JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 24



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    My goal is to reach 10% body fat by year end... actually by 12/30 because that is when my Dexa is scheduled. I'm going to list weight and BF% based on my scale, which is going to fluctuate at times as diet changes. On some days - and I know when those are based on diet - it will be inaccurate.

    Round 22:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/9 - 149.6 lbs. - 16.8% - scale is reading higher than actual BF%

    11/10 - 148.4 lbs. - 15.9% - scale is still higher than actual BF%, but getting closer to actual

    11/11 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.9% - scale is higher than actual BF%, this time not expected

    11/12 - 148.6 - 16.8% - scale is still showing higher than actual BF%, still not entirely expected. I have a theory as to what is driving the incorrectly high BF%.

    11/13 - 148.6 lbs. - 18.5% - Yesterday was a re-feed / glycogen replenishment day. I'm surprised weight did not also increase, but expected BF% to be unreliable. I expect it to remain that way for the next 2-3 days.

    11/14 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.4% - Depending on whether I eat a lot of fibrous green vegetables today, BF% will either stay pretty stable by tomorrow morning or will decrease. I may find it hard to feel full without lettuce or green beans... but since scale BF% is just artificially high if I eat them and real BF% is not truly much different, I'm probably going to eat greens if I'm hungry anyway.

    11/15 - 146.4 - 15.6% - No veg yesterday, scale is closer to a correct BF%.

    11/16 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9% - No veg yesterday again, and BF% is almost right where I would expect Dexa to come up. The idea that eating low carb green / fibrous veggies would affect the scale BF% so much is a relatively new revelation. Thinking back, the last Dexa was 0.3% lower than the scale on that same day (that is extremely close); and my scale is ALWAYS higher than any other measurement method or device - including other bio-electric impedance devices, which are always super low. When that last Dexa was taken and it was almost the same as the scale, I had not eaten plants for 45 days prior (except coffee, tea, and small quantities of seasonings and sauces). I still plan to eat some low carb (net carb) fibrous veggies while I continue to strive for 10% BF by 12/30, but will do take breaks occasionally to get a better idea of where Dexa will come in.

    11/17 - 147.8 lbs. - 13.9% - Slight weight increase, not sure why... probably water weight. Another day without veg and BF% is spot on as close as I'm going to get to being real. Tomorrow is going to be high again based on today's planned diet.

    11/18- 146.0 lbs. - 15.4% - Did not expect weight to decrease, but expected reported BF% to rise.

    Round 23:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/19 - 145.8 lbs. - 13.5% - Did not expect BF% to drop this much this fast.

    11/20 - 147.6 lbs. - 16.2% - Both increases were expected based on yesterday's food plan. Should see decrease over the next few days until Fri. morning, which will go back up again.

    11/21 - 147.0 lbs. - 15.7% - Expected a small decrease. Expect another small decrease tomorrow.

    11/22 - 146.6 lbs. - 15.3%

    11/23 - 145.6 lbs. - 14.8% - Will be higher tomorrow.

    11/24 - 147.2 lbs. - 14.4% - Did not expect BF to decrease, but maybe that is delayed...

    11/25 - 145.8 lbs. - 15.2% - There is the delayed fat storage.

    11/26 - 145.2 lbs. - 15.7% - Did not expect another rise in BF%, but I can only assume it is continued delayed fat build. Tomorrow will be higher probably of both weight and BF.

    11/27 - 146.4 lbs. - 17.0% - Increases expected.

    11/28 - 150.4 lbs. - 14.6% - Had a spontaneous free meal yesterday and paying for it with weight gain - meal itself was probably around 4-5 lbs., including water in food... so this is about right.

    11/29 - 149.4 lbs. - 14.9% - For this round, I'm going to make a few changes. I'm not sure exactly what to expect at the beginning, but should have lower BF% by the end of the 10 days.

    11/30 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9%

    12/1 - 144.4 lbs. - 14.7%

    12/2 - 144.8 lbs. - 13.3% - I'm thinking this is about right again for BF%, but let's see if that holds for the next few days without changes that affect the scale calculation.

