Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune Oh my gosh your soup sounds wonderful. I am going to your house for food. Planning is a huge part of success. Great job on the weight loss. Sounds like you did a good job minimizing the calories while enjoying yourself.

    @bluepoppies777 I am sure a lot of it is water weight/ToM , but use it for motivation if it helps.

    Took the kids out trick or treating. The weather was gorgeous! We didn't even need jackets, so we stayed out for an hour and a half. I got in 20000 steps, and only ate 3 pieces of candy. Stayed under my calories. Woo hoo! Did my official weigh in. Down another pound. So down a total of 5.4 pounds. Still have 14.8 to go.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @gemwolf110 Your lunch sounds delicious. Sounds like a good Halloween as well.
    To stay motivated I have joined a bunch of challenges. This seems to help me. For the most part I do pretty good staying under calories when I log. So the challenges help me motivate, and move. This year I took the kids out trick or treating and I had plenty of energy, I was able to keep up with them for an hour and a half, and not once dreaded being out their walking with them. Such a great feeling.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune I'm jealous of your meals/treats, they sound delicious!

    @bluepoppies777 Weight fluctuations are so frustrating! I hope you're able to get back into your healthy routine. Is there an end date for your son staying with you?

    @jdelaroy Great NSV with the steps! 3 pieces of candy is also a huge win!

    @genwolf110 Your meal plan sounds delicious! I also have a small pair of jeans I keep around as motivation. This time of year though my goal is maintaining. Once New Year hits I'll be back in loss mode to get to my ultimate goal

    Happy November! This month is going to be crazy busy, but a lot of fun! I've got my best friend's birthday party this weekend and an 8 hour challenge race (that I'm mostly walking), a post-Halloween party the weekend after, my Dad coming into town the weekend after that, and Thanksgiving at my in-laws right after that. My biggest challenge is going to be staying active when I don't have access to a gym or my regular classes. Especially now that it's getting colder it's hard to go outside. I updated my youtube account with a lot of free workouts, but I'm hoping it's enough to keep me motivated.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks for the support guys, I really would lose my mind without you all! We took our 9yo son out trick or treating last night, was walking for almost an hour and a half, so that was good! I only ate a couple candies and one of those small bags of chips, so that was good. Won't be eating any more now, just a treat on halloween! My 21 yo son will eat it all soon I'm sure! Rachel, I WISH there was a end date of the older one living with us! LOL!! it sounds like he has a job interview that will pay double what he is making now, which would be awesome if he gets it. That would mean he could move out sooner!! :)

    Sounds like you guys did great on Halloween too! I haven't even been in the lunch room today, but I'm sure others have brought in candy too. Seems to be a good idea to get it out of the house!

    Yes, I have a few things that are too small for me, my goal is to get back into them. One is a sexy swimsuit! One is a skirt, and I have a few dresses. So the goal is for me to wear them next summer!!

    Rachel, that 8 hour challenge sounds so crazy, you will have to tell us about it. Good luck! and it sounds like you have lots of fun stuff to look forward to. Just have to get your work outs snuck in there too.

    Sounds like everyone had a good Halloween, didn't go too crazy, and staying on track. So that's a major win for all of us! Keep up the good work. I've got my gym bag in the trunk to go after work. Didn't really feel like it, but see that all of you are sweating, so I'm going to do it too!
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there! Sorry I dont check in more! I tend to put my food in for the day and not check back!!
    @wishfuljune my soup turned out just ok. Believe it or not it wasnt very flavorful to me. I still ate it but needed something!

    So I am struggling today! Havent eaten a single piece of candy or any treat that has come through our department so far! all i want is candy! I havent caved yet but the craving is there! SO here I am posting instead of eating!

    Im trying so hard to eat well and exercise and have been doing so for almost 3months. I dont know why at this point I always seem to let go! What do you all do to stay motivated????

    Have a great day! Its beautiful here in wisconsin!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @tamj73 - When I am really craving something, I know that if I don't do something about it, I'll binge and only hurt my chances more. Here's a list of ways to help:
    1. Are you really craving it or are you just thirsty? Drink water and wait 20 minutes
    2. Gum always help me
    3. Eat a piece of fruit. Sometimes you're just craving some sugar which you can get from natural sources.

    If none of these work, have a small piece of candy and treat yourself! It's not going to hurt you to have one piece. :)
  • Rhynera
    Rhynera Posts: 3 Member
    Under the category of frustration: My doctor just notified me that my estrogen levels are in the post menopausal range which may be a contributing factor as to why it's so hard for me to lose weight since your metabolism slows down after menopause and the estrogen levels can cause weight gain or issues losing weight.

