DITR Round4 Week3



  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    OK Diamonds we gotta come up with a better way to follow the QOTDs. My answers are below but I have no idea if I have the right questions. Sorry!

    Wednesday QOTD - How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave? I workout out in my apartment under the A/C. On really hot days I skip my workout all together.

    Thursday QOTD - What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess? I want to be out of plus size clothing. I'm very confident that I can acheive this goal. My far goal is I want to wear a bikini at least once and actually look like I should have it on. IJS!

    Thursday QOTD #2 - Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)? God, 4 real!
    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)? I made of vision board for my goals in life. It's hanging in my living room to remind me of what I am working for.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    My inspiration has been my son, Wyatt. We worried about him as a baby because he didn't say a word until he was 4 years old. But when he finally started talking, he was speaking in complete sentences and asking the most profound questions for his age! It's just me and him now...and He still makes me laugh and surprises me when he shares his perception of things, it's amazing how observant he is and how smart! This year, he devoted his efforts to lose 68 pounds! He is only 15 years old and I guess he got tired of being slow and sluggish and sitting on his butt in front of the computer all day. He works out every day and is my total inspiration! I love him sooo much and am sooo proud of him! I cherish our time together and seek to have the confidence he exudes :).

    Nice to hear abt ur Son
    May U & him share & Enjoy more and more ur lives together (Amen)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    QOTDs 8/4:

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big. What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of success?

    THE goal is 22-26% body fat (athletic/fit). And... because of my life the roller coaster ride its been, I don't do dream goals of 99.999% - I know what's healthy for my body and what I can and WILL achieve. That's THE goal - I don't set myself up for failure or constant, long-term struggle.

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    My mother. She's the strongest, most humble, loving woman I know. Life is not always fair - but she always makes the best of it for all involved.

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    I go riding. Cody = my heart. No matter what is wrong in my world seeing her - even if just for a few minutes - sets it right.

    Sweeet :) Cody
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    I've been thinking about my goals for awhile and see that I can't really place a weight goal any longer as I think once I hit my original goal of 175, I will want to keep going..so I think its a matter of size now..I would like to reach a comfortable size 10.
    I don't think there is an ultimate goal that I can't reach...if I make the goal and keep working at it, I will get there.

    That's the Spirit We all need - Keep it Up
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    OK so it's Dawn of 4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    My boys are my inspiration. Often when making a daily decision (eating a big bowl of ice cream covered in magic shell, yelling at the car that pulled out in front of me, sitting on my butt in front of the computer all afternoon, going on a mini-shopping spree, etc) I think about how the outcome will affect them/what type of roll model I am being for them. When I put it in that light making the right decision is easier. Seeing the world through their eyes and its' simple pleasures centers me.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Thursday Q -
    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    4th August 2011,QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    1) Being able to wear a size between 6 and 8. Not been there since my early 20's but this time am starting to see the possibilities of getting there. being able to beat my sister in a long run! (she's been running forever and is a seeded local 1/2 marathoner! - nope no competition there!:))

    2) wow - lots of people have inspired me, but I'm gonna have to jump on the "my mom" bandwagon. No matter what she has faced, she's one of those women who's not always maintained her faith, but also has looked for the positive in the situation. She has always unconditonally loved each of her 5 kids without ever choosing a favorite (each my of us always jest that we're the favorite), and she always encouraged each of us to pursue our dreams. We are all very different, but all maintain those core values that she and Dad instilled in us...

    When my morale is low - I try to look at all I have to be thankful for and make that the priority. Cannot change the reality, but there is no good in wallowing in self pity. If it can be changed, I try to do that, if not I pray for the ability to accept it and deal with it!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Thursday Q -
    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    4th August 2011,QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    1) Being able to wear a size between 6 and 8. Not been there since my early 20's but this time am starting to see the possibilities of getting there. being able to beat my sister in a long run! (she's been running forever and is a seeded local 1/2 marathoner! - nope no competition there!:))

    2) wow - lots of people have inspired me, but I'm gonna have to jump on the "my mom" bandwagon. No matter what she has faced, she's one of those women who's not always maintained her faith, but also has looked for the positive in the situation. She has always unconditonally loved each of her 5 kids without ever choosing a favorite (each my of us always jest that we're the favorite), and she always encouraged each of us to pursue our dreams. We are all very different, but all maintain those core values that she and Dad instilled in us...

