Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • mzbecker
    mzbecker Posts: 2 Member
    Getting back on track. Fitness pal food tracker, imperative for me. No gym membership, but working to get better about using 'walking videos'. Lots of weight to loose, but no time like the present.
  • csorbs
    csorbs Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,
    Doing my annual 10-day pre-Thanksgiving detox, which means strict eating, no alcohol, regular exercise. Usually works well for me every year but this year I am working toward making these habits more permanent.
    I kicked it off with a half marathon on Sunday, which ended up being a great race but a pretty slow pace for me. Funny how goals change as one gets older. I'm much interested in enjoying myself rather than punishing myself - it most all aspects of life.
    Looking forward to the holidays, for sure. Thanksgiving morning are two of my favorite races in a row - nothing like a 5K and a 10K to get you motivated to eat turkey - and then spending the weekend decorating for Christmas. It's a challenging time to get healthy but it's one of my favorite times of the year.
  • Liane8
    Liane8 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I just joined a new gym and hope to do Hot Yoga 3-4 times a week. Fingers crossed I can stick with it.
  • djchaney73
    djchaney73 Posts: 289 Member
    Liane8 wrote: »
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I just joined a new gym and hope to do Hot Yoga 3-4 times a week. Fingers crossed I can stick with it.

    You got this.... Just make sure not to burn yourself out...
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    good morning all. Rachel0778, I used to have SO many of those busy days mostly when I was working full time. Now a days I try to do only one activity/event a day(doesn't include taking my dogs out or working out) It's usually volunteering at animal rescue, visiting my friend, going to bible study, visiting one of our kids, or grocery shopping. I'm not social at all. I'm more of an introvert & rarely get lonely or bored but the past week I did feel lonely. Not sure why.Today it's going out to lunch with some ladies from dog park. we try to get together once a month for lunch. Gymprincess, that is so great! that's a lot from a year ago! I usually buy my clothes now a days from the thrift store, do you have thrift stores there?
    I lost another pound! This morning I was 148! I'm sure i'll fluctuate for a while like I normally do before it "sticks"
    Does that happen to anyone else? It takes a while for it to be consistent.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Evamutt The French thrift stores are more like 'Vintage Chanel' at least 3 digit prices :D But now as I show rarely, I go by 'less is more' and invest in pieces that will last for several seasons, has belts or can be still wearable when I shrink more. Congrats on your loss!

    Just did abs-bums workout, my butt will be paralyzed tomorrow ahah
  • luna1989
    luna1989 Posts: 1 Member
    I could really do with some motivation..could i please join this group
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    welcome luna1989, tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Day 5 already, I'm shocked how time flies! So close to -2kg :) Just had a delicious seed bread with hummus for breakfast and going for a raspberry tarte for lunch with friends, have to eat French food while I can, only 5 weeks left here!

  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Oh my god, completely forgot what's the date today, and just got an email from my old gym, where I started my weight loss, that it's my 1 year anniversary as a member.

    Literally saw the email and burst in tears, cause I've come so far. Losing more than 50pounds and maintaining it, working out so much, binging a lot less, having a healthier relationship with food, I bloody did it in one year. I think I'm crying happy tears and also cause it's like a RIP for the girl I used to be, the one that cried a year ago feeling hopeless in a battle against herself.
    So everyone, if you're struggling, lacking motivation, it is inside you, If you want something bad enough, you will make it happen. You are not supposed to feel trapped in your own body, your inside and outside can be in alignment. <3

  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    edited November 2017
    That's great, @gymprincess1234 ! Happy anniversary!

  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I just did something foolish and discouraged myself. We got a new digital scale, and I weighed myself on it yesterday morning for the first time - 170.6 - a 2.4 lb weight loss since I started tracking calories on 11/4. I meant to wait until Friday to weigh myself again-my last weigh-in before a week of travel for Thanksgiving. But I just couldn't resist hopping on the shiny new scale...and I was 171. Even worse, it tracks on my phone, so I couldn't just ignore it. I got on again a minute later and it was 170.6, but the damn phone thinks I gained weight. I feel silly for being so easily discouraged, but these are early days & I've struggled so much with my weight for the past 4 years. Sigh.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    congratulations gymprincess. You're words are so touching. I wish everyone who feels trapped can read it
    SusanDSME, if you don't already know, wt can fluctuate during the day. Mine goes up as much as 5lbs during the course of the day, it takes a little while to stabilize. also it hasn't been that long, steady prodding will bring you success. Maybe don't look at the scale every day?
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah, @Evamutt , I planned to weigh myself just once a week, but I think I got seduced by the shiny new scale and wanted to step on it again. I will weigh myself one more time before we head out on our Thanksgiving trip. Thanks for the reinforcement.

    I was at our local surplus & salvage store today looking for wool socks, and I found a couple of really nice lightweight polyester/merino wool running shirts for $9.99! They're even purple- my favorite color. They fit me well, but quite snugly, which is not good for my ego right now, but I'm going to concentrate on how great they'll look next year. I've looked and looked for synthetic longsleeve exercise tops and haven't found them in my cheapo stores (I shop almost exclusively at Goodwill), but Land's End had a 50% off one item sale tonight and I just ordered a nice shirt- and it's also purple! I feel like rewarding myself for my effort with some clothes that actually work...I've been running and sweating in cotton and then getting cold (we're in the low 40's and getting colder).

