JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 22



  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    The Plan: Lots of water, averaging under 1300 calories per day across the 10 days, moving more (getting back to my yoga practice and dusting off my kettlebells in the house) and keeping my carbs, sodium and alcohol low.

    SW: 90kg
    R21 EW: 64.7kg
    R22 SW: 63.9
    R22 AW: 63.73
    R22 EW: 63.7

    GW: 59kg
    Height 5'3"
    Round 19 Stats-
    Start weight: 66.9kg
    Average weight: 66.9kg
    End weight: 65.5kg

    Round 20 Stats-
    Start weight: 65.8kg
    Average weight: 66.6kg
    End weight: 64.9kg

    Round 21 Stats-
    Start weight: 65.6kg
    Average weight: 65.1kg
    End weight: 64.7kg

    11/9 - 63.9kg (-0.8kg)- The scale is absolutely messing with me. 800g overnight? I wish! I'm not changing my mini-goal until I see this stick for a few days. And when it does - then I will celebrate haha YAY
    11/10 - 63.6kg (-0.3kg) - This is not a drill people! The loss is real. I'm still tossing up where to reset my mini-goal to as I am away for a conference at the end of the challenge. Hmmmmm. Getting a big walk in today and sticking to gin and sodas tonight at the pub.
    11/11 - 63.9kg (+0.3kg) - Well I didn't get that walk OR stick to gin and sodas at the pub. Oops. Weekend weight gain totally expected. More to come tomorrow.
    11/12 - 64.2kg (+0.3kg) - I'm super happy that my usual weekend heavier weight is actually lower than my lowest weight last round! Had friends around to watch multiple games of football yesterday and ate all the food and drank all the beer. Back on the wagon today with a walk and IF.
    11/13 - 64.4kg (+0.2kg) - I am starting at a new yoga studio tonight too which I am looking forward to! Also looking forward to losing my weekend water weight haha. Making plans today for managing my intake while I'm away at this conference later in the week.
    11/14 - 63.7kg (-0.7kg) - Yaaaaaay! I finally feel like the plan is working for the first time in years. It's tough, like really tough, but I have faith in the science and it's paying off! I really feel like my body is bouncing back from minor weekend indulgences a lot better :) Today I am focusing on water intake as I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Going to prep some stuff to take away to this conference with me too. BYO crudites haha.
    11/15 - 63.3kg (-0.4kg) - Ooo that's a nice follow up from yesterday! It's my lowest weight this round and in the last decade! Also only 100g away from my revised mini-goal. Maybe I'll rethink my Chinatown dinner plans hmmm. Looking forward to getting back to my scale Saturday morning!
    11/16 - away from scale - stressed out and dehydrated. Went a bit nuts at the conference lunch. Making up for it tonight with a light dinner. Still hoping to make goal for Saturday.
    11/17 - away from scale - Got more water in today and skipped the chocolate mousse at the conference lunch. On the train tonight and am going to stock up on healthy snacks for dinner before getting on board. I am so excited to see if I have made goal tomorrow!
    11/18 - 63.7kg - Well, I didn't quite make my revised goal but I've been away, TOM has just arrived and I ate half my partner's kebab at 10pm last night which is still digesting so I am clocking it up as a win hahaha! Average weight was down to 63.73kg over the challenge which is down a whopping 1.4kg from my average weight last round.

    Thank you all for your support and congratulations on your achievements! See you next round!


  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member

    Sw 164.4
    GW 140
    Challenge goal 149

    11/9 - 152.8 really like to leave 153 behind. Got my eye on the 140s!
    11/10 - 152.6 - happy considering how I ate yesterday.
    11/13 - 153.4 I’m really off the wagon. This has always been the hardest number for me to leave behind or stay under. My body likes it here - but I don’t!
    11/14 - 152.6 back on track
    11/15 - 151.6 - amazing what a couple of on track days can do. Makes me wonder if these 2-3 lbs are fat or water/salt/etc. either way, feeling good this am.
    11/16 - 152.6 holding
    11/17 - 151.2 much better, eating lighter
    11/18 - 152.4 - not thrilled, but I’ll take it. Big weekend away today so I expect another ride before we’re outta this number set. But I do feel more in control then I did in the middle of this round. I’m not giving up.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    R2 SW 221________________R13 SW 194
    R3 SW 217.4______________ R14 SW 193
    R4 SW 215________________R15 SW 190.6
    R5 SW 212________________R16 SW 189
    R7 SW 208.4______________ R17 SW 188.2
    R8 SW 204.4 ______________R18 SW 188.2
    R9 SW 203________________R19 SW 188
    R10 SW 203_______________R20 SW 186.8
    R11 SW 200.2_____________R21 SW 186
    R12 SW 196.8_____________R22 SW 183.4


    "If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you are not hungry, just bored."

