50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    I am generally under in calories. I tend to eat higher protein and less carbs because of the diabetes, which makes me full for longer periods and leads me to be under calories with the exercise included. When I reach a plateau, I will rework things, but until then, I like the way I eat.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I thought I should come on here and say Good morning but there are a couple of problems with that. It isn't even morning on the west coast and for most of you it is even later. I will say good afternoon since it is good afternoon here.

    I thought I would get things started by giving a little background on myself trying not to repeat too much in my profile. I am married with two kids. I should be an empty nester soon but am not so sure that I will be. My son came back from college and told us he wanted to be a singer-songwriter and we said go for it. He did great but realized he wasn't going to get rich and now he is in law school. He loves it and he is doing well. It turns out being an english major worked out better than we all thought. He had a great summer associate position this summer and is on a break before he starts 2L. My baby is going to be a senior in high school, doing well and was so fortunate to get a summer (paid) internship. She wants to be a bioengineer or scientist. My husband is a civil engineer working for a county doing storm water quality work - let's keep Puget Sound clean! This brings me to me. I am an unemployed Urban Planner. For part of a year I taught at the Community College level on a temporary basis at a College near where Gwen lives. Then last year I started taking some classes in Computer graphics and web design that I thought might be useful if I ever got a planning job again. When the tuition assistance ran out I had taken most of what I wanted so now I am looking for a job fulltime. Until this week there has been nothing in my field. I have excellent credentials so it is hard to let it go. I even have some other skills but so many other fields have been hit as well. It probably doesn't help that I am older.

    I was really doing well losing late summer and early fall last year but the school schedule sort of slowed it down especially at the end of the quarters so I was really happy to get out to concentrate on my health and getting a job. The problem was I seem to have reached a plateau. I think I am slowly getting my self out of it. I have lost a half pound then again another half pound every two weeks. So my issue is trying to get the loss to speed up to a whopping 1-2 pounds a week while I have this chance to concentrate on this.

    Don't think though that I don't understand the challenge of losing when you are busy. It was not long ago that I had a fulltime, challenging job, a long commute and was a fulltime parent as well. With my unemployment I do not have all the weight loss bells and whistles but I make do. If I get a job I will get a hrm, and a smart phone or a data plan for the phone I have now. I have an ipod that my son has hidden somewhere that I could put my C25K podcasts on if he would dig it up for me. I just use my phone timer and it works well.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I am generally under in calories. I tend to eat higher protein and less carbs because of the diabetes, which makes me full for longer periods and leads me to be under calories with the exercise included. When I reach a plateau, I will rework things, but until then, I like the way I eat.

    Same here. When that inevitable plateau comes, I'll start eating back my exercise calories.

    If I need to give myself a calorie bump to get to 1200, it's usually nuts or some peanut butter on an apple
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ... now he is in law school. He loves it and he is doing well. It turns out being an english major worked out better than we all thought.

    And if he doesn't turn out to like law, he can also be a technical writer. I know plenty of former lawyers who turned into writers. Pay isn't that bad either.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am generally under in calories. I tend to eat higher protein and less carbs because of the diabetes, which makes me full for longer periods and leads me to be under calories with the exercise included. When I reach a plateau, I will rework things, but until then, I like the way I eat.

    I think we were posting at the same time since I didn't see this. Yes this is I think why I was under. I had salmon for dinner and just a bit of brown rice, salad and vegetables. I am thinking I am going to eat if I am hungry and try to stay above 1200 generally otherwise not worry . I had plenty of carbs in my lunch and breakfast. I had had nuts earlier so that is why I was surprised by the note.
  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    Ok, I'm jumping in mid-stream. I'm happy to be here! {just a little unclear on how groups work. this is my first one.}

    I am 56 (although my profile says I'm older, because I made a mistake when I entered my info, and have never edited my profile). I have between 20-40 pounds to lose. I began this journey because my doctor scared the heck out of me due to a few high blood pressure readings. I want to get my BP down and keep it down, this means I must exercise for the rest of my life and I must keep maintain my weight loss.

    My goals thru December:
    1. Lower my blood pressure (doctor's orders) so I don't have to go on BP meds
    2. Lower sodium
    3. Get back to my weight from last summer. check! achieved this this week!
    4. 8 glasses of water daily---doing pretty good on this, but was low two days this week, dang.
    5. 30-60 minutes of exercise daily (walking mostly, but want to do C25k)
    6. Stay within my calorie budget and eat more consciously and wisely.
    7. Add push-ups into my routine (have an app called "100 pushups"--this is a wild goal for me, my pushups are on the shaky side, i.e. I'm starting the program at the lowest level. Can only go up from here!

