Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Monday! After a refreshing weekend of not having social obligations I feel a million times better! We even put together our living room finally so it's starting to feel like a home and not a fancy storage shed for our boxes. I do have a happy hour after dance class tonight with a new friend, but happily it is my only social event of the week until my SO's holiday party on Friday.

    @SusanDSME I seriously don't know how you survived 10 days, I'd be dying! You are a rockstar only going up 1/2 lb.

    @Evamutt 39 years, that is amazing!!! I love the idea of keeping a home that long, because then it really does feel like a home! Your husband sounds very handy.

    @gymprincess1234 Congrats on the internship!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you!

    Hey! 3h hike and 1h cardio at the gym - legs are dead! Been eating very good and working out and just healthy would be the word to best describe the past 2 weeks without tracking. Measured myself - still the same , so I'm happy :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    Happy Monday, It's a quiet day here today. Hubby came with us to dog park. He's doinig well after his heart proceedure.Saturday our youngest son came over to put the new pump on my car so hubby wouldn't have to go under the car(he's not supposed to do anything for 2 weeks) The check engine lite is still on so I'm going under the car today to see if he plugged this plug in. I discovered sugar free maple syrup! Yesterday & today I made french toast. I make it with my cheap bread 2=120 cal & my egg beaters & some cool whip on top. A good sweet snack for 247 cal. Since mfp, I'm eating more sweets, mostly my fat free plain yogurt with p butter powder or the "healthy meal" powder with 2Tbl of cool whip added. Before mfp, I never ate french toast or pancakes cuz I thought them too "fattening" & rarely had a sweet tooth, now I like something sweet most every day. Anyone else's appetite change in similar result? I eat a lot more veggies than before too
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    Id like to share a recipe for pork rub. It's delicious, our oldest son is a great cook & he made this for us when he was here. It's a rub/brine for pork: I bought a pork shoulder roast but you can do it with pork chops, just cook for shorter time & put under broiler to brown. you mix 2-1 (brown sugar being the most) brown sugar then half amount of: kosher salt(if you use another kind of salt, cut in half) smokey paprika,garlic powder,onion powder(or onion cut in half)mix & pour on top of pork, then sprinkle 2 Tbl of sage on top of that. Pour 1/2 c of apple cider vinegar in pan & add enough water to come up to half of pork. Heat oven to 450 then turn down to 300 & put well covered pork(dutch oven better) in for 2 hrs. Turn pork & increase to 350 for about another 2 hrs till pork pulls away from bone. Take out of brine. This is SO good. after he did this then he put it on grill, added more acv & liquid smoke & grilled it on wood chips but I didn't do that
  • P90X3M
    P90X3M Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2017
    Evening. Great post here and would like to join. In my 5th week of P90 again and have lost 12lbs
  • P90X3M
    P90X3M Posts: 5 Member
    How do you get all that you type to show up? It only shows about a third of what I put
  • P90X3M
    P90X3M Posts: 5 Member
    .....and I alcohol free for 4.2 weeks but who's counting :)
  • Olliex27
    Olliex27 Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to join this core group! I’ve been on and off from working out, utilizing this app and eating right. I’ve fluctuated in weight too many times and I’m ready to stick with losing the weight and eating healthier this time. So I’m tryingto get back on track. It’s going to be long and hard, but I look forward to be apart of the motivation and support!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Got -1cm today in my hips, which means I'm back to 2 digit cm measurements in all places. Woohoo! Feeling lean today and my appetite is shrinking. :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 Congrats on the loss!

    @P90X3M Welcome! I use a desktop computer which helps, the mobile ap is sometimes spotty with the community boards

    @Olliex27 Welcome! Glad to have you here!

    @Evamutt That pork recipe sounds AMAZING! Your son is quite the cook! What sugar free maple syrup do you like? I have noticed my tastes have slightly changed with tracking my food. I've always been a sugar person so I can't blame that on MFP lol.

    Happy Tuesday! I had a great time at bellydancing last night. The weather was TERRIBLE last night so I didn't want to go but I'm so glad I went once I made it there. It dropped 50 degrees overnight, no exaggeration. Today I'm going to hit up crossfit after work which I'm really looking forward to. We're doing a pizza party over lunch at work so I made sure to pre-track and plan in a healthy dinner.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you !

    Also a major turning point is - uni is over, only 5 exam days left and that's it! Next semester and basically from now till end of the summer I have such a flexible timetable, that I will never have to eat out/bring lunch with me or snack just so that my stomach wouldn't make noises in quiet classrooms when I'm not yet hungry even!

    Also got 1 week of gym membership left, then with the moving,etc. I'm going 3 weeks without it till 2018, which I'm totally mentally fine with, it's going to be a real break from everything just chilling at home with friends and fam. Plus, walking the dog in snow is exercise enough :)
  • ajaymoraes
    ajaymoraes Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning, I would like to be part of this core group. I really need to motivate myself to go out for a jog. Especially in the winter. But I really love when I am out and about , it really refreshes me and keeps me energetic for the rest of the day,
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 Good luck during exams week!

