Most Backhanded Compliment Ever Received?



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    What I hate is this one woman in my office who always comments. I was stuck on a plateau for about 2 months, no loss on the scale and no change in measurements, either. Before that, she made a comment. And then after, she did, when I was the same size. I'm sure she meant well, saying I'd lost even more weight, even though I hadn't. I just wonder if some people have this mental image of a huge person, and then when they see me and see I'm not so huge, they think I've lost weight. I've had people in my past say this, when I haven't lost weight at all. One friend in particular, actually my mom's friend, whom I don't see all that often. She'll say this almost every time I see her, and I wonder...does she just think of me as this huge person in her head and when faced with reality, thinks I must've lost weight?
  • VelmaD76
    VelmaD76 Posts: 9 Member
    About 2 months after I had my last baby, I went to my family doctor for a thyroid check-up. I was about 20lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and when I got on the scale the nurse said " whoa, what have you been doing the last couple of months?!". Ummm, having a baby you twit....
    Once she realized I had just had a baby recently she said "oh! well that explains your size"....
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Wow...your penis looks bigger now that you lost some weight! :grumble:

    Dr. Oz said you gain 1" for every 30 lbs lost! Good for you...good for whoever you are with!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "your shirts are starting to look like ponchos"

    Yea, great you can see I'm losing weight, but unless you want to buy me new clothes since I cant afford them, comment on something else :)


    My dad told me yesterday that I have a gangster/baggy look going on with my clothes since I am approaching circus tent status with my pants. My clothes are getting very baggy to the point where they slip off.... but i can't buy any clothes yet!
  • BabiG
    BabiG Posts: 6
    My mom said to me "Holy cow, you have a neck!" Really loudly in Walmart.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    The little old man who lived next door to my parents (he has since passed, may he RIP) once said to me "Did you used to be really big?"

    It actually cracked me up. "Yes, yes I did."
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    I got a comment saying I looked like a homeless person because my scrubs were too large!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Also, not compliment but a gesture...

    One time, when I was on vacation in Europe, I was eating a falafel pita at a corner cafe in Barcelona. I was sitting at the window by myself and while I was eating, a man passed by in front of the window, stopped in front of me (outside) and made this rude gesture to me. He acted like he was holding a pita like I was and started making these gesture of eating and the proceeded to put his hands on his sides and he lifted them, like when you are trying to show people they are getting fatter and fatter. I was so insulted and almost flicked him off but instead ignored him and turned the other way. :grumble:

    What the f%$k is wrong with people?
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    For my senior prom I got a lot of compliments like "Amber! You're so pretty! You look like a girl!" (I guess I was unisex before??) or "OMG, you ARE skinny! I didn't know you were THAT skinny because you always wear those baggy pants!" (So how fat did you THINK I was?)

    Now one of the things that bothers me isn't the compliments, it's the lack of compliments from my sorority sisters. I was recently at a sorority workshop and I haven't seen the ladies since the beginning of June (where I was about only 15 lbs lighter) and now I had lost about 28 lbs. Everyone else I haven't seen in a while has said something whether backhanded compliments or not, but they've noticed that I've lost weight. My sisiters didn't skip a beat when I walked in and I was wearing a shirt I had never worn before because it had never fit and I think some capris I hadn't wore in a few years. Nope, nothing. I guess I could have gained 100 lbs and they wouldn't have noticed either :grumble:

    And it's not like I'm losing weight so that people will notice I'm smaller. I'm trying to become a healthier size and change my lifestyle for me, but it's disheartening after I worked so hard to get to where I'm at now and it's like no one notices. We were supposed to have our outfits for the recruitment advisor to check as well and once day we're supposed to wear a black dress. My only black dress is the one I wore for Confirmation my junior year and I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit anymore because I'm skinnier now than I was back then, so the advisor asked where my dress was and I said, well I've been losing a little weight (since NO ONE seemed to notice) and I told her I'd have to buy another one. She said, oh good for you, and then turned to talk to someone else. It was like she hadn't really noticed and was kind of surprised or something. I'm 5'2, so being 30 lbs lighter SHOULD be apparent. If my granny who constantly forgets where she puts her coffee mug notices the difference after 2 weeks of not coming home and visiting her, then my "sisters" could have said something too. Oh well. Rant over :P