Less alcohol-December 2017-one day at a time



  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    5cheetahs wrote: »
    I found a gingerbread tea, yummy! I had 2 glasses of red wine making/eating dinner, then tea while doing school work.
    Now that I have cut back, I don't have the desire to have the extra glass or to finish the bottle. For me it's being mindful, I thought would I drink a 2 liter of soda? Or eat a carton of ice cream? So I'm being mindful of my drinking just like my eating, learning to enjoy a glass of wine or 2 a few times a week.
    Everyone is very inspiring, honest and non- judgemental here which I appreciate!

    This is me too! Why do I make excuses for drinking extra wine that I would never make for eating food?
    Last night I did not drink. The Zingiber Coconut Ginger tea hit the spot after a run followed by a long, cold walk with the dog.

    Where do you get these teas? They sound good. I drink the Yogi teas that are organic.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I had no alcohol all day, but then had some while relaxing and watching tv. I had one glass of our homemade Concord, which is so good by the way. Then I wanted another glass. I took a half a glass.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    Day 34 and feeling more joyous in spite of stress. I can handle the stress better. I get more done.I feel proud of myself. I don't do/say stupid stuff under the influence of alcohol. I was forgetting stuff before. My work was starting to suffer. I was secluding myself more. I just kept drinking more and more to get the same effect. I am taking better charge of my health. I sleep better overall. I look better. I am more disciplined overall. I definitely have more money. Maybe I can save for a well needed vacation now. Liquor/wine/beer is no vacation in the end. I used to say I can't eliminate, but under times of major turmoil it is better to cuz 2 glasses leads to 2 bottles for me, too. Alcohol isn't essential for my life.

    You are an inspiration for me. I like when you say you can handle stress better, get more done, proud of yourself, in charge of your health, sleep better, look better, more joyous, alcohol isn't essential for your life, save money, not forgetting stuff anymore...Wow, what great reasons to stop drinking alcohol. I have been questioning myself if I can eliminate it. You have given me some good reasons to do it. I can add to that: able to lose weight....I have gained most of my weight from drinking wine.
  • tamarawilmot
    tamarawilmot Posts: 4 Member
    At university I was a big drinker, and as I have "grown up" (I am 37 now) I have gradually reduced my alcohol intake, often going a week or two with nothing - sometimes longer.
    At the start of November I broke my ankle. I was already feeling rather down-in-the-dumps about having gained some weight, and not really feeling particularly enthused about exercise, definitely didnt help.
    Anyway, being on crutches, and in an air-boot, for the last 7 weeks has been debilitating. I have found myself eating more (I am an emotional eater) and if a glass of red wine is going, then I am the first to stick my hand up. As a result I have gained almost 3kg - nevermind the extra bit of weight I was already carrying, going into this broken ankle story.
    Even though I am fully aware that alcohol is just "empty calories", not being able to get out and do things (even drive a car) makes life very tough, and its easy to just give in and say ok, I will have some wine.
    I am working through December though, so not having any hangovers will be good, but my will power is pretty non-existent. Until I am off the crutches, out of this boot, and back to exercising, I will do my best to drink nothing during the week, and be moderate on the weekends.
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    Another day down. Keep it up guys.
  • Cleosweetie
    Cleosweetie Posts: 71 Member
    @marybethhempel: Congratulations, that is great.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    5cheetahs wrote: »
    I found a gingerbread tea, yummy! I had 2 glasses of red wine making/eating dinner, then tea while doing school work.
    Everyone is very inspiring, honest and non- judgemental here which I appreciate!

    Exactly - being judgemental does not help anyone... I had dinner out with a long-standing girlfriend last night. We had a great time. I had steamed red snapper with rice and peas, one glass of Caribbean Pimms, one ginger ale and more than enough calories left for a amall black treacle sponge pudding which I really enjoyed as I rarely eat desserts. I did not miss any extra alcohol on top of the rather-weak Pimms.

    Feeling quite pleased about this.. hubby in tonight and I am cooking so will have to try to stay disciplined. Quite honestly he does tend to undermine my progress by offering "cook's slurps" and wine with dinner. And I find it only too easy to give in - particularly after a tough work day.

