30 Day Shred Group- August



  • jillyo89
    jillyo89 Posts: 19
    I wanted to kill Jillian today.... I love and hate that women at the same time. I pushed through though and felt great at the end. :)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Whoohooo!! We're awesome. :) Doing D4 tomorrow.. as much as my quads may not appreciate it!! NOW is when I'm hurting... sitting down to go to the bathroom is torture!! And unfortunately, we have lots of stairs in our house too....:sad:
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    Date night was yesterday, so no 30DS, but did Day 3 of Level 1 today. Made it through better than then first 2 days. I was proud of myself, I actually did 15 regular pushups before I changed back to the modified ones. YAY!
  • I also started 30DS on August 1st but just saw this group tonight. Just finished day 4! Yeah! Count me in all the way!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Day 4 done! Just thinking that tomorrow is half way through level 1 makes me very happy! =)

    Is anyone doing the Shred for the 2nd time? This is my 2nd time and I'm not nearly as sore as I was the first time I did it. The first time I did it I could hardly sit down on the toilet about this time, but this 2nd time around seems way easier for me!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    The first time I did it I could hardly sit down on the toilet about this time, but this 2nd time around seems way easier for me!

    I'll remember this.

    Btw.. the little bug in your signature drives me batty!! had me swatting at the computer for a sec...
  • Day7 level 1 done!!!! Ok, so I am getting more and more stoked about my endurance level. Day 1, I couldn't do one round of jumping jacks or push ups. Now I can do 4/5 rounds of the jumping jacks and tonight I did 12 pushups on my knees for each set. I'm am so much less winded, it's ridiculous. I am super proud of myself, and all you ladies as well. I peeked ahead and watched both level 2 and level 3. I think I am going to die when we hit level 3, but I know I can do it. I am already planning on doing another round when this one is over and try my best to do everything like Natalie. I hope all you ladies have a wonderful night.
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    will do day 5 after work today
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Completed day 3 at level 1 today. Legs and shoulders were still sore from days 1 and 2. I find the (on knees just) push ups to be really hard work! I do feel I'm toning up already though :)
    Some funny things about the DVD: Jillian saying she's tired too - she barely does anything, mostly wanders around chatting ;) The bit where she says we'll soon be shredded - sounds like some horror film if you ask me! Is anyone capable of breathing with the moves? It's too fast - I'd just hyperventilate!!
    Hope you're all getting on well and not too many are throwing up after!!
  • can i join in 2.....i,m on L1D3 and I love it but i'm in so much pain but keep thinking results results!!! All my friends are rushing out to by this DVD as I have raved on so much about it.....I hope it works or my circle of friends may depleat lol
  • Day 8 for me...went back to Level 1. My 7 y/o joined in with me too. After doing level 2 yesterday, I was looking forward to going back to level one today. I also went to the gym this morning and did just upper body. No cardio. I should probably up my cardio, but I just dont enjoy it...Id much rather do weights.

    Back to the gym in the morning before work where I think I will do the cardio and after work I'll do day 9 of level one.

    Wonder when we will start to notice changes in our body???
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Day 5 done. Went to do it a second time and I couldn't. Did a little of circuit one then did my own thing for 10 mins which got me more out of breath.
  • eneale
    eneale Posts: 12 Member
    Im in!
  • eneale
    eneale Posts: 12 Member
    Im in

  • Btw.. the little bug in your signature drives me batty!! had me swatting at the computer for a sec...

    i came on here to say hello and ask if anyone has gained weight because i have now gained 4lbs and of course im upset about it but then i read about the bug and had to find it and when i did i lmao i wasn't expecting it to look like a fruit fly so when i saw it i eeeked and tried to kill it.. that changed my mood a bit.. lol..
    anyway going to do day 5 in a few mins half way there to level 2..
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 2 complete! So sore today so I did the best I could.

    Jms88: I took a full week off (7 days) after I finished my first round. I don’t know how wise that was, I am awfully sore this morning. It’s not as bad as the first time I did Level 1, but it’s still pretty bad.

    So far I really like the idea of cycling through the levels this round. Level 1 (my favorite) gives me shin splints. I really struggle with Level 2, but felt it did the most change to my body. And Level 3 is just kind of like a tornado meeting a hurricane, it was intense! After a day of the tornado, it’ll be nice to go back to 1 where it’s a little calmer. Plus it’s nice to have a break from the unpleasant side effects of each of the different levels.

    Looking back though, I can totally see the moves Jillian does in each level that prepare you for the more advanced moves in the following level. Knowing this, I would NOT have been able to cycle the levels my first round. 10 days at each level help prepare you for the next. And you’ll need it, trust me. Lol

    myiceisonfire: Thanks for keeping us organized! :flowerforyou:

    Jaytee32: No need to leave the group, just jump back into it when you can but please don’t hurt yourself.

    smalltowngirl78: The toilet thing, I know right?! That’s exactly my problem and I pee a lot. Yikes!:laugh:

    sportysmurf: No joke, I started seeing new muscles appear after 4 days. But it didn’t really show up in pictures until after level 2. By then people at work were commenting too. 20 days is pretty impressive to notice changes!

    Keep up the great work everyone!! Happy Friday!:flowerforyou:

    ETA: Level 2 HRM calories burned: 234
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Level 1 completely done! YEA Day 10! I didn't do an early workout before doing Shred, and to be honest, I felt a little tired. I think workout #1 helps prepare me mentally and physically for workout #2. Tomorrow's my long run, hopefully there will be enough energy to kick butt with Jillian!

    Hope everyone's having a GREAT day!

    Rock ON! :tongue:
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Cella - Oh right, I definitely was going to go through the full 10 days for my first shred, but the second one I thought of cycling.

    Friday is an earlier day for me at work so I'll have to pick up day 5 later in the day. I'll be back!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    The first time I did it I could hardly sit down on the toilet about this time, but this 2nd time around seems way easier for me!

    I'll remember this.

    Btw.. the little bug in your signature drives me batty!! had me swatting at the computer for a sec...

    LOL! I swatted the computer when I saw someone else's too. =P
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Level 1 completely done! YEA Day 10! I didn't do an early workout before doing Shred, and to be honest, I felt a little tired. I think workout #1 helps prepare me mentally and physically for workout #2. Tomorrow's my long run, hopefully there will be enough energy to kick butt with Jillian!

    Hope everyone's having a GREAT day!

    Rock ON! :tongue:

    I'm going to weigh myself every 10 days and let people know how much I've lost after each level. How much have you lost so far since Day 1?
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