    12/3 - 142.2 lbs. - 16.1% - BF definitely reading too high, but not sure why this time.




  • Mbodied
    Mbodied Posts: 38 Member
    Moving through the weekend making choices in line with my goals is tricky. But im doing it. Hope your weekends are all going well too.
    - Em

    11/29- 143.4
    11/30- 143.6
    12/01- 143.6
    12/02- 143
    12/03- 143
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    This will be another challenging round. I had surgery (cosmetic) on the 29th, and spending the next week recovering on oxycodone. I’m not allowed to do any strenuous exercise for a week, doctors orders. I'll have to be extra clean with my diet to compensate. Looking forward to staying 100% compliant during my recovery. No alcohol. Consistency is key.

    Female, 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    End of Year Goal: 112 lbs

    R23EW - 115

    Goal This Round: Average lower than 114.5 lbs

    11/29 • 116 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning. Surgery this afternoon. 3 servings of alcohol. 1700 cal.
    11/30 • 117 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 1 post surgery & feeling bloated from the procedure. 1400 cal.
    12/01 • 116 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 2 post surgery & still feeling very bloated from the procedure. 1450 cal
    12/02 • 116 • Walked 2 miles this evening. Day 3 post surgery & still bloated from the procedure. 1480 cal
    12/03 • 116 • Walk 2 miles this evening. Day 4 post surgery. My weight is definitely higher from the procedure. But I've been doing really well with my diet. So I'm hoping for a drop off soon.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    @lewisea72 Hang in there! This pattern is what I have been doing for months but I have averaged about a 2# loss each challenge. Bouncy bouncy!

    @hedyk I don’t know what cosmetic surgery you had but would think normal swelling after something like a tummy tuck would take awhile to go down, less “complex” would be quicker. I would love to have a tummy tuck but hate “going under!”

  • smc92079
    smc92079 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm back again. Late start, but better late than never. At least I have all my weights. :)

    Round 13 SW: 232.4
    Round 14 SW: 232.4
    Round 15 SW: 229.0
    Round 16 SW: 225.6
    Round 17 SW: 224.2
    Round 18 SW: 223.6
    Round 19 SW: 223.6
    Round 20 SW: 221.2
    Round 21 SW: 219.6
    Round 22 SW: 217.4
    Round 23 SW: 214.6
    Round 24 SW: 212.6

    Round 24 GW: 211.4

    11/29 212.4
    11/30 213.4
    12/01 211.6
    12/02 212.0 - I've been bouncing around a lot and possibly starting to stall out because I often don't have time to eat much (if at all) during the day so I'm too far under calories. Working on that this week.
    12/03 213.2 - not surprised. No tracking so far this weekend.

  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Took a (unplanned) Thanksgiving hiatus.  Excited to get back on track!

    Let's rock December!!

    Progress Rounds 13 - 23:
    SW 167.6 to EW 152.2 (-15.4 lb), HW 168.4 to LW 152.2 (-16.2 lb), AVG 167.4 to 153.4 (-14.0 lb)

    Details Rounds 13 - 23:
    Round 13: SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4
    Round 14: SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2
    Round 15: SW 165.6, EW 164.0 (-1.6 lb),
    LW 163.6, HW 165.2, AVG 164.4
    Round 16: SW 164.0, EW 162.6 (-1.4 lb),
    LW 162.4, HW 165.6, AVG 163.8
    Round 17: SW 162.6, EW 159.8 (-2.8 lb),
    LW 159.4, HW 161.8, AVG 160.2
    Round 18: SW 159.8, EW 158.0 (-1.8 lb),
    LW 157.4, HW 159.8, AVG 158.7
    Round 19: SW 158.0, EW 154.6 (-3.4 lb),
    LW 154.6, HW 158.0, AVG 156.6
    Round 20: SW 154.6, EW 155.2 (+0.6 lb),
    LW 154.8, HW 156.8, AVG 155.6
    Round 21: SW 155.2, EW 153.2 (-2.0lb),
    LW 153.2, HW 155.0, AVG 154.3
    Round 22: SW 153.2, EW 152.2 (-1.0 lb),
    LW 152.2, HW 155.2, AVG 153.4
    Round 23:  Thanksgiving hiatus.

