party but there are far too many sugary things around the house at the moment that are just too tempting (hmm weight gain making a little more sense now).

    Thursday’s goals
    1. Under on calories
    2. C25k with my brother if its not raining too hard
    3. Tidy the house people are arriving tomorrow!
    4. Early night

    Have a lovely day.

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    August 2
    1. Gallon of water - yes
    2. 4 mile run -yes
    3. Use my bonus coupons before the expire!!!!! - yes
    4. LAUNDRY.....(why do I even try?) ----really? It is still not put away!

    Somehow I lost August 3rd. LOL

    August 4th goals
    1. Clean out cabinets and reorganize them
    2. LAUNDRY put away if it kills me!
    3. 5 mile run
    4. Gallon of water
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 3:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Track my food and make healthy choices.--No and no.
    3. BED BY 9:30!--Yes.

    Didn't do the best on food yesterday--started a binge BUT--I also stopped before it got too bad. That's a victory for me!

    It gets very hot in the Garden Center so I am going in early so I can leave before it gets too warm in there. Will try to get back later to catch up.

    Goals for Aug.4:
    1. Water.
    2. TRACK MY FOODS and make HEALTHY choices!!!
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes--10 minutes done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for Aug 3
    1. walk at home thingy--nope cleaned out my mom's van instead as a work out and it was quite the workout too. I was soaked when I got done.
    2. eat healthy(avoid the diet soda at my mom's)-Didn't do too bad until dinner and then had a Penn Station sub and ate most of my days calories in one sandwich...
    3. water water water--drank lots at my parents and then forgot to drink it the rest of the day I was actually a little dehydrated by night time....yikes!

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Do whatever it is I'm doing at my mom's tomorrow, I never know what she's gonna have me do but I can't complain since she pays me and feeds me while I'm there:smile: done
    2. Get those floors done ----nope i really hate doing them but i really need to get it done....
    3. Clean my kids' rooms. Their floors need cleaned too so I should get it all done at once!--Kids rooms are clean!! :smile:

    No goals for today as I've already accomplished everything I wanted to today:bigsmile:

    Goals for Aug 5
    1. water water water water water
    2. walk with Barb in the morning
    3. make healthy choices all day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Aug. 3
    1.8 glasses of water-Fail, only had 2
    2. log food-Done
    3. get 1 workout done today (Wednesday are currently my errands/paying bills day, so I don't get as much done and its usually my cheat day)-No work out.....

    Non-fitness goals:
    1. Dishes-done
    2. Clean bedroom-done

    No goals for today. Did walk this morning at the riverwalk and then walked the neighborhood this evening with the whole family.
    Got 6 gasses of water in today and food was logged.

    Goals for Aug. 5
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. log food
    3. Walking in the morning
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    August 4th goals
    1. Clean out cabinets and reorganize them - Nope
    2. LAUNDRY put away if it kills me! - YES.....FINALLY IT IS ALL PUT AWAY!
    3. 5 mile run - YES, on the treadmill though cause it is too humid even at 5am to run outside. Not wanting to kill myself before the race.
    4. Gallon of water - Yes

    August 5
    1. 4 mile run
    2. checkbook in order
    3. organize my desk
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug.4:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. TRACK MY FOODS and make HEALTHY choices!!!--Yes and no.
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes--10 minutes done.--10 more (at least) done so, Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Not my best day ever but certainly not the worst, either! It's too hot to cook (for a change!) and I made the mistake of grabbing what was easy. That started a downward spiral but today will be different. I am going to stop at the store and pick up some more fruit and veggies so they are ready when I have supper!

    Going in early again today.

    Everyone seems to be doing a good job! Way to go!!!

    Goals for Aug.5:
    1 Water
    2. 20 minutes of exercise.
    3 Track my foods and HEALTHY choices!
    4. Watch the evening snacking!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Aug. 5
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water-Got 6 in today
    2. log food-done
    3. Walking in the morning-done

    Goals for Aug. 6

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. Reorganize the living area
    3. Spend some quality time with hubby
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Didn't set Friday goals, but I did okay. Will recap for Thursdayand post saturday's goals.
    August 4 goals:
    1. get up at 7am to run. YES, HURT MY FOOT A LITTLE BUT I PUSHED THROUGH IT.
    2. daughter to eye doctor @ 10:30 YES
    3. pick up a present for birthday party. NOPE, DECIDED NOT TO GO TO THE PARTY.
    4. keep carbs extra low to make up for Wed's mishap. I TRIED, BUT COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    5. organise dresser drawers (if timem permits) NO, ITS SUCH A CHAOTIC MESS!