    On the plus side, with all the walking I've been doing, my legs feel amazing. And I haven't really been tempted to overeat often. Halloween candy wasn't very interesting to me.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @tamj73 You are probably craving it so much because you "can't" have it. Try to get your mind off of it by staying busy. Or tell yourself at bedtime you can have one piece. Then at bedtime you get your one piece and be done with it. This way you are getting it, you are looking forward to it, and you can keep telling yourself you can have that candy, but not until bedtime. So you aren't facing the frustration of not getting what you want.
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks guys! I Im still on here reading away to keep the food at bay! lol I have water here and if cravings continue ill try the fruit! No candy at home so before bed is out. I do have a protien bar that tastes like chocolate chip cookie so I may just eat some of that!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @tamj73 If I denied myself all candy on Halloween, I'd be leading up to a huge binge or falling off the wagon. I let myself have a few pieces. It gets rid of the craving and then I don't feel deprived and overdo it later.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Holy crap! I'm so far behind!! I will catch up and post later! WAY TO GO GIRLS! Great to see so many posts!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well yesterday was a pretty good day, if you minus the Reeses Peanut Butter cups I ate (2) and a small bowl of ice cream) Somehow I managed to stay under calories (barely). I did 30 squats for the first time in decades. My legs are yelling at me today.

    For some reason I have the munchies. I don't believe I am hungry, pretty sure I'm not thirsty (already drank 1.5 bottles of water), too much work to be bored, and not stressed. So why oh why do I want to eat everything in sight? and then some?

    Last night we checked out another gym by us. It looks great! Have the normal weights and cardio machines, plus they have the cinema cardio room, classes, tanning, hydro massages, swim pool, infrared saunas, hot tub, pool, a track area, you can get your body analysis done (supposed to be pretty in depth) and they have group training. It is small group training with a trainer and you just sign up for whatever session you want. Oh, and everyone seemed super friendly. I think the BF and I have decided to go with the gym.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wow it has been quiet in here the last couple of days. I hope everyone is doing well.

    Yesterday my legs were so sore I could barely move, my feet hurt, and I had severe cramps. I decided yesterday was a good day for a complete rest. So I worked my normal hours, picked the kids up made dinner, and then proceeded to fight with the BF for the rest of the night/this morning. He was being a total *kitten*. He thought it was fun to sit there and continually poke my sore legs. So I got up and went upstairs to be left alone which pissed him off and everything went down hill from there.

    One of my legs is still sore today, but I am hoping I can do some walking during lunch.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    My post from yesterday didn't go through :(

    @jdelaroy Congrats on the new gym! It sounds amazing. I've always wanted to do a body analysis, the results would be fascinating!

    @gemwolf110 Wedding dress shopping sounds like fun! Any silhouettes you're leaning towards?

    Today is my test out for basic skating skills for roller derby. Wish me luck that I pass the test!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Rachel0778 Good luck, but I bet you don't need it. You have worked really hard and you are going to do fabulous. I agree the gym seems pretty great. I get 1 free day before we sign up. I am thinking I am going to try it out on Saturday.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @jdelaroy - that sounds like an amazing gym!! Enjoy the benefits, and let us know how the small group training goes if you decide to do it. It sounds like it would be super motivating. :)

    @gemwolf110 - For some reason, I immediately thought of Say Yes To the Dress when you talked about posting your favorite wedding dresses up as motivation. You can do this!

    @Rachel0778 - Good luck on your test today! I'm sure you will crush it!

    I've been pretty busy overall these past few days since NaNoWriMo started (National Novel Writing Month), and have been spending most of my hours after work doing writing sprints for my novel. I have to do some at-home workout videos and yoga for my MFP challenges today, which will be a nice little reward in between writing sprints. I'm hoping to hit 9,663 words today.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Blimey, I disappear for a few days and completely lose track of everything that is happening on here!

    I feel like we've been hit by a bus this week - literally no time to stop and think. Trying to keep a hold on work and the house and such like whilst Alistair fights off a cold and has his temperature go up and down like a yo-yo. How we've avoided nursery sending him home any day this week is beyond me!

    Anyway, I will catch up with you guys properly. Just need to battle through today at work then I'm out for dinner with a couple of girlfriends tonight. I've been taking a break from monitoring my food this week and this Italian meal tonight is the culmination of that - I will enjoy with a couple of glasses of wine then get back on the horse. Sometimes, I think I just need to stop thinking about food and the amount of calories in any particular thing.

    Hope Friday is treating you well and that weekends are filled with fun :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune Sounds like you're making great progress on NaNoWritMo! What's your story about?

    @janetay01 You guys have been hit with all the illnesses this year! Have fun at your girls night tonight!

    @gemwolf110 That dress is stunning. I am sure you are going to look gorgeous in it!

    @jdelaroy Let us know how the trial goes this weekend!

    I PASSED THE TEST!!! I am so excited that I can now go onto the full contact portion of derby! I've still got 1 more test in mid-December before I make the team but my odds are looking better.

  • soli0002003
    soli0002003 Posts: 3 Member
    I use to be in shape and now I have a few extra pounds to lose 50 to be exact . I guess life happened kids and job made it a bit difficult. Love to join your group.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Doing ok - just busy, busy! Guessing same for everyone given how quiet it is on here.

    @soli0002003 - welcome to the thread!

    Rachael - congratulation, knew you could do it. Now to push for the team slot!

    Had a great night out with girlfriends on Friday - spaghetti Bolognese, panna cotta with fresh fruit and 2 glasses of red wine. So let my hair down without going nuts - really enjoyed it :). Busy weekend with chores, swimming with Alistair, feeding the ducks then more chores. And we got the last shelf up in my office last night - woohoo!

    Have a good Monday all :)