    Round 24
    SW:  152.2
    GW:  151.2

    11/29:  152.2
    11/30:  152.0
    12/01: 152.0 The 151s are nearby, I can feel it!
    12/02: 151.2 Whoa! Ask and ye shall receive!? :happydance:
    12/03: 151.4 Still a happy camper!

    I believe in my ability to MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, to LOSE WEIGHT, and KEEP IT OFF!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    Round 24

    11/27 - 147.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    11/28 - 147.6 at 4:00 a.m.


    11/29 - 146.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    11/30 - 145.6 at 6:30 a.m.
    12/01 - 146.6 at 4:30 a.m.
    12/02 - 147.0 at 4:30 a.m.
    12/03 - 148.4 at 5:30 a.m.

  • cristafl
    cristafl Posts: 18 Member
    This is the first time joining in on this! Better late than never and I love the idea of short goals and seeing progress!

    Just a little background about me! I am 38, 5’9” and have 3 kids, love tennis (play about 3x a week) and I have about 10lbs I need to shed! For the past few years I have been about 160 and it is a comfortable weight for me. I would love to be 152lbs but that hasn’t happened since I had my 1st kid 15 years ago! In the last 2 months I have jumped up to 167lbs! It’s time to buckle down and shed this weight.. my goal is 157lbs! Wish me luck!

    Current weight: 167lbs
    Goal weight: 157

    11/29 Didn’t weigh in, hadn’t joined yet but I tried to eat well all day but cheated when I ate a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips! I need to be accountable so I decided today I was going to get in some groups and find some support!

    11/30 167lbs - feeling good so far, eating it on track, played two hours of tennis this morning and am motivated to finish the day with no cheating.

    12/01 165lbs - 2lb loss! Probably water but I like seeing the scale move! Today was a good day, lots of tennis and I ate really well with no cheating! On a side note my car got broken into which was a bummer but only my garage door opener was taken. Scary and not a great way to start the day! Hoping to see a loss again tomorrow!

    12/02 164.4lbs - yay!! Another half a pound! I’m sure it’s all water but still feels great.. I bet it’s going to be tougher from this point on.. I am going to try to stay strict tonight but we are going to the casino tonight, eating out and drinking!! Uggg!

    12/03 ??? I stayed overnight at the casino so I didn’t get to weigh in. I did good yesterday but I’m sure the drinking will make me bloat. Today was a cheat day for me. I pretty much ate what I wanted. I’m not going to be happy tomorrow with my weigh in but I will be good from here on out!!

  • Morrighan_632017
    Morrighan_632017 Posts: 77 Member
    First time doing this, sort of doing this health thing on my own and not telling people yet so this is a nice way to share. Thanks :)

