Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    @Rachel0778 Sounds rough what do you do for a living? Im in radiology. Thanks for your response! I also love pintrest but hate to cook!! Ive been getting better slowly lol
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - that sounds like a fantastic weekend! I always tell myself, if I go up a pound or so after I've had a great time with friends, family, etc., then it's fine. You have to still be able to enjoy yourself, and then hop right back on the wagon the next day! :) Don't be afraid of that scale.

    @jdelaroy - Congratulations on the loss! We CAN do this! My NSV would be refusing to grab the Halo Top Mint Chip in the fridge a few nights ago when I reaaaaaally wanted to. I just drank some water, told myself it was too late, and that it'll be there for me later.

    @ShyCush6 - Sorry to hear about your basement flooding! That's never fun, but at least you got that good workout in. :P How was the haunted house trip? That sounds like a lot of fun! Do you visit local houses that have local legends about hauntings?

    @rpmtnbkr - Welcome! :) Post often!

    @janetay01 - Personal time is so very necessary, so I'm glad to hear that you've made the best of it with all the tasks you've accomplished! Also, happy to hear that it was just grapes that made Alistair's tummy upset and nothing more serious. Hopefully he'll let you and your husband sleep later this week!

    @tamj73 - Welcome! Like @gemwolf110 said, just click the star and you'll get notifications whenever someone posts in the group! I love cooking, so I use Skinnytaste's website. She has a lot of simple recipes (slow-cooker recipes are the best because it takes almost no prep, and then in 6 hours you have a delicious meal), and they are all Weight Watcher friendly.

    @Rachel0778 - UGH! That sounds awful! At least it's Thursday, so the weekend is almost here for you!

    I am feeling a lot better, thank you everyone! DayQuil/NyQuil and Mucinex helped me, as did Blueberry tea and staying in bed all day on Sunday. :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @tamj73 Welcome and jump on it. This is an ongoing thread. Most of a post at least once a week, some of post 2-3 times a day, others just stop in once and awhile. We are here to help keep each other motivated, to share in the struggles, and to be accountable to ourselves on this long journey. Food wise, I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, hard boiled eggs, lunches tuna, cottage cheese, leftover dinners, dinners I pretty much eat whatever. Last night we had cheesy garlic shrimp bake. Oh my gosh was it good. Check out the recipe section for some great ideas as well.

    @rachel0778 Hang in there, you can do it. Could you sneak out for lunch and just take a walk? It might help recenter you a little and give you a moment to breathe. I guarantee you will be more productive. Two more days, and then you can get some Gym/Relaxing time. Great job on the snacks for the conference! I am impressed.

    @wishfuljune I am so glad you are feeling better! Great NSV! I know how hard it is to say no to ice cream.

    I am proud of myself, I have been limiting myself to one Oreo a day. Last night I even told the Pumpkin Spice Twinkie no thank you. I took my son to a trick or treat thing last night, and only ate 1 piece of his candy. It was perfect, just enough to kill the candy craving and I didn't feel deprived.
    I am getting excited the Bf and I are checking out a gym that is about 2 miles from our house tonight. I haven't had a gym membership in over 8 years. I have stuck to this for 4 months and lost 35 pounds, I think I am pretty serious about becoming a healthier me. This gym even has child care. Which is included, along with unlimited guest passes if I get the premier membership. On their website it says it is $20 a month. I could afford that. Hopefully it isn't different at this gym. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    @wishfuljune thanks for the info! Ill search recipes there! Im making a thai curry butternut squash soup tonight should be easy and delicious! I actually cooked the squash last night. I put it in the crock pot on high for 4 hours. Its so much easier to cut that way!! Ill let ya know how it turns out. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Holy *kitten* I will never catch up. sorry I have been MIA. I swear the universe is against me this year. So I got over my head cold, passed my kidney stone, felt good for 2, count them 2 days and then I got sick again. sinus infection and then bronchitis. WTF. This freaking cough is kicking my *kitten*. it is horrible at night. coughing and peeing, coughing and peeing I feel like a old lady. ugh.

    I hope all is going well with everyone. I will have to catch up this weekend . if there are any newbies, please feel free to add me. I am usually on here every day.
  • emmibarlo555
    emmibarlo555 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I'm new here! The names Emily feel free to add me ^_^ this seems like a really supportive place so keep up the good work! I'm a vegetarian wondering if anyone has some awesome recipe suggestions? It would be very much appreciated thanks :smile:
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sorry it took me so long to check in (I've had more meetings than hours today). I'm so glad I'm out of the office tomorrow for an all day conference. It will be nice to have someone else take the presentation reins. T-1 day until weekend!

    @tamj73 I work in Financial Aid. Since the FAFSA opened up recently we're very busy this time of year!

    @jdelaroy How was the gym tour? Was it too good to be true or was it a perfect fit?

    @ngolden3320 Sorry to hear you're sick again, this has been a rough year for you!

    @emmibarlo555 Welcome! I usually use pintrest a lot for new ideas. Put in "easy vegetarian dinner" and a ton will come up

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ngolden3320 Glad to see you back even if it is just for a brief moment. Damn colds! Feel better soon and take care of yourself. You might need to give yourself a time out for a few days.