    11/9 - 183.6
    11/10 - 183.6
    11/11 - 185 :open_mouth: booze
    11/12 - Ate before I realized I didn't weigh in.
    11/13 - 185 Too indulgent over the weekend, salt and booze. Within calorie range.
    11/14 - 183.8 mmm better
    11/15 - 183.4
    11/16 - 183 I'm happy with this, getting a little frustrated with the 180's and as much as I love them I would like to see them in my rearview. :smile:
    11/17 - 183
    11/18 - 183.4
    Ended where I started but consistently seen 183. On to the next round.
  • smc92079
    smc92079 Posts: 219 Member
    Back once again! Looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish in the next 10 days!

    Round 13 SW: 232.4
    Round 14 SW: 232.4
    Round 15 SW: 229.0
    Round 16 SW: 225.6
    Round 17 SW: 224.2
    Round 18 SW: 223.6
    Round 19 SW: 223.6
    Round 20 SW: 221.2
    Round 21 SW: 219.6
    Round 22 SW: 217.4

    Round 21 GW: 216

    11/9: 215.4 - I need to set better goals for these rounds. But I also feel like I always fluctuate a lot in the space of ten days, so maybe I won't.
    11/10: 213.8 - Crazy drop! Don't expect that it will last.
    11/11: No weigh in today - was out with a girlfriend last night and crashed at her place.
    11/12: 218.0 - I expected as much. Too much alcohol and TOM on the way. Chugging water hoping it will go down some for my official weigh in tomorrow.
    11/13: 216.8 - Getting back down. I think I should definitely get below my goal for this round.
    11/14: 215.0 - Back below where I started this round. TOM started today so I expect some more water weight will let go. No time for exercise these days, but still losing with CICO, so I'm doing OK.
    11/15: 213.4 - Lowest so far. Was too far under calories last night but also too tired to stay up.
    11/16: 212.8 - New low! It's really amazing to watch the weight keep falling off. Ate Chinese food tonight, not very much, and still feel too full.
    11/17: 212.8 - Staying put is fine with me.
    11/18: 214.6 - I went on a bit of a binge last night. But I'm still finishing this round under goal so I'm pleased! See you all in the next round!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    CW: 142.4
    GW for R21 :141
    UGW: 135

    11/07 - 142.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...yay!
    11/08 - 142.4 at 5:00 a.m.


    11/09 - 142.8 ...too much salt.
    11/10 - 143.4 ...see yesterday! :D
    11/11 - 143.8
    11/12 - 144.6 ...dun, dun, dun :p
    11/13 - 143.6 at 4:30 a.m.
    11/14 - 143.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/15 - 145.0 at 4:00 a.m. :s
    11/16 - 145.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/17 - ???
    11/18 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.

  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    Back again! I started midway through Round 2 at 153.9 on 4/29. For this round I'd like to get below and stay below 140. Started at 162 something back in early March so I'm down over 20 pounds. I am aiming to reach goal of 132 before New Years. It's been verrry slow the last couple months plus I ended round 21 higher than I started. Need new incentive.


    11/9141.4 No sleep = no exercise yesterday. Today dance plus a senior yoga class. Come on!
    11/10 141.8 Dance class and senior yoga yesterday. Feelin' good despite the weight gain from cherry pie someone gave me. Loved every bite, no regrets. today, pool class. I realized I've doing doing this bouncing around this weight ever since my youngest son moved back in with his little boy. I'm spending more time preparing food for them and not enough doing it for me. Need to focus more on my menu as well as theirs.
    11/11 141 Can't explain this drop as I ate candy yesterday. But... I did go to gym and pool exercise. Felt so good. Today, elliptical and lunch out. The restaurant specializes in burgers and grilled cheese... I didn't pick it.
    11/12 140.4 Yeah! Was tempted to get a sandwich but stuck with a salad and just one glass of wine... We went to an animal welfare fund raiser focused on wine. So happy with this number.
    11/13 141 Did quite the workout at the gym yesterday, think muscles are retaining fluid as I ate clean.
    11/14 141.6 Went to a 45 dance/exercise class. Got no idea where this number is from.
    11/15 141.6 Same ole, same ole. Will be gone for a couple days. Wish me luck.
    11/16 Gone, no scale
    11/17 141 Another challenge with no progress. I've been in this neighborhood for a long time.

    11/18 141