Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt It is so hard not to take all the pups home! I hope she finds a wonderful home. And Shirley is so cute!!! What a sweetheart!

    @SusanDSME Winter is always tough with outdoor runs, great job sticking with it! It'd be a shame if your hostess was upset about you not eating the entire doughnut and sharing instead!

    Happy Monday everyone! I'm so glad it's a three day week and I took Thursday off. I still have to get through my union's holiday party on Tuesday and then travelling to my Grandma's on Thursday. I just realized my Uncle will likely also bring his three massively misbehaved tiny yappy dogs (Chance doesn't do well with small dogs since he doesn't know his size- he never hurts them, but it's just not a good mix). I'm already anxious about the trip and this just made it a million times worse :( I just keep reminding myself I need to get through the next week and it's smooth sailing after that!
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    edited December 2017
    @Rachel0778 I saw our friend with the donuts a couple of days ago... she certainly didn't seem offended.
    I hope your travel goes's always difficult mixing dogs who don't know each other!

    I got to run in an old gym again today- boring compared to being out on a trail, but it's 22 degrees here and my lungs just don't like that. If it gets up into the mid-30s, I'll be back out there, but for now, I'm running laps. The good news is- no hills! So my average pace was 12:01 (I'm usually more like 13 and change)

    Trying so hard not to measure myself more than once a week. It just never goes well.

    @gymprincess1234 Good luck with finals!

    @Evamutt It's so hard to estimate calories at a party- we went to a friend's house Saturday night and my husband found an entry for "Holiday Party" worth 1,000 calories, and just logged that!

    Cookies, cookies, so many cookies... and then my husband brought home two loaves of something like stollen... oy.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @SusanDSME I'm glad to hear she wasn't offended! It sounds like you're doing great on your pacing, although running indoors is never as fun.

    Happy Tuesday! I did make it to the gym this morning since we have the holiday party after work. It's always rough getting up at 5:20am but it's worth it.

    I've got so much to do to prepare for the holidays still. All of the gifts are now purchased but I still need to wrap everything, pack for both Iowa and North Dakota, finish the laundry, and get the extra bedding washed for when my Dad visits. With holiday plans the next two nights I literally don't have time and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. It'll likely happen Thursday morning right before I leave *sigh*

    Oh and to add anxiety to the trip on Thursday apparently there's also going to be a big snow/ice storm coming through. Ugh...
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited December 2017
    Thank you! Tomorrow will be half way done! Dec has been a blessing! Busy, but very productive, things are falling into place, holidays around the corner, so I will be able to focus on getting in shape again right after :)

    @Rachel0778 that's dedication! I'm a night owl so 5:20 sounds like mission impossible! When I used to get up at 6:00 for work I often just felt dizzy and sick from getting up so early, plus no appetite at that time, so the whole body felt like in a shock! You're a monster!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I'm thankfully a morning person or there's no way I'd be able to pull that off! I'm glad to hear your December is going well!

    Happy Wednesday! My holiday craziness starts tomorrow so I'll likely be MIA until the New Year but I wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season :)
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    I'm saving every snack calorie for cookies for dessert. Consequently, by the time 4:30 rolls around, I'm hungry and cranky.
    Tomorrow, we're going to a party at my husband's work. There will be bottomless guacamole. Pray for me.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy New Year! It looks like everyone took the same break I did! How did the holidays go? Do you have any resolutions?
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 369 Member
    Happy New Years Everyone! Sorry I was gone for so long, Crazy busy at work, and I let myself slack off in the tracking and being accountable thing :neutral: No more excuses, time to drink plenty of water, log what I eat, and reach my exercise goals! Good luck to everyone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome back @JenHul! It's hard to stay on track during the holidays!

