Today I Learned...



  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    To not drink coffee before going to bed. If you can sleep, its a weird sleep.
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    some things never change.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL no one really knew who designed the "solo jazz cup" blue and purple design that had become famous on the internet until an AMA request for the designer led to an investigative reporter in Springfield, MO discovering it was created by Gina Ekiss in 1989 as part of a design contest by the company.

  • eccomi_qui
    eccomi_qui Posts: 1,831 Member
    The Swiss Air Force doesn’t work on nights or weekends. In 2014, a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines flight headed to Switzerland was intercepted by French / Italian fighter jets as a result.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    That I need to find a kennel for Jessica Jones while I go on my trip this weekend.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    That I need to find a kennel for Jessica Jones while I go on my trip this weekend.

    Hey welcome back :smile:

    I only use the woo button. You have been woo'd
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    The academic literature on obesity frequently bifurcates into two poles: a realist pole that treats obesity as a biomedical fact, a health risk and an 'epidemic', and a second, constructionist pole that adopts a critical view of obesity as a moral panic driven by political interests and cultural values. Drawing on a wide range of literature from epidemiology, medical sociology, public health, political economy, cultural studies and popular journalism, this article maps out a realist-constructionist divide within academia and the public sphere, and examines the insights and limitations of these perspectives. After mapping the main 'silos' within obesity studies, we examine two key questions: (1) is the obesity epidemic based on medical fact or political interest, and (2) is obesity a disease or a social identity. Drawing from the metatheoretical principles of critical realism, we argue that obesity scholarship can be advanced by conceptualizing the obesity epidemic as a 'hybrid' construction that arises out of the interaction of biophysical, socio-economic and cultural forces. This analysis demonstrates the useful role of social theory integrating diverse analytic perspectives, and bringing clarity to a heated public debate that characteristically points the finger of blame at obese individuals.

    Patterson, M., & Johnston, J. (2012). Theorizing the obesity epidemic: Health crisis, moral panic and emerging hybrids. Social Theory & Health, 10(3), 265-291. doi:

  • Iscah13
    Iscah13 Posts: 1,954 Member
    One can ingest 128 packages of cocaine.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Iscah13 wrote: »
    One can ingest 128 packages of cocaine.

    I read that as "I can ingest".

    I was like woah girl, slow your roll!!!
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Sexual innuendo is not allowed on MFP. Mind blown.
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Sexual innuendo is not allowed on MFP. Mind blown.

    I missed the whole thread. Anything worth reading?

    Meh. Pretty much the same 'ol. The OP did call people out for hijacking her thread, so that was unusual.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    Sexual innuendo is not allowed on MFP. Mind blown.

    I missed the whole thread. Anything worth reading?

    From what I saw, except for one Neanderthal, it was a clean and mature thread about maintaining a healthy sex life through relationships.... I don't see why it was ended.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL That Snoopy is NASA's official safety mascot. Every astronaut since 1968 has worn a silver Snoopy pin into space; upon return, the astronauts present the pin as a special recognition to a civilian team member who helped keep them safe.

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL, the unconfirmed record for fastest moving manmade object is a manhole cover propelled by a nuclear detonation. A high-speed camera trained on the lid caught only one frame of it moving upward before it vanished—which means it was moving about 125,000 miles per hour.
  • grumpopuppo
    grumpopuppo Posts: 90 Member
    TIL that it's very important that, when restarting a medication, you go back to your starting dose no matter what the instructions on the *kitten* pill bottle say. And if you don't, get ready for a wild (and painful) ride.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    TIL That Snoopy is NASA's official safety mascot. Every astronaut since 1968 has worn a silver Snoopy pin into space; upon return, the astronauts present the pin as a special recognition to a civilian team member who helped keep them safe.


  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    This one is pretty exciting. Today I learned that measuring 1 cup liquid has more volume than 1 cup dry.
    Exciting. Hey, I'm in my 30's so getting a new kitchen sink sponge can be pretty enthralling at times. :)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Supposedly warnings and points go from old account to new account and affect you longer than a year.

    Yes. If you are a reboot your warnings will come with you. A new name does not wipe the slate clean.

    10 warnings in a year results in a ban. Several warnings reguardless of timing will bump you up to 3 pointers, which means if you get another warning within 2 weeks you are banned (5 pts gets you banned)
  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    Supposedly warnings and points go from old account to new account and affect you longer than a year.

    Yes. If you are a reboot your warnings will come with you. A new name does not wipe the slate clean.

    10 warnings in a year results in a ban. Several warnings reguardless of timing will bump you up to 3 pointers, which means if you get another warning within 2 weeks you are banned (5 pts gets you banned)

    TIL how mfps point system works. Good thing I'm such a good girl I don't have to worry about it o:);)
  • rednote49
    rednote49 Posts: 124 Member
    If you eat waaaaay too much jello it gives you rainbow pee for at least a week. Hours at the emergency room freaking out the drs and nurses with neon orange, bright green, blood red and purple pee. It was something they hadn't seen before. Me, I thought I was dying :(