    When my morale is low - I try to look at all I have to be thankful for and make that the priority. Cannot change the reality, but there is no good in wallowing in self pity. If it can be changed, I try to do that, if not I pray for the ability to accept it and deal with it!

    Loved the last lines :)
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Morning Diamonds, I have been traveling round the UK this week, I am now firmly back in Edinburgh, so here are my answers -

    Wednesday QOTD - How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    It is not really hot here in Edinburgh, more of a clammy muggyness. Luckily my flat stays quite cool so working out is not too bad.

    Thursday QOTD - What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    My "achievable" goal is to be able to shop in high street shops and fit comfortably in Uk size 14 clothes (when this happens I will probably end up spending a fortune!). My unachievable goal would be to reach a UK size 8 so that I can borrow and wear my best friends clothes (she has amazing style).

    Thursday QOTD #2 - Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?
    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    My insparation is my mum. We often disagree on things and argue, but she has been struggling with muscualr distophy all of her life (although she was only diagnosed about 10 years ago) and she does not let this stop her doing what she wants to do. She has lost lots of weight recently and has just joined a zumba class (she does does as much in class as she can). As infuriating as she can be at times, I have never seen her give up.

    When my morale is low I turn to music. I can always find songs which can pull me out of a funk or cheer me up.
  • CaptObvious
    We've had some serious questions this week so my QOTD is a fluff one.

    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    I have two all-time favorites ... The Princess Bride and Shawshank Redemption.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    We've had some serious questions this week so my QOTD is a fluff one.

    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    I have two all-time favorites ... The Princess Bride and Shawshank Redemption.

    Great Movies!! I love both of those! I have to say my all-time favorite is Newsies...it's sad that many people do not know this movie, but it is soooo great! I've loved it since I was in 2nd or 3rd grade!!
  • hwilliams519
    When my morale is low - I try to look at all I have to be thankful for and make that the priority. Cannot change the reality, but there is no good in wallowing in self pity. If it can be changed, I try to do that, if not I pray for the ability to accept it and deal with it!

    This is so true. When you are feeling down, just take a moment to count your blessings. I bet if you made a list, your paper would overflow.
  • hwilliams519
    When my morale is low I turn to music. I can always find songs which can pull me out of a funk or cheer me up.

    I do that too! And sometimes you will hear lyrics that give you the message that you need to hear. Music is a great tool!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    Shawshank Redemption is up there on the top of my list too!

    the next has to be Ferris Bueler's Day Off! Still does not get old, even after all these years!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    Such a tough question!! My favorites change all the time. The film fan in me wants to say something like Amelie or a Hitchcock film, but it is honestly more like (500) Days of Summer. It makes me feel all happy and mushy inside!!
  • hwilliams519
    We've had some serious questions this week so my QOTD is a fluff one.

    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    That is a hard question! It's hard for me to pick just one. But if I had to pick...I would probably say The Notebook. The story is so beautiful and it just makes me cry evertime.

    Love the Harry Potter series. This is also a huge fave, but is more than one movie technically.

    If you are looking for a good movie to watch this weekend, check out Insidious. It is VERY SCARY but really good. I just watched it last night.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    8/5 QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    Pride & Prejudice. Followed VERY closely by: Star Wars, Indiana Jones & Harry Potter 1-7p2
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    We've had some serious questions this week so my QOTD is a fluff one.

    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    I have two all-time favorites ... The Princess Bride and Shawshank Redemption.

    LOL great question! Those are two of MY all time favorites as well!! I LOVE movies...as I can't get it down to one...I have favorites in each genre :-)

    As I am a HUGE horror movie fan...so I'll go with (the original) Amityville Horror - I can watch that movie to THIS day and get the crap scared out of me!! LOVE it!!! :love:
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    8/5 QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    Pride & Prejudice. Followed VERY closely by: Star Wars, Indiana Jones & Harry Potter 1-7p2

    I've never seen Pride & Prejudice but LOVE the other ones lol
  • journey2size10
    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    umm...off the top of my head "Wedding Singer" with drew barrymore and adam sandler...I can watch it over and over and its romantic and funny which is a winning combination for me.
  • hwilliams519
    Friday QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie?

    umm...off the top of my head "Wedding Singer" with drew barrymore and adam sandler...I can watch it over and over and its romantic and funny which is a winning combination for me.

    That reminds me of 50 First Dates with those 2 as well. That is another favorite. They make a great duo.