    @emmibarlo555 Welcome to the group.

    @rachel0778 I liked it, they have a movie theater cardio room, a ton of equipment (2 sets or more of everything), A partial indoor track, Virtual classes on demand, daycare, one free physical trainer visit with sign up, a women's only weight lifting area, a couple of massage chairs. Down side no pool, hot tub or sauna. Going to see if I can check out another gym on Saturday.

    Last night I walked another 20000 steps, said no to the twinkies and only had one oreo. :) Otherwise pretty uneventful day.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! Checking in from a conference today, doing well with my food choices and looking forward to the weekend!

    @jdelaroy That gym sounds like a dream! I can't believe it even has a movie theater!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,359 Member
    Hey I'm new here! The names Emily feel free to add me ^_^ this seems like a really supportive place so keep up the good work! I'm a vegetarian wondering if anyone has some awesome recipe suggestions? It would be very much appreciated thanks :smile:

    I am not vegetarian but probably more than half my cookbooks are (This is really saying something, as I collect them...>60?). I might have gone veg if I wasn't married to a carnovire.

    What are you looking for? I really love the Moosewood series but many of their recipes are time consuming (worth it!) day I'll try to convert some of them to the crockpot. Visited the original restaurant last year...SO AWESOME!

    Just for clarification...Moosewood is a vegetarian restaurant in Ithica, New York. It has been there for 40+ years. The Mecca of all things vegetarian. They publish cookbooks, which are fantastic.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Halloween Everyone! What is everyone doing for the holiday?

    I went to a party this weekend and dressed up as Ronda Rousey (people actually knew who I was too!). The photos from the event made me feel great. I looked fit and strong. It reminded me how important it is to keep tracking and logging so I can continue to live my fittest life (and to dress up believably as one of my fitness idols!). I hope everyone has a fantastic day today, let the holiday season begin!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Fantastic! That is awesome, she is one athletic woman. I bet that was a wonderful feeling.
    I liked the gym besides the lime green. We didn't make it to check out the other gym this weekend. Sigh.

    This weekend was super busy. The BF bought a new dresser, book shelf and tv stand. We spent a lot of time getting those together, plus our normal errands, chores. Add in some work and getting ready for Halloween. I didn't get everything I wanted, but for the most part it was great. Yesterday I went over my calories, but it was worth it. :P (Just by 100)
  • rabsickles1991
    rabsickles1991 Posts: 4 Member

    Please feel free to add me as well :)

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @tamj73 - That sounds amazing! Let us know how the soup turned out.

    @ngolden3320 - Yuck!! I am so sorry that you have been plagued by illness after illness. We are here when you are ready to jump back in, but take care of yourself first! That is the most important thing.

    @jdelaroy - Congrats on the steps that you got and limiting your candy intake. That's always the hardest around this time of year. The gym you visited sounds amazing, though I agree, having a pool is nice. I hope you get to check out the other gym soon too. 100 calories over isn't that bad!

    @Rachel0778 - That's a great costume idea! She is an inspiring woman, as a leader and as a fitness role model.

    @Rabsickles1991 @emmibarlo555 - Welcome!

    I was okay this weekend. The boyfriend and I went to a Halloween party and I had three beers, but limited the snacks and candy (and pie!) that were present. Then I made homemade red velvet cupcakes last night and crumbled them up to make cake pops. Two fell off the sticks and into my hands, so I ate them. xD I've been pretty good all week not having a lot of unhealthy snacks, so I didn't feel as bad about it. I am down another 1.3lb too!

    2 weeks ago: 181lb
    Last week: 178.6lb
    Sunday: 177.3

    I'm hoping to be at 176.3 at the end of this week. The boyfriend and I made an italian gnocchi soup for lunch, and then we're making black bean burgers for dinner tonight. I'm going to prep breakfast and make a baked oatmeal to bring to work with me so that I don't get bagels every day. I've learned it's all about the prep work!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Halloween! How did we get back to Monday already?! Lol!
    Guys, I'm so mad. Weighed myself and I'm up the 4 lbs I lost! In one week they all came back!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Gah! Cut off my post!!

    Happy Halloween! How did we get back to Monday already?! Lol!
    Guys, I'm so mad. Weighed myself and I'm up the 4 lbs I lost! In one week they all came back!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Losing it with this app today... cut it off again.... so, I had a bad week, super stressed (my 21 yo son is making me crazy), and obviously I'm a stress eater! Didn't really go to the gym, just hibernated and didn't log! Good GRIEF, so now I am back to square one again.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I give up. Cut it off again!! Lol! There's still 9 weeks until New Years, so I can still aim to lose 10 lbs by then! Gah!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - have you had a lot of sodium or a lot of water recently? Is it TOM? Sometimes any of those factors will put me up by at least 2 pounds or more.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Probably some salt, and it is coming at the end of this week... so you never know. I just have to move forward and get back to measuring, logging, tracking and sweating!!!