July 1st - 30DS



  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Sorry I’ve been a little absent lately…busy weekend and now gearing up for a camping trip to Michigan :)

    j_courter – the 20 minute jog went surprisingly well :) I was able to complete the whole thing without stopping…this week (week 6) starts with 5min jog/3min walk/8min jog/3min walk/5min jog…then increasing to 10min jog/3min walk/10min jog on day 2…then up to a 25min jog on day 3 :) I’m not so nervous about that one because I was able to do the 20 minute one. I was so excited and proud that I was able to do it. The people who designed the program must have known what they were doing if they were able to get me to jog for 20mins without stopping lol. It is def possible :) Great progress!!! Keep it up!

    brendalyne – you are doing awesome with these bike rides :) I really wish I could get a new bike so I could ride too…also I noticed that days when I run before doing the shred I burn more calories shredding then when I just shred first thing

    Today will be Day 8 of Level 3 when I get home from work :) Almost done…but I joined a group doing the 30 Day Slimdown starting yesterday…so I will be hearing a lot more from Jillian this month too :) Keep at it :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    cmg- 20 minutes!?! wow! that's awesome! you're an inspiration. do you have any advice for someone just starting out? is there a helpful website? how do you keep track of your running times?

    cmg and brandalyne- you're both in the home stretch! almost done shredding! how does it feel? should we be expecting before and after pictures soon?

    well, i must go. i need to start a shredding program for my house. because it needs to lose some clutter too! :-) wish me luck!

  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Yes, I will be taking "after pics" in just 4 more days! Should be interesting.

    cmg - so it's not just ME that has noticed that if I exercise just before the shred, then go right into the shred i definitely burn more cals. I suppose it's because the muscles are already warm and the heart rate is up. Let us know how you like the 30 day slimdown. 2 more days left for you - Woo Hoo!

    j - I am considering doing the C25K next. And I may periodically pop in the 30DS video and do a workout too. I really do realize now that I need to keep doing the strength training. We have a "vigor fit" home gym (which is like a "total gym")....so I will be spending more time on that too. I was using it before, but I wasn't really pushing myself on it....and that's what it's going to take!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    j_courter – here is the website that has the whole 9-week plan for the C25K: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml scroll down a little ways and you’ll see it. I now use a free C25K app while jogging. It turns out that I have a lot to write lol, so I messaged you some more information :)

    brendalyne – I am editing the Slimdown Challenge a little…adding in Ripped In 30 to it…I’ll keep you posted :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    8 more shredding days for me... after that i'll probably pop my shred dvd in every once in awhile just for fun...:sad:

    cmg- i downloaded the c25k app for my i pod touch tonight, so i'm eager to give it a shot. :glasses: thanks for all the information! i can't wait to see what i can accomplish when i set my mind to it! :happy:

    i'm still in awe at how quickly our bodies can change when we actually stick to something. consistency... that's what my husband has been telling me all along... he just never told me about mfp where i have a fabulous group of friends encouraging me along the way. thanks everyone! :bigsmile:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    7 days to go! i am doing mostly unmodified moves now, but i refuse to do the rockstar jumps. every time i do one i feel something pulling behind my knee... i'm not going to risk injury, so i do a double jump rope instead. i almost made it all the way through both sets of walking pushups today, but not quite. oh well, i've got seven more days. maybe i'll make it by then? still, i've come a long way from the girl who couldn't even do 2 pushups in the beginning! :glasses: at least level three isn't such a killer on the arms and thighs. i just felt shaky and beat up after each day of level two! :cry:

    brendalyne- are you going to do the c25k?
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - I am seriously thinking about C25K. I looked up the info online....and am leaning towards doing it. When I am done with the shred (last day is Saturday) I am going to TAKE A DAY OFF! And then I will decide for sure.

    cmg - thanks for the info on C2fK too.

    It's so funny that I was whining about double jump ropes on level 2 and now I don't mind doing them for the warm-up on level 3! The things I'm struggling with on Level 3 are the Sumo Squats....and I don't understand why, but my legs just KILL me on that one! The ab scissors are WAY modified when I do them. And I'm doing mostly modified moves for the walking pushups and the one right after that with the leg lifts. And my knee really bothers me on the jumping lunges too....so those are modified. OKAY - so a LOT of the stuff is still modified moves for me...but I'm taking fewer mini-breaks! That's still progress! :happy:

    The things I really ENJOY about level 3 is the cardio with the weights - butt kicks, jumping jacks and punching. It really gets my heart rate going, but I LOVE doing it.....maybe because it makes me feel so STRONG! :love:

    What about you guys - which moves to you actually enjoy the most?
  • mwhich
    mwhich Posts: 2 Member
    Hi folks, first time post but I am on day 28 of the shred. To be honest I haven't seen much of a change in myself. If anything I've put on weight and am feeling more sluggish than usual. My food is bad, especially at the weekends. I was so good and feel I am letting myself go a little bit now. How can i keep off the sweet things? I find myself munching in the evenings, much to my detriment I feel. Any ideas? Should the shred be toning me up anyway even if my food intake is not perfect?
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    mwhich - I actually haven't lost any weight during the 30DS either. But I know that I am losing inches....nothing dramatic, but smaller is still better! I will take final measurements on Saturday or Sunday when I'm done and will post the results. I also took a before picture and will take an after picture and post that too. (I hope you did that too....or took your measurements.) I definitely feel a lot more toned....and my husband has told me I look more muscular....and he means that in a good way! My legs and arms are the places I'm seeing the most difference.