    @ajaymoraes Welcome! Glad to have you here! The winter is definitely rough for exercising outside. Thanks to our "real feel" temperature of -1 this week, I've had to transition to yoga indoors (likely until it warms up again in March).

    Crossfit was fantastic yesterday, it was exactly what I needed to get back into the swing of things this week. I'm going again tonight. I'm on the 8x per month plan, which is normally very easy to fit in my schedule, but with all the holiday events and travel this month I'm having to cram in as many sessions towards the beginning of the month as possible! Between that, belly dancing class, and my volunteer commitments with the shelter I'm definitely active during the week. Luckily I also have my BeachBody streaming service, which is going to be a lifesaver over all the holiday travel I have coming up. I've got three family celebrations spanning 3 states in only 8 days, yikes!

  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    @Rachel0778 Wow! That's a lot of travel! (And, one assumes, a lot of food.) We did our holiday travel in November, so we get to stay home for Christmas- for which I am thankful. Good luck with your journeys!

    I've bumped up to 3.25 miles as of yesterday. My trainer wants me to work toward 4. Some part of me wants to tell her she's crazy. I'm already running more than I'd ever imagined I could (i.e., at all). But she believes in me, and so far I've been able to do everything she's asked me to. I don't feel wrecked after I run, but it's a struggle to keep my pace steady, and along the way I wonder how I'm going to continue. But then I do.

    I've stalled long enough... time to get my running duds on and get out there!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited December 2017

    I've done 1 gym day and 6h of hiking altogether so far this week, but unfortunately sneezing and feel like I've caught a cold. Probably got too hot and sweaty hiking in 0 degrees or just everyone in uni and metro is ill, can't escape the bacteria.
    Resting at home and hoping to still manage 1 gym day this weekend.

    Food wise I've been eating vegan the past week. Feel leaner, but starting to miss meat. I do this from time to time when I only eat plant based, really, really clean without any spices, added sugar or salt or packaged foods, makes me feel clean on the inside. Also helps a lot with bloating. Last week I craved salt all the time, now good to get rid of that water retention.

    Rachel mentioned travels, I have my 36h trip to Canada (4 flights and a lot of layover hours) in 3 weeks , and also 18h trip(flights and shuttle buses) across Europe in 2 weeks. I'm already thinking what foods to buy and snacks to prepare to survive it all without getting an upset stomach. Think I'll just have to pay the extra and get warm meals at the airplane and airport, so there is at least some healthiness.
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I'm the queen of Goodwill, but I actually bought some running stuff because a) I needed it and b) I felt like I needed a little non-food reward for training since September. So I found a 50% off running top, and my dear husband got me a Buff! They're both purple- my favorite color!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 That flight sounds absolutely brutal. I think investing in warm meals is a smart move, just for sanity's sake!

    @SusanDSME Great new running gear, purple is definitely your color! I bet you'll be hitting 4 miles in no time!

    The weather here officially blows. It's icy and blustery and snowy. Yuck. I'm sticking with doing some extra yoga movement in the mornings instead of my daily walk. I'm also hoping the extra ball time is making up for my dog not getting his daily walk! I am going to still walk shelter dogs tonight since they seem to not mind the cold as much as my dog does. Wish me luck on not freezing to death lol. I got the good news that my aunt, second cousin, and first cousin will be celebrating Christmas with us at my Grandma's house this year. I'm so excited since I rarely get to see them anymore. It's going to be a cramped house but a lot of fun!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    OMG, I haven't mentioned my irregular heart beat here for a while. I thought it was too much cardio so I quit the HIIT classes etc. So today I had an idea & I read the side effects of the inhaler my Dr started me on before summer. It lists those side effects!! I was taking something else for years with no side effects. When I told my Dr about last Sept, She ordered labs which were all normal & listened to my heart. Shouldn't she know the side effect of this stuff? This is why I don't usually take anything synthetic, it always had a bad effect on me. Now I'm waiting to hear back from her to see what she says about my heart getting back to normal
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I'm still ill, but I've hit forever leanest cm results I had back in May! So thrilled! That means if I get any smaller, I'll definitely have reached a new scale personal lowest/best as well! 2 weeks till stepping on it! I can't believe I haven't weighed myself in 3,5months :D This vegan intuitive eating is working magic!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt I'm so glad you figured out the cause! I hope you get your inhaler straightened out! That is really scary

    Happy Friday!!! Sadly this weekend I have two holiday parties back to back so it won't be a super exciting weekend but at least after that I only have a week and a half of work before my holiday break. I'm starting to get really excited for the holiday season! I've also finally been feeling really on top of my food choices lately, which is amazing considering it's smack in the middle of the holidays. Moderation is really my friend :)