    Things I want to try: Zumba! Cycling.
    Challenges I want to overcome: my gym shyness (does anyone else have this?)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Welcome GreenHydrangea,
    I am OK going to the gym for classes but weight training intimidates me a bit and I just realized this is what I really need to add. I am OK with most of the cardio machines but even though I have used the tread mill I do not like it. It is just a bit scary still for me. I would rather run outside. Haven't really tried the stair stepper. I asked the fitness people how to use the elliptical and he was almost rude but I really love it now. It is my favorite along with the rowing machine. about 2-3 years ago I asked for my membership for my birthday present that year.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ... have an app called "100 pushups"

    ooh... I'll have to check that out!

    I don't have gym shyness, but I have a gym 'ick' issues. I have space at home and I was gifted a treadmill, so that works for me. I like to listen to iPod apps or books on tape/CD.
  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    I don't have gym shyness, but I have a gym 'ick' issues

    Funny, Gwen!

    Part of my gym shyness has to do with the fact that lots of people I know (and work with) go there. It is inexpensive so I don't want to go anywhere else.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Hi! I’m Chuck. I would like to join. I’m 66 with 77 pounds down and 80 pounds to go.

    My goals:
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four time a week, 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout 30 minutes, three time a week with resistance bands.
    3. To get off my diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol meds within a year.
    4. To stay within my diet, 1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat 6 days a week.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    I have done extensive research in the genealogy of my family (daily for 10 years after I retired) and traced my 2nd great-granduncle, George Frye from Germany to Missouri to Seattle. He married Louise Denny, daughter of A. A. Denny, one of Seattle’s first settlers and called the “father of the town.”

    In 1884, George built the Frye Opera Hall, which burned in the fire of 1889. In 1911, he built the Frye Hotel which still stands on 3rd Ave. In the early 1970s, the hotel was converted into low-income apartments.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Welcome Chuck, nice to have you join us. Thanks for sharing your goals with us. I really hope we all make great progress on our respective goals! Wow related to Denny. I went to the University of Washington and there is a Denny Hall too not to mention Denny Way. There is a Frye Art Museum as well. I am interested in Geneology a bit too.

    GreenHydrangea As to your reasons for Gym shyness I can so relate to that. I joined the Gym by my house instead of the one that we had a deal with when I worked for that very reason. Luckily when my Gym opened it had pretty good deals.

    I am very excited about our group!

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi All
    here is the list of those who have joined our group so far

    CRody (Chuck)
    KeriA (Keri)

    I think this is a great start and more are welcome

    I made some additions and corrections.
  • I found my group, yay. I will be 45 on September 14th and I have 50+lbs to lose. I just got temporary custody of my 2 year old grandson, so I have a great reason to get this weight off.

    That grandson will certainly help with the exercise part.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Hi Chuck, welcome aboard.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Keri and Gwen, thanks for the welcome

    1. To walk 30 minutes, four time a week, 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week, 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet, 1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, 6 days a week. .
    4. To get off my diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    Today, walked 45 min. 27 sec., 2.43 miles 3.21 MPH (RunKeeper), 528 calories burned (Polar F11)

    Monthly Progress:
    1. 134 total min of 500 in 4 of 4 days this week
    2. Resistance Training: 37 min of 360 in 1 of 3 days this week
    3. Yesterday, 1822 calories, 811mg Sodium, 46 g Fat. Goal met 2 of 5 days.
    4. Working on it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi All,

    Chuck love your progress report and I also want to congratulate you on the weight loss you have achieved to date. You are doing great. All of you are an inspiration to me.

    Today I completed Day 2 of Week 6 of C25K which means I walked 5 minutes, "ran"11 minutes, walked 3 minutes and ran 10 minutes. I then continued around Greenlake for almost the rest of 3 miles. Day 3 is for 25 minutes of continuous running and we see how I do.