    I think a lot of this is about what triggers one to drink. Last night, out with my friend, I was not tempted and still had a great time.. I think I am going to start writing some sort of mood diary and how it affects my temptation to drink and see what the common themes are......
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    5cheetahs wrote: »
    I found a gingerbread tea, yummy! I had 2 glasses of red wine making/eating dinner, then tea while doing school work.
    Now that I have cut back, I don't have the desire to have the extra glass or to finish the bottle. For me it's being mindful, I thought would I drink a 2 liter of soda? Or eat a carton of ice cream? So I'm being mindful of my drinking just like my eating, learning to enjoy a glass of wine or 2 a few times a week.
    Everyone is very inspiring, honest and non- judgemental here which I appreciate!

    This is me too! Why do I make excuses for drinking extra wine that I would never make for eating food?
    Last night I did not drink. The Zingiber Coconut Ginger tea hit the spot after a run followed by a long, cold walk with the dog.

    Where do you get these teas? They sound good. I drink the Yogi teas that are organic.

    This one is from Teavana. I ordered it from Amazon. They are a bit pricey, but still cheaper than wine ;)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Last night I had two 4 oz glasses of wine. One with dinner and one while baking. Still feeling strong about this. Hubby returns home from business trip tonight, so I will be making a decent dinner and we will likely split a bottle of wine. there is also the chance of an after dinner cocktail, but I will try to limit it to that and no more. As long as I can set a goal in advance and stick to it, I know that I am in control and that is good enough for me.
  • Cleosweetie
    Cleosweetie Posts: 71 Member
    @lporter229: Awesome job! :)
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    On my 3rd day on no alcohol. I feel so much better today than I felt on monday after drinking most of the weekend. Things to remember when I feel like having more than 3 or 4 drinks.
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    edited December 2017
    Late to this challenge but following the thread with interest - also have been reducing alcohol intake overall since September 2017 but December has proven difficult at times for me with all the work-related holiday parties for networking reasons I feel obliged to go to (and drink at). It's a challenge for sure! My goal is to limit intake during the week nights to 1 glass of wine max (and go dry on as many nights as possible), with maybe 2-3 glasses per night max on weekends. This weekend I plan to really drink 1 glass of wine on Friday night party, 1 drink on Saturday night's party, and no drinks on Sunday's parties (yes I have two parties on a SUNDAY, what the actual heck).

    I will also be looking out for any related challenges in January as my plan is to go completely dry then.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I went out to lunch today at Red Lobster and had a wonderful meal and some wine with my hubby. I am still under my calories and going to relax this evening with my hubby. This is kind of a slacker day, as I will have some more wine.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    I've been doing very well this week and last. I was thinking that normally in a seven day period, I would have had about 14 glasses of wine (2/night). For the last seven days, I've had maybe 3 or 4 total. People on this thread inspire me , and reading your goals make me think twice from pouring another glass after the first. Also for many nights, I've had just hot tea. Overall, in the last month, I've cut my intake considerably. I think my skin looks better and less puffy. I feel more energetic, and I'm sleeping better. It's all good!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    On my 3rd day on no alcohol. I feel so much better today than I felt on monday after drinking most of the weekend. Things to remember when I feel like having more than 3 or 4 drinks.

    I can relate. After a few alcohol free days, I always feel so much better! Good job!
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I went out to lunch today at Red Lobster and had a wonderful meal and some wine with my hubby. I am still under my calories and going to relax this evening with my hubby. This is kind of a slacker day, as I will have some more wine.

    Wow!! I stuck to my plan....I didn't have any wine last night.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    On my 3rd day on no alcohol. I feel so much better today than I felt on monday after drinking most of the weekend. Things to remember when I feel like having more than 3 or 4 drinks.

    I can relate. After a few alcohol free days, I always feel so much better! Good job!

    I cannot relate yet....I haven't had any alcohol free days in a while. I am glad that you both posted this as it encourages me to consider a few alcohol free days. I have cut down to one to two drinks a day from a bottle or more for a couple of weeks now. Do you have any wisdom, besides feeling better, that can help me get my mind prepared?
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I did have wine last night after an alcohol free night. I didn't have too much but did feel rather headachy so it definitely has an affect. No alcohol tonight and will be careful over the weekend as it is French-themed with friends so could be tricky! This time of year is always hard!I am finding everyone's posts very inspiring.
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm following this thread closely. I need to limit/cut my wine consumption considerably. For me it's no longer stress but possibly boredom. I have many interests and need to switch focus to those instead of wine consumption. No wine yesterday, will try no wine today. Appreciate reading everyone's posts.