    It feels good to get back into the groove, although I am now walking my mile to work in negative degree temperatures *brrr!!!*

    One thing I miss is that it is too cold to walk the fur-baby outside since it's so cold. What do you ladies do for low intensity activity when it's so cold you can't feel your face?
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 369 Member
    Yes way too cold for fur babies! We just finished having a cold snap where we had -50 with windchill, cars were not starting ect. In between shoveling a ton of snow, I was walking in place in front of TV to get steps in lol. We are doing basement reno's so my treadmill is in storage, boo
  • SusanDSME
    SusanDSME Posts: 194 Member
    We've been in the deep freeze, too. -25 windchills... so no running or even walking for me. I've been using my mom's exercise bike.
    I'm proud that I was able to keep from going completely hog wild over the holidays...I'm Swedish, so Christmas is still going at my house until January 13...and I'm still baking!
    I generally don't make resolutions... but I'll say that I'll keep logging everything, try to exercise every day (except for one rest day a week, if I have to!), and keep drinking enough water!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @SusanDSME That is one long holiday! Great job staying accountable and active! We're in a similar deep freeze, I'm wearing 3+ layers when I walk to work and my hair is freezing to my face lol.

    I finally set my alarm extra early and made it to the Crossfit gym this morning. It was SOOOOO worth it! Something about a morning workout puts me in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day. Puppy still can't go outside to walk since it's sub-zero temperatures so we're playing A LOT of ball. I can tell he's getting a bit stir crazy though.

    I'm trying really hard right now to focus on all the healthy habits and routines I'm getting back into and less on how much my a** seems to have spread over the holidays, but it's been hard not beating myself up a little bit. *Sigh* Looking forwards not backwards!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! I'm sad this board seems to have died when I went on vacation :(((

    Below is a picture of me at Crossfit this morning ;)

  • Bailey00030
    Bailey00030 Posts: 30 Member
    I would love to be a part of a core group. I am a great motivator and would love a cool, fun support group as we all go through this together. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    I've been away from this group as well for a while. Christmas as my house wasn't anything special, just me & hubby. I'm always a little blue around Christmas. Miss not having all my children around, so I didn't have too much to say. This past week our dtr & kids came for a few days so that kept us busy. Our new grand son is so cute, he's already 6 mo old. They just got over being sick, so when they left, we got sick. I haven't been sick with the flu for years. I have to work tomorrow too. Ive been maintaining my weight but got a little flabby in the middle from lack of exercise. Today I made unstuffed cabbage recipe from Skinnytaste, it's ok. Going to make dessert from there too. Haven't had a dessert for ages30ok4fe82o7i.jpg
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @Bailey00030!!!

    What a cutie @Evamutt! Not having all of your family around during the holidays does sound rough :(

    Well...I think I found a second fur baby to join our family! They're going to do the home visit on Tuesday, but barring any snags he'll be ours soon! We did the meet and greet with our fur baby over the weekend and it went great. The new dog was OBSESSED with our dog which we saw as a very good sign :) I think they'll become fast friends :)

    In other news, in the first time in basically two months I actually stayed within my calorie goal over the weekend. Who am I?????
  • aimeescott1251
    aimeescott1251 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free too add me. I'm going to be logging and exercising daily through Myfitness Pal and would love some friends to help motivate eachother through this!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 369 Member
    Well I had a pretty good week! I didn't reach my water goal everyday, but I defiantly drank more than I have been doing. I stayed in my calorie goals 5 out of 7 days (Yea ME) and the scale showed this by going down! I think I'm getting a head cold :neutral: so not feeling that great. Welcome back @Evamutt and Welcome @Bailey00030. @Rachel0778 What kind of dog is your New Fur Baby? Pic's? Have a great day everyone!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    Rachel01778, I'm so excited for you getting another pup, does your current dog seem to like him as well? My older dogs don't like being bothered by younger ones, let us know how it goes & post pics. I made that dessert from skinny taste, it's the chocolate cheesecake cups. Turned out really good. I omitted the chocolate sprinkles on top so mine came out to 58cal for one. It's a keeper. This week I tried to eat below my maintenance most of the time & this morning I'm down 1 pound, really motivating so will try to keep it up. You know how we tend to go back to our old habits we had for years? since I've been sick this week, I went back to my old habit of not eating till lunch so I haven't had the morning calories & was able to be satisfied with the fewer calories. It's a rainy day here today so will walk the dogs in between the rain. May go to costco for dog food & just hang inside rest of time. Sure wish i could go to gym but not sure if I should exercise. I'm feeling a little better. Do any of you exercise when your sick? One of my brothers was a bodybuilder & he always said to exercise & get the sickness out of your body.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I had a good week re: goals to work out, yoga, some lifting, etc. But the scale just fluctuated among the same 2 pounds. Goal for today is a long cardio workout -- I always feel good after a long sweat!