    I need to give all of you a heads up. This weekend I am going camping so I will probably check in on Friday and then not until Monday PM. My side of the family that lives here go on an annual camping trip every summer. It is really fun. Last year I went just a few days after joining MFP. I remember not wanting to leave it as I don't want to leave my new group of MFP friends. But it is just a weekend. I do have a smart phone but not one of the cool ones with the apps and I do not pay for a data plan just unlimited texting since I have a teen daughter and a YA son.

    I am not leaving yet though so I will be checking in today and tomorrow some.
  • jhamby5579
    jhamby5579 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok so I am totally motivated to be in this group YEAH!!!! I am 42 years old and have 2 children and have been married for 18 years. Last April I did a Biggest Loser at work could not believe I weighed 267.6 pounds, and I was like how in the world did I every get here. So slowly started working out a little and watching what I eat and did lose about 20 then in January after my b-day decided I need to get serious so I did WW online and lost another 20 something and over a month ago a friend turned me on to MFP and love it the motivation is amazing. Oh and stopped some blood pressure medication and asthma only take some allergy medication, that it (that was a great moment)! I guess my goal weight is to get down to around 150lbs but was trying 2 reach a goal by end of summer to be under 200 CW 214 so not sure if i will get there but I am trying. I work out 6 days a week doing cardio and strength training and ZUMBA 1x week love it. Just getting to the gym sometimes is an obstacle but when u leave u feel amazing. Also think of the working out as taking your daily vitamin. I am also after all these years trying to focus on myself and realizing if I am not taking care of me not taking care of my family. I am sure you all can relate feel like i put myself at 15th on the daily list LOL! Love to have fun and laugh and just enjoy! Ohh yeah and I am on vacation next week so kind of stressing about gaining weight but trying to not obsess about it. Well that's my story and I am sticking to it!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi jhamby, I was hoping to see you here. Loved hearing your story and goals and especially the progress you have made so far. I really relate to the putting yourself last part and even if you know the logic is flawed it is easy to do as a Mom. I can see some positive results in my family since I put myself higher on the list. My husband has lost alot too. I wish one of my MFP friends could come to my gym with me and help me get going on weight training. That is my next objective. Love Zumba too.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Have fun camping. No somores!

    Thank you for your support. My weight loss from 332 to 280 was over a many year period, going from one fad diet to another, losing, then gaining some of it back, then WW at least four times, JC once. I lost the most on WW but eventually got tired of that. Then, in February of this year, The Bride and I took a series of cooking classes at the local Williams-Sonoma, that stressed fresh, organic, farmer’s market fruits and veggies rather than process food. Over the last several months, we have ceased buying most processed foods, not really as a designed plan, but because everything tasted so good. It is to the point to where this has evolved into a lifestyle change. Between February and the 4th of July, I lost about ten pounds from just eating more healthy foods. An added benefit, I was taken off several of my high blood pressure meds, one of my cholesterol meds and one of my diabetes meds. On the 4th of July, my body told me I wasn’t healthy enough and I ended up in the hospital for two days with Atrial Fibrillation over a 16 hour period. With that episode, came a cardiologist who placed me on an 1800 calorie, low sodium diet with instructions to control my fat intake, and to start exercising. Since my Mom died at 46 of a heart attack, and my Dad had heart attacks in his 40’s 50’s and the big one at 68, I figured it was time to get healthy because I don’t want to die right now, life is too fun. This is when I starting exercising, found MFP, and now track every bite and my exercise. As my ticker says, I have lost 15 pounds since joining MFP.

    I have always hated exercising, even in school playing football and pole vaulting (at 160 lbs.), and in Navy boot camp in the 60’s. Now I really look forward to my walking and workout days. I was speed walking (for me) 6-7 days a week, but started to feel stress in my feet, so starting yesterday, I began a resistance band workout three days a week to give my feet a rest. I envy you that you can run, but with an artificial knee, my orthopedist said that running or riding a bicycle up steep hills (I live in the San Francisco Bay area, East Bay, can’t escape hills) would place undue stress on the knee and recommended walking.

    The Bride and I are going on an Alaskan cruise for 7 days, and stay in Denali for 4 days this month, so I don’t really know how much exercising I will get in. I’m going to take my Xoom and try to log in, but may have to wait until I get back. Trying to plan ahead, I already found out that Alaskan King Crab legs are high in sodium. I guess I’m just going to have a high sodium day or two. I’m not missing fresh crab! We are going on several shore excursions so I will count the time waling as exercise. We are also going to try to get in 30 minutes a morning walking the decks.

    Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!