    I had a rest day from running (as ordered by my friend who's training me). I took a long walk, but I look forward to running again tomorrow.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @SusanDSME Great find at the surplus and salvage store! I love finding great options like that at such reasonable prices


    Welcome @luna1989, @liane8, @mzbecker, and @djchaney73 !

    @gymprincess1234 Congrats on losing 50lbs this year!

    @csorbs I'm glad you had a great half marathon! I've also transitioned into enjoying the races instead of trying to get a certain time. Life is too short not to enjoy the exercise you're doing :)

    @Evamutt Congrats on hitting 148! That is great! Also, I'm insanely jealous of your retirement lifestyle. I've got 35-40 years to go before I can enjoy mine lol

    Yesterday I went to an all day training and stayed after for the networking happy hour. I am so burned out of people, and just burned out in general. I overate by a bit, but considering I spent the entire day with catered meals, alcohol, and unlimited treats I didn't do as bad as I could have done. I seriously can't wait for this weekend with ZERO social obligations. I just want to curl up with my book for 48 hours and get my house tidied up before the holiday.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you, guys!

    So, I'm the queen of extremes. Binged today. Ashamed to write it here, but we are all in this in the good, the bad and the ugly. right? I tracked it all, which is both good and bad, cause I know what it will take me to fix this set back, but then it was a binge after all, and it cost me 3 day progress. :( I do binge less and less, and I know what are the triggers. This time it was PMS, bad mood and just feeling a bit ill, so skipped the gym, did groceries and then somewhere in the middle zoned out and bought everything I shouldn't have eaten.

    Trying not to beat myself up about it, calculated the damages and made a plan of extra cardio to still finish the week with -1kg as planned. Just wish the bloat and feeling like an elephant would go away faster. :s

    Thought I ought to do some good to my body as an apology, so bought a lot of vitamins.

    @Rachel0778 I've never had this problem. I need a lot of me time, people drain me, so I often cancel or leave saying yes to any social activity to the last moment,to see if I will be up for it. Was supposed to go for drinks tonight with girl friends, clearly not feeling it, so just said no. I'm quite upfront and blunt already, but since I read the book "The life changing magic of not giving a *kitten*" , I never feel guilty for flaking out, saying no, and when I do show up, my friends appreciate it more than if I came not being in the mood for it :D
  • JannaFowler1
    JannaFowler1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone

    I've just been lurking on this thread for a while, I'm a mostly introverted person and avoid social interactions whenever possible. I've had several false starts with my weight loss, and am hoping to run the whole race this time. That means I probably am going to need some support, so here's my attempt at not being introverted on the internet too. lol I have about 150lbs to lose, so far I am nearly 20lbs down. I've been at it for a little over a month and a half. I try to stay on top of logging everything I eat, and I don't log workouts yet because any activity I do right now is light and I don't want to make up the calories.

    I'm a stay at home mom of 3, plus 2 fur babies. I tend to be a stress eater, and will also eat my feelings if I'm not having a good day. I have been doing lots of walking and strength training using body resistance because I can't handle weights yet. Looking forward to being a part of this group.

    Also I wanted to say how impressed I am that many of you come here and are so honest and raw about your struggles with weight loss or just being healthy in general. Good on you!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @JannaFowler1 welcome! Good job on 20pounds lost and I wish you patience, determination, strength and optimism for the 150, cause luck has nothing to do with weightloss haha

    For me personally, I only have 2 friends who get the relationship I have with food/fat loss/body image,etc. to the core of it, everyone else either can't relate at all or I feel like that's too much for them, therefore MFP is the perfect place, cause one way or the other, people get where you're coming from, give constructive advice and sometimes criticism.
  • JannaFowler1
    JannaFowler1 Posts: 5 Member
    @JannaFowler1 welcome! Good job on 20pounds lost and I wish you patience, determination, strength and optimism for the 150, cause luck has nothing to do with weightloss haha

    For me personally, I only have 2 friends who get the relationship I have with food/fat loss/body image,etc. to the core of it, everyone else either can't relate at all or I feel like that's too much for them, therefore MFP is the perfect place, cause one way or the other, people get where you're coming from, give constructive advice and sometimes criticism.

    I don't have many friends to begin with, and the ones I do have aren't overly interested in weight loss or really fitness for that matter. You are SO right about that part. lol I still struggle with knowing that not everyone in my life is going to be supportive of what I'm trying to do. You would think that people would be excited about it for you because you're doing something to better your life. The negative comments though, and lack of understand/support can be upsetting at times. I've finally come to the point in my mind where I'm doing this for me and only for me.

    I lurked on this thread for so long because I always wait to see if people are friendly or not, I can be confrontational about some subjects and even outgoing-ish. Weight loss and being open about my struggles in life aren't one of those subjects. lol I'm glad that this forum exists.
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    @JannaFowler1 20 lbs is impressive in only a month and a half! I'm a stay at home mom of 2, and my kids have been motivating me to run. On weekends, we often run together, and when we aren't running, we're hiking.

    I'm glad you're here! I've found it helpful to talk here, as not everyone in the rest of my life understands my struggle.