    I find it interesting that you say you feel sluggish...and the very next thing you say is "My food if bad...." In my experience, those 2 things are absolutely related. Bottom line is that if I eat crap, that's exactly how I feel.....like crap! Think of food as fuel for your body....and you need GOOD fuel. I'm also figuring out that I REALLY need to watch my sodium intake or I feel really bloated and yucky regardless how much water I drink. Your food intake doesn't have to be "perfect" - mine certainly isn't. But the better the "fuel", the better your results are going to be!

    Here's how I keep off the sweet things - I just don't have that type of stuff in my house. But perhaps my situation is different than yours. I don't have children at home and my husband is "on board" with eating healthy too. I pack my lunch, including snacks, to bring to work, so there's absolutely no excuse for me to hit the vending machine.

    I'm going to send you a message with a link to a thread that I hope you find helpful too.

    I hope you took your measurements when you started the shred....because I bet there IS a difference! I think we just have a hard time seeing it on a day to day basis. At least that is my hope - that when I put my before & after pics side by side that I will be able to see an improvement, even if the scale hasn't budged!
  • mwhich
    mwhich Posts: 2 Member
    thanks Brendalyne, much appreciated. I think its probably the weekends are killing me!!!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    mwhich - I hear you about weekends. This weekeing is going to be extremely challenging for me. It's our town celebration, with a street dance, parade, etc. And the kids will be staying with us and they tend to bring in the junk food! Oh well....gotta live a little too, right?

    TWO MORE DAYS LEFT FOR ME! I am not sure how I'm going to squeeze my last workout in on Saturday with all of the activities going on and guests staying with us. I decided not to stress about it....if it doesn't happen Saturday then I'll just have to do it Sunday instead!

    Hang in there shredders!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brandalyne- you're almost done!!! i'm thinking about starting c25k monday and doing it m w f. what do you think? i'm not sure what i'm going to do on my off days, but i'm thinking about rotating my winsor pilates abs, bun and thighs, and maybe even a 30 day shred here and there.

    mwhich- brendalyne gave you some good advice. did you know sugar is even more addictive than cocaine??? it's hard to kick that beast, but once you do, you'll be glad. you just have to educate yourself and be convinced that it is what's best for you. mercola.com has some awesome articles on the effects of sugar that you might want to look in to, but beyond the sugar, those refined flours will really drag you down too. 1) get educated, 2) be determined, 3) break up with sugar! you can do it!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    keggen- i know you said you're not sure where you want to go from here... would you like to try c25k with us?
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member

    The things I really ENJOY about level 3 is the cardio with the weights - butt kicks, jumping jacks and punching. It really gets my heart rate going, but I LOVE doing it.....maybe because it makes me feel so STRONG! :love:

    What about you guys - which moves to you actually enjoy the most?

    i enjoyed doing the cardio on level 3 with weights too. when i had finished 30DS and went back to level 1 to see what it was like i wanted to use the weights in the cardio bits! loved doing the rocky style sit ups in level 3 too.

    in ripped in 30 i'm liking a lot of the exercises with weights, especially the tricep work in circuit 1. and there's some new cardio moves i like.

    will have a look at that c25k website as that sounds like it could be fun too. thanx for posting.

    keep on shredding! not long to go now for some of u!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - I think starting c25k monday and doing it m w f is a great plan. I will do the same. I'm not sure what i'm going to do on my off days either.....but I'll figure something out!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- you are a beast! we'd love to have you along for the c25k!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    this morning was rough for me... after several days of congestion, i woke up with a sore throat. i feel pretty decent otherwise, but i noticed my arms were much weaker today, i didn't even get through one full set of normal walking push-ups. it's amazing how much my body strength varies from day to day. i don't even think it's totally about being sick... does anyone else have these fluctuations?

    brendalyne- one more day!!!

    5 more days of shredding left for me! barring loss of a limb i'm actually going to finish this! :-) that's such a great feeling!

    cmg- have a nice camping trip. watch out for the poison ivy!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I can't believe I have only 1 day left! WOW! That last day will hopefully occur tomorrow.....but we have a lot going on this weekend and might have overnight guests tonight. I am not going to exercise in the living room in front of my stepson and his wife. So, worse case scenario is that I'll finish it on Sunday.

    j - yes, there are definitely some days when I feel more energetic and strong than others. And when you add illness on top of that's a whole other ballgame. Listen to your body - you may need to take a day or 2 off!

    Happy shredding all!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- do you have a laptop? when i was at my in-laws, i shredded by watching it on my laptop. if not, it's okay, you'll be finished soon anyway! :smile: you should be SO proud of yourself!

    oh my goodness NO! i can't take a day off now, i'm RIGHT there! :noway: seriously, though, i will if i have to, but i'm doing okay so far. tylenol makes me forget about my sore throat for about 4 hours, then it's back:sick: ... i figure if the meds will keep it away i'm not THAT bad.

    have a great weekend everyone!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - ohhhh....never thought about the laptop, but yeah that would work. I might be able to go hideout in the bedroom to get it done. We do have a really busy schedule tomorrow but I might be able to squeeze it in that way. Thanks for the idea!
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