    I hope to have a better day Saturday than I did Thursday!!
    1. Run before breakfast.
    2. make an awesome breakfast for my friend and her daughter/finish straightening house before they arrive.
    3. have fun, don't take myself too seriously, keep stress level down.

    I think I can handle those goals....LOL
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    August 5
    1. 4 mile run - No
    2. checkbook in order - No
    3. organize my desk - No

    Let's just say that I got nothing done today except farm work, fixing dinner and doing the dishes and playing a game with my family. So.....whatever. Today is a new day!

    August 6th
    1. Checkbook in order
    2. Go to thrift store to buy some jeans for work that fit cause WOOT.....mine are way to big!
    3. Clean the house cause it is a pit!
    4. Grocery store to get a few things

    Hope you all have a great day and enjoy your families!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug.5:
    1 Water.--Yes.
    2. 20 minutes of exercise.--Yes+.:smile:
    3 Track my foods and HEALTHY choices!--Started well, ended badly.:grumble:
    4. Watch the evening snacking!--No.:noway:

    Okay--started well but ended badly. I went to dinner with my DD, her BF and the baby. I THOUGHT we were going to Sizzler (salad and steak :happy: ) but we went to IHOP (pancakes, waffles, fried EVERYTHING it seems! :ohwell: ). That just seemed to start a spiral downwards and it would have been worse if I hadn't just gone to bed after a while! Oh well. I will start again today and will stay on plan!
    To make things worse, DD's BF complained about everything! Nothing he could's not what he ordered...I hope to remember and politely refuse the next time they ask me out! (It was truly awful--I can't even put it into words!)
    Well, it's over and I learned my lesson!

    Momma--Jeans are too big! God for you!

    Everyone--Have a great day!

    Goals for Aug. 6:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Exercise for AT least 30 minutes.
    3. EAT CLEAN and log EVERYTHING!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Well... it's been 2 or 3 days and ... my room still isn't clean. Crap. o well. I have been doing ok on calories (yesterday was a pretty poor choices day but I'm going to try to stay under my usual 1530 today and go for 1200 calories to make up for it. I haven't been doing well with sodium either. Hope everyone is doing well!

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Aug. 6

    1. 8 glasses of water-Got 4 in, had some 3 cans of pepsi max (but 0 calories :blushing: )
    2. Reorganize the living area-failed, not sure where the time went?
    3. Spend some quality time with hubby-Doing that as soon as I get off the computer and kids are in bed

    Goals for Aug. 7

    1. Exercise for 20 mins
    2. 8 glasses of water
    3. Eat a better breakfast than what I have been (Fiber one 90 calorie brownie and water with a crystal light mix, only 100 calories but not very filling).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 6:
    1. WATER!!!--Not good.
    2. Exercise for AT least 30 minutes.--Yes, 30+.
    3. EAT CLEAN and log EVERYTHING!--90% and yes!

    We are going to my brother's today for a barbecue. Food will be good as he tends to eat healthy foods and doesn't have much in the way of sweets and snacks. It CAN be stressful, though, as he can be obnoxious if he drinks too much! Let's hope he doesn't!

    Barb--I tried those Fiber One Brownies. I have to admit, I wasn't impressed. I think I'll hold out for the real thing!

    Wishing everyone a good day!

    Goals for Aug. 7:
    1. Water!
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Eat clean and track my foods!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    August 6th
    1. Checkbook in order - YES
    2. Go to thrift store to buy some jeans for work that fit cause WOOT.....mine are way to big! -YES....but I had to go buy new ones cause I couldn't find any at the thrift stores that halfway fit .... I am still gonna have to cut 6 to 8 inches off the bottom of the ones I got that were labeled "short" but whatever. At least they will stay up!
    3. Clean the house cause it is a pit! - No......grrrrrrr
    4. Grocery store to get a few things - Yes

    August 7th
    1. Run 9 miles....
    3. desk cleared off.....UGH........I hate clutter!