    11/29- 227.2 - non scale victory is staying within the daily calorie plan while also going to the movies with friends and not drinking a soda! Popcorn needs soda and I'm proud I just got water instead.
    11/30 - 226.4 - NSV - after a few weeks of dealing with the happy/annoying fact that nothing fits anymore (it's good cause everything is too big, but nothing fitting right whether big or small sort of sucks), I went shopping for jeans. I wasn't sure if I'd lost enough cm to fit a size down, but I did! I'm officially a size 16 for the first time on 3 years and they were $16. So happy I don't have to pay $90 for jeans anymore. Great day :)
    12/01 - 225.6 - NSV - started baking for Christmas, three different cookies so far, haven't eaten single one. Goal is to not eat any until the holiday break.
    12/02 - 225.4 - NSV - exceeded my steps today by 4,000 but splurged on calories, which I'm ok with because it's only one day at my friend's wedding shower and also date night with my husband. Tomorrow's weigh in might be rough but still feeling good. Back on the wagon tomorrow.
    12/03 - 227 - the scale isn't surprising, I ate twice my daily calories between cake, pizza, drinks etc., but it was expected. NSV is I had a good day, did my steps, made the right food choices and did my meal prep for the week, even though I was tired and didn't want to.
  • Gaia85
    Gaia85 Posts: 190 Member
    @HeidiCooksSupper I totally understand! I do find myself spending more time on MPF and avoiding other things. Enjoy focusing on other things and I look forward to seeing your posts again when you're back!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    Age 60, 5'4" [lost 1/2" somewhere, not the measurement I wanted to lose]
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    I weigh first thing in the morning when I get up. My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day. Previous round EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving, no food/drink logged :wink:
    Round 23 (previous round)
    11/19: 165.0 Expected jump from parade day. Staged holiday parade in a.m. Gave myself day off from logging & to imbibe / eat whatever I wanted. Drank adult beverages, ate restaurant meal and treats at home. Totally worth it! Walked dog 2.83 miles in afternoon. Fitbit 14,794 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours and 19 floors.
    11/20: 163.5 Net calories red 18, sodium red 647 (ack) but sugar green (yay), 12c water. Walked dog 3.26 miles. Fitbit 13,815 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 29 floors.
    11/21: 162.5 Net calories & sodium green, 11c water. Walked dog 3.4 miles before work. Fitbit 15,951 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours (one hour at optometrist) & 31 floors.
    11/22: 162.5 Non-dog walk day. Paced in office during webinar. Fitbit 13,083 steps, 250+steps 13/14 hours & 28 floors. Net calories, sodium, carbs all red. 13c water.
    11/23 = Thanksgiving Day (US) 162.5 Walked dog 3.06 miles before work. Fitbit 15,055 steps, 250+steps 13/14 hours (one hour in church) & 40 floors. Net calories green & 12c water.
    11/24: 162.5 Weight is big surprise day after Thanksgiving. A day off from logging adult beverages & food for me, and ate what I loved (just not as much), limited wine to one glass. Felt absolutely stuffed after dinner, can't eat like I used to, which is an excellent thing. Ate very small pieces of pie (couldn't resist apple & pumpkin) later for dessert and no supper, just ate hard boiled egg for late evening snack. As planned, walked dog 3 miles before travels (had 5 1/2 hours round trip in car) & drank plenty of water = 14c. Fitbit 10,102 steps, 250+ steps 5/14 hours (yikes, that was sedentary) & 5 floors.
    11/25: 163.0 Net calories green (barely) & 12c water. Walked dog 4 miles & raked backyard for final time this year. Fitbit 17,908 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 46 floors.
    11/26: 164.5 Gave in to way too many Cheetos as evening snack w/ hubby & net calories / sodium very red. :p Non-dog walk day, lazy Sat. & movie date w/ hubby, felt good to have an easy day. Fitbit 3,851 steps (ack!), 250+ steps 7/14 hours, 6 floors & 10c water. Still, very happy to stay under 165, there is no target date.
    11/27: 163.0 Net calories green but sodium very red & 14c water. Walked dog 3.62 miles. Fitbit 13,663 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 33 floors.
    11/28: 162.0 Non-dog walk day (Packers played Sun. night game). Fitbit 7,685 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 31 floors. Net calories green, sodium red & 15c water. Next round, here I come!

    11/29: 161.5 Walked dog 3.09 miles before work. Fitbit 17,682 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom) hours & 36 floors. 14c water / not sure about net calories, had to guestimate for wine tasting and appetizers sampled at spa open house, totally worth it. :D
    11/30: 162.0 Happy hour w/ 1 pint beer & dinner at Mexican restaurant / net calories -810 (guestimated) and sodium sky high / 15c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles before work. Fitbit 13,444 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/01: 160.5 Net calories green & 15c water. Walked dog 3.08 miles before work. Fitbit 14,665 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom!) & 41 floors.
    12/02: 161.0 Walked dog 3.39 miles. Fitbit 13,041 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours (day off work for washer & dryer delivery & classic holiday movie date with hubby) & 13 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 10c water.
    12/03: 161.0 Walked the Jingle Bell 5K with chip time of 44:37 and average pace of 14:22, beating my goal of 45 minutes. Woohoo! Then walked dog in afternoon 2.65 miles. Fitbit 19,155 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